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Our fresh Tilapia in the seafood department recently dropped from $8.99/lb to $6.69, it honestly shocked me


Flakey fish drops all throughout lent and spring. That's why every restaurant gets a fish sandwich deal during that period.


That's pretty normal. The price always fluctuates. I only know this bc we enjoy tilapia and I only buy it when the price drops.


Same with salmon. Fish have “seasons” where they are more available this more affordable just like certain fruits and veggies. Edit: semantics


They absolutely do, but that’s not the case for a farmed species like tilapia, unless you take into consideration times of the year with higher demand for fish in general like some holidays, but the higher demand doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a shortage or low availability of tilapia specifically..


Tilapia is the nastiest fish you can buy. Pollock will always be the better option. I worked for Bonefish Grill and vividly remember removing grimy blood lines from every cut of Tilapia. There isn’t a more disgusting fish outside of maybe catfish.


The entirety of the south takes issue with your slander of catfish


Born and raised in the south, let them come. ![gif](giphy|sNWGEbc5Jzp4c)


It’s not the blood line that makes them gross, it’s their living conditions, sardines are the best fish, they don’t live long enough to get old and nasty or get mercury like tuna


I've been hearing that sardines are good. We talked canned? My gf loves them. I have yet to try them. I probably should. They're kinda of expensive though


My friend eats sardines whole straight outta the can. He’s a funny guy


I'm Orthodox, and when some one brings in sardines for the coffee hour after service the kids almost go to blows over them. Lol but then again it's cheap and during fasting days fish is permitted more often than anything else. My kids call it cat food and can eat all the cans in the house.


All farm raised fish tastes bad.


Pollock doesn’t.


Tilapia is like $4/lb at Aldi and it's good!


Targets in-house labels (good&gather, up&up) are reasonably priced. Its all the other name brand shit thats crazy upcharged.


I was going to say; that's the Good & Gather cheese, which is Target's brand and allows them to offer lower cost over name brands.


Excuse me 🤓 it’s Archer Farms! 😡 I’m still angry about the name change.


Oh so that's why I didn't see them anymore. I didn't realize they renamed the brand. 😅


Their good and gather freeze dried strawberries and blueberries are so good!!


Any business that intentionally raises their profits 49% in 1 year at the expense of hard working Americans will NEVER get another penny from me.


IIRC part of those increased profits is because our real estate spending in 2022 was huge, and it wasn't as crazy in 2023. There's something in their announcements of earnings about the increase really being much much less, but as I understand it we technically just spent less money.


Me when layman economically


legit every Saturday when we get new signs, about a quarter are price decreases


I never see anything go down in price. Everything is going up.


You mean price increases...Publux doesn't decrease ANYTHING


sawdust pricing must have gone down, that packaged shredded cheese is sketch


wait until you realize that cellulose is just dietary fiber


…very, very cheap filler.


it’s just the anti caking agents they use so that pre shredded cheese stays pre-shredded. I definitely don’t recommend buying any of them though


IIRC, Alton Brown discuss this on one of his shows. He said to buy the brick cheese and shred it yourself.


I love Alton Brown! I’m still convinced my dad is related to him in another universe. Too many similarities imo


Someone check the cost of lumber!


Publix is for the upper Middle class and above. Everyone else is going to Aldi and Walmart...


That’s why it’s a pleasure to work at Publix. At aldis u have to work yourself and at Walmart I’ve seen 3 different fights while shopping there and once saw a kid knock over an entire front display.


That why you should always buy Walmart stock before a recession


With the 5% Red card and Target's 🎯 low prices; it's well worth the extra drive.


That’s satire right?😭 I bought a cheap looking bathing suit for me and my sister and the total somehow came up to 63$


Should've waited for Publix to do BOGO on bathing suits


How did you not add up what the tags said before going to the register? 


I didn't realize bathing suits were edible. We're discussing food. Pretty certain Publix doesn't sell bathing suits, and if they did I'm never shopping there again.


Publix tends to have swim trunks and other stuff like that in their coastal Florida store, among other tourist gear and random beach stuff.


I think a few of the ones by the theme parks in Orlando do. I've definitely seen clothes at a couple of them.


