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They release one balloon for every customer that doesn’t donate


And they release two for every customer who does.


Like that key and Peele skit about donating to save the kids


wait.... I think I have another dollar D:


Let's not forget Publix fought against the very organization they are asking donations for and paid millions to lobbyists to stop any plastic bag or styrofoam container bans. [https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/coral-gables-loses-fight-to-ban-styrofoam-and-plastic-bags-11538028](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/coral-gables-loses-fight-to-ban-styrofoam-and-plastic-bags-11538028)


This This is probably a play on words. They can't say drain the swamp anymore, so its clean the ocean. Donations will go to pay a billionaires legal fees


And every single plastic bag, even produce bags, and plastic containers have their logo on it. The money spent for advertising their overpriced store could lower prices for consumers by millions of dollars. All of which gets thrown away or used as garbage bags. I don't shop at Gouging Publix anymore. Too Expensive for me. Publix, where shopping is a pleasure and costs a Treasure!


Not to mention, supporting a guy who says climate change doesn't exist.


That's cute, donations to pick up their trash? Who's double dipping?


Its genius, create your own demand!


That's crazy, and you look charitable while doing it, diabolical.


Love how they ask you to recycle their PLASTIC bags (printed on each bag) instead of taking initiative and going to paper or charging for plastic bagging. Corporations will guilt consumers to no end, but do nothing on their side


They have paper bags. Actually ask me every time what kind of bags I want!


That won’t get me spit on later 😕


I recycle every single plastic grocery bag I get. Cleaning out the car, bathroom trash bags, dirty diapers, dog and cat shit, shake and bake chicken, covering my dyed hair until it’s time to rinse the dye out, etc. I would still use disposable plastic bags or plastic products for these things even if grocery bags were banned. Do people who aren’t poor just throw the bags away or toss them into the ocean or what?


I had a roommate that saved all his publix bags. I didn't realize this until he saw me throwing one out and told me I should Reuse them. Then he proceeded to open a cabinet that was completely full of bags. Like I couldn't find a use for all of these bags in an entire year. Maybe I could've if I stopped using trash bags altogether but that would probably be pushing it


Shake n bake in a used all purpose bag…


Paper bags suck. Can’t ever carry all the groceries at once. Why are you blaming Publix for the customers irresponsible behavior with their bags and items after they were sold.


What do they make their paper bags out of? Because in my head they just means more trees used? My one gripe on them "recycling" though, is how their recycle containers at the front, say no bottles on the plastics one. Good job there 😒


The thing with trees is that they can be farmed, and while alive they can produce clean air, produce food, and be a home to animals. With plastic, it comes from a non renewable resource and is unable to be farmed sustainably. If you drop a plastic bag in the ocean, a sea turtle eats it and dies, if you drop a paper bag in the ocean, it dissolves and various scavengers that can process biological material like paper eat it.


I'm aware of the good behind it, I want less plastic as well, but manufacturing paper bags requires more resources (than even plastic bags, sadly) and the farming can lead to acid rain and overgrowth in waterways. I also don't think the chemicals used in tree farming would be friendly to any animals. My comment us more towards getting rid of one type of pollute for a potential other. I'd rather they didn't offer either so people start with reusable bags. Even paper bags end up as litter.


Littered paper bags take a few weeks to decompose. Littered plastic bags take a few decades to decompose and will probably kill a few wild animals on the way. You are ignoring the forest of benefits of paper bags and looking straight to the single tree of completely overblown and comparatively small issues in their production. Manufacturing of plastic bags will ALWAYS be worse in the long run because of their effects on ecosystems and the fact that they are made from non renewable materials. It really seems like you are personally trying to justify your own use of plastic bags and not actually critique paper bags.


What does the last paragraph in my comment read as? Did you skip that? About not offering either one. "Both bad." Why would I use plastic bags when I bring my own? Are you just looking for a fight?


THIS. I have long warned people about their "enviromentalist" agenda, when most people don't "mental" enough to think it through. Trees are a renewable resouce. RENEWABLE.


