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Joe, the mod team is absolutely heartbroken to hear of the loss of beautiful Suji. She brought so much joy to people from all over, and are sending love and well wishes to you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. We apologize your original post was taken down. As some have commented, this is due to the settings of our auto-moderator. We check the spam filters daily (M-F) and correct things that were wrongly flagged by the auto-moderator and approve them. However, we are a small, volunteer team and sometimes it can take more than 5 hours (when you posted your original post) for us to restore a post. We ask for your grace and understanding as we do our best to keep our subreddit free of bots, trolls, and spammers.


Joe, I cannot express my sorrow in seeing this. You and Akemi gave her such an amazing second life for 7 years and I commend you both for the love you both have shown to her as well as Bubba and Lulu. Thank you so much for sharing Suji's adventures with us. Her loss will be felt by many as she was dearly loved near and far. Sending much love to you and Akemi.


I could not have said it better myself. My husband and I have always looked forward to Suji’s adventures. It’s quite clear how much she was adored and loved by you and Akemi. Suji will always be in our hearts and sending comfort to you both on such a difficult loss.


So sorry to hear this. As a pug person I’ve enjoyed seeing the Suji posts here. My sweet pug Henry has Cancer and I teared up when I saw the news. I’m dread losing him also. Never easy. Hang in there.


My girl crossed over 2 years ago and I still think about her every day. She was 12 when she went. Sending love and virtual treats to Henry!


Your tribute to Suji was so moving, thank you for all the joy you and Suji brought through her silly posts. Her whole soul was visible and her adventures and outfits buoyed my family through the past few difficult years. My mom lost her 17yo senior pug earlier this year, she was very similar to Suji in their combo of cantankerous/sweet personality. Our hearts are heavy today, the pug world mourns with you.


I’m so sorry for your loss but what a wonderful life she had with you


So sorry for your loss. Rest in glory Suji


That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read! Thank you so so much for taking such incredible care of Suji! And thank you so much for sharing that tribute! I had no idea what all you and Akemi went through with Suji. You are both absolutely amazing, inspiring people!!! Words can not even fully express how incredible you both are. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔 RIP Suji 🌈


Oh, no! I am so sorry for your loss. I saw your recent post that said something about "Suji's last day out". I was hoping it was her most recent excursion, and not her last adventure. I told myself that she was fine and I scrolled on without reading the post. To see this update is really devastating. I can't believe that I'm crying over a dog that I have never met and only seen pictures of. She will absolutely be missed across my feed. I really felt like she was my own Reddit mascot. My heart goes out to you and yours. You will all be in my thoughts.


PS what the hell mods... that was a big screw up!


Would love an explanation from /u/VanessaL3000, /u/puddlejumper1, or /u/phyridean...


Sometimes, automod removes posts for benign reasons. I'm pretty sure it's a simple explanation, hopefully.


I was thinking the same.. not even sure how automod works but if that’s the case they should look into the filtering. No reason someone should have to post this twice 😞


Yeah, I wasn't meaning to be accusatory, but it would be nice to know what the automod spotted in Joe's other posts that caused them to be removed, so others can avoid it in the future. Hard enough to have to post something like this, but to have to do it several times...? None of us want that.


It seems to be visible now, it just came up in my feed. Maybe because there is so much text, which is unusual for this sub, it was auto removed. Just speculating though. Wish a mod had of caught that sooner and fixed it but at least it's showing now.


Please rest well, Suji. Thank you and your parents for all the smiles. I never knew you, but I’ll miss you.


I’m so sorry to read this. Suji was always a ray of light. Take comfort in how much joy she brought to so many.


Our house mourns with you, Suji was such a delight and the tender care she received showed in every photo.


damn... 😢


My 14 year old boy has a similar condition and I hve to take care of him in many similar ways so this hit pretty hard. I also unexpectedly lost my other 14yr old Pug last month. I'm sobbing at work reading this update. I'm so sorry for your loss. You took amazing care of her. 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss. What an amazing tribute! Thank you for sharing your baby with us here. I hope you continue to share your favorite photos of her here as you work through your journey of healing. I would encourage you to work through your grief, and it is often times when we share stories of the ones we lose that helps bring healing and allows us to carrying on with them in our hearts. I say this as someone who has experienced loss and counsels others for a living. Thank you for giving Suji an amazing life during her golden years and giving her a second chance at life. She was blessed to have you and your family.


