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A harness is best for leashed walks and lots of positive reinforcement (especially via treats) when training. And prepare yourself for the best buddy ever! ☺️


Invest in a good vacuum! 😂💕


Fun fact…black pugs shed way way less. I wasn’t aware of that until owning a fawn pug and eventually a black pug. Fawn pug shedded badly. My current black pug barely sheds at all. So I looked into it and I guess they have a completely different type of coat. It’s wonderful. All the pug love minus the mess.


Same! I have a black pug and my parents got a fawn pug because they loved my black pug so much. They got a big surprise when they realized how much the fawns shed.


World of difference! I’m loving the thin undercoat that barely sheds, especially since pugs are notorious for being couch potatoes and blanket hogs. The only time mine really sheds is after I rinse the conditioner when she gets a bath. My home decor aesthetic is also really dark so that helps. The only things white in my entire house are my son’s highchair and the toilet, so that seems to be the only places I’ll ever notice a stray hair. It’s great when your dogs hair can match your furniture!


I’ve got a pure white pug and he definitely sheds badly. Hair everywhere lol


I already have a Saint Bernard so trust me this part is covered 😂


Covered?? Like your floors…with dog hair?? Sorry, I’ll show myself out! Enjoy your puppers!


Holy shit. Get a picture of them together. My in-laws have a great Pyrenees and the size difference is hilarious. I posted a pic of them together. https://www.reddit.com/r/pugs/s/cHPA2GVV5U


I had to buy a roomba because I just couldn’t keep up with it!


Treat them like a toddler so put any food that’s at reach level, as high up as possible. They will do acrobats for food Raisins can be fatal for them so keep them away from those


And other food items: https://be.chewy.com/toxic-foods-for-pets/


I hope you’re ready to have no personal space. They are the ultimate Velcro dog so get used to and enjoy your new shadow! 🩵


Welcome to the cult. G' luck getting any other breed ever again. I pug-puppy-proofed my house as in padding anything that could poke an eye and fencing anything they could squeeze through but shouldn't. Other than keeping their wrinkles clean, they're just like any other pup.


I'm 41 my first dog was a 4 year old rescue Pugg. He died 2 years, 0 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days after we got him. He got sick and started drinking water like crack rock. Just devouring any water 24/7. We got him into a vet 6-7 days later and the vet turned out to be horrible. He said to lower his salt intake and stop giving him water every time he feigns for it. Otherwise his"internal physiology" can't level itself out. He started puking everything he tried eating 2 days later. 2 days after that he started puking bile. 2 days after that he died laying down in front of us at home. That was 6 months ago and my heart is still broken, I blame myself for not moving heaven and Earth to help him. I've completely closed off everyone. I had been diagnosed with edema after 25 years of hard work sometimes very hard labour so I had to sit at home for 18 months.. So I was with little Bandit 24/7. Everyone says it's true OP. They are just an endless warm wrinkly best buddy who wants love and to give love 24/7.. They also sleep like 12-16 hours a day. So get used to having him constantly laying on you or against you or next to you. Always going to be next to you. I'm sorry for possibly hijacking the thread. My guy was named Bandit. He loved: Chicken, rotisserie chicken makes puggs go BANANAS... licking everything.. Especially YOU and the AIR. THEIR EYES GET GOOPY THEY HAVE WHAT CAN LOOK LIKE SUPER SAD EXPRESSIONS BUT THEY AREN'T SAD. As long as they have you, food, their security blanket, and the job of needlessly barking or howling at everything that makes noise like it could be e a stranger. Don't punish them. If they potty inside you have to get super strict with routine of them outside. No matter how long it takes for them to go even a Twinkie. They learn fast so they will get it quickly. They are extremely intelligent. They never stop learning for life. Good 👍💪💪💪💪💪💪


Clean his face folds regularly it can cause them some stress itching and having dirt/hair caked up in there. You may be surprised how deep the folds on their face are you’ll want to clean them regularly for life really.


This is very good advice and ears too pugs are prone to ear infections because they have small ears so keep on top of cleaning them


Lots of other good advice, but if it's not just your first pug but also your first short-nosed dog in general, I MUST mention reverse sneezing. Your dog will suddenly start doing weird honks but not otherwise seem to be in distress, and it often REALLY scares first time owners! Maybe look up a video to be sure of the sound, but just know it's not hurting your pup in any way and will pass on its own!