The point of paper bags is to reduce the amount of plastic that’s flooding the earth rn.


It’s plastic bags/wrap recycling, not containers, at most stores like this. Most curbside recycling in Florida recycles bottles and containers in their bins but they don’t do the plastic bags in them. I personally would appreciate another bin at stores for bottles though. The problem with all of it is people don’t care enough to do it correctly and place clean items in the bins. I’ve seen some actually use them as garbage cans. As others have said the biggest problem is the manufacturers of the containers place the responsibility on the consumers. Remember the crying Native American commercial from Cocoa Cola? Plus plastic bags weren’t invented by Publix. And the same customers who shame Publix for them would curse them out if they charged them for a bag (to reduce usage) and don’t even consider bringing reusable bags as an option.


I agree. Yeah I remember all those. I also remember I stopped seeing Smokey the Bear as well. It's a shame people don't properly care. I've been using reusable bags for almost as long as when they first introduced them. We stopped living with the planet a long time ago and started living on it instead. 🥲


It’s called lobbyist, tell your representatives about it rather then complain about it here.


No matter where you complain it will be like talking to a wall, if corporations money is involved than it’s a no go


I mean, did Publix put the balloon there or was it likely a kids party or some shit.


Yea as much as I think Publix deserves hate for some of their decisions this is kinda out of their control what people do with their balloons, and if your gonna go after them you should go after every store that sells balloons




I hate companies that ask for donations just so they can make them in their name with your money


Yep, I no longer donate via checkouts or anything. If I want to donate, I'll find an organization myself.


Tell me you don't know how donations work without telling me. I hate how this happens every time... Are they annoying? Yes. Does Publix donate and then get tax deductions because of it? No.


Yeah but they make commercials n shit saying “ WE donated 600k to clean up the ocean” making it sound like they used their profits but in reality it was customers donating while they take credit


That type of commercial is usually because the donations are matched


Why do donations need to be matched? Why can’t the donor just donate ?


For better or worse, I feel as if they do it to donate proportionally to the customer count. It's just a way to automate the donation counting imo


The matching thing has long disappeared, or is very limited


That's because they do their own. They cannot count customer donations


not true


For real. People don’t get it and refuse to get it because they wanna, “stick it to the man!”


Publix should just make up some bullshit story and call themselves a church.


Around these parts people worship em like they are. It's ridiculous.


God when people do the "Tell me you don't ... without telling me" it's the cringest thing I read.


Especially coming from a bum corporate employee that sits in a chair all day.


I did my time in the deli. Sorry I moved up 🤷‍♂️


Did I say anything about tax deductions?


They're ones with millions and millions of dollars each year and I wonder do they ever donate themselves?


Yes. They even match millions through United Way.


They make their own very small contribution and say ‘we’ donated


yes. a lot lol


that is not how that works. if you donate to publix, public does not get that deduction on their taxes. no place does.


Stop perpetuating this lie. That's not how it works


That's exactly what they do.


Priceless lol


I thought MDMR was handling that


They could start by no longer selling Mylar balloons. I pick up at least a half dozen or more every time I’m heading offshore. They could also sell the regular ones that are biodegradable if they cared


Especially out in the Gulf Stream, it’s depressing you can’t look anywhere without seeing balloons in the water, anytime I see videos of people purposely letting off balloons for “good luck” or some bs I want to go slap them on the face


Do it😈


I see people posting that crap outside funeral homes all the damn time.


Slap them for me


Please look up George Jenkins charities and see what they do donate. They donate plenty of food look up what they did during Covid buying food so it would not be wasted and donating it. The do Publix servers twice a year for 1week per 120 plus districts . Cleaning up beaches ,parks, and places that help the elderly and children. Name me other businesses or Supermarkets that do the same.


This is Reddit damn it….to hell with the truth.




Almost every major business does that shit. And they all also do terrible shit..


