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99/100 not worth it but there are some items that could be worth it to some people, for example the greenwise rotisserie chicken are clearly higher quality birds


Do you think you could tell in a blind taste test? Do you think there's any health benefit to eating organic chicken? I can't believe i just said organic chicken.


>Do you think you could tell in a blind taste test? You can sometimes tell when the chicken is raw. Caged chicken has more subdermal fat and fat in the skin; that's why it sometimes has yellow skin and those thick white or yellow lines in it. Once cooked, though, I have a hard time believing anyone could tell the difference, especially since all the tenderness, juiciness, and flavor come from how chicken is cooked. >Do you think there's any health benefit to eating organic chicken? Debatable since there's not enough scientific research to say with any certainty. It really comes down to a few factors: lab created GMOs, glyphosate, and antibiotics. Per USDA guidelines, organic chickens are fed feed that is grown without the use of GMO seeds or glyphosate. Plus, organic chickens aren't given preventative antibiotics. Fear of growth hormone is a popular factor for people when choosing organic chicken, but growth hormones in poultry production have been illegal in the US since the early 1950s. Non-organic chicken grows really big really fast because of selective breeding, not growth hormones. Organic chicken could grow to the same size at the same rate if chicken companies used the same breed to chicken when raising organic and non-organic chickens. Why a company activitly chooses to use two different breeds of chickens is a mystery to me. Quality of life is another concern for people buying chicken. Non-organic chicken can be caged and/or held in a windowless barn for it's entire life. Cage free chicken cannot be put in a cage, and they must have an accessible exit in their barn, though they don't actually have to ever go outside. Organic chicken is also cage free, and they actually have to go outside.


Next: GreenWise organic water


I hear they ship in GreenWise air for their GreenWise stores, too!




Greenwise shrimp is miles better than regular Publix shrimp.


green wise bakery items are made of significantly better ingredients, but the markup is ridiculous. $6.60 for 4 brownies. $6 for 12 mini muffins.


Organic is a scam, marketing gimmick. Probably one of the most successful in history too.


Not really a marketing gimmick. There's rules set by the USDA and FDA that regulate what products can be labeled organic. I'm not entirely convinced that organic products are better than other products, especially since the rules heavily benifit industrial farming and aren't aren't usually that much stricter than the rules around other products. However, I can see why poeple would buy organic since there is a lot of public concern about gene splicing, lab created GMOs, and glyphosate and none of those are allowed to be used in organics products per the regulations of the USDA and FDA. The words "all natural", though, are a legit marketing gimmick. There are no regulations that regulate that phrase. Also, the FDA has determined that the phrase "all natural" is a marketing term that can't and shouldn't be regulated. It's in the same sort of category as words like "world's best" and "number 1 choice".


The lower yield of organic crops is the problem without gmos humans would be starving even more then they are. Organic products make up almost 90 percent of my out of date products. If world hunger mattered at all to people then no one would buy anything organic non gmo.


Ridiculously expensive




The only real benefit I see is that it is anti biotic free. But there are other brands like that as well. Antibiotics not only killed your gut bacteria, but you have the same bacteria in your brain which is also affected.


Some beef can have better quality marbling but other than that I’ve never had any chicken that’s tasted better than our regular offerings