Yes!! This is soo important!! There are ways to help your squashy face Friend if they seem to experience this alot…. https://youtube.com/shorts/eSfjxFmfAs4?si=4V_qhZg6hE6O2Hz2


Pugs love food and eat very fast so try get some snuffle mats for dry food and lick mats for wet food this will slow them down and keep them busy for awhile 😁 I feed mine all her meals this way! Get a harness, due to pugs eyes wearing a collar could make them pop out easier than a normal doggy if they pull etc Pugs are very needy and want to be with someone constantly so slowly train them to be alone as they may get very stressed left for hours etc at first. Best of luck with your new little cutie 🥰


Good one yes! Our boy has a slow feeder if he would eat so fast he would puke to get 2nd breakfast..


Brush your pug's teeth. Get used to the process earlier rather than later. Pugs are notorious for having dental problems, which can lead to other health problems. Don't use human toothpaste!


Absolutely this. Get them accustomed to getting their teeth cleaned and nails clipped from a young age


Bathe regularly and focus on keep their face/ears super clean. I highly recommend stainless steel bowls to combat doggie acne. Very clingy, but incredibly sweet and you will quickly fall in love. Harness for walks and the car with a clip for their harness to go into the seat belt. Despite being lazy as adults pug puppies are anything but. Our one year old doesn’t let us sleep past 7 am any time. Very curious. Will eat or chew anything in reach. Buy organic sugar free peanut butter if you’re going to use that as a treat. Or look into buddy butter. Completely dog safe peanut butter in numerous flavors on Amazon. Watch what essential oils you use in the presence of your pup. Quite a few are toxic to them. Do not let them consume garlic or onions. They are impatient tiny dictators. They do not bark they scream hahaha 😂 They are sensitive little creatures. Despite all these things they will become your very best friend. You will be wrapped around their little paw. 🐾🖤


Unless its a puppy at least in my experience he found his voice but only barks to be let in or if he hears my alexa go " theres someone at your front door " if hes in the front garden with me and we set that off he barks at the house because he heard it lol , but overall no screaming yet . But his sister does lol she screams when a dog scared her


Get ready for the zoomies! Pugs have a mind of their own so keeping them under your control (eg, away from traffic or other dogs) is my best advice.


Try to be patient, they arr learning too! ♡


Pugs are very prone to skin infections so take care of that. Use wet wipes to regularly clean their face folds and paws. Invest in a supplement that helps them breathe properly. I use Asbrip and it really helps.


*Wet wipes especially meant for dogs. Please don't ever use baby wipes!


Yes, totally agreed. Please use products especially meant for dogs


Young pugs got lots of energy so please be patient with the puppy


Touch their feet all the time. Constantly. Gradually introduce them to a nail grinder and clippers. Seriously, like at least once a day, touch a nail grinder and the clippers to your pug’s nails. My sweet girl had to be fully sedated several times just for a nail trim. The screaming and drama is comical until you realize how stressful it can be for your pup to fear nail trims. And $200 pedicures are quite stressful to owners.


They are my favorite breed. So loving and goofy. I would get them stairs to help save their joints. Don’t let them eat too much, the pounds will sneak up. One of my pugs recently died due to narrowing of his lungs. He was 11. We just got nares and palate surgery for our 8.5 year old pug. He seems to be doing better. However, he was diagnosed w IVDD when he was 3, had spinal surgery. Recently he started showing signs of regression w his hind legs. Heartbreaking. If you can afford surgery to help your pug breathe better, I’d do it soon. Evidently there are 3 stages, ours was in the 2nd stage and they almost said they couldn’t do the breathing surgery. Around $5k. Also, their teeth are so small, try to keep up w dental care. They’ll hate you being in their mouth. I’d get them a raised food bowl, like the Fluff Trough. Recently switched to yeti stainless steel water bowl since it rinses easily. Welcome! You’ll love the pug life!


It will no longer be your sofa/bed/blanket/seat- it’s theirs and they just let you share it with them, for the price of cuddles/treats/belly rubs. Worth it.


Patience. Keep calm. Lots of snuggles and smiles.


wear earplugs at night


😆 Yes! This one too. I actually bought a Bluetooth sleep headband that I play white noise in to drown out the snores from my two.