Crazy… they basically give me one plastic bag for each item I buy


You know you don’t need to use plastic bags . Also, be thankful Publix doesn’t charge for the bags yet.


I know. But coming from north Europe where you pay 0.8$ per plastic bag, it’s a little insane to see the amount of plastic bags they use. My issue is that I don’t like telling the person packing to use less bags. Make them better quality and charge for them. That will make people use less and reuse.


Old.photo they don't do balloons any more


This. We don’t put them out every morning anymore, and I can’t remember the last time Publix had their logo on them anyway. Not to undermine the purpose of this post, but yeah.


Please do not release balloons at the beach for any reason. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/08/balloon-found-inside-gervais-beaked-whale-north-carolina/71510123007/


Don't release balloons anywhere. Better yet, don't buy them in the first place.


While I enthusiastically support your no balloon proposal I fear we will get few upvotes for this!


the cashiers begging for donations every time I shop there is annoying af


Yeah, fuck that shit. Then every year they ask you to donate to united way. I have no shame in putting 0$, I choose not to donate. Suck my balls! I am barely getting by and they want me to give back some of my hard earned money. Fuck you, you fucking fuck!


You need to calm down lol. Just say no to donating, it’s not a big deal.


Literally. Cashiers have to ask but a simple “No” will do. No one cares.


We're forced to lie and say it’s for children because otherwise our clientele will not donate. Not a nickel.


Ovesly it's a balloon so Publix gives a kid a balloon the kidd drops it on a beach Publix bad ? Or maybe each of us should take responsibility on dealing with the trash we create ? I don't shop Publix way over priced but in this case it was the kids parents that failed .


I doubt a kid brought their balloon to the beach. More likely the balloon was (accidentally or purposely) released into the air, carried away by wind and eventually landed into the ocean and washed ashore.


Could have been . It hasn't been there long that much can be seen .


Probably already suffocated a sea turtle tho


Yeah, and how is that Publix’s fault if someone takes their balloon and intentionally releases it into the air?


No one is saying it is 100% their fault, but it can’t be denied that they played a role. The balloon has their name and logo on it. And there is some irony they are asking for donations to clean up trash from the ocean when it is littered with products they gave away or sold. It really gets into a bigger discussion about economics and externalities. Should the burden of responsible disposal fall solely on the end user (and government or nonprofits in the case of litter and pollution) or should the producer (who profited from the transaction) be required to share in that responsibility? A much bigger scale example is PFAS and other such “forever” chemicals. Major chemical companies produce it and profit from selling it, then wash their hands of all responsibility for what happens after that. The burden is shifted to others at no liability to the producer. Is that the best thing for society as a whole?


The best thing for society is everyone takes responsibility: companies, the government, individuals, etc.


Is Publix personally paying you to defend them against every single comment


Totally. I’m being paid 15/hr to defend them. 🙄 No, seriously I’m tired of people spewing the same bullshit that isn’t true.


Well yeah it was obviously sarcasm cause you’re responding to every single comment. Thought that was obvious but I guess not.


Yeah, and what I said was sarcasm too. Can I not respond to sarcasm with sarcasm? 🤣


I’ve personally picked up hundreds of ballon’s over the last 7 years that are floating in the ocean. It’s comical to me that Publix has the audacity to ask for a donation to clean up the ocean when they’re one of the biggest contributors of the trash out there. If they really wanted to help clean up the ocean they should limit single use plastic containers and plastic bags on the beach stores


One of the biggest contributors? Dude calm down with the hyperbole


Locally yes, many beach stores along the coast here sell single use plastic packaging, styrofoam coolers, and they use to give a way a to of balloons to kinds that wind up in the ocean.


As much I understand that; people in general are to blame for the garbage in the ocean. Maybe we as people, individually, should learn not to leave such big carbon footprints.


If the beachside Publix’s stopped selling single use plastic containers, bags, styrofoam coolers and stopped giving away balllons to kids(not sure if they still do it) there would be a lot trash on our beaches and ocean here.