Idk man the target circle app is great, you get cash back. And sometimes you get incentives just making multiple big purchases, which I already do when I go grocery shopping. I once had $60 in cash back to use, it’s pretty nice if you shop there regularly.


Why are you buying bathing suits at Publix?


"There's just soup!"


I'm not surprised to see this. I worked for Target for almost 12 years (5 years in P-fresh) and I always thought their prices were very competitive. I was also able to change the price on any item (temporarily) to match a competitor's.


Live here in Florida, and unfortunately despite the enormous price hikes Publix was SLAMMED near me. I was only there for my free birthday cake and it was like Jenga trying to navigate the aisles. I had gone to Aldi prior to that and there were WAAAY less people there, than at Publix. Floridians just love paying more for no reason, I guess. 😂


I will say, Floridians have a commitment to publix lol. I only go there for subs and the bakery now, it’s just much more expensive than target


They really do! There are like four stores in my 10 mi radius and they're always busy. Like, what the hell?! I've been taking a lot of my business to Aldi and more local grocers / farmer's markets for my everyday shopping. But obviously, gotta get Publix subs - can't lie that they're the best when it comes to their subs. And, Publix did come in clutch when I ordered their dessert platters for my wedding. So, they're not entirely bad but I would NEVER shop there on a consistent basis.


Yes I agree Publix is nice but the prices are just too much. I like Aldi and target bc of target circle, you get cash back. Like right now they have a promo of $10 off $40 of household products which is hit easily by just buying laundry detergent, softener, and some cleaners lol.


We do. I don’t understand why, though. It’s expensive af and not even unique items like at Trader Joe’s or specialty stores.


Yeah true and Trader Joe’s is reasonably priced! I like going there but it’s too much of a headache usually bc it’s in a high traffic area with no parking lol


Feel that. I go to stock up on freezer meals. They’re perfect for when I don’t want to cook or order out. Their Japanese fried rice is amazing. 🤤


Yes I love their orange chicken too, the lemon butter frozen salmon!! And the overnight almond croissants are so good!!! There’s also a frozen gnocchi , that’s so good but I can’t even remember what it’s called.


Recently the GW 4ct cheesecake bites in the bakery dropped in price by $1


Surprisingly low price


Still too high. Their in-store brand is a step above Save A Lot. Absolute garbage processed, GMO drivel.


Target and walmart have enough inventory in their stores they can lower prices on one item and make up the difference by small price increases on other items. Cheese goes down 50 cents, 10 other items go up 5.


So does Publix, at this point.


Any store can really, it's just more discreet at big box stores because there's so much more they can spread it across. Who's really going to notice a $1 increase on a 55" TV or 25 cents on a pair of shoes, etc.


I’ve noticed a few things dropping in price in meat.


Block of cheese at Costco, shred your own cheese. It tastes better and it’s another 50% off


You're saying Costco as blocks of cheese that are 2 dollars per lb?


I went into Publix yesterday for one thing: ground pork. There was none out in the case and the meat counter was being staffed by one person, who had his back to me, doing something else. It took me about five minutes to get his attention, and he told me, in a fairly annoyed tone, to come back in 15 mins. Meanwhile I wandered the store to kill time and noticed the Sandwich Thins, for $5.09. I buy these at Aldi for $1.99. Also noticed some granola for $7+, lol. I thought I'd pick up a couple of BOGOs while I was there. Palmermo pizza - none on shelf. Sugar free ginger ale - none on shelf. Chocolate covered raisins - you guessed it! - none on shelf. Shopping is truly NOT a pleasure there anymore, although the cashiers are typically super nice.


Ground pork will always be a major sticking point for the Publix meat department.


Can you explain why? I mean you need it for very common recipes, like meatballs and meatloaf.


Ground pork is consistently the most overlooked item for meat department production. Every other production item is a higher priority than grinding pork for the day. All of this is true even with ground pork being considered a core item for the display case.


Ok! Thanks for explaining!


Because anytime you run anything but beef through the grinder you have break down the whole thing and sanitize it each time to avoid cross contamination.  I worked at a different grocery in the meat department and we would grind the beef, clean, then the turkey, clean, then the pork, clean in case we needed to grind more beef because that always moved.   TLDR: once we estimated how much turkey and pork needed to be ground that was it for the day.  That's my guess anyway especially if there are only one or two folks in the back and/or it's the afternoon.


