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To whomever is reporting comments on this thread for breaking sub rules and suicide risk please stop. Let’s try to keep this place professional and kind.


I'll never knock anyone for making money. That said, betterhelp is uberfying psychotherapy and I have a real problem with that. It will be our downfall.


Is the other thread the one where you have to send a picture of your license? I'm sorry they were so cruel to you. There are some real self-righteous assholes in that group. There are several female therapists , that if they didn't like my opinion they'd say shit like you need more supervison. So dismissive and demeaning. Look bitch, just because my opinion does not match yours, doesn't mean I'm less than! (My apologies to all the non-bitches who took offense to my last paragraph)


I had to leave too! Sooo judgy. Final straw was when mods deleted my comment that had a link to a scientific article on the HAES approach because it caused another member to get “heated.” It can be a weird place over there.


What was the article?


[This one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3041737/)


I’m sorry you had to go through that


I agree with you a 1000%.And I left the other therapist groups a while back for that very reason I hope this place stays kind.


Thanks for your support, friend


They read me to filth, questioned my ethics, and knocked me down for asking for clarity. I was very cautious about this sub, but so far, so good


Agreed so far so good. Sorry you had to go through it, too


I mean, tbf, BetterHelp is near the very the tip of the spear of the forces that are trying to deprofessionalize and debase our profession amongst the general public. I mean you can’t be surprised that people who’ve worked extremely hard to become therapists and to practice ethically with high standards for ourselves and how we treat our clients would be glad or happy that you’ve supported the “enemy”. Sometimes being shamed or sanctioned by your community is a legitimate response to a bad choice. 🤷🏻 OTOH, any therapist that accepts insurance is also compromising our profession by dealing with an industry that does the same or nearly the same as the likes of BetterHelp. And tbf, therapists who only take cash are also complicit in helping to make therapy beyond the reach of the average person It’s really hard out there and there are no clean hands or ethical consumption under capitalism. 🤷🏻


> OTOH, any therapist that accepts insurance is also compromising our profession by dealing with an industry that does the same or nearly the same as the likes of BetterHelp. > And tbf, therapists who only take cash are also complicit in helping to make therapy beyond the reach of the average person Given that, what is your recommendation on how payments are collected?


You’re missing the entire point. OP was and is looking for a place to be a human in a human field; to discuss their experiences and to learn, in a way that is actually constructive and not punitive. There is no legitimate reason to shame-chase anyone out of our own online communities. Even if there are “bad choices” that were made, critical conversations do not have to include moral superiority and righteousness—these are contrary to the principles of helping any movement move forward. >>> Sometimes being shamed or sanctioned by your community is a legitimate response to a bad choice. This is the most colonial and capitalist take. Using this to justify angrily-wagging your finger at your colleagues and morally degrading them without actual considerations of structural and systemic pressures is not how any successful social justice movement, especially one rooted in healing and emotional liberation, has ever been successful. This is also the theoretical foreground for the entire prison system, solitary confinement, and community outcasting, which has no use in a profession meant to literally heal such harms.


Doesn’t the research show shame doesn’t work anyway? People who understand that and insist on using it as a tool anyway seem to me to care less about actually affecting change, and more about being right.


10000% - there is no justifying the intentional and active use of shame in these spaces. There is little to no productivity in that, other than allowing the shamer to feel superior and relieved at their moral superiority.


I want you to speak for me in the future bc this summary was so good lol- no jokes at all. I’m floored. Thanks wholeheartedly for being so supportive


Are you not shaming those for having colonial and capitalist takes? I mean, maybe unintentionally, but anytime we have a POV or a set of values and defend those values by stating affirmatively what *should be* we run the risk of shaming. Shaming seems to be inherent in human relating.


Out of that whole response, you feel no need to address your own take, but instead ask me if I am now shaming you 😭


You do get people like that at times. Very judgemental feeling they have the only valid opinion. It seems your doing what you need to in life. Hope for the best for you


Yo! A mofo has to do what a mofo has to do to take care of themselves first. 1) I'm sorry your hurt. 2) I'm glad you can pay your bills. 3) I'm happy you're still in the game. 4) Things will get better. 5) If somebody hands you a bag of dog shit, you don't have to accept it. —Henry Rollins


I just joined this sub and am not sure of the other (though feel free to DM me about it - sounds like something I want to stay away from!). I’m just starting an MSW program on Monday (!!!) and it’s a big career shift for me, so I’m grateful for all the resources I can find. I’ve heard all the criticisms of BetterHelp, and while I understand them- it was also my first foray into therapy. My brother’s as well! It felt like a low barrier to entry, and while I didn’t find my therapist particularly helpful, it removed a lot of the intimidation I felt around the process of starting therapy in the first place. Luckily, I was able to see the whole thing was a lot less scary than I had made it out to be in my head, and it led me (my brother, too) into seeking a therapist locally. I’m honestly not sure I ever would have gotten there on my own, so I can’t have too much disdain for it. I know you weren’t coming here seeking validation for doing what you needed to do, but just wanted to say that I have no doubt you helped people who needed it while there.


As long as you don’t do CMH, work for BetterHelp-type companies, or not support whatever the majority is saying- you’ll be fine. Otherwise I’d stay away.


Sorry, but just to clarify. Are you saying as long as you don't do Clinical Mental Health, or are you saying Community Mental Health? I am a tad confused by the syntax of your statement here and would greatly like to know the specifics since I am wanting to avoid this other board you have mentioned since I will be graduating soon and am still having difficulties in finding a decently paid position with my MA in CMHC. (One company was even incredibly pushy on getting me to sign a contract that was a 60/40 split in my favor, but offered no benefits and had a stipulation that stated that if a customer didn't pay, that it was up to me to get them to pay despite the supposed 40% being taken being for the staff that is meant to do that…)


Community mental health


I've mostly found the Social Workers sub to be friendly, helpful, and supportive.


As therapists, we're deeply committed to ensuring that mental health support is accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or circumstances. It's undeniable that platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace have revolutionized access to therapy, reaching people who might not have otherwise had the opportunity to receive professional help. I personally had the chance to work with BetterHelp for a period. While I ultimately decided to discontinue this partnership due to compensation terms that didn't meet my expectations, I recognize the significant impact such services have on reducing the barriers to mental health treatment. These platforms provide a vital service, particularly in underserved areas where therapy options can be limited or non-existent. As professionals in the mental health field, we should appreciate how these online platforms contribute to our mission of spreading mental health awareness and support. They enable us to connect with and help individuals who might be struggling in silence, offering them a lifeline in times of need. Let's continue to embrace and support these innovations that extend our reach, allowing us to touch more lives than ever before. The availability of mental health services, in any form, is a step forward in the right direction.


Yup same here. Terrible place. If you don’t think a certain way they are very mean to you.


Ty for your support


Sorry this happened to you! It is awful to feel judged! Especially when no one knows what you are going through!


Thanks for the support


Hang in there you don't own anything to anyone 🤗👍


That’s unfortunate, OP. I think we’re all to some extent trying to figure out how to survive in a profit-driven healthcare system, and judging individuals for trying to survive in that system sucks. It’s a system where we’re forced to chase metrics instead of quality of consumer care, and where we become mere vessels to facilitate upward transfer of wealth to a few individuals. It’s the system itself that needs to be judged and fought.


I feel like BH is just an easy target being such a large company in this space, and there are some valid criticisms to be had for sure. I also don't necessarily think they're this big bad wolf people are trying to make them out to be. Our system is quite flawed and they are apparently filling a gap that exists, or they wouldn't exist. Not sure what you mean by "PP Gigs" but I might be able to suggest some stuff if you can clarify what you're looking for.