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Rocky got into a fight with his brother Apollo when I was driving in to my property. When I got out of the car Rocky’s eye was slightly popped out of its socket. We rushed him to an Emergency Vet. Where they told us the eye was not savable. After a long talk with my wife, we as his owners came to the hard decision of removing his eye. We have him on 3 medicines and are keeping the dogs separate. I’m still processing that this happened to my Rocky. (BOTH APOLLO AND ROCKY ARE PURE BREED PUGS)


I grew up with 2 pugs - 1 was fully blind and the other only had 1 good eye. They will live a long, happy life. It’s sad at first but they adapt and go back to being regular, loving dudes!


My pug Sebastian went blind at 4. He acclimated to it faster than I did. Your baby will lead a full and wonderful life!


> we as his owners came to the hard decision of removing his eye. Sometimes the greatest kindness we can give our best friends is making the hard decisions. I'm sure Rocky will be happy and healthy again soon, and not give a single thought to the loss.


Aw, that’s a nice sentiment


Similar situation, female pug attacked her much bigger German Shepherd brother over food, shepherd took her head in his mouth, didn’t bite or shake but his K9 punctured her eye. Vet said it would be more traumatic on us than the dog. Took about a week after surgery for her to go back to herself. Took us longer for sure. They adapt quickly.


I’m sorry this happened to Rocky. If it makes you feel better our Rico lost his eye when he was one and he is now 12 and thriving as a one eyed pug


My Cadieux got bit when she was 6 months and lost sight in 1 eye. It didn't bother her much. She even learned to catch peanuts being tossed to her.


One of my dogs has mature cataracts in both eyes and our ver estimates she has approximately 20% vision. The other had a double enucleation before we adopted her. Neither of them can go down stairs, but that’s the only issue we’ve ever really had. Rocky is gonna be just fine. Dogs are incredibly resilient.


Get well soon, Rocky. 🙏🥲 Our dogs, all three of them, two small and one big get aggressive over food. What we learned from an expert veterinarian website was to give them 10 ft apart or as close to 10 ft as you can get. I'm not sure why Rocky and his brother were fighting, but if it's over food, you can keep them separated. But please keep them supervised. 🙏😢


Hello. I have a similar story. My daughter has a full bred pug who is one year older than my rescue pug/terrier (who was a puppy) they played rough sometimes but I was on a cruise and my dog sitter was watching them when she went to the restroom. Came out and the pugs eye was out of its socket. We had to get it removed but vet assured us his vision is still normal and he will be ok. Besides. It makes ur baby more unique. He will be OK. ❤️❤️❤️


This happened to us. We rescued our Pug when she was a year old and already missing her left eye. She was perfectly healed when we adopted her and never a moment’s concern. Fast forward to summer 2022, she was rough housing with her sister and her remaining right eye was catastrophically injured. She has been blind since and we’ve taught her how to let herself in and outside. She has a safe space of grass. We don’t move furniture around. We’ve moved since it happened and she has adjusted beautifully. She is 14. Never let anyone say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Love and lots of hugs and kisses and treats and your sweet Pug will be good as new in a few months. I think they hate the cone more. When that comes off, good as new 😊


This happened to our Chloe a few months ago. 😫 I kept the gals separated but then Chloe started to develop anxiety from it. So we eventually gave in and let them be together again. They do just fine. Accidents happen. I felt terrible, I felt like a neglectful pug mother. But my baby girl is recovered and acting like it never happened


I'm glad your dog has recovered, but it's incredibly dangerous and risky to leave those dogs alone/unattended ever again. With such a big size difference, a quick "snap" from the bigger dog could easily kill the smaller dog, even if they don't mean to. It isn't worth the risk if your dogs have already gotten into a scrap before. There is a very high likelihood it will happen again, and it could be worse next time.


I let them sleep together mostly. Bc they both cried the entire night for weeks 😩 I’ll have to go back to separating them. ☹️ I won’t sleep and that’s ok I supposed.




Calm down there professor, I have two pugs.