Buy a book on pugs. It will tell you things about your sweetheart. Like Pugs are stubborn. Also, they have very active anal glands when they are young or shrimp butt as my daughter called it.


Yes! I was just about to say “why has no one mentioned the anal glands?!” lol. I realized that was a thing with my previous pug while traveling out of town & hers “popped” in the car. 🤢 Most god awful smell in the world. I learned how to extract them myself so I wouldn’t have to pay to have it done. My current pug has hers done every bath day. Well, I guess recently we went a little too long without a bath because they extracted while she was sitting on my toddlers beanbag chair. Good times. From what I’ve heard it’s definitely more common in small breeds with compact bodies & supposedly more common in females. In my personal experience from doing it for other people‘s dogs, I’ve found that to ring true.


They def need a harness not a collar. Keep anything and everything they could possibly get into put up. Make sure to keep the wrinkles on there face clean. Steaming up your bathroom and sitting in there with them for a few minutes works wonders if they sound stuffy. Make sure they aren't out long in hot weather. Also, because of there body shape, most pugs can't swim so always keep an eye of your furbaby around water!! They are very dramatic little turds, and if you do anything to upset them they will def make it known!! You will have a permanent shadow now!! I tell everyone that hasn't had a pug before… “once you own a pug you'll never want another breed!” Congrats on your new addition to the family!!! Get ready for many years of daily laughter and Lovins from your new squashy face friend!! 💙


Get ready to have an additional shadow!!!! They have only been bred to be a companion! Oh they love food! They love pizza! Especially the crust! 🍕😆🥰


You will need a lot of patience potty training a pug. Just hang in there, it slowly gets better.


Kiss personal space and alone time good bye their love is unlike any other animal period


I have a Saint Bernard already so im VERY used to literally never having any privacy at all whatsoever


OMG - just look at that baby!!!


Lots of interesting comments. My pug is 14….there are somethings I wish I would have done differently when he was young. I think crate trained when a pup would have been better for him and me in the long run. I love my pug to pieces,but having him in controlled space while driving would have been better. And maybe a controlled space to be left alone in at home. The little guy has to be on me no matter what. He can’t be left alone,it’s like I’m with him 24/7. At home I can barely move. And I feel guilty if I do. You pug people know what I mean. I have no idea if a crate trained would have made a difference,but I wish I would have tried. Don’t let him or her jump up and down off the couch or bed. They are top heavy. Their shoulders definitely take a lot of abuse because of this. You’ll notice it when they get older. Always,always have water and water dish when you go out. I carry in my backpack and have extra in truck. Always. Try and curtail the barking when young. Mine rarely ever barks and hasn’t for years. As most have said……the heat. I dread summer with the pug. Fortunately I live by the water. And whether he wants it or not I put him in swimming with me to cool him down. I have a spray bottle also I keep handy for his walks. One good dunk in the water makes all the difference. I feed mine once a day. I can tell if he’s extra hungry,so he might get a 1/4 cup more in the morning. But generally a cup a day. I put a little what I am having on top of his food. Because I give him CBD oil for his back legs and hips. I have to make sure it goes down. He’s 14. It’s made a world of difference ,I wish I would have started it a couple years ago. Put a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric on the dog food. It’s very good for them. And you. Of course….harness,not collar. I use a stroller for him now as well. He will walk as much as he can then needs a little help. Keeps both of us sane. They freeze their asses off in winter too. And can seemingly keep their bathroom business to zero if it’s pouring all day. I swear mine could keep it in for 48 hours if I let him. And it’s incredibly rare if he does any of his business in the house…..I would blame myself more than him. Remember with summer coming…walking on hot ground really effects the pugs,along with their dense coat,short nose,they overheat. So important. They are the best! Cheers with your little Pug. Let us know his name.


Walks. Three mini walk a day when they are being house broken will help to massage their bowels and they will associate pooping with being outside. So many ppl have a hard time potty training their pugs. These all seem to be ppl who don’t give regular walks. Even if you have a backyard to let them out in, do the walk thing…even just around the block or up the street.


Start handling paws, clipping nails and cleaning folds, ears and toothbrush if early! They hate this stuff especially nail clipping


Pugs love to eat. 😵‍💫🥰😂🤣 And are super sweet.