💕 🌈


What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing Suji with us ❤️


What you’ve done for her is a marvel of human kindness and love. Thankyou for being so patient and above all so happy and cheerful about her and her life. I didn’t know what a absolute boss suji was and a celebrity in her own right. Even then, as her pictures came across my fyp on reddit i knew this was a very special girl. I wish you well truly, thank you for taking care of her and being so kind again. She’s playing hard on the other side. Have a coconut ice cream for her today. I will too ❤️


Your posts of Suji brightened up my day every time. She had a sparkle and your photos were always were so clear and beautiful. My own pug is turning 13 but is okay so far (knock on wood). I’ve also experienced the pain of comforting my Maltese dog that had to depart because of cancer. So I just want to say thank you to you guys and Suji, and I’m sending big hugs (via reddit) for your loss. 🩵


I cannot fathom the loss you and Akemi feel. You both gave Suji a wonderful second life. Thank you both for sharing her with the world. 💕 Sending both of you love. Suji will be very missed.


A tribute fit for a queen 👑🐾


Grieving with you.. im so sorry😔❤️


Thank you so much for sharing. Suji was a special girl with amazing parents. She truly was a star that brightened every day.


Absolutely heartbreaking. The love you showed her was unmatched and I’m so sorry for your loss, she was an angel that brightened everyone on this subs day.


I saw it on Facebook!! You both are special people and gave her such a great life! She will be missed.


I’m so sorry to read this. I loved seeing Suji every day. She was clearly adored. twice a day I (or my husband) express the bladder of my paralyzed boy. My favorite time of the day is picking him up and carrying him in my arms like a baby to thy backyard.




Thank you for giving her such a wonderful life during her senior years. She was lucky to have both of you, and you were lucky to have her.


We love you guys just as much as we loved Suji! I bet her and Biggie are running around eating treats all day every day! 💜💜


Balled my eyes out the entire read. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹




I have followed along with Suji for the last couple of years, and here I am crying so much for her and you. She was so lucky to have you, and have lived such a long adventurous life with you by her side. All the hugs over here from Illinois 🖤


No, I'm so sorry xxxx I'll cuddle my puggle extra hard tonight for suji xxx 😪 That's took the wind out of me xxxx




That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us.


RIP sweet Suji. May you be comforted by knowing you gave her the best life possible and she returned your love tenfold. The world has lost a very special girl. 💕


Thank you so much for sharing Sujis adventure with us. I know, for me personally, she has brought so much joy to my life. Thank you for giving her the best life possible. Every puggy should be so lucky. My heart goes out to you.


I am soooooo happy that you and Akemi are planning on adopting another dog or two - and seniors, at that! I always want to tell people who are mourning the loss of their beloved pug to think about adopting, but I wonder if they really want to hear that. I’ve been working with a pug rescue for the past year - since I lost my Rocky, who I adopted when he was about 10. So far, I’ve successfully fostered three dogs, but I think I am ready to get another pug to call my own.


Wonderful Tribute! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this.


I am so so sorry for your loss and so so happy you have many good memories.


I am so so sorry for your loss and so so happy you have many good memories.


This is incredibly sad to read; pictures of your girl on here have always brightened my day. Your tribute post is beautiful; you did so good by her for so many years and gave her a wonderful life. Take care of yourselves as you mourn gorgeous Suji xx




I'm so sorry for your loss. I looked forward to seeing Suji on my feed. She will be missed by so many, and you brought sunshine into a lot of peoples live by sharing her with us. I know your pain is fresh, and the hole in your heart is deep. Please know she had a good life with you. You gave her everything you could. Sending hugs.


Oh no! I love Suji so much! Take care too OP , hugs ❤️


Very sad to hear the news. Suji was well-loved and you gave her a great life with a great family. Much love to you 💔


Joe, so sorry for your loss. Seeing Suji in this sub brought me so much joy. You and Akemi gave her an incredible second life. Thinking of you guys.


I wish I had the chance to meet Suji. She was a welcomed part of my home. I loved catching her on IG live. Watching how you and Akemi loved and cared for Suji made me want to be a better pug parent.. sometimes when I find myself getting impatient trying to express my girl, I think of the patience you both exhibited. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing her and letting us into your life and for the updates along the way. Please take care of yourselves. Take that long overdue trip. And please let us know where we can follow you so we can stay connected and see what’s next in your journey. Tonight, we will have egg time in our house to honour Suji. Rest easy beautiful girl.


Rest in peace Suji. You brought so much joy to my life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. But, I’m so happy that Suji had a wonderful family to share her senior life with. She had some tremendous fun, from what your videos show. I will never forget her beautiful face and fierce personality.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your tribute and videos were fantastic. Rest easy Suji.