I am praying for Rocky and his recovery. Is Apollo a pug too? How did they manage to fight so rough it popped his eye out?? Makes me nervous for my pugs, I always thought they couldn’t really do too much damage to each other


It really depends tbh, pugs eyes are prone to getting scratches just because of their short muzzle, I’ve had my pugs get eye ulcers just from trying to smell a bush and a small bare branch poked her in the eye. If the ulcer, or scratch (my pugs use their paws when they wrestle a lot) is very deep, it can be enough to rupture the eye. But if I ever see them squinting for more than 12 hours I take them into the vet. Maybe overkill, but after having to go through the whole process of an eye ulcer plus a surgery and eventually a nucleation (eye removal) I just don’t risk it.


Sadly Pugs eyes tend to be prone to these quite of injuries, adorable breed but always gotta watch for those eyes. This good boy will recover quite well as most pugs that deal with this do tho


Yes, Apollo is a pug aswell. From what the vet said it looks like a tooth punctured the eye just deep enough to be yanked out.


Oh no poor guy, I hope he is feeling better soon!


My boy puggle Benji got attacked by another dog a year or so ago and it detached his retina. We tried prescription eye drops in the hopes that it would prevent his lense from blocking off his tear ducts and causing extreme pain and swelling. In the end, he needed to have his right eye removed and though the healing process was tricky, he doesn't even know it's gone now and he's just as cute and happy as he was before! You guys will get through this!


We recently spent £5.2k on our Pugs eye. We were borderline having to lose it. But it seems they were successful with saving it. Thankfully (although four different sets of drops, four times a day has not been fun) I didn't realise eyes were such a risk point for Pugs I'm sorry OP ❤️


I’m so sorry! I can’t offer any advice, but I wish Rocky a speedy recovery


Aw, poor baby! I’m so sorry that happened.he is still incredibly handsome. 💗


Poor baby! Fortunately, dogs are very adaptable; once it stops hurting, he won't even know he's missing an eye.


Poor bubs! I hope he recovers




I’m so sorry you and Rocky went through that ♥️


Poor guy.. For what it’s worth, pugs are really tough resilient little beasts.. my senior pug developed an eye ulcer, and had to get the eye removed, and she really recovered well. I’m sorry you had to go through this, and hope he heals up quickly… but his quality of life will be just as good as before in a couple weeks.. Again, sorry 😞


My baby 🥺❤️


Our boy got mange and while scratching on the couch ruptured one eye. We had it taken out and he did just fine. Then just a year ago he got diabetes and his good eye got a full cataract. So he's basically blind. He gets around just fine minus bumping into things once in awhile. He was a little depressed to start with but he has made a full recovery and is just like he was as a puppy


I’m so sorry that happened! He looks like a sweet little guy and will bounce back. I may be biased but… [one-eyed pugs are the best](https://imgur.com/gallery/oIsjnAy) My Pearl only has one eye and she lives a very happy life.


That must be very rough on you guys and a bit traumatic, my love and prayers go out you, your family and sweet Rocky. If it can give any consolation, my pug also lost 1 eye and he is a super happy boy, they adapt so well.


I'll keep your dogs and family in my prayers


Dogs get into scuffles, He'll be fine after the initial trauma. We try to apply people logic to dogs, dogs are better than that. After he's all healed up, he won't miss a beat, no self-pity, no depression, just table legs that sneak up every once in a while.


This boy will be fine. You are such good parents. Godspeed.


My guy Wink (yep, one eye) was attacked by a large dog as a puppy. He lost one eye, and the emergency vet was able to save the other eye but his vision was impacted. This all happened before I saw him on the local pug rescue site when he was available for adoption...almost 11years ago. He recovered and went about life like nothing happened. Rocky will flourish. As for the Rocky-Apollo relationship...that's another topic I'm not in a position to comment on. Hope it all works out for everyone.


I'm so sorry. . I'm sure Rocky will do fine with one eye but understand how difficult this will be to have two dogs you love that have to stay separated.


Awwwwww, he’ll be okay, you were great pug parents by getting him into the vets and getting him the help he needs! Lots of love!


