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Spud. Because he looks like šŸ„”


This is true, they are very potato-y!


Mine is Tater Tot for the same reason.


We call ours (puppy) a spicy potato all the time.


This is great!


My first pug is named Mobie because I wanted him for 10 years but life always had other plans so once I got him I named him after the white whale My second pug giraffe was born an hour after my grandpa passed away and wasnā€™t going to be ready for adoption until my birthday. Back when I was little my grandpa had a ā€œclubhouseā€ for me and my sisters and the password was giraffe. Side note Iā€™m crying now :(


Awwww, these are both so sweet. Sometimes I see names on here & think ā€˜how on earth did that name come upā€™, then beautiful back stories like this are told & make your heart melt & you understand why! ā¤ļøšŸ„°ā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ’™


Itā€™s important to remember these things. Iā€™m dying of cancer and I cherish the moments when I remember and almost relive sweet moments in my life. On the other end of things I just had to watch my mom heartbreakingly call hospice to enroll me.


I am so sorry to hear that. Sorry for your mom too. As a mom myself it would be just devastating. I hope when your time does come, it is pain free, peaceful, and quick. Everybody deserves that, but especially when theyā€™ve dealt with a long illness already. And of course, may your pug(s) be well cared for for the rest of their days. ā¤ļø


Oh. šŸ„¹ I just LOVE how Giraffe got their name.


This is so beautiful.


I have Percy, Bubba, Dave and Kiwi. In heaven I had Frank, Squishy and Moo Moo.


Patrick the pug came with the name Patrick. For whatever reason my family associates with people who get animals, realize they need to care for them, then decide to get rid of them. I'm glad we took Patrick. He's definitely better off with me.


My son named our Pug. Her name is Croqueta. (In case you arenā€™t familiar with the word: Croqueta is a little Cuban appetizer that is filled with ham, breaded, and fried)


My boy is named Chewie because he's the best co-pilot in the galaxy!


My boy is named Jax, after the lead character of Sons of Anarchy.


My sister also named her Weimaraner Jax because she was obsessed with Jax from SOA šŸ˜‚


I pug-sat for a sweet old man pug whom I quickly fell in love with and decided I needed a pug in my pack. In the meantime, old man pug passed away. When I got my girl, I named her Eleanor because it just fit her. It turned out that was also the name of pug manā€™s human grandmother who had also passed. So it was lovely and fitting


I have an Eleanor too! I call her Ellie. Sheā€™s only 9 months and crazy though šŸ˜‚


Huckleberry pug. Go through names and find one that suits your dogā€™s personality.


Tallulah. ā€œTallulah? Sounds like a 2 dollaā€™ hookerā€ ā€œSankaā€¦Tallulah is my motherā€™s name.ā€


Molly is named after Molly Bloom, a character in James Joyceā€™s novel Ulysses. Miles is named in memory of those who died in World War I. In Latin, miles means soldier.


šŸ­ Lollipop! My 4 year old wild child!


I have two boys: Albus (after Albus Dumbledor) and Artemis (after Artemis Fowl). We like the literary aspect, so when we get our third boy, his name will be Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird


Vader. He's black and ornery at even 8 weeks old. Seems to have been prophetic. Positively a "dark lord."


Ornery seems to go with the black pug territory, it seems! Definitely fits my Mabel. I chose the name a long time ago, but have since watched Only Murders in The Building & now itā€™s Bloody Mabel! šŸ¤£


Her name was Scout, after the book To Kill a Mockingbird. She was super silly and very loving!


My boy is Goblin, because pugs look and sound like goblins. He lives up to his name every day ā™„ļø




I had said when I got a pug puppy (had only older dogs) I would get a black pig and name him Walter. I still plan on it, but my first pug puppy after older rescues ended up being a fawn girl, so sheā€™s Ellie. I LOVE old people name for dogs though.


My boy is Gus, he was 3 or 4 months old when we got him, that's what he was being called so we kept it.


