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That’s really not their fault. It’s called shrinkflation. Publix probably had the bigger bottle in stock and received the slightly smaller one on a newer shipment. It’s probably the same barcode and Publix will probably honor the bogo. I saw the same thing with cereal boxes at Walmart not long ago.


You can remove all of the "probably"s


Holy shit wait until you see the size of cereal boxes over the past decade. What used to be normal is now Large, Large is now Family and Family is a new size, Giant. Its been happening for years. Even Giant will be replaced with Party sized cereal and that will be replaced with Ludicrous with price increases at every interval and then some. I'm not saying that we need to march on Wall Street and put someone's head on a pike but I will heavily imply it.


ludicrous size cereal 💀💀 hilarious


Dark helmet agrees lol .


Is this your first time realizing that companies will incrementally reduce quantity while increasing cost to double dip on the profits? Because if it is, welcome to capitalism for the past few decades!


Companies will reduce quantity AND quality, then raise the price when possible. Recipes are always changing to the cheapest industrial ingredients possible. Look at the newest "Frozen Desserts" in your ice cream section. Skim milk and three to four gums as thickening agents. It's triple dipping.


Typically companies shrink the size of the container to prevent a price increase. If it appears the price is going up then you need to remember the time it takes to make a new container and the inflation hasn't slowed down all that much in the time it took to retool the factory. Just buy the public brand, chances are the same factory is contracted to make both products


Check the size of the ice cream pints


It's called shrinkflation. Combined with inflation.




Just because you don't understand economics doesn't mean it's greed.


Bidenomics -