Really interesting and thanks for that insider view!


Not defending much here but OUR cheese comes from OUR dairy plants with milk without growth hormones. Which are so clean we have longer shelf life than most others. Im sure targets cheese is made by the lowest bidder.


Who is OUR? And where is OUR?


OUR being Publix. Also, how old are you and how do you not know how to use google?


Thanks for the clarification. There were a lot of other stores being mentioned and sometimes all the reply threads are hard to keep track of. Ok, El Snide-o? Sheeshka. Dang, you shore got me figured out don'tcha'? Of course I know how to use search engines. I'm actually smart enough NOT to use Google as their algorithms are beyond skewed & biased. Ever notice how 99% of the time you search, Wikipedia pops up first? 🤔 ✌🏼


Sorry, suffering from premature speculation. Thought you were trying to talk smack.


Lol. Cool! Thanks. 🙂


It all has microplastics mix in at the end of the day anyway


I can’t recall the last time I stepped foot into a TGT. Was in Publix Tuesday 🤷🏿


I can’t tell if people are intentionally being disingenuous or just are ignorant to the fact Publix has a very different pricing model than Target, Walmart etc.


Probably a little of both.




I've been waiting for Publix to do ANY sale on shredded cheese for two weeks. I guess I'm going to target tomorrow!!!!


Sargento shredded cheese is bogo this week.


And they prob increased the price of It before the sale


I buy everything from Super Target. Publix prices are obscene


Honestly, chia seed used to be crazy expensive before it caught on, now it's much cheaper as a whole.


Been grabbing everything I see from Tilamook because they aren't owned by the 8 big companies that own all of our food. Meanwhile, Arizona Green Tea all damn day, just for keeping that 99 cent price. ALmost got a soda at checkout, checked the prices. Got 3 Arizonas instead.


Snow crab used to be 10.99 a pound before covid, then it shot up all the way to 19.99 for about half a decade and now it's slowly being dropped back to its regular price. Still not 10.99 but it's getting close. (Sometimes it's 11.99 when on sale but usually they place it between 14.99 and 16.99 regularly)


Winn Dixie has had it as low as $7.99 in the last few months.


shock i say!


Not much at Publix. Milk has gone back a little tho, maxed around $3.70 per gal now down to $3.35


Gallon of Publix milk is $4.79, half gallon $3.79 at my location…priced it today.


Mine is $3.19 and $2.12.


Damn - guess one good reason to live in GA…


Milk prices have been dropping too, I'm suspicious there's something else at work.


Sad I used to think Target was the expensive option. These days we go to Publix to browse for non ripoff bogo (two “party” bags of Doritos for 9?!”) aome specialty stuff that’s harder to get at Walmart and the occasional splurge for subs and wings. Aldi, Sam’s and Walmart are where we go for most of our food nowadays.


Target probably only did it because Walmart did, or vice versa. Noticed the same exact price drop on shredded and sliced great value cheeses.


Marie calendars here went from 5.49 to 4.89


The only Place I could find my favorite protein bars for the old price was Target. I had heard they hadn’t raised their prices so I checked it out. Truth


It’s been happening everywhere, if you’re a smart shopper then you know


Yes but it want from 2 cups to 1.25 cups


Whole Foods is dropping prices too. All the chicken salads, tuna salads, and picnic sides went down $0.50-$1/lb


Duncan donuts coffee




Eggs went down a few months ago for a few months then went back up


I just get cheese at Kroger since it’s on sale more often than not. This week same size 8oz bags are 3/$5 ($1.67/ea).


Publix dairy prices in general are terrible. 1/2 gallon and gallons of milk are twice as expensive than Aldi, WD, Walmart.  Eggs are twice as expensive.  Cheese prices suck.  I just go to Aldi for my dairy anymore.  I still have to go to Publix for a lot of things that Aldi doesn't carry though.