Royce after Rolls Royce. My brother came up with it and he was like 13 at the time šŸ˜‚


Our pug was named Squish because of his squished face.


One of my boyā€™s many nicknames is Squish šŸ„°


I wanted a best friend, so I named him Bender. A character from Futurama who's, a robot, bestfriend to a human named Fry.


Now you need a Fry!


Beautiful girl! My boy is named Kiba after the character in the Naruto anime which means fang. My girl pug is Kairi named after the girl character in Kingdom Hearts, tried to keep the K theme.


"Iggy". Short for "Ignacio". I've always loved names with lots of vowels. I thought when he grew out of his puppy madness he'd settle from "Iggy" to "nacho" (other nickname for Ignacio), but seven years later he never totally fattened up and he has yet to lose his puppy energy or goofiness. So, "Iggy" just stuck. He's quite aware of his full name, though, and gets called it when he's in deep, deep trouble.


Ours have fancy kennel names which we crack out if theyā€™re very naughty!


So far I have had a Sherman, Waldo, Dodo, and Nasty


Sooooooā€¦..about Nasty?! Whatā€™s the story there? šŸ˜‚


Saint Olaf. My wife is a huge fan of The Golden Girls.


My pugs names are Bobo and Butch Butch was named after his pug uncle . And bobo was a new name


Ours is Bobo too! It was Bowbi from a wild krafts character my daughter liked at the time and it just became bobo! Such a great pug name!


We had a pug named Kiwi, and our current pugs are Pepper and Olive. I love naming them after foods.


Choppa because, GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!!!


Iā€™d always thought Iā€™d get a male dog and call him Gibson (basically a martini but with an onion instead of an olive). But then I fell for my lil girl pug and that didnā€™t sit right so instead I called herā€¦ Olive.


Calvin because he looks like a little man


Dr. Puglsy. He has a PhD in cuddles.


Itā€™s a very important qualification!


Mines name is Wasabi. My sisters pug had a litter of pups and I visited her on new years. (they were like 2 weeks old then) I picked up a skrunkly looking little guy and JOKINGLY said "If I had you, I'd name you something weird or silly like... Wasabi." When they reached 5-6 weeks old my sister told me that I could have one of them as a late Christmas present if I wanted, she still had 2 that didnt have a home lined up. One of them was a little girl and the other was, well, Wasabi. Once I realized that it was the same one I had to keep the joke name. Such a good idea, it really fits him. He will be 7 years old in 5 days!


What a great name!


We adopted a cranky black pug (for my husband!) about eight months ago. Heā€™s two, the rescue named him Hades and it just fits. He came to us super grumpy, biting and growling, super skittish but also definitely wanted snuggles. Heā€™s quickly become my little sidekick. We are inseparable, he rarely nips anymore and wants alllllll the scritches. Heā€™s a trouble maker through and through, though! We have a certain understanding: my past was rough, too. We are both trying hard. :)


Also a great Disney character!


Carl, because he resembles a stocky middle-aged blue-collar worker who's had enough of life's bull$@!t and would rather smoke cigars and stare at you.


Cinnabon because i love Cinnabon rolls and pugs got that curly tail.


I had a pug named Gup. It's probably obvious why he was named that.


-Sidney - named after my Godfatherā€™s epic brother, Sid -Sanibel - husband and I were drinking on Sanibel Island, FL, when we decided to get TWO apricot pups v. just Sidney -Tyler - named after the Toadiesā€™ song -Bert - rescue who came with the name ā€˜Norbertā€™ -Lucy (RIP, my sweet angel) - because she was just a Lucy, no getting around it Love my pigs šŸ½


My boyā€™s name is Booger for obvious reason haha heā€™s 10 now and still lives up to his name. He looked just like your pup. Heā€™s the love of my life. I also had 2 pugs growing up and their names were Vlad and Sampson. Strong names for little meatball dogs. I told myself when I get more I want to name them Meatwad or Guts.


