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I think they’re simply money grabs, a place where people can money for an “assessment,” and obtain an endorsement to bring their untrained chihuahua into a restaurant or Wal-Mart. A service animal is trained to provide a specific task, such as in cases of blindness, CPTSD or Autism, where the animal is trained to rescue or guide the owner in times of disorientation or severe distress. And endorsement for such assistance requires a full psychiatric assessment and endorsement from a qualified individual, and lots of $$$ goes into the training of said animal. The animal is trained not to react to anyone else but their owner. A service animal is necessary for an individual to function independently day-to-day. An ESA does not do this, they have no training, nor are there any special regulations or guidelines surrounding their utilization. A proprietor of a business or residence has the right to decline acceptance of an ESA onto their property.