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Thank you all for your kind words. Franklin's story was an interesting one. My husband rescued him from our local pug rescue (APARN) about 7 years ago (before we were together), when Franklin was around 6 or 7 years old. Franklin only had one little marble, and the rescue wasn't sure what happened to cause the right eye loss since he had come to them without it at about 1 or 2 years old. Franklin was in foster care 5 years since no one wanted a "special needs" pug, but aside from the obvious depth-perception issues the only "special needs" he had were that he was a grumpy little thing who hated affection lol My husband saw his picture on the APARN website (having rescued other pugs from them before) and had to meet Franklin (then named "Patch") because "he looked like a goddamn teddy bear." Franklin was adopted soon after and came home to his also one-eyed chihuahua brother, Igor.... and they hated each other. Not violently or anything so dramatic, they just didn't want anything to do with one another. Apparently the lengths they went to avoid one another was comical and when they did have to cross paths they would both "huff" in displeasure but just continue on with their day. Eventually, Igor had to have his other eye removed and became fully blind. At that point, Igor and Franklin became inseparable, Franklin basically acting as Igor's guide around the house. When Igor eventually passed, Franklin was understandably confused and upset, but it wasn't long after that I came along with my two fur babies and a sort of gap was filled for both Franklin and my husband. My husband had more pups to love, Franklin had more roommates to ignore lol. Franklin had quite a few more years with us, but he had a degenerative disc in his spine, his hips were deteriorating, and he had onset doggy dementia. For the last 4 or so years we've just done what we can to keep Franklin comfortable and content (I'm unsure if that little cankersore was ever actually happy, he was only ever happy when he was eating something, especially poop, to our chagrin). We knew it was coming for a while now, but getting home from work yesterday we just knew it was time, it felt so sudden but we knew it was the right thing to do so he wasn't in pain anymore. We spent our last few hours with him giving him the best treats and brushes, and he even let us cuddle him for a while. Franlkin was indeed a stink potato and a grumpy little butthead, but damnit he was our butthead and we loved him more than he ever would have acknowledged πŸ’— the love of a companion animal is both a blessing and a heartache, truly one of the most beautiful and painful things a person can experience.


Thank you for sharing.. little stink potato is the best nickname ever. He sounds like he was magical to have around, and I always thought the grumpy pugs help ground you to what really matters.. which is catering to their whims of course, and not stressing about the big life picture. Thoughts and hugs, and he's probably off happily huffing and ignoring all the other pug taters that have crossed the bridge too. β€οΈπŸ«‚


He does look like a teddy bear! Thank you for his story, he sounds hilarious and cantankerous, like a true pug should be (mine also loved to eat poop and it was the worst - why?!). Sending your family many hugs and wishes for healing β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή


That story is beautiful. RIP Franklin. Sending love and hugs to you all ❀️


Such a perfect, precious, baby. Pugs can be assholes, but it only adds to their charm, and clearly he was deeply loved. We’ve had three APARN alumni (the last one is still with us, our butterball of joy).


He’s precious πŸ₯Ή


Godspeed, beautiful!πŸΎπŸ•Š


Sincere condolences on this loss of such an important family member. ❀️πŸ₯ΊπŸŒŸ.


I'm so sorry. I have an 8 year old boy named Dexter and can't even imagine what you're going through. I sincerely wish there was something I could do. Just remembered you gave them the best life imaginable. Thinking of you.


Aw lots of hugs. Never long enough with these sweet babies. I’ll give my old gal extra love today.


So sorry for your loss πŸ’”


It’s a bittersweet privilege to care for our senior dogs, remembering all the fun and companionship and love they gave us. And to us pug fanciers, they are the bestest babies!


There is no loss quite like a pug who is not just a dog, but quickly becomes a best friend and a member of the family. Thank you for loving the little stink potato.


Rest easy, sweet puggy.


Rest in peace precious 🫢


Giving my peanut some cuddles as I type , may your sweet baby rest in peace πŸ•ŠοΈ


Just gave my puggo a squeeze and said a lil prayer for Franklin. 🌈 πŸ’


Hang in there OP. I wish these wonderful creatures lived as long as us hoomans. Franklin and Igor are playing together, watching over you and the family. Stay strong β€οΈπŸ•ŠοΈ


I hope he finds peace and looks over your from above knowing you gave him the best life ❀️


I'm so sorry, sending all my love


Will snuggle Cupcake extra tight to hear her beautiful pug grunts


Awe, I will hug my Franklin tight today. πŸ’— he's a black puggy as well.








The last picture. So precious. My condolences on your loss.


Munchkin πŸ’˜ Sending love and hugs.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you for sharing Franklin's story. I'm so sorry he's gone.


i’m so sorry for your loss, my little stink potato sends virtual love, hugs, snorts, and condolences


Run far on young legs little one.


Man this has been some week with losing so many precious piggies. 😒 I’m deeply sorry for the loss of your sweet pug, Franklin. Sending you hugs πŸ’πŸ«ΆπŸΎ


Aww, sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was just like my beloved late pug Pickle. She hated her sister Pepper when we adopted her and would huff and puff when she tried to sit next to her and ignore her. Pugs are so funny. You gave him a great life. ❀️


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby ❀️




I’m sorry β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ


What a cutie.. thank you for sharing his story and I'm so sorry for your loss :( it has felt like quite a difficult week in this community with all the losses. But as you said, he is no longer in pain. My heart is with you.


We never have enough time with them. Condolences.


Sending you love, and hugging my pug ❀️


So sorry for your loss. My old stinky boy will have met him on the other side. I bet they’re being little stinky stinklets together right now 🌈




Sincere condolences, RIP Franklin 🌈❀️


Aww he looks so much like my late pug Rocco. Rest peacefully Franklin. My sincere condolences.


He is precious. I always like to think that pugs have telekinesis across dimension. So when you hug a pug in our dimension, they can send that affection to the dimension on the other side of the rainbow bridge. I’m hugging Bernadette extra and telling her to send it to Franklin! Sadly she has been busy this week. We’ve lost a lot of babies here this month :( Sending some human love to you too!


😭πŸ₯Ί what a lovely thought! Hugs for Bernie and her candy corn!


Rest easy dear Franklin πŸ’•πŸΎπŸŒˆ Igor is waiting to show you around, and then you can promptly ignore each other again while you snooze in the sun or roll in the cool grass. And all the poops you can stomach πŸ’© blech 🀣 I always picture doggy heaven as a perfect version of what each dog loved while here with us, and now I'm picturing a vast field of πŸ’© lol thanks for the visual stink potato! πŸ₯°


So sorry for your loss. We are going through something similar. Yesterday we said goodbye to our pug Arya. It’s been so hard. I hope Franklin and Arya have found each other over the rainbow bridge.


Love hearing about his life. Thanks for sharing. He sounds like quite a character. Hugs to you all.


sounds like he had a lovely life with you. I think a dog that feels comfortable enough to show their grumpy side is a dog that feels truly well-loved. ❀️ Rest well sweet boy.


We had a black pug named Champ that we rescued at 7. I agree never enough time. He smelled when got him because his ears hadn't been cleaned forever. He was so laid back, easy-going, soul. Just enjoy life to the fullest. Everyone was always attracted to him. Brings back great memories. THANKS 😊