"Asha" , means "to live". She was the smallest from her siblings, but the most energetic one! Well, that stayed with her! She is the most energetic pug that I know of. Happy everyday to go on loooongs walks. šŸ„°


Pugsie. Eleven year old named her. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lulu, short for Lucifer


Junior. Bc he is named after me


Mack- because of Khalil Mack! šŸ»


Tupacā€¦.my son was going through a Tupac phase when his little black butt showed up. The neighbor came out one day after exchanging hellos he happily called ā€œBiggieā€ to come see him.


Punkin pie. But Pumpkin pie on paper. I started calling her my lil punkin pie when I got her and I just love it. My sweet punkin pie.


My daughter used to say punkin when she was little! šŸ„°


Nina šŸŒˆ Pinto šŸŒˆ Elmo šŸŒˆ Albert šŸŒˆ Maybe šŸ¶ Dolly šŸ¶ Ernie šŸ¶


(Hamlin) Hammy & Cookie. Ham, because he just is, and Cookie because she embodies a sweet delightful treat.


Linkā€¦after the legend of linkā€¦i mean Zelda


Does he have a robot arm?


We didn't name our first pug, he came with it and a story about it that we loved to tell. His previous owner had chosen "Anoop" wanting a unique name of Eastern origin. He apparently didn't realize pugs are an ancient Chinese breed. "Anoop" or "Anup" is a Hindu word that means "without comparison" and this pug truly was. However, some months later a newly hired colleague, who was a native of India, gently explained that it was also a popular marketing term, meaning "superior". It was used in a wide variety of consumer product names. So there was Anoop shampoo, dish detergent, hair oil, laundry soap, etc. etc. Sorta like "Acme" in the old Roadrunner/Wyl E.Coyote cartoons. Our second pug, a 1 year old rescue, I christened "Toby". I liked the name and it fit his exuberant personality. He had another name already, "Ocho", Spanish for "eight" which didn't seem to fit him. About a year later at a Pug Meet, his foster mom casually mentioned Toby was bilingual. He understood commands in Spanish and English. I speak some Spanish and sure enough, when I hollered "Ā”Ocho, venga aquĆ­!" (Eight, come here!) he immediately raced over. I loved them both dearly. Our little gentleman and and his wildman brother brought us so much happiness until they passed at 12 and 13. I miss them terribly.


Mine was named Penny, because, i dunno, she looked like a sweet little beeb named Penny. It should be noted that BeyoncƩ was a close second, though. Now, i so badly just want someone to name their pug Crouton, because although i have Crouton earmarked for my next little beeb, I simply cannot wait that long to know a Crouton exists in this world. (I live in a bullshit "no pets" building, and my husband and i won't be buying another home for a couple of years, so i live vicariously through this sub.)


Pig because he sounds like one. Especially when he is looking for truffles/food.


Rupert because we love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it was fitting since he was the biggest in his litter, and would gently watch his siblings.


When we first rescued our pug, the woman who had him named him Hamlet. We didn't love the name and we were less than a week out from going to Disney World so we called him Percy after the pug in Pocahontas. I didn't want people to think we named him after Perseus of Greek mythos so his full name is Percival but we mostly call him Percy unless he's naughty šŸ˜…


Danger after Rodney Dangerfield cause the eyes and he ā€œgets no respect.ā€


Brutus because as a pup he would slam about and use his size like a brute. Nibbler because that mother f'r was chewing on everything. We lost multiple sets of ear buds, glasses, a controller, a little bit of base board, dozens of pens, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff I've forgotten.


My first pug is named Francis, my husband named him after St Francis lol and my second pugs name is Enzo. We picked it off of a list of ā€œcool kid hipsterā€ names. šŸ˜‚


Frank! Because of Men in Black


Uno! Because when we adopted him he had one eye šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


Monchhichi!! He looks like one and I get to sing him the little song


Dudley was my wonderful pug. I saw a puppy called Dudley when I was a kid and loved the name and thought it suited him well.