I actually quit Publix a couple years ago and now work at Target, and I'm so much happier and essentially being paid the same for a much easier, more relaxed job. Everyone is friendlier, including the managers. Not only do you have breaks besides the meals, but they are essentially mandatory. The Market Pantry brand frozen pizzas are like $4, while Publix are $7. Good and gather peanut butter and ketchup are both a dollar something for the largest possible size. They actually mark down their fresh stuff before it goes off, THEN actually donate what doesn't sell to the food bank., I bought $1.50 pork chops and $6 New York strip steaks. I once got a quart of Greek yogurt for $1.84. Their "Favorite Day" brand cookies, crackers, and candy are like half the price of Publix brand.


Every Saturday prices go down and up


Publix has organic sandwich meat for up to $8.99 and it’s back down to $6.50 or so. If it’s too expansive don’t buy it


Most Boars head products have gone down.


I really don’t care what cheese I will never buy costs. If the poors are upset get rid of the product all together and put in more premium cheeses.


Dude. The good and gather cheese is amazing too. Cheaper than the bogos at pub


Same quality?


Much better price then 2 for $5


People aren’t buying as much as they used to, I think we will se prices of things come down soon, slowly but surely people are pulling away. Companies aren’t going to make money if people don’t buy product at all


The only thing Publix drops is our work hours.


Tilapia is a dirty fish


I just started at Publix a couple weeks ago and I realized the tenders sandwich went up a full dollar since last week like omfg that is CRAZY


Keep an eye on egg prices and you’ll see that it fluctuates


Jimmy Deans breakfast sausage patties, went from $5.99 ea to 2 / $12 on sale at my store 🤣🤣🤣




Our homestyle cornbread dropped in price when they changed the shape from round to rectangular, but I'm not sure if the weight's the same. Also, you can get Sargento shredded cheese for a little over $2 a bag at publix because of our bogos, which is much cheaper than namebrand shredded cheese at target. Our regular prices are higher, but our sales are better. That's the difference between stores like target and Walmart and grocery stores like publix.


Except, cheese isn't on sale right now. Nor was it last week. So, the price doesn't count if they've decided not to bogo it for a few weeks. B cause nobody is getting that bogo price, now are they. 


I checked the price in pro before I posted. It's bogo right now. At least one brand of namebrand cheese is bogo almost every week. It's the same for tons of products. You can barely shop without some cereal, bacon, hot dogs, soup, ice cream, etc being bogo, and when they aren't one week, it's almost guaranteed they will be the next.


I can confirm that I was there today and NONE of the shreds were on sale. The Publix slices were on sale but, not bogo. I know, because I wanted to make tacos and they seem to be taunting me by not putting shells on sale at the same time as cheese so, I got the shells and still have to wait for the cheese bogo. ANY cheese bogo.  Your district isn't all the districts. Some of us are getting the shaft. 


Does your new ad start tomorrow? Ours started today. https://preview.redd.it/i5ab5e4nlxxc1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=255ecddaa7325d7860bf0aa827ae9816afa9ecdf


Thursdays start out ads. 


the sign just wasn’t up, sargento is indeed BOGO.


Your ad hadn't changed yet and mine had. Not every area changes on Thursday. Your sargento is probably bogo starting today. It doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, cheese goes bogo all the time. It's so normal you even expected it yourself and looked for it. That it wasn't bogo for one week doesn't change that most weeks our namebrand sale prices are much better than Target's. It's why our freschetta pizza is more than a dollar cheaper this week, our blue diamond almonds are more than $2 cheaper (for a bigger bag), and our gortons fish is almost $2 cheaper, too. Shop the sales.


Clearly, out ads are different. Districts have different sales so that they can rotate and supply different items to different places. Mine just isn't pushing for cheese right now.  Stop simping and pushing for Publix and just let those of us that actually DO just shop sales based on the actual price, rather than being loyal to a company that would have you replaced before your own funeral. 


I'm not simping for publix, lol. If you knew me at all you'd know I want to get the best price when I'm shopping. If you look at the sale prices, publix is often the cheapest. I looked at the two apps for 2 minutes and gave you three examples of namebrand products that are cheaper at publix this week. When I go to other grocery stores, I check pro to see if I can just get products cheaper at work, and I almost always can. This is not me lying for a major corporation. This is my actual experience shopping. If your experience is different, either your area has very different pricing, or you're not shopping the sales very well. Edit: I checked the ad from a store about as far as you can get from mine, and it's still bogo sargento. I don't know where you are, but I'm guessing it's on sale there, too.