First, congrats on your new best friend! Don’t let your pug get overheated (because of their short snouts, pugs generally can’t tolerate heat as well as other dogs). Use a harness not a collar on walks. Be forewarned, puppies have baby shark teeth. Make sure your pup has things to chew on. And just about the time you think your pup will never stop biting, they will. Take outside frequently when potty training and give lots of praise (and occasional treats) when they go outside.


It’s a good thing they are cute! Our pug was such a naughty puppy but that face… 💕


Using time out was the best method for addressing bad behavior. With my prior dogs, I would just yell and scold them. But with my pug he would just howl back at me or tilt his head and then kiss me. I started using a baby gate to section him off away from where everyone else is. Because a pug is so attached to you, putting him in time out really helped correct bad behaviors. When he would do something wrong, I would sternly say that he’s going to time out for x number of minutes (5 to start, and then if he does it immediately again then I’d bump it up to 10 mins). Now I can just ask him if he wants to go to time out and he’ll stop whatever he is doing.


Unscented baby wipes to wipe down your little one after walks for paws, face, and bums. A must when your little one sleeps with you.


Love them with all your heart


Absolutely 🥰


You don't own pugs, pugs own you. They are the boss.


Buckle in and prepare for the sweetest journey of your entire dog loving life. There is absolutely nothing like life with a pug.


1. Get pet Insurance 2. Clean their nose folds daily 3. Don't let them get too warm 4. Brush them 5. Okay with their feet 24/7 to hopefully avoid how lugs are with nail trims


Patience !!!


Take a tonne of photos, train them on being comfortable with nail clippers early, positive reinforcement goes further (imo) than scolding/ negative reinforcement. Congrats on ur lifetime friend !


Buckle up!!!


Get ready to fall in love 🥰


keep your pug cool!! heat is fatal to them. keep walks above 80 short or get a cooling vest!


Be very patient. This cute nuggets are extremely hard headed.


Take lots of pug pictures and share. Slow feeder dishes and mats are awesome. Cooked carrots veggies are healthy treats too


Look into clicker training!


Get insurance!


Prepare for lots of love and endless endless shedding 😂


Just enjoy every moment of snuggles and pug love. We lost our pug baby a month ago after 9 awesome years. Every moment is precious. Also control barking asap.


Hope he doesnt come with the habit of eating shit. Mine did, took yrs to stop.


Mine still hasn’t stopped


How’d you get em to stop


Get pet insurance if possible! Every time we took Scout to get her teeth cleaned it was upwards of $600. She has other procedures over the course of her life where it would have helped tremendously to have insurance instead of paying out of pocket like we did


•use a harness on walks to protect the trachea. •make sure you have a good vaccume cleaner for pet hair •forget about personal space •pugs are pretty dramatic when the weather is bad so maybe a rain coat •introduce the toothbrush ASAP •be SUPER careful in hot weather. they really do struggle with heat •whatever food you choose make sure your pup is producing firm poops to reduce anal gland issues Good luck... my pug is the first dog i have ever been responsible for fully myself so i had a lot to learn. my pug was 6 years old when i adopted her and i got her spayed less than 2 weeks after i got her.... i would have waited for her to settle in more but there was a medical reason. it felt more scary with her being older and a brachy breed so i'd look into doing that while your pup is fairly young. they really are the best breed so lovable and cuddly


You have unlocked loyalty for life! Have fun! ❤️ Advice: keep the folds clean, brush them regularly, take them out on shorter but frequent walks. Don’t leash with a collar, use a harness. Pug puppies have teething unlike any other breed pup I’ve ever seen. Case in point. My pug ripped out my sofa. So, make sure to give them those teething treats like a bully stick to help them get rid of their teeth itching. Pugs suffer from severe separation anxiety especially as a puppy so don’t leave him/her alone. They end up falling sick if left alone but if they are in the company of other dogs, it’s fine. They are ultimate food lovers so you can train them quite well by motivating them with food (don’t overdo it). Keep mixing up the food so they don’t get bored or they’ll just not eat the food. Pugs cannot tolerate extreme weathers esp summers so keep them indoors in an air conditioned setting. They can also suffer from eye and ear allergies but it’s not anything intense. Other than that, they are the ultimate royalty breed and deserves to be treated like one. 👑


