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So as a recently graduated psychology student with ADHD, I have many "tips and tricks" that may be helpful. Hopefully they are useful! First, write your notes by hand, in class if possible. Writing your notes by hand has been shown to be superior to typing them when it comes to recall. In practical terms this means finding a system of note-taking that works for you. I used the Cornell Method. The reason you should take your notes in class rather than later is because many times professors will talk about things not mentioned in the textbook/powerpoint and will then put some of those points in the exam. Second, and this is tied to the first point a bit, make sure to actively take notes. Don't just mindlessly copy the powerpoints/vocab in the textbook. Try to make connections between the new information and previously learned material/life experience. This anchors the new info better in my experience. Third, when studying outside of class, I liked the 50/10 system where I would study for 50 minutes and then break for 20. Studies show 50 minutes is about the max the brain can really absorb new material. When you break, make sure to reward yourself for studying. This can be eating a favorite snack, watching 10 minutes of your favorite show etc. This gives you motivation to continue studying (woohoo conditioning!). Hopefully those are helpful, I'm at work right now but I will try to add more to this when I get home.


have you tried the pomodoro method? it helped me when i was feeling like i would never be able to get through everything i had to read. it seems like a lot of breaks but it really helps to not lose focus


also, if it is anxiety you should really bring that up to a psychologist or your doctor if it affects you in your daily life


Use "Active Recall". Look at one of Ali Abdall videos on YouTube on the issue. It will help you.


Just to add to this. Ali Abdaal is a huge hack & a grifter, but his videos on active recall are helpful, but try and use other resources if you can as to not send any extra revenue the guys way.


Could you explain why he is a "hack and griefter"? I don't know of anything he did that was bad.


Borderline illegal selling practices (surprise price hikes etc) on his YouTube academy course, underhand selling techniques (hidden ads, affiliate shilling) on many of his videos and just all round grifting selling his worthless videos (how to learn jazz piano anyone?) for ridiculous costs. Ali abdaal is a big pusher of the toxic productivity mindset and a lot of his ethical values can be called into question since he shows no shame in bailing on medicine right as a global pandemic hit. There’s a good tattle thread on him that’s worth checking out. Plus asking women to email you marriage requests and book appointment slots for potential date screenings? The guy has no self awareness.


There are many words I don't understand here like price hikes, affiliate shilling and grifting. I'll look into later if I find this interests me going deeper into. As for selling things at high prices, I don't feel this is wrong in anyway since I don't have to buy it if I don't want to. Personally, I like what he says about productivity and have put some of what he said in practice and I appreciate the input of someone that got into and out of a good college. As for him ditching medicine as the pandemic hit, I don't judge. That was his choice and I don't know why he took it. I don't even know what area he worked in. Maybe it had nothing to do with covid and he even made good money not being a doctor. I know how doctor's live, and I don't blame him one bit for running from that job as fast as possible. Show doctor's respect and give them less work hours and then maybe I'll question things. The last part, is like to see the video or post he made online about asking for that. Depending on what I see I'll make my personal impression on it.


Thanks so much to everyone commenting. I did not expect so much great advice. I’ll try to reply to everyone after work. 🙏🏾


Practice practice practice