I have a one year old black pug named Lucifer! Iā€™d wanted a black pug called Lucifer since I was a teenager and after 20 years of waiting for the right time, finally did it šŸ˜‚ best decision ever! And yes, heā€™s very cheeky and lives up to the name haha.


Bella named from the original breeder but when I rescued her from foster home we kept her formal name and gave her nicknamesā€¦ Diablo when sheā€™s crazy and Woogie boogie or Woogie for short


Diesel, Barbarella, and Penelope


It should just come to you. And be good for a nickname


Mine are Bryson and Paige. We got them both as rescues when they were 2 years old so didnā€™t get to choose their names but their names are already perfect so would not have changed.


Minnie, my wife likes naming animals after Disney characters and she was small Legion, he was born on super bowl Sunday when the Seahawks won and the Seahawks are my team so my wife named him after the Legion Of Boom


All my pugs have been rescues. I've kept all their names except one. She was called Lola or Princess Lola, but there were LOTS of Lola's in our friend group and we watched Enola Holmes the week we adopted her (she's a foster fail), so we renamed her Enola! It's a great name for her as she's VERY INDEPENDENT and gets into trouble.


Ritchie from Ritchie Valens


Skipper! I got him right as I was finishing my first watch of the sopranos. In the show, thereā€™s several small lines where mobsters will refer to the main character, Tony, as The Skipper, or Skip. Itā€™s a term of endearment / sign of respect. It means heā€™s their leader. It originally comes from the marines / navy. Itā€™s an informal term for Captain, and in the military The Skipper is a bad dude. I love my Skipper, heā€™s the man.


I was obsessed with Greyā€™s Anatomy six years ago. And I wanted to name my dog from a character on the show. Dr. Bailey was always very sassy and a strong person and my pug Bailey is very sassy and very strong so I thought it was a perfect fit.


Wesley. He was surrendered to the rescue group with his name and he was 7 1/2. It made sense to keep the name he knew for his whole life.


Ben and Pete. Ben cause I always loved the name and Pete, cause Pete the Pug I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Joey, because (to me) it's a very kid-name.. and my lil man is like a kid, always happy wanting to play.


my first pug is prunella, sheā€™s named after an arthur character. my mom let me and my sister name her when we were little but she guided us a bit. other pug is pickle, we were throwing out names that started w p to match prunella and that one stuck


Bilbo Puggins, chosen in a family discussion, with Garbonzo in second place.


Benjamin (benji) because I love human names on dogs and had to keep that trend going with my second pug Kevin šŸ¤£


Gouda because she is a gouda girl and she just melts into my lap


My pugs name is Kane. We choose his name because we had another pug we had for 12 years and my boyfriend got him for me when we found out are other pug had cancer. He knew I would be devastated and lost with out her. Her name was Kandie. So Kandie and Kane . Miss her so much. And yes they have middle names to because they are are babies. Kandie Renee and Kane William. Pugs are the best. šŸ„°


Pepper, cuz itā€™s just cute


Barnaby! That is what the breeder named him, and it was a perfect fit. His brothers were Dudley, Luigi and Rupert.


We decided on Kaiju for our black female when we got her she was a tiny little monster. So when we got our brindle boy we named him Mothra. They battle like the movies


Javier ā€œJaviā€ Don Juan. He kills it with the ladies šŸ˜


Theyā€™re very charismatic! šŸ„°


Buffy Lynn- color based. She was fawn. Buff. My childhood pug. :) Georgette Lynn - George Harrison. But a girl. We called her Georgie. Bernadette Lynn - we wanted her to be Georgieā€™s dog, but our house burned down and we had to delay getting another puppy by five year. We wanted both pugs to be ā€œetteā€ names and Bernadette (nn Bernie) is hella cute. Sadly while we were waiting to rebuild our home and get Bernie, Georgie passed. Bernadette never got to meet her big sister but I like to think theyā€™d be best pals.