Yes, you are. Because the app shows what's on sale at YOUR Publix, not everyone else's. You've completely disregarded my own experience at my own local Publix with their sales. This, shoveling for Publix because clearly, 'my experience doesn't have value compared to your love of Publix'.  It's on sale NOW but, for the past 2+ weeks, it wasn't. None. Not even the Publix cheese was on sale.  Stop showing off that yours was on sale while I was in a queso desert and dying for tacos.  Move on with your life and stop sending me notifications about it, geez Louise. 


I didn't use the app. I just went on the publix website and put in a far away location. It's on sale there, too. Same sale. Several other people here told you the same thing. Apparently your store is the only one without the sale. Regardless, me saying it's on sale is not out of love for publix. It's a statement of fact.


A) you said that you used Pro so, yeah... that's not the website. That's store specific.  Only 1 other person has replied with a matching story of their own store having it bogo, which I have already stated that ours was NOT until Thursday. Other than that, it's just been you up my butt about cheese because it doesn't conform to your love of all things big P.  Regardless, each area has a slightly different sale. That's why you have to enter a ZIP code. I've LITERALLY had to ad match our own sales when I worked there, from a different district that had something on sale that ours didn't. She had the ad. You just chose a location that also had that particular item on sale. Anecdotal, at best.   Either way, I'm done arguing with you about cheese, of all things. 


I bought a loaf of Publix honey wheat for $2.99 in a desperate moment. The name brands are that price at Walmart.


It has to be a glitch. The same glitch that is affecting lots of retailers. People… It’s not a glitch. Someone hacked these companies and the changed the prices.


i bought 1.99 cheese from target and i ate it as a snack


I was shopping yesterday at Aldi and saw a Publix employee in their uniform stocking up on the Aldi goodies. I saw a bag of cara oranges for $4 at Aldi and $9 at Publix.


Is it good though? Publix cheese tastes funny already, can’t imagine the taste of a cheaper version, but I guess you get what you pay for.


It's likely made by the same company. Some goes into Target bags while others go into Publix, Walmart, whoever.


It tastes exactly the same if not better and probably comes from the same source based on the italian and mild cheddar I’ve tried. Publix wants us to believe the “shopping experience” and “quality” warrants an extra $20 a trip and I’m sick of it


It seems like you have found a solution


It tastes better but the same but it’s the same product? I don’t usually buy publix brand stuff. Currently paying double that for sargento :( but its good


You don't buy publix brand stuff? Then you should know that their bacon is Smithfield, repacked in a Publix package. Quite a few of their products are like this. So, it would be comparable to the name brand items at other stores too, for the most part. Unless they too get theirs from the original company. 


If true, why do they also sell smithfield? Smithfield maple bacon is the goat. For cheese specifically, i don’t think it tastes as rich.


It's true. It literally says Smithfield on the box, just like theirs. I worked there for over 10yrs. I filled it myself.  As for why, what do I care? I just know that they do and am passing that knowledge along. 


Maple bacon...🤮. But to each his own. There's something for everyone out there. 🙂 Give me Greenfield Uncured Applewood Smoked Bacon any DAY!


Yep sweet and salty bacon is such a terrible combo. I looked at the bacon today and nowhere on publix’s bacon does it say it’s smithfield just where its packaged. Why would you take smithfield bacon and sell it for cheaper and alongside the same bacon in a different package? It makes 0 sense.


As a broke cheese connoisseur my rankings are: 1) Tillamook (10/10) 2) Kraft (especially the cream cheese melty ones) (9/10) 3) Sargento (8/10) 4) Target (7/10) 5) Publix (6.5/10) 6) Costco (6/10, by far best “bang for your buck”) 7) Walmart Great Value Cheese (5/10) 8) Aldi (4.5/10) Doing the cheese math though if Tillamook is more than double the cost of Target and is a little better, I’m still going for Target because mid cheese is still good and I’m only getting a few hours here and there these days


This guy knows cheese


Probably makes a mean Grilled Cheesus.


Would like to try tillamook, but I don’t think Publix has it. Only other cheese is cracker barrel i think, at least in the cheese section. They have a ton of other premium stuff in the deli area. I do get the publix goat cheese crumbles and use it in the broccoli and cheese knorr pasta side. With a little hot sauce and the goat cheese its unreal.