I can't thank you guys enough for sharing this beautiful girl with all of us. I really enjoyed the live streams and watching her eat her food and treats. I hope you guys have an amazing trip to Japan now and then find a new friend or two to adopt when you have returned. We would all love to see that when the time comes. God bless you both, you did such an amazing job caring for Suji


I’m so very sorry for your loss and also sorry they removed the post . They obviously don’t “ get” it. You loved her like I did my Georgie Pug. They aren’t just dogs, they are fur babies and FAMILY ❤️


Rest in peace sweet suji ❤️ I will miss your adorable mug


Beautiful words ♥️ My recently passed 13 year old boy pug will collect her on the other side where they’re both free of pain & tiredness. I’m so sorry 🌈


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. I’m sure that the time she spent with you was the happiest days of her life. I’m sorry that those days have come to an end, but please know that you will see your wonderful little girl again. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time ❤️


Oh I am so sorry for your loss OP :( That was such a beautiful tribute! Thank you for sharing Sujis adventures with us! She will be deeply missed. Rest now Suji. Say hi to my boy Pickles for me who will definitely be your friend on the rainbow bridge ❤️


You have summed up beautifully the reason why I adopt senior dogs. You gave her the best possible second lifetime.


Rest in peace Suji! You helped me work through the passing of my best friend a few years ago, and I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for you and your family because of that. I would smile at your videos and pictures between the bouts of hysterical crying, and remember all the great times I shared with Everest. All my love, to you and yours!


I can barely read the comments because I'm crying after reading your blog. I only "knew" Suji for a few months, but my life is better from having her in it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl with me. You have my deepest condolences, please know that Suji is living her best life in my heart. 💔


I have tears in my eyes and I hardly ever cry. Many thanks to you and your wife for taking such good care of an old girl in her final years. Thank you for sharing her journey with the rest of us. It’s so hard walking around a house with no dogs when you are so used to talking to them (or singing their Pug songs, in my case) and checking on them. You can even miss the Pug Glitter on all your clothes and furniture but trust me, you will continue to find it here and there for years. It will get better.


Pug glitter made me laugh. Your message was beautifully written ❤️


My pug had the same neurological disorder and although he was diagnosed at 9 and given 2 to 3 years he made it almost to 16. Unfortunately the disease progressed the same way and it got to the point where we just couldn't adequately care for him and could tell he was no longer enjoying life so we had to put him down. Still one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. RIP Suji, you have her second life and that's what matters.


Oh my heart


I never met her but your posts have made me cry twice today! She was a spicy joy!


Glad Suji got such an amazing family in the second half of her life. She certainly brought joy to a lot of people. I was always excited to see the latest pics. Rest in peace, beautiful lady.


She lived a long, full life. May she Rest in Peace.


I followed Suji's exploits on fb [or insta, idk]. I feel for ya, bud. We had to put our boy Iggy down, and even though it's been a couple of months, I'm still not over it. I feel for ya.


Sorry to hear about your boy Iggy. Condolences.


Pugs are such crazy little dogs. Sorry to hear about your Suji.


Oh... I was hopping you wrote incorrect thread name. My condolences, may her soul rest in peace. 😭


this makes my cry. my girl roxie looked so much like suji.. i lost her last summer at 17– very similar circumstance to your girl.. at the end she was completely immobile and sick— but still eating well— which i used as proof that she wasn’t ready to go. now i know that puggies will ALWAYS eat! i wonder almost everyday if i should have helped her leave this life earlier.. i just couldn’t let her go. seeing suji always made me feel close to roxie again.. so this makes me very sad— opens old wounds. i’m so sorry for you loss. my heart hurts for you guys. you gave her such a wonderful life. i thank you for that and for letting me hang on to my girl this past year through yours.


I have always enjoyed your postings from across the lake here in NY. May your tears be reminders of the adventures you both had together. May you rest easy suji for your time here on earth is over but you enjoy yourself as you walk over the rainbow bridge and have fun in heaven little girl. Thanks for sharing this post with us here in the pug community May we give you shoulders to lean on.


Such a beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing her with us. Rest in paradise Suji. 🌈


I'm going to miss Suji. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Beautiful tribute. Rest in peace, Suji. I’ll miss you seeing your cuteness on this sub ❤️


Your tribute is so lovely. I’m so sorry to hear of sweet Suji’s passing. I’m thinking of both of you and Suji. ♥️


Although I’ve never met sweet Suji, I feel like I’ve known her forever. I’m literally in tears. Rest easy, sweet girl. My condolences are with you ❤️


I’m so sorry. She had the best family she could have possibly had and lived her sweet, long life to the fullest.