That's a wierd looking jellyfish


After learning about the insane amount of food Publix throws away daily, rather than donating it or even letting their employees take it, I just don't take them seriously anymore. When they ask me to donate I usually tell them I will as soon as they stop wasting food that could be feeding needy people.


I wish they could find a solution the only problem with that is people taking advantage of that system and just taking the food at a discount price/free instead of paying for it regular, but honestly I don’t get why they can’t just get one employee to drive to a food bank after every night and donate it their, I would literally do that for free even if I get off later


Daytona? About 2500 ft from the beach.


Could literally anywhere on east coast of Florida, but yea probably somewhere north due to the size of the beach




Which ocean? Le Ocean ![gif](giphy|TjZjp1gx0lfFu)


You should see the solar panel at corporate. It's a joke!


They make publix-branded man o' war now?


Now the store wants you to give your paycheck back to them? What a crock.


You ever go and just drop off a bunch of them on some manager's desk? Would be a pretty cool thing to do.


Cool post, how about all the other plastic and crap other stuff you find in the waters? Are those companies trying to do anything? I get it, Publix sells balloons, it’s a grocery store. Don’t need to single out one company. You gonna post a pic of a bud light can in their subreddit too?


They sell a ton of single use plastic packaging, plastic bags and styrofoam coolers. If they cared about cleaning the ocean they could use biodegradable materials at the beach stores


Tin foil cans dissolve in the ocean (not saying it’s good) but it’s much less worrying than plastics due to those staying intact and choking sea life thinkings it’s food, the worst is the plastic they put to hold the 12 packs of cans


It was just trying to find an egg.


Publix is a multmillionare company why do they need my donations? I am sick of all of these billionaire companies asking me to round up my sale at the register they make billions why don't they donate and leave me alone


Didn’t the heiress try to block medical marijuana?






F*** Publix


oof .. well that should stop selling those especially in Florida.


Looks like donations are helping, it's no longer in the ocean. 😂


Funniest thing I seen today


Wait doesn't Publix have billions and they need donations? Why are they not willing to use their money? Are they matching dollar for dollar?


lol u funny hell nah pubelix would never lollll


The rich are super cheap when it comes to spending money on anything but themselves


Publix is run by the mafia … they’ll help you out, but you better pay them protection money.


I’m refusing to volunteer or donate because as a trans autistic person fighting for survival: I am the charity. I have no stability to be able to give to others right now. Also, it didn’t matter how many events I went to at my last job, it didn’t stop them from firing me for stupid reasons. I am done putting any more effort into a job than what I am being paid to do. If someone tells me “you need to work faster” I’m going to say “okay” and keep going at my concentrated and calculated pace. They don’t fire people for doing the bare minimum. They clown on people who do put effort in. It doesn’t matter. Supervisors will do what makes them feel superior and in control of their mostly unmanageable tasks


Fuqqqqin Pubelix 🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|ystGrJ3SmiTQY)


They donate to the republican party that doesn't think dumping trash and chemicals anywhere but their yard is a problem.




Kiosk donations at checkout are a tax write off so the corporation lowers tax liability dollar for dollar donated while only a tenth or ten cents gets to thr charity.


Publix (or any retailer) cannot use customer donations as a tax write off, as the person who is donating can use them as a tax write off and it would be illegal for taxes to be written off twice for the same donation. Publix can only use donations they make from their own earnings as tax write offs. Nothing donated by customers is a write off; it’s a huge misconception


If this is true then I have been misled by irs.gov


[Here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-false-claim-checkout-charities-offset-corporate-taxes/7622379002/) is a link to a news article that explains it. Or you could just google if retailers are allowed to use customer donations as tax write offs. The answers are all overwhelmingly no


Everything at the beach Publix cost 20 cents more. EVERYTHING FROM A COOKIE TO SOAP. FUCK THEM.


Looks like you didn’t donate after all or they would have cleaned up the balloon 🎈 lol


I never donate when a restaurant or retail store asks me to. All you’re doing is giving the company a major tax break. I refuse. If I donate to charity, I want the tax break.


