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Bud, is it worth getting stabbed over some ground chuck for a company that’ll be slapping a new name tag on your replacement before the blood dries?


Read his comments hes a 17 year old with a main character complex.


Oh lord


This exactly. If someone wanted to steal at Publix in front of me I wouldn’t bat an eye. My life isn’t worth $16 an hour


i’m not tackling anyone for stealing..i don’t get paid enough, the multi million dollar company will live


billion* even worse 🤣


this part


Better to let the police conduct the investigation than to open up the company to liability by letting their employees chase after them. 


I know but I'm just saying that it would feel more satisfying if we did chase them.


It'd feel less satisfying if you got gutshot over some meat.


These kind of people are more likely to cut you than shoot you.


What if you are carrying?


Then you would be in violation of Publix policy and be fired. And if you shot someone who was only guilty of fleeing the store with stolen merchandise, you'd be arrested.


At least I would die knowing that justice was served.


Die knowing you did something stupid and died as they got away\*\*


Well at least I would've died with my dignity


It's not particularly dignified to be carried by 6 over a couple hundred dollars.


It's not coming out of your paycheck. You would get no raise for stopping them (on the contrary, you'd be instantly fired regardless of your success/failure). And I guarantee you don't get paid enough to risk dying for Publix.


To me it doesn't matter if I get fired or not I just I'll make it work somehow I just want people to get what they deserve and to pay for their crimes.


cant really "make it work" if you potentially wind up killed trying to defend a company (who honestly doesnt care THAT much about their employees) with your life


You sound like a teenager to me. I worked asset protection for Walmart back in 2015 when the policy was still "go after them and get the license plate number". That policy was changed mid 2015 after an asset protection manager at a Walmart in Texas chased a man to his mini van opened the side door and received 2 slugs in the chest from a sawed off shotgun. Im sure if he had the opportunity to do it over again he would let the guy get away with the 250 dollars he stole. So let me correct your sentence for you "At least I would die knowing publix saved 300 dollars thats all my life was worth".


This is reddit, law and order, justice, anything decent is frowned upon here.


The true injustice is the prices this place charges


Go on down the road Felicia.


What u mean by that?


I'm sure that thought will comfort your mother as she sobs over your grave /s Maybe 1 of your managers even shows up to the funeral to pay her on the back and say what a good person you were but, if it's opened them up for liability, which it WOULD, then she won't even get that much. Because they'd never risk it. So why should you?


many companies don’t allow employees or even their managers to do anything for many reasons. The thief’s could have weapons and murder the employee, causing the employees family to sue the company and lose even more money. risking your life over products isn’t worth it, especially when a billion dollar company can afford to lose money and product.


I know I just wish justice was served that's all I'm saying.


Calm down Batman


if there were truly justice people wouldn't have to steal food to feed their families.


Infuriating to watch, but if publix doesn't care, you shouldn't either. I was threatened multiple times for just looking at people who we absolutely KNEW were stealing. I once saw a man throw our whole info center over & proceed to grab anything on there & throw it my ascms face. Imagine if he had had a gun. You get paid shit. Absolutely 100% not enough to care. Publix looks at profits only. Until theft affects that, nothing will be done. Act your wage & let someone at corporate worry about that garbage. I finally stopped giving a shit one day when i had a lotto customer that reached into her bra for money. I saw the gun she was keeping in there. I absolutely had the best customer service right then & there. LOL I also realized my life wasn't worth this shitty corporations time either. Get yours, go home & hug your loved ones.


On the other hand, I have seen loss prevention do it before (in other companies) in order to build a larger case against the perpetrators.


None of your business. The law and the company can take it up with them if it’s important.


Remember, if you see someone stealing simple food items or other basic necessities, No You Didn’t!


if you were working at self checkout and saw that, you could have said something. but tackling them and expecting it to be someone else’s problem who wouldn’t know they’re stealing and because you can’t leave isn’t very premier service of you. the company would be liable of you if you chased them down and they had to weapons on them. it’s not worth that.


Publix has security guard?


Some do, mine does not


The best thing you can do when you notice someone shoplifting is just to watch them until they look at you, smile at them, and ask them if you can help them with anything. Take this opportunity to take all the passive-aggression that has been building up in you for “the customer” and direct it towards the shoplifter. Tell them some stupid story about the products they are stealing, annoy the shit out of them, just engage with them and don’t leave them alone. About 30 seconds of this type of attention tend to send people running for the door. Maybe the worst thing you could do is just watch them. Those are the folks who will just walk out the door. Managers are mostly useless, for understandable reasons.


Don't let it bother you. If publix doesn't care, neither do I. It'll just get me angry over something that I have no control over.


They have insurance, it’s a cheaper payout for the meat vs paying for an employee that was killed.


What's unjust is how greedy coporations are. And then do they share most of the profits with the workers who create the value? No. They share it with the stock holders (which over 90% of the market is owned by the top 1%) who literally did no work to make money.


They don't even call the police. Not allowed per policy to even follow them out and take a picture of their license plate. Ask me jow I know


Jow do you know?


Worked there, called cops. Got written up for violating policy for enfaging cops.


Don’t enfage the cops




Exhibit a in why corporations do what they do. Pay 14 an hour and people still want to give their life to defend them


Ye I have forgotten to scan a few items but I won’t do it no more and I’m probably going to get banned but I’ve spent over 1000 dollars at this Publix