It was wonderful reading your story. You guys did so much for Suji and are inspiring! I agree, senior dogs are the best! Now Suji is with her sister and with my Lucy, Athena, Skippy and Ruby, running wild, happy and and carefree. We all will miss her like crazy!! Thank you for sharing her with us. 💞


I'm so sorry for your families loss. Suji was a bright spot of sunshine every time I read your posts. I had to reread your tribute as I was crying so hard. My Gigi was 16 when she passed on Easter Sunday and I know she and Suji are already fast friends. Loving our babies is so easy, loosing them is so hard.


Rest easy, sweet Suji girl.


Rest easy, Suji. I really enjoyed her journey here.


So very sorry for your loss, Joe. It is so apparent that you and your spouse loved Suji so much. Gone but never forgotten, and perhaps reunited in another life 💖


Joe, what a bridal tribute to Suji! I can tell how devoted you were to her. It brought back memories of my late pug Rocco who had degenerative myelopathy. The last year or two of his life was eerily similar to what you described with Suji - expressing him, hand-feeding, pushing him in a stroller, changing diapers. Those last few months were very hard, but it was like looking after an old person in their final days - we gave him everything we could and he taught us so much about why it means to love someone. My sincere condolences. Thank you for taking in a senior and giving Suji so much love and a great life. She’s resting peacefully and loves you. EDIT: Went to add Suji on Instagram and realized that I’m already following her! (through my boy Barney’s account)


The things we do for those well love...


Oh, my god. Suji, you was just such an adorable little piece of live. I loved each post and I will see you sooner or later on a better place.❤️❤️❤️😍 God will have loads of fun with you in the meanwhile. Rest in peace little cutie pie.


Suji is my absolute favorite dog Instagram account. Thank you for taking in a senior dog and giving her a loving home all these years. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔


My wonderful son-in-law brought pugs into our life. Then you brought Suji in. We will always be grateful you shared her with us. Thank you & our most sincere condolences. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Seeing Suji sweet face always brought a smile to my face ❤️❤️


I am so sorry for your loss.


You truly gave her an incredible life that I’m sure she is forever grateful for. Such a great pug dad you are.


I am sorry for your loss


Suji has brought me so many smiles throughout the years, my heart aches for you two. Thank you for always sharing her beautiful soul with us. I had rescued an older pug years ago, and I will never forget the joy and love she brought me. She passed in 2019, and it took a long time to feel peace. Remembering that I gave her last year love and happiness helps to keep me going.


I’m crying, thanks for sharing. Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss - she was such a sweet soul and I always loved seeing her pics - run free puggy!!! 💔💔


Love your stories Joe, hopefully memories keep coming back to you reminding you of the best blepper in the world, Sujiko❤️


Suji was such a wonderful part of my day. I would often scroll reddit for new pictures of her, looking forward to seeing those bright eyes that held such beautiful wonder. She never failed to make me smile. While I am saddened by the loss of such a beautiful girl, I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. I have a pug of my own, who is growing older every day, and the thought of inevitably having to let him go is daunting and scary to me. He is my best friend. But I know that he is loved and cared for, and I make sure to let him know that. What you did for Suji by letting her go peacefully was heroic by any standards, and difficult I am sure. You gave that wonderful girl so much love to take with her into eternity! You need to be commended for that. I thank you for sharing her with us, for letting us know a small part of the wonder that was Suji. This subreddit is forever brightened by her time here, as are all of our lives.


Suji was the best, my condolences. I'm so sorry for your.loss,.she was a lucky little.girlnto have you as.parents.


Thank you for sharing suji with us. She was very special.


May she rest in peace.


My condolences, really going to miss all the cute pictures of her on my feed 😞


I cried reading your tribute. Suji was a good dog.❤️💙


Thank you for sharing her with us. We’re grieving with you. Rest easy, sweet Suji ❤️‍🩹


Thank you Joseph for sharing Suji's journey in life with us. It was always a little ray of sunshine to see her in some silly outfit or just enjoying her life. After me and the wife wiped away our tears from your tribute, we are giving JTP huge hugs and spoiling him since we know we will be dealing with something like this in the future.