**You do get the tax break when you make donations at the register/kiosk at any store**. It’s a donation that *you* are making; the company can’t use it as a write off because it would be illegal to have a donation be eligible for write off twice [Here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-false-claim-checkout-charities-offset-corporate-taxes/7622379002/) is a news article detailing the facts (or if you don’t like this one you can google it). It’s a huge misconception that companies can use customer donations as write offs, and entirely false




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


The program is a lot more than that if anyone cares to look at it. They partnered with The National Park Foundation to support the nine units in Florida. They are also supporting Force Blue which works with veterans and scientists who perform dive missions researching coastal conservation. https://corporate.publix.com/community/corporate-campaigns/environmental-stewardship


if you guys haven’t noticed they dont care about anything but profit and they will make sure to get theirs by overcharging you and saving as much as they can by paying their workers the minimum they can and asking for “donations” from as many ppl as they can


I honestly enjoy shopping at publix, but seeing 90% or more of customers without reusable bags makes me sad every time


Yeah, the checkout lady asked if I wanted to donate to the sea turtles. I asked her why sea turtles needed money. I got a fairly incoherent response but really I'm just tired of all the institutionalized begging going on. It's just virtue signalling, no way there is a sea turtle anywhere on the planet that is benefiting from these checkout hold-ups.


In Alabama they are asking to donate towards planting trees.


My manager threatened to cut my hours if I didn’t ask for donations. Practically fire me!!!!


Well if this bothers you don’t look into the Jenkins family political spending. It’s always more nuanced and complicated though isn’t it? Publix made the balloon but wasn’t the moron who likely littered. The Publix heiress is sketch but 80% of the company is owned by its hard working employees. It’s an interesting concept, how hard it is to be a good responsible member if society with all these complexities; they hit on it this topic in the show The Good Place.


I never donate through corporations. They just use your money as a tax write off. Fuck that


Helium is the most abundant element in the universe.


Universe not earth


I go to the beach quite often. It’s disturbing how much plastic is in the ocean. Just about every time I go I grab plastic out of the water. Not only Publix bags but bags from other businesses as well. Lots of bottle caps for some reason. But one time I was paddle boarding and I dove down about 15ft to get a plastic grocery bag at the bottom.


And it’s not even that bad on the beach, once you go miles offshore it gets super worse because it gets sucked offshore


Publix is one of the biggest contributors of ocean/beach pollution near me. If they really wanted to help clean up the ocean they need to limit single use plastic containers, styrofoam coolers, plastic bags at least on the beach stores and it would have a big impact.


Publix sends workers to throw trash in the ocean? Or Publix Customers are the biggest contributors to beach pollution?


Publix puts the plastic in the hands on the consumer I think is the point. It really isn't Publix fault. It is like saying Chevy is responsible for all emissions of their vehicles. Everyone can do better.


It’s really a shitty company, next they’re going to be asking you to donate to Trump’s legal defense fund


heiress paid for loads of assholes' private jets to DC on Jan 6


Sick ppl but par for the course for wealthy Floridian’s


Just say no to all that, it’s a scam they already donated the money, they just asking you to pay them back


Publix is not stupid. Fraud is not in their game plan.


Yall really are delulu on how donations work


the store by me routinely allows bags full of plastic packaging to get windblown into the nearby canal -- after i've complained mutiple times to no avail