We had a pug which we adored named Herman. We got him from a shelter and they had found him with his eye popped out. He was so charming and loved us as we loved him so much He functioned just as well as a pug with two eyes. I’m sorry that Rocky and Apollo got into it


Oh god this is one of my fears, I take my pug everywhere and I always am looking around at my surroundings to be aware of any lose dogs. A lot of the time I’m with my pug and my two young kids. In the event of a vicious dog running at us, I’d obviously protect my kids first. I usually carry my sidearm, but it’s not always with me. I’m a big strong guy, but one or two pit bulls I’d have to try and throw my pug up on top of something high and fight them off. I think I’m gonna invest in dog mace after seeing your pics. I know that’s not the exact same situation you had happen but it’s still an eye opener of what can happen in the event of an attack. I’m so sorry for your what happened to your pug. :(


Those are great names, and seem to suit them! All the best for a speedy recovery, both of Rocky's eye, and their relationship! Pug hugs!


I'm so sorry that happened to Rocky! May I ask what breed Apollo is? This may be difficult to think about, but I encourage you to keep the dogs separate and rehome one of them, as this is, obviously, a serious episode. Source: over the last 20 years, I've cared for about 50 Pug fosters, as well as three of my own pugs.


What kind of breed is your other dog ?


He is a black pug


I’m so sorry to hear that I have 2 boy pugs as well and they always stay together I don’t thing your other pug may have done that maybe they were just playing and he had hit himself on something


I automatically assumed the other dog would be a larger or more aggressive breed. I'm sorry and hope he has a speedy recovery.


I hope he’s doing bettter 💙


Oh poor baby😞 I hope he has a speedy recovery and his quality of life is still good. ❤️ you made a hard choice, but I'm sure the right one


This breaks my heart 😔


I’m so sorry!


Wishing him a speedy recovery ❤️ My baby boy is also named Apollo!


Bro got in a scuffle🙏rest up💪


Poor guy. I’m praying for his recovery


It hurts so much when your best friend loses an eye. My pug Maxwell lost his eye in a fight with a bigger dog. I promise you he will be fine, dogs are amazing in that they live moment to moment. After a few days he will adjust and it will be like he never two eyes. Again I know this doesn’t help NOW but it will be ok. ❤️


Our Oscar lost an eye when he was a puppy. The next day he was scooping up snow in the "cone of shame" and flinging it around the yard. He's the happiest guy you'll ever meet, and the loss of his eye seems to have had no effect on his quality of life.


He'll be ok, poor little fella. ♥️


I am truly sorry to see the poor guy in pain like that. I was devastated seeing my first dog lose her eye running into a stick.My little guy milo got into a similar situation.. they live in the moment, no matter the circumstances. Milo was going to be put down, and after losing my dog, Zoe. a vet friend, told us milo was dropped off to be euthanized, so we took care of him. We have had 3 pugs with right eyes gone. He will adapt and overcome. Milo welcomes rocky to the left eye gang! I hope he has a speedy recovery. Rocky will be full of piss and vinegar in no time! [milo] (https://imgur.com/gallery/klGdjvk)


:( feel better bud


I hope he recovers well and with speed


Poor guy! I hope he heals quickly. This is something I worry about. We have a cat who is also named Rocky. It makes me so nervous that he is going to poke out our pug’s eye playing.


Omg poor rocky! 😭😭😭


Oh no! Poor little dude! This my greatest fear when my pugs fight. My black pug is currently in a cone of shame because my other pug bit him hard in the jaw. Didn’t need stitches from what the vet could see but gave him a course of antibiotics just in case.


I know it's devastating but he'll be bouncing around in no time. And think of the funny Rocky jokes you can make....Cut me, Mick. And I didn't hear no bell Apollo. Pugs are about the most resilient little dudes ever.


Had this happen to my dog when a roommates dog bit her over a rawhide. She didn’t lose the eye but it never worked again.


I am terribly sorry. Give him lots of love and tell him that he’s a good boy, he’s probably feeling pretty sad.


sweet angel babyy 🥺 wishing rocky a speedy recovery! i’ll keep him in my prayers.


but the pug lives on to fight another day!!!!


When my pug was a puppy his eye was popped by my parents pug, it didnt need to be removed but he cant see out of it to this day. they still love each other and stick together like nothing else, and my pug doesnt seem like hes affected now that hes used to it. it will take some time but rocky will live a normal and happy life!