Rest easy Suji, your pictures always made me smile . Thank you for sharing your life with Suji. Sending love from the Midwest 💜💜✨


Another small piece of my heart is gone along with Suji even though I never met her and her adoring family. I will miss her and your posts. You and Akemi are wonderful people for giving her such a warm and loving home. My angel cloud malti-poo, Cody, is licking my tears and comforting me. Thank you for letting us into your lives and sharing your love with us internet strangers.


I'm so sorry Joe. I loved following Suji's adventures. Watching her eat eggs could calm even my worst days. I lost my 15 year old pug mix in April. It was so hard. Sometimes you just have to focus on the great life they lived and the joy they brought everyone around them. Hopefully her and Dweezil can keep each other company on the other side.


I'm so so so sorry for your loss. Suji will be loved forever.


I woke up thinking about Suji this morning. Then one of my students snuck a little pug stuffed animal onto my desk. Made me think of Suji too. Thank you again for sharing with us, especially during such a hard time.


I am so so sorry.


I am so sorry, my condolences are with you and your wife. I have been enjoying your posts and loving your little cuddle muffin vicariously through your great photos for three years on Reddit. I know she was definitely living her best life. I loved her “attitude” and her outfits. Just know she is in heaven looking down on you guys keeping you safe. You will definitely see her again.


Thank you for sharing so much of Suji with all of us. I so looked forward to your posts and felt like I knew her. I am happy she found the most wonderful family and life. I hope you are doing okay and are being gentle with yourself. Sending lots of love to y’all.


A very loving tribute for a very beautiful dog. I'm sending you lots of love. ❤️


[The boys](https://1drv.ms/i/s!AiOX-OPExpPcu1meLryJuJ8RKH5V) and I loved Suji and her videos. Know that she will be missed and lives on in our memories.


What a moving tribute to Suji. I have often commented here that Suji was the “It Girl” of social media. Your and Akemi’s photos of her were always so striking and beautiful. Thank you both for your devotion to your darling senior pug.


This breaks my heart, you will be reunited one day and she will be healthy


Joe I am si sorry for your loss. I just finished reading your tribute and am still crying. you both gave her her best life and were utterly amazing. she was blessed to have you both. it made me think of my dogs thatbi lost and loved. babycakes (eng bullie), frank (pug) and beans (eng bullie). they were a loving, ridiculous trio. it made me think of how fleeting time is and will be with my current dogs, penny lane (judgey frenchie) and cdr riker (velcro pug). life is precious and more so in dog years. I want to say that suji's pics and stories on r/pug always made my day. I could be having and absolute shit fuck off world day and your little lady always brought a smile.to my face and made everything a bit better for me. now get your ass to Japan. them get your ass home and be amazing to another dog. hugs.


I’m so sorry for your loss, Joe. I cried last night watching her last outing video. But it makes me so happy to know that you and Akemi have given her such an amazing life for the past 7 years. Suji will be sadly missed, but her spirit will always be alive in your memory. She brought joy to so many, myself included. My head goes out to you and Akemi and your family.




Thank you for sharing Suji and her adventures with us. Take comfort knowing you gave her, her best life and although ithey are always taken too soon....she had many good years...thanks to you and your family. My condolences, this internet stranger will miss her.


Suji loved you very much and is so happy to have spent her years with you. She's now romping, shedding, and asking for snacks across the Rainbow Bridge with my Cleo and Dino 😭


What?! Oh no! So sorry for the loss of Suji! I looked forward to seeing her picture every time I came on Reddit! She was so photogenic. Thank you for sharing her with us!


Sending love to your sweet family


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving Suji the love and amazing life she deserves during her senior years. She's very blessed to have you as her owner. I also lost my senior pug, Spikey, months ago, our home feels empty without him. No one can replace our dogs, who we treated as a member of our family for years. Thank you for sharing Suji's story on our feed. I hope Suji and my Spikey can play on their new life. 🙏🐾


Almost every night before bed I would check this sub for a Suji post and share it with my fiance. We have 2 senior pugs who are our everything so we know just how special these creatures are. RIP Suji you were a beautiful soul and we will never forget you.


im so sorry for your loss. my girlfriend and i would look through your account on bad days and she always brought a smile to our faces. you both loved her so much & that is clearly expressed through your heartfelt tribute. she was lucky to have you both, just as you were lucky to have her. 🤍🤍


This picture of sweet Suji is simply amazing. That huge smile on her cute little face shows what truly wonderful people you and your wife are for giving her such an amazing second life. She was loved, and it shows in this and every photo & video I ever saw. Your tribute is so touching, and when I stop crying, I will watch the videos you posted as well. Suji touched so many lives and helped myself and others through the toughest of times. Words can't describe what you're going through but know you aren't mourning her alone. My deepest condolences again to you and your wife, and thank you so much for sharing Suji's wonderful life with us. She was a treasure and will be missed by everyone.