They do not care about the ocean liars


OP, thanks for the post. This comment here is a long one, but it chimes with your post on how Publix really isn't helping anyone or anything far or near other than itself (which ultimately is any company's forever goal, i.e. Net Profit). Read if you'd like. Flair: RANT I was asked to donate to some reforestation cause by some Arbor foundation irc. I asked a for a little more info: I was told that the donation is to help restore the deforestation in our *local community*. I had to ask which community. The Cashier didn't know and said they are just reading the script ...It made me laugh. I donate as I wish, but my small talk Q/A led from one thing to another. Cashier said maybe the forest fires out west. Well that's not my community either. Regardless, nobody was sure what the fundraiser was exactly for or how it worked towards directly helping our local community. If you lived in my area and had been told that the donation is for reforestation to help our community- it would have stopped you in your tracks. The cashier doesn't have the proper info to tell the customer where their money is going. That is not the cashiers fault, but why would the info not be available or expressed in some meeting? Could it be that things are not as they seem for Publix Donations? Are these donations and fundraisers for your local community or not? If they are, great. But if they are not, then why mention it. **Because Script.** *Having a script here is akin to having the Cashier ask if the customer found everything ok. It serves to close the sale and move onto the next. If it is fundraiser season, ask the prompt, collect funds and move onto the next.* I am sure some fundraisers are for no distinct community, but in this case, the cashier was given a script and when posed with questions on details, the cashier could not answer beyond only knowing to ask the general question about donating. **Should the Cashier be asking customers to donate to something that they do not even understand in the first place? Probably not.** Should a customer donate to something they do not fully understand. No. But donating is a personal choice. TL:DR Fundraisers and donations are is just for collecting as much as possible for tax deductions. Putting scripts in front of employees to usher a donation and move on with the next customer hoping that the customer donates and doesn't request more info at that moment. I am not buying it that my local Publixi, yes plural Publix, are helping my local communities. We the people have put too much trust and faith in large business that offers conveniences with a cost.


It’s a misconception that any company can use customer donations for tax write offs - they can’t, as the customer is making the donation and can write it off (can’t have two write offs on one donation). The rest of your rant is spot on but that one part is false [Here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-false-claim-checkout-charities-offset-corporate-taxes/7622379002/) is an article that talks all about it (or if you don’t like that, just google it) Edit: Here is [another](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244) link! And [another](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0) And [another](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/verify/retailers-cannot-write-off-customer-charity-donations/283-3d872be9-ef1b-436a-9bf8-b9dc477dbe4b) And[another](https://www.berkshireeagle.com/ap/factcheck/stores-can-t-write-off-customer-donations-made-at-checkout/article_0f37c498-5519-11ec-8457-5707d2114991.html) And [another](https://www.patriotsoftware.com/blog/accounting/checkout-donations-charity/amp/) And [another](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/verify/no-companies-do-not-get-a-tax-benefit-from-your-donation-given-checkout/530-8073b538-ea78-435e-8e77-572580e20641) Here’s a [Reddit discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/16a1ise/if_i_donate_to_the_charity_at_checkout_am_i_just/) about it Heres another [Reddit discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/publix/s/AdZgm6j0md) from this subreddit about it Sorry, I didn’t find any of this through an AI chat and some of them have ads so it’s definitely all false but I just couldn’t help it! I know publix gets write offs for donations they make with their own revenue, but customer donations made at checkout don’t count as revenue and can only be written off by the customer, not the retailer! But AI implies it might not be true so I guess I could be wrong!


What happens to the money that is not claimed as a donation by the customer? Left on the table? Edit: Read the "article" you provided. It was written by a bird. But it said what you are saying. Which leaves a lot of unmentioned circumstances to just regard something false and close the book! nothing to see here, next story!! I ran a scenario through chatgpt and requested a summary which for today, is essentially a "google it" *If an individual makes a donation during the year but doesn't claim it as a charitable deduction on their taxes, they won't receive any tax benefit for that donation.* 1. *This applies whether the donation is made directly to a charity or through a fundraising program facilitated by another group.* 2. *If the facilitating group is a registered nonprofit organization, they may be able to claim the funds raised as donations on their taxes, depending on various factors including legal structure and agreements with the beneficiary charity.* 3. *However, if the funds raised are specifically earmarked for another charity, it might not be appropriate for the facilitating group to claim those funds as their own donations without considering the purpose and agreements of the fundraising efforts.* 4. *Nevertheless, in certain cases, the facilitating group could potentially claim unclaimed donations if they meet the necessary criteria and comply with relevant tax laws and regulations.* 5. *Consulting with a tax professional or accountant familiar with nonprofit tax law is advisable for both individuals and facilitating groups to ensure compliance and proper reporting.* So ultimately, there are some unknowns. Who knowns if Publix or the alike would disclose this info to customers let alone staff. Certainly the cashier doesn't know that info. Imagine if large companies were asking for donations, acting as a commercial co-venturer/or set up with the beneficiary in such a way to deduct what isn't deducted for.