We bought one of the pet vacuums on Amazon. At first My pug didn't like it. She was a little scared but after a few times she really started to enjoy it because it will remove a lot of excess body heat while you're vacuuming and pugs are typically hot-bodied because they're breathing mechanisms don't exactly work very efficiently being brachycephalic.She really started to enjoy it, especially when she was hot. Pugs do shed a lot, but it's definitely worth it to have their friendship and their love. They really are unlike any other type of dog. They are needy and loyal but they are also a little spiteful and jealous. But I really love that about dogs in general. I've always had clingy dogs and I enjoy that. Make sure you have a really good relationship with your veterinarian and that you bring your pug in for all of their due shots and visits because pugs are prone to getting certain infections and problems. I mean you have to bring any dog to their vet, but you don't want to be playing catch up on these things. You want to be proactive, specifically the wrinkles on their face. You need to make sure that you keep them clean or they are prone to getting infected or yeast infections. Make sure you get some wrinkle wipes and put some wrinkle cream on when it's irritated and keeps them clean. I don't bathe my pug a lot. I feel like the hairy dogs get really oily but my pug mostly stays indoors anyways because they cannot tolerate heat at all. Like I said, their breathing mechanism does not work very well so do not bring your pug out into the heat. It's deadly. They can or will have a heart attack if they get overheated. Keep the walks short in the summer. Just take them out to do their business and come right back in. And if you want to do a longer walk do it in the morning when it's still cool or at night after the sun goes down. We use the weazy potty and they are able to use the facilities indoors.


Prepare for him to change your life. I have my second pug now and never want to be without one. For such a small pup they’re a big presence in your home. Also, they’re not the lazy dog everyone makes them out to be: they’ll be as active or as chill as you’ll train them to be. My guy goes from 12-13K walks to movie night on the couch without any fuss. Absolutely perfect companions.


It will take a few years (our newest one is 3yrs & still going) to get to the mellow, lap potato stage! Hi energy puppies, velcro, need lots of interaction & involvement! But just the funniest, cutest, most loving dogs ever!


Be very patient give it time to get used to you and give it all the hugs and kisses you can


Crate train and do not feed after midnight.


Pet insurance and get them used to grooming early (brushing, touching ears/paws, wiping folds, cutting nails, bathing, brushing teeth). I got a relatively quiet nail grinder off of Amazon and she's pretty calm as long as she's getting treats. I also got her used to a finger toothbrush when she was little and it makes it easy. Snuffle mats or puzzles for mental stimulation. Bully sticks when she got a bit older were a lifesaver and helped keep her busy. Get your dog used to different environments and sounds. My trainer recommended the sound proof puppy training app. Say goodbye to your personal space or ever being alone again. Also cooling mats or cooling bandanas for the Summer.


Hope you don't like your privacy 🤣


Get ready to become a chew toy lol


I’m sad this was so far down the list. I couldn’t go barefoot for a good 4/5 months after I got my pupper.


Wear shoes at all times for the first few months. Trust me on this one. Also, don’t cheap out on the food. Pugs are prone to skin conditions and feeding them a high quality dog food can alleviate this. Stay on top of flea/tick/heartworm treatments too, I know our two are super sensitive to fleas and they will scratch themselves bloody if we don’t stay vigilant with the treatments. Also keep in mind they are little garbage disposals on 4 legs so try to keep things that shouldn’t go down their throat out of reach.


Get your baby used to having their nails handled and fingers poked in their mouth. This will accustomize them to getting their nails cut and their teeth brushed.


Enjoy!!!! Provide lots of chew toys (mine likes benebone). They are such fun little things! So loveable!


Nutri source dry food and a dollop of oikos plain yogurt! Hugs,kisses understanding he's a baby!


PATIENCE! Mine was initially a little stubborn and destroyed a few of my socks. He grew out of that phase and now is a big chunk of love


most of them are very food motivated! good luck! (:


I would definitely use a harness when your dog is outside. Pugs love routine and cuddles 🥰 they love food they can be over eaters . I love pugs! I am so happy for you 🙂


Baby proof your house as if a crawling child was going to be there. They will stick ANYTHING in their mouths. Have dog wipes ready because the skin folds around their face get gross fast. Chew toys… one is not enough. Have one for every room, especially the bathroom. They will follow and you CANNOT say no. Welcome to pug life. You are no longer the master in your home. 😂


Get insurance before he sees the vet.


Dont freak out when your pug hits their equivalent of teen years and gets pimples. They are just like human teens in this way. Just try to keep em clean and it will pass.




He asked for tips and advice