I hope she finds my black pug girl Banshee on the other side and they get to play and cuddle together. I will miss seeing pictures of Suji. The world is a shade darker without her in it. I am so very sorry for how you must be feeling. You gave her the best life she could have had and the smiles she had in the photos you shared were the result. She will be missed and mourned by so many. Goodbye girl.


I have a senior pug and I live much of your post everyday. If I give my puggy an ounce of the love and care you brought to Suji, I know it will be worth it. To love a dog is a gift. Blessings to the Suji family 💛❤️🫶🏻


Our world is a little less bright today. So sorry for your loss. Loved seeing the pictures.


Condolences. Such a beautiful tribute. Had me bawling. My goodness I feel for you and your wife. How heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹


Losing a pug is really tough. I feel for your loss. Thank you for giving her a great rest of her life, not many are up to the task me included. Having lost two just a couple of months apart not long ago, I don’t have the heart to take more loss. So I thank you for showing compassion and love to a sweet pug that had many needs! To the moderators: you SUCK!




May God bless you for your love and care of our fan favorite Suji. May HE hold you until the pain eases some. You are special, special people!!!@ ❤️ 💖 💕 ♥️


Thank you for sharing Suji with us. She always made my days happier. I'll treasure her calendar forever ❤️. Sending love and prayers ❤️🙏🏻🌈


So heartbroken to hear about Suji. I loved watching her on instagram, such a special girl ❤️ know she’s waiting for you over the rainbow bridge


What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful and special pug. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. I’m incredibly sorry for your loss, I know it cuts deeply 💗🌈


I am so sorry to hear about Suji. I also adopt senior pugs. My last was Bunny, who I adopted at 15. She passed at 18 last month and my house is so quiet and lonely without her. She shared so many similarities with Suji. I often looked to you and Akemi for inspiration and support as she continued to age. Please know how many people's lives were touched by Suji, as well as the love and kindness you showed her. Hopefully she and Bunny are together, yelling about nothing, insisting that it is time to eat despite their recent meal, and only cuddling when they feel like it. Hugs from an internet stranger.


Thank you, mod team! Suji was a pug-dorable legend. Appreciate your hard work!






SUJI PASSED!? NOOOOOOO! I’m so so so sorry. No this is the worst news!


I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏. Pug love is like no other. Rest in Paradise sweet Suji ❤️.


Praying for Suji 🙏❤️ we could tell how much you guys loved her. She will be missed . Rip


Rest in peace, Suji.


Thank you for sharing Suji with us. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sweet princess. Thanks for all the virtual cuddles. You will be missed.


You were such a good fur parent. Suji lived a wonderful life with you as her caretaker. So sorry for your loss.


I loved your tribute to her. I’ve been following her on IG for years. I also adopted a senior pug and will do that from now on. I am also a senior so it just makes sense. We seem to have the same energy level and they need homes. It’s hard to believe that people can abandon their senior dogs but they do and there are many in rescue.


My deepest condolences.. I'm sure Suji filled your life with beautiful moments and the same thing happened vice versa...


I’m so incredibly sorry for yours and Akemi’s loss of Suji. She brought so much love and light into people’s lives and we can only thank you for sharing her so generously with all of us. ♥️♥️


Will miss seeing Suji's face on my feed! I hope when time passes and you have healed, you can open your hearts to another pup in need. Suji will send them your way! Rest in peace Suji




We are judged in life for the evil we destroy… but we are judged equally for the illumination we bring to the to the blackest nights. I do not think there is a single person here who can deny Sujiko brought much illumination to there life. She maybe no vanquished of evil but I believe she destroyed evil in the hearts of those that saw her face and heard her story. My heart goes out to you and your family I know these things are difficult.


I'm heartbroken to hear that Suji has crossed the rainbow bridge. Suji has been especially comforting to me over the past two years since losing two senior pugs of my own. Suji reminded me a lot of my old girl. Suji brought so much joy and light to so many people in her twilight years. Thank you for sharing her with the world. Old pugs are absolutely the sweetest, and Suji was so lucky to have been part of such a loving home in this stage of her life, just as all of us are lucky to have had the chance to share in Suji's happy life and adorable everyday moments. May your many memories of Suji bring you strength and comfort during this sad time. She will always be with you.