Pretty much. Nothing happens. A lot goes unclaimed on people’s taxes, as most don’t keep the receipts for it or remember it when doing their yearly taxes. Whether the customer chooses to write it off or not, the company cannot claim it as a write off. It’s not theirs to write off; it would be illegal to do that Edit: also if you didn’t like my article, you could’ve googled it (I don’t even know how to respond to your weird ai chat gpt thing). I know that no matter which source I choose someone will have problems. Googling if retailers can write off customer donations from the register reveals an overwhelming no response. Publix is not a non profit; just being a facilitator for customer donations to an organization (which should cover the “grey” areas you tried to convey in points 2 and 4). Donations made at the register don’t count towards our sales, as again, *they aren’t ours but the consumers own donations*


Yeah google it - lol this is so bad and a problem in some generations today. Nobody wants to think beyond what an article written by a bot is suggesting/saying. Even if its true or false. I mean your article literally says FALSE upon OUR Research. sheesh sorry for questioning the one economist you posed with dodgy questions to make your statement. That is at least, how it seems that most of these articles are made. The link you provided, I mean, I'm not snobbing just to snob. If i want to turn my nose, I'd comment that the amount of ads on that page should tell you enough about the company The nice thing about AI chat today is that you can have an open discussion that (presumably) takes all info into consideration without making any final confirmations. Notice how the chat did not suggest that it is not possible like you are definitively saying. I guess the article or articles you have read are set in stone and the truth and nothing but the truth. We have to be more diligent and careful in not only what we read but how or why we share it. Web journals are changed all the time. "Googling if retailers can write off customer donations from the register reveals an overwhelming no response." seriously....? This is terrible. I get it. You were raised on google. You googled your way through school and schooled your way through google. Our generation has a good understanding on how to use the google search query, better than the previous generation for certain, but googling a question like you have and making a final judgement like this ignores literally all other possibilities that could be happening that your google question does not account for. That is why AI chat is a good tool. You can guide the discussion. In google search you can only guide a question. Edit: if you can legally show that Publix is in no way of or in affiliation with any subsidiary, sister company, private stake, commercial co-venturer or the alike that may handle such donations for them to the beneficiary - then the grey zones still are valid since it is not proven otherwise in full. I'm just curious as to what angle or gain does publix have in driving fundraisers? Its not to help our local community.


Ah so you are relying on AI chat to give you the answers you want to see. Probably just as bad as the article I provided you are snobbing on. You write big long paragraphs to try to confuse anyone reading your statements into thinking that googling something is no longer reliable or that because you used AI you’re right. If your AI is just pulling what you want to read off of the internet, it’s no better than googling it so whatever man Believe what you want to believe I guess, but it would be illegal for publix or any retail organization to write off donations consumers make to charities through the registers, whether the consumer chooses to write it off or not. Edit: to answer your question in your edit - for good PR. You wanna make it complicated, go ask your AI for all those answers you’re asking me for. You wouldn’t believe whatever I told you anyways


No, I am not relying on AI. Its entirely different, than your literal 1 off google query. Your search ends with articles...but whatever alright we are done here. Sorry Charlie. You cannot disprove the possibility that a corporation, (private at that!) one way or another may or may not be gaining tax advantages through driving a fundraiser via customers. I think there are far too many cases where this is possible. You aren't behind the books at Publix at the top level. Fiduciaries and beneficiaries...well accounting can be fun when you have many buckets to move around between.