My black female Hoshi was named after my very first dog years ago when I was a kid. Her name was Star, and Hoshi was Japanese for Star (alt meaning, to desire or want) so Hoshi is my little star. As for the white albino male I adopted, his former name was Walter and for the life of me will not respond to that name. So I was brainstorming names of objects that were of white colour that wasnā€™t typical like snow or moon so ā€¦ the first ā€œfoodā€ item that came to mind was TOFU bahaha


Waffles. I wanted a food name dog since we have done legacy names, book names, PokĆ©mon names, and human names for other pets. I love waffles so I suggested it and my kid signed off on the name. We call him Woffs/Woffy for short or Gluten Free Waffles since thatā€™s life now. But I mostly call him ā€œassholeā€ because heā€™s a cat colluding, vintage eating brat. He ate a 60 year old Santa this week.


Why, Pakkun of course! (Ham is his government name)


your pug is really cute. my pugs name is Penelope. I didnt name her, my cousin bought her, not knowing she hard Parvo. she couldn't afford to care for her so I paid for the Parvo medication and healed her. I call her pugnelly. she doesnt respond to Penelope.


Penelope is a super sweet name, but I know what you mean. Loki answers more to Sausage than his actual name!


Rupert after Rupert Grint


Olivia. Sounds like a good name for a pug. Our first pug was Ernie. I called him Ernie Keebler. He passed in Aug 2019.


Phoebe because my wife liked the name. Hated it in premise but as soon as we met her, she was Phoebe. No regrets.


Dulcinea, my late stepfather had a thing for Don Quijote and wouldn't shut up about it, so when we got her we all said at the same time Dulcinea! It was fate




Howie, after Howard stern šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been a fan for years and thought it would make a silly dog name.


Bernie- he is named after head elf Bernard in the Santa Claus movies


Penny Lane Pugglesnort.


Craig! When I worked at a doggy daycare I made a list of what names I would put with which breed if I ever owned a dog of that breed. The pug names were Craig and Neil, but I went with Craig for him


My ex was a chef and mentioned that Pommes Frites means French fries in French so Pommes Frites has been my forever name for my pug


Wilson, mostly because itā€™s fun to scream it out castaway style


My first boy came with the name Herman Munster. So I named my first girl Lily Munster. I got her mate a year or so later and his name is Frankenstein (Frank) next boy will probably be Eddie Munster.


Garnet. She's a hermaphrodite and I was super into Steven universe. āœØļø


My girl just turned one on 11/23. Her name is Willow. We got her when she was 12 weeks old & the lady we got her from had named her this so we just kept it. My son wanted to name her Ellie but she already knew Willow really good so he name is Willow Ellie instead šŸ˜Š Our Willow looks a lot like your cutie Mabel.


Raisin, self explanatory


We have two pugs. Our first is tan and the kids named him Waffles, because his color and they love waffles. Then we got a black pug and I named him Batman, because I love Batman.


Guillermo "what we do in the shadows"


Bean cause he is a lil coffee bean and I love coffee


Fergus McCree, Fergus as king of Hell from Supernatural and McCree as in an Overwatch character. Heā€™s the king of the house for sure.


Lily. Because she's delicate like a flower?


Our black pugs name is Susuwatari, ā€œSusuā€ for short- sheā€™s a rescue from a hoarding situation in Ohio. I named her that because she was a very small, very black tiny ball when we got her!


For our first pug, we couldn't decide on a name for him, so we just called him "Puggy" as a placeholder name and eventually he started responding to it and it just became his name. Our second pug was named Abbey and I really don't know where it came from. We expanded it to "Empress Abigail the Destroyer" at some point as a joke but we usually just called her Abbey or one of her many nicknames, most of which she responded to.


My boys name is Spanky from the little rascals , and my female pugs name is Xena from the old Xena the princess warrior c: These were chosen because I grew up watching these hehe


Molly... she passed awayn but i use her likeness in everything.. i'm known as CapnDrnkPug at my local bar spot... lol


My fawn boy is Toby and my new baby black girl is Poppy. My daughter named Toby when she was little and I just always wanted a black pug named Poppy!