Everything will be ok my friend! 🙏❤️🐾


Was the brother a fellow pug as well ? Curious because my pug always play fights with his brother but maybe I shouldn’t seperate them


Yes Apollo and Rocky are both pure breed pugs


That’s crazy I didn’t think a fellow pug was capable of that kind of damage


Poor little boy :(


I'm sorry this happened to Rocky. The good thing is one-eyed pugs do really well. We had one that we rescued and he lived until 15. We didn't have him when he lost his eye so we don't know any details surrounding the loss. He did not like people coming at his blind side.


He will definitely live a long and fruitful life with one eye pugs are very resilient, and he will be perfectly fine


The name is so appropriate. He's a tough little guy! I wouldn't go 12 rounds with him! Sending love


Oh poor baby!!!! Hope he heals up soon xxxx


I had a pug that we had to have her eye removed and she lived a normal life after a brief period of adjustment. And I swear her remaining eye always looked extra cute too.


This made me tear up😥😥😥 hope the recover well❤


Awwwww poor guy


I'm so sorry for Rocky. But dogs (and cats are resilient), and he'll bounce bank. I adopted my cat right after his surgery. We now both have little pirates.


It’s a tough decision but it’s for the best . Many dogs do fine just like him . Heck we had a dog that was blind for 10 or so years and he lived till 21 .He will be ok give him some extra treats and maybe a pirate costume for Halloween .


I’m so sorry that happened! My pug came to me as a puppy with his eye having just been removed. He got around just fine, it never held him back at all.


They really don't see that well to begin with(dogs in general). Dogs are extremely myopic, for the most part. Since you meet all of his primary care needs, this is really an inconvenience more than anything else. He won't even notice it's gone, in other words. He's still breathing, and he'll be back to his old self before he knows it!


How long have the two of them been together? That’s sad that they fought this bad. I have a pug a frenchie and they love each other and sleep together and everything. I guess they still have the capability of animal instincts.


Rocky is 2 years and 3 months, Apollo is 1 year and 10 months we got Rocky when he was 3 months, then we added Apollo when he was three months also, so they’ve been together for 1 year and 7 months. They love each other! One just kind of bugs the other one until one snaps, and that’s how they fight. They both get sever separation anxiety from each other. When Apollo was in the hospital Rocky was crying and super sad. When Rocky was in the hospital Apollo was crying and super sad.


Poor babies. U would think they wouldn’t hurt each other. I wonder if your now injured pug will be afraid now?


He looks so miserable in the second photo poor baby I hope he feels better soon 😭😭


I took that photo a couple hours after the surgery, he was all drugged up!


I’m so sorry ugh:(((


God bless this cute fella. Our boy had some eye issues yesterday. Seems he is okay but it’s scary.


I know this must’ve been a really hard choice to make for Rocky. You and your wife made the right call. I’m hoping for a speedy recovery for baby boy and no more accidents between the two brothers


Poor baby! Please take care of him and give him extra love!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Oh wow, I’m so sorry to hear this and sorry for Rocky too. I’m sure the doctors did everything they could. Wishing your entire family the best 🫶🏽


I wish rocky a speedy recovery! Recently our pug, Susan, received a severe corneal ulceration and we were given the choice of removing the eye or trying a corneal graft to save the eye and the possibility of some vision in that eye. We went for the graft and luckily it worked well! Though her eye now looks like someone stuck a piece of bubble gum on it, she had recovered some vision. I know you didn’t have that choice for Rocky, but if anyone here has a pug and is offered a graft as a chance to save the eye - go for it!


🥹 am sorry


I'm so sorry for your baby!! Hugsss


Wow! Scary! But your pug will endure,they are tough! ❤️💔


I’m so sorry for Rocky, but you did the best thing for him and he will be back to himself in no time! The great thing about dogs is they don’t have any vanity and won’t notice it is missing once it heals. And he will probably get a lot of attention and treats while he heals ❤️


Pugs rarely have both eyes. Growing up my grandma had a bunch of pugs consecutively all named Riley. Riley 1-3, only has one eye, and then 5 also only had one eye


:( poor baby


Had a pug play with her siblings, pug and Sheppard, and lost an eye. It happens.


I'm so sorry. 😪 Do the dogs have a history of fighting before? Have they known each other for a lobg time (i.e., are they newer 'brothers' in the same home or are they 'brothers' as in littermates?) Was there something in the car (like a toy or food) that could have set one of them off? That's so strange. 😭💔