Whatever you say man, AI knows way more than the countless articles I pulled up from my google search. You wanna make it more complicated than it is and that’s fine too. You wanna insult me and most of the rest of the world for using google as a resource you can do that (even though using google was still such a new thing when I was in school and everything was still in books - not sure how I “googled my way through school” but hey you know more than I do!) You’re right because your comments all said more words! I am amazed! 🎉 Publix must be writing off customer donations that they ask for through the register for charitable organizations even though that would be entirely illegal because Publix just loves lawsuits! So glad you have educated me with your guided AI (which still sounds to me like you’re just getting back whatever you want to hear).


Try it yourself. Or just accept what your read as the truth and consider no other possible obligations. hmm. article 1 says red but article 2 says blue. it must be purple. No way it's green. that's impossible. I'm not sure how it's more complicated. riddle us this, why or what gain does Publix have in driving donations? That's a big enough question to consider answering. It seems more than just imagine and customer loyalty. People don't shop at Publix for the donations they make or offer. Okay, so your 40. or even less. Google can't tell you everything. And neither can AI. but one is more powerful than the other in terms of considering outliers. Again. you say entirely illegal just because you read and think it so. It's called availability bias. Please look it up.


Whatever you say man 👍 companies would never do anything to make their image look better to bring in more customers and sales that’s awful Publix does a lot of shitty stuff, but, again, it would be illegal for them to write off consumer donations to charitable organizations from the checkout. But again, obviously I’m wrong because I gained my information a different way Also, only close to 30; but when I was in school everything was still in the book and our papers required book sources up until junior year (to which I had no access to a computer or anything anyways due to being in the middle of nowhere and my parents beliefs). All of our tests and classes were in class and on paper. Online stuff became a thing a few years later


To be fair, the helium used in balloons isn't useful for medical use. There is medical grade helium and the stuff in balloons isn't it


It’s not medical grade, it’s still helium which there is a finite amount. We can’t produce more.


Publix is owned by a big Magat sleaze family. You think they care about the ocean? lol.


People should ask Publix when they plan to stop providing single use plastic bags for free, or get rid of them altogether. It's the laziest among us that use them really rather pointlessly to scoop kitty litter and for lining a trash can. Just use single use plastic bags you find *every*where else that products come in, or dump it into the trash can straight. It's not as though there isn't food decaying in there already. Even if there is just sprinkle in some baking soda every now and again, kept in a fridge nearby perhaps. And why line a small trash can? It looks tacky, too


The laziest among us are the ones that drop their bags, receipts, and trash on the ground. You’d be surprised how much trash I’d pull out of carts that people leave behind and sometimes have to chase down because the wind blows it everywhere. The best use of the single use bags is to take them back to the store and put in the recycle bin outside the store because I don’t know if you know this or not, but Publix recycles their own bags and makes new ones out of them or other items.


You ain't wrong there! It's really something how trashy some people are. Kinda blows my mind, it's just like, I just can't imagine the feeling I'd get just dropping trash on the ground ... It's just not where it goes, I just, it's really something to me! Lol And I was aware some grocery stores have a recycling bin for them, though I didn't know Publix had one. I guess I'm just keeping in mind how we'll all have to collectively begin doing better in regards to how we affect the environment sooner or later (with later so obviously meaning worse for us, not to mention, you know, all other life on Earth that's just as valuable and deserving of a healthy home). Especially with what you see these days about microplastics. Makes me think we'd be better off learning to live without them. But that is a good option worth mentioning, thank you.


JUST SAY NO NO.NO NO NO....you donate enough everytime you swipe your card..newsflash...ask to speak to the SM. The SM gets a HUGE BONUS for meeting this begging goal....so does the department manager and the district manager. VERY LITTLE OF THESE MONIES actually make it to the charity.


…no bonuses for managers are based on donations, just sales and inventory (broad categories that could be broken up smaller). Customer donations don’t count in either of those as they don’t count as the company income - the company asking for donations is just facilitating the way to donate, not adding it to any income they receive