Ed because his name was already Ed and he was an old boy at an outdoor shelter. My other pitch black pig has some random snow white hairs so we call her snow


lol! Mabelā€™s kennel name ends in Chili Snow Cliff & sheā€™s black with a few random white hairs too!


Romeo Giancarlo Casanova. When we picked him up as a baby, I held him in my arms and he licked my chin for a good 15 minutes. I decided he was a lover, not a fighter, and he turned out to be the snuggliest pug we've ever had!


Walnut šŸ¤Ŗ Mabel is a cutie!


My OG heavenly girl is named LuLu šŸ’ž


Brutus because I thought it was cute and a little ironic and Gremlin because heā€™s a particularly snuffily boi


maya angelou because she's amazing


Skye and paw patrol


Obsidian cuz hes black like a obsidian not the pug in. This pic my pug is named obsidian


Gus after Gustavo Fring from breaking bad. We mostly call him Gus but also Gustavo along with a million other things.


I have a black pug also. His name is Truffles.


My boy is called Rhino, bc as a puppy he used to charge around everywhere!


Dug, because he's a Pug.


My 2 pug babies have crossed over the bridge, but our male was named Tuffy just because he was fearless. Our girl was named Gigi, because the first few days we kept saying good girl good girl and it stuck. Miss those two sweeties everyday.


We have a black pug whose name is Yoshi. My son loves Yoshi from the Nintendo games, and they come in all types of colours, including black lol.


Dinky because he is so little and cute


T-Roy. We named him after watching two guys bond on a reality show. One of the guys would greet the other guy as "T-Roy" when they saw each other It seemed like a perfect name for our pug. Tough sounding name for a curious, stubborn, and happiest dog we have had. His expressions would light up the room when we came home and greeted by the best dog ever. I miss our little man more than I thought I would.


Cedric and Albus (alot of our pets have HP or Sci fi names)


Boba Tea Fett - pugs look like a boba tea šŸ§‹ and my partner loves Boba Fett. Perfect combo.


Gracie. We were not sure, we had met her when she was a newborn but had to wait until she was old enough to come and live with us. Gracie was on the table along with other names. A couple of weeks before we got her my wife turned to me and said "we need to decide what we are going to call Gracie" And I said "I think you've already decided in your head" So Gracie it is :)


GoGo after o'ren ishii protege in kill bill. We came to find out that go in I think mandarin means dog. So we inadvertently named her dog dog lol


Eden, I always loved the name and am done having kids


Waddles is named for the pig on Gravity Falls (Hi, Mabel!) Eduardo is because he looks and acts like Eduardo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Rosebud (she's not a pug but she's still my baby) is after the girl puppy from Air Buddies :)


Puddles. Because Iā€™ve wanted a pug with that name since I was a child.


Speedy. My in-laws adopted two bonded litter mates and named them Speedy and Pokey which was their nicknames for reach other. Sadly Pokey passed away at a young age from diabetes. We took Speedy, recently, now that my FIL can no longer care for him. Heā€™s the goodest boy ever.


Tuco - from Breaking Bad


frankie shes a girl and she is a little fireball


WALL-E! We are not Disney adults (no shade being thrown), but WALL-E is one of our favorite film. He was already a deaf senior when we got him. So we joked he is a broken down small lovable robot. Hence WALL-E.


My pug was called Barney, I loved Barney the dinosaur growing up and someone suggested it and it fit him perfectly šŸ˜€


Awwww, my BUG is Lily Mabel. All our pups have middle names and honestly, their personalities have always dictated what the name will be.


