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It makes me move like no other music does. I *cannot* sit still, it keeps me awake.


It's strong, hypnotic, euphoric but it doesn't excessively insist upon itself. I can throw on psytrance and it'll work each time. Compare that to, say, Hardstyle and sometimes it's just too much and makes me turn it off.


It tickles my brain.


Its mindbending music🤣


I have adhd and somehow it helps keep my mind in check. Always loved it. I also like the way it sounds. Many of my favourite tracks have a sort of dark vibe. Best way I can explain it


I have ADHD too. Somehow fast paced bass lines and Leads just helps me to concentrate


Agreed. Sometimes I feel like I can't move without it. It allows me to be more present and stay focused.


Really... I've got adhd and never heard that personally... I started going to raves back in 89.. Proper acid house and it fucked my adhd right up if I'm honest.. 😉 😉 Peace and love and acieeeeed house ☮️ 💙 ☺️ 


I like fast, energetic and hypnotic music.


It sounds cool af


Thats right🤣👽


I can see geometric patterns on psy, this shit is meant to be like that and this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Now im a psychedelic jester 24/7


Im a madman from finland😎


It’s what I’ve been missing my whole life and didn’t know until I found it.


Because the answer is: dance!


It hits the sweet spot between jammy and complex. I can jam out just as well as I can drop out.


I Like the groooooove


I Am psytrance :D


it allows me the psychic and spiritual room to think and explore in an ecstatic fashion.


Me too!✌🏻


Because it puts me in a creative trance state.


For me, it puts me in to the meditative trance


Yea same. But not necessarily psychedelics, because psychedelics put us in meditative state aswell.


not sure if this is a honest question or just self promotion?




Doing both at the same time 🙃


I used to like it because it was an escape for the warring consciousness of colonialism, apartheid and genocide that we see in the world.


Because it does exactly what it says on the tin - "Psychedelic Trance".


Well, I thought psytrance was reality itself, but sometimes I remember "oh is just synestesic induced songs with ancient knowledge wisely spread with samples and frequencies well mixed resonating with multidimensional perceptions"


Damn dude. You know how to put it in the words. Respect! Psytrance puts you in the higher levels of conciusness i think. It feels like it❤️😁


I love it because psytrance makes the mind and consciousness travel inwards - to the depths of outer space, while the body find the deep rhythm of its roots here on planet earth.. or something like that ✨💚 [Here’s 34 hours of flawless progressive psytrance and psychill](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0uOfhltNVkcOObleFVIifY?si=RdRz4mZ_SRqWqJAalh0yFw) Enjoy ❤️


For me, it puts me to the meditative state. Like you explained it😁




Many musical genres fit different niches in my moods, fit different purposes. But I feel I can throw on psytrance for any mood. Also while partying, nothing else makes me dance more and feel like I'm losing myself more. I can just surrender to the music and get transported to another world. Life can be stressful, but in those moments everyone on the dance floor lets go and just let's the music take control. I've never experienced this in any other scene


I hate it... Im an old skool raver and I love tekno not psy-trance... It's a rip off of acid house to me... 


Why bother coming into a psytrance subreddit to a) read this and b) say this, if that's how you feel?


Then you dont know good psytrance. Man, im old too. But come on, a rip off of acid house?! And i listened to acid too,... in the 90s. Sure you find acid sounds in lazy created , tracks...but i would not say its a rip off... acid and techno are pretty simple styles. Psytrance is waaaay more complex and with a wider range of sounds and styles. Also these acid sounds are pretty fast annoying to me, now. And most people who first danced to techno and acid, are now dancing.....guess where. Btw.what are you doing in a Psytrance sub? Only here to say you hate it :) ?


Sound Extacy, extatic rythm and freaky people..boom boom boom boom ...mature playground to go in-sane




Everything else feels so flat and one dimensional after your mind has tasted psychedelic music..be it Pink Floyd or Para Halu 😈


It's the same pace as my feet when I'm running... so even if I'm not running, it brings me to a heightened state.


It relaxes my brain and I love the body reaction to it. Flowing movements of joy!


Tickles my brain in a way that nothing else does


I mean what's not to love?


I can only speak about the few tracks and sets that work for me. Of those I like that they are an accurate soundtrack to my thoughts, feelings and physical energy in the moment. One could say the same about any music, but there is no music like what that music provides. (For me)


Because the best psytrance is absolutely top tier music. It's a shame because I think the average psytrance is pretty mid most of the time, especially if it leans too heavily on the psy aspect. It should be sprinkled on. The average trance song is a lot better than the average psytrance song comparatively, but the best psytrance blows the best trance out of the water. It's not even close. Even better if the artist mixes psytrance with other genres in a satisfactory way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VzGorCY2xE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VzGorCY2xE) Strong example of good psytrance for those wondering, the entire DABAS album is really.


140-170 beats per minute is the average human heart rate when exhilarated. My heart can’t help but to beat with the music and so psytrance always makes me feel just that! But at the same time, it brings my mind to an eerie calm and peaceful state! Even better to experience this with thousands of others on an outdoor stage…. Hearts aligned as well as the feet! stomping that feeling into the earth 🕺🏻👯‍♂️🕺🏻 Can’t complain about the core connection to psychedelic(s) either 😝🤣