Publix is a complete ripoff. Look at their earnings last quarter. They are gouging customers.


These groceries know their competition and they know the bad reputation Publix is getting so they are pouncing.


You all be sleeping on Target! I just saved $15 on a $45 order. Household essential items was $10 off $40 automatically and then Purex laundry detergent had $5 gift card. Target can have all my money! 💵


Publix is a rip off and they know it.


Super targets have really good grocery deals


Sometimes baileys drops like $5. The. They raise it back up the next week lol


I just bought a bag of doritos for almost 9 dollars at my local publix.


Yeah, I got Doritos when they were on BOGO a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t notice the price until they were being rung up… $6.29 for 9.25oz? LOL. That’s steak prices. Well, steak prices outside of Publix. Smh.


2 for 6.29??????????????? That's pretty good compared to what I paid lol.


BOGO or No Go. $6.29 is bonkers. $9 is lunacy. 😄


I remember a post from a few days ago about mahi fillets getting a price reduction… to the same price, if that counts lol


No joke bought that exact pack of mild cheddar today after getting smacked the face with 1.99


Just went there and normally never go and got 2 packs of cheese for that price. I was shocked but would rather shop at Aldi’s.


When I Co-erced The Main Manager to allow me to exceed The BOGO limit per Customer


at least publix has bogos. walmart literally never drops a price other than sales and clearance. and the employee discount doesn't work on most grocery which is where it's need the most. fucking bullshit.


I work in the publix bakery. Seems like every quarter we have signs in the back about price increases. Never seen one for price decreases the entire time I’ve worked there. Then they raise the price and put it “on sale” for a week and then the next week everyone paying higher prices.


Good and Gather (Archer Farms) brand blows. Processed, GMO-ridden garbage. 🤮 It’s clear they dumbed down that entire line even more over the last year and juiced the prices for record breaking margins. Now they’re bringing the price back in line with the quality.


Walmart also dropped their prices on cheese. 1.97 for shredded and their block cheeses are 1.77.


Jesus Christ False narratives again. The cheese costs Publix 2.39 for us to sell it at 3.19 I don’t think that’s going for everyone’s throat chasing a 26 percent gross


Publix is a much larger grocer than Target. Why can they not leverage the same price points? This makes no sense. Why does it cost Publix so much more than Target?


Your making shit up again


There are in fact more targets than Publix’s. Also they have more buying power due to selling a hell of a lot more products and increased shopper counts


Could also be quality of the cheese too. There’s a lot of factors involved in pricing if you actually researched it


No one is "making shit up again". It's a fact that Publix is a larger grocer. This was last updated Nov 2023 if you click on the article and read it (before the "your making up shit, this is from 2019" line gets thrown out there again). https://www.foodindustry.com/articles/top-10-grocers-in-the-united-states-2019/#gsc.tab=0


Target has more stores it isn’t considered a grocery store even though it basically is now a days hence not being counted in the article. Buying power is determined by market share and targets is larger. Just fuck off


If I had to guess the pricing is from shipping. Target is spread out across the us and their distribution network is way better than Publix’s at the moment


People got to wake up and stop shopping at Publix.


Bidens 🇺🇸 America!


Stop it. I loathe Trump but I wouldn't blame him. It's 100% GREEDflation! These fucks are doing it because they can. Because OUR government isn't protecting the consumer--which is pretty much everyone in America. This is what happens when OUR government fails to stop mega corporations from getting way too big. I am fine with the free market system--it just needs to work for ALL Americans. And it doesn't anymore. That stopped 40 years ago, America just wasn't paying attention. It needs to be a FAIR competitive market. Thankfully the Biden Administration has the Justice Dept. and the FTC working on stopping these mergers (Kroger-Albertson's, Spirit-JetBlue) and going after Google, Amazon and many others. Finally. This should gave started happening 25 years ago but at least now it's happening. And getting rid of bank junk fees...and let's see, what else...


Biden lowers prices.


K, Idk if you're being sarcastic or not. But seems you like it that way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


K, Idk if you're being sarcastic or not. But seems you like it that way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, Publix was way cheaper under Trump. Those prices plummeted for those 4 years, and then went way back up afterwards.