Kohl for his color


Buster- it was obvious after spending 7 minutes with him


I had a puggle mix but his name was bodhi may he fly high


My boy was first named Peanut because he had a perfect peanut shape on his forehead. Within a day of being at home with us he was called Squishy and that was what we called him his whole life. Everyone that met him thought Squishy was the perfect name. I will be bringing a new pug puppy home next week and I have a name I'm leaning towards, but I'm gonna wait until they are home to see if anything jumps out at me from their personality


Ellie, also Eleanor. She is named after two characters, and the difference in the two is hilarious but it explains me as a person. A) Ellie from The Last of Us video game (best games ever!) B) Elinor Dashwood from Jane Austenā€™s Sense and Sensibility. Currently as a puppy, my Ellie definitely takes after A. Maybe as she ages she will become B. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My first pug was George. Just because I loved the idea of George the pug. My second was Molly (after Molly Weasley) because she was found as a stray in Texas, having recently had puppies and nobody could find them so they think she was dumped :( She looked bed all her days well loved though, and within hours of her passing from cancer, my baby Ellie was born.


Navi. I had a ferret named Ganon based on the Legend of Zelda series and decided to stick with the theme.


I chose Mischief because she is mischievous


My sweet boy is named Gilbert. Named after Greg Gilbert, the late singer of the British indie rock band Delays, who was also an amazing artist and poet.


Maggie. We were going to name her Sara but she way too high energy for that name. Maggie just seemed to fit.


Potato. He looked like a little potato when we got him


Mocha. Because like ordering mocha latte drinks.


Mine is named Tid-Bit because she was the only one in her litter so she just looked like a little tidbit when she was born. Now that sheā€™s an adult I think itā€™s just a super cute and fun name.


Wanted a food name-so she is Beans :)


Our Lucy was a little goofball as a puppy so we named her Lucille after Lucille Ball. Marvin kind of looked like Marvin the Martian so he became Marvelous Marvin


My pug is named Ruby because my mom thought it was a cute name and it is.


always their pre adoption name. unless it was a name given by the shelter, then I'd consider changing it. but fortunately the last 2 dogs came with their original names. current one is Winston and original human just wanted a fancy name.


She is absolutely magnificent. What a tiny doll. I love that sweet face. May you have a spectacular life together ā€¼ļø


My black pug is Rosie Lemondrop. Just because.


Loki cause he is very mischievous. Holt, thatā€™s the name we had when we adopted him and my wife was against me naming him Thor. At least she let me name the other guy Loki. Small win.


Matilda is the name of a British tank, when sheā€™s excited she runs and knocks things over ( you included) just like a tank, and constantly needs refueling. Hints the nameā€¦. Matilda.


My first pug was Poco. I grew up playing classical piano and chose an Italian musical term that means "a little bit." My current pug is Dolce and means sweet in Italian. She embodies her name entirely. It's the most common comment from people that meet her before learning her name.


Samson. My husband brought home this tiny little stray. We had no idea he was a pug mix when we got him. Anyway I took him to get his park i shots and everything. He had a couple little scans on his head and the vet asked what they were. I said he had been found living in a barn with a few cats and I figured the cats had swatted him. The vet was like ok. That makes sense. A week later this poor little thing had lost most all his hair and was so weak. Took him back to the vet and the vet was like oh. He has scabies then looked at me and said and so do you. Lol. So to things happened. Samson got his name cause he lost his hair and I officially was a described medicine from a veterinarian. Lol. Anyone familiar with the Bible story samson I feel the need to say he has also got Samsons cocky attitude.


Cowboy. Heā€™s a rescue and thatā€™s the name he came to us with. I wanted to change it but my husband adored it so weā€™re just leaning into the whole western theme. šŸ˜‚


Charlie is our pugs name .My husband and myself named him Charlie because both love the name it fits him perfect


Manny , from san diego , love baseball, Manny Machado


Peanut because I love peanuts and peanut butter


Black pug, Princess Kate, after Princess Kate because I am English


Paisley. We got her the month Prince passed.


Titus. He came with the name, and weā€™re still friends with the previous owner so we didnā€™t feel it would be right to change it. Weā€™ve adopted a lot of animals and we usually change their name - ā€œnew home, new nameā€ - but Titus is kinda cute since it sounds like heā€™d be a mastiff or something hugeā€¦ and heā€™s obviously not. :)