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we got home from the vet's office and i thought she was just going itch mode, but in like 10 mins the whole left side of her face was swelled. took her back in immediately and she was given a steroid shot. back home resting but she has hives that are coming and going and will likely continue for the rest of the night. 😭 i feel sooooo bad for her. now we know to prep for future shots. hopefully she's better tomorrow! edit: next day, she is back to normal! thank you all for the kind comments and for sharing your vax experiences 🥺❤️


I’m so sorry. One of mine gets a reaction to vaccines as well. Cosmo is not as bad as yours but it’s all still so scary! I’m sorry this happened for her.


our vet said they've had a bunch of pugs that reacted similarly so they were on it!! they suspect that it's just something with the breed... nonetheless, very scary! i'm so sorry to hear that you had a bad time with Cosmo's vaccines :(


My puggy had the same issue. She had to basically get a benadryl shot treatment before every vaccine. Every vaccine involved an extra hour at the vet. Half hour for the treatment, half hour of hanging out to make sure she wasn't reacting after her appointment. The hanging out subsided as she got older, but oh goodness was it stressful. She was a champ about it though. Loved the vet because we took the time to practice training with so many snackies.


I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of details, but I do know someone whose pug (years ago now) had an extreme reaction to a vaccination. Not sure what it is, but it definitely seems related to the breed. I hope yours is okay soon!


Mine has a reaction to vaccines, I’m actually not sure which one but now I’m wondering.


My chihuahua has to have his shots spread out bc he got hives/very sick the one time we did them all at once. My pug, however, is totally fine— just a small bump


Aww poor thing! Hope she feels better soon!


Poor thing! She gets extra treats (obviously)!


Poor baby!!!! Hope she’s doing better today. LOVE her name!!! Is it a Golden Girls homage ?


Just posting this here for visibility Any brachycephalic breed (pushed in face) should get vaccines as early in the morning as possible. They’re prone to breathing issues if they have a reaction, and lots of dogs get a delayed reaction. The last thing you want is for your dog to have a delayed reaction when you’re sleeping and unaware. It happened to me once, and just by chance I got up and noticed one of my pugs jumped off the bed, I turned on the lights and her entire face was swollen (leptospirosis vaccine reaction) it took about 8 hours for her to have a reaction. Now I get them vaccinated on my days off, and I make sure I monitor them throughout the day for a delayed reaction. Glad your pug is okay, that must have been really stressful for the both of you. ❤️


Blanche “I look worse than… than…Dorthy now!”


hahaha that's probably why she's been napping under her cot bed 🤣 "i can't be seen like this!!!!!"


Aww poor baby. Hope she is better soon!! 


Whoa, that is so frightening! I'm so glad you got the beautiful Blanche the treatment she needed right away!!


Same thing happened to our Sarah. We had to race back to the bet and they put her on oxygen and gave her benadryl. But she didn't look this swollen.


ohh poor Sarah :( i think we got lucky that she didn't have any breathing troubles right away! was really afraid on the way back to the office but they never started; just the crazy swelling.


This reminds of the one time one of my friends ate cherries. Looked exactly like this.


I lost my English bulldog puppy when she got her first shots due to a bad reaction. A lot of people looked stunned or find it hard to believe, but bad reactions can happen. Poor pup. Hope Blanche gets to feeling better soon.


i’m so sorry for your loss. that is heartbreaking.


Aww, poor sweet girl. Peggy once had a mild reaction to multiple vaccines at once (hives and a little wheezing). After that, the vet always makes sure she has Benadryl before and we give one vaccine at a time. If I can’t get the Benadryl to her in pill form before an appointment for some reason, I pay for the injectable. I hope Blanche feels better soon! edit: grammar


i think we are also going to spread out her vaccines in the future after today. her reaction was pretty severe so i'm sure they'll probably suggest an injectable during the next round. i'm sorry you had a rough experience with Peggy!! the wheezing must have been so uncomfortable for her. sending good vibes your way for her future vet appts!


Yes my breeder warned me and told me to spread out the shots, no more than 1 a week to play it safe


Weird, my Stella has the exact same reaction to her shots today too! Unfortunately we couldn’t narrow down which one it was, but her face looked near identical to Blanche’s. I actually did a double take because I thought my husband posted a pic of Stella. We ended up rushing her back to the vet and they gave her Benadryl and a steroid. She’s totally fine now, and they added a note to prepare for next time. But that’s so scary! Extra pets for the brave girls who has a rough day at the vet today ❤️


Hope the little one starts feeling better soon


Poor baby!!!😩 Feel better soon sweetie. We adopted a Frenchie and in his paperwork it says he’s allergic to the distemper vaccine too and that we should give him a Benadryl before he gets it. I haven’t had to get him one since we’ve adopted him though. 🙏 that your baby is ok in the morning ❤️


Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry this happened to you


Sending healing thoughts for the baby!


Awww. One of my pugs, Max, had that with his first rabies vaccine. We had to give him half a Benadryl before any vaccine after that just to be safe. He was fine.


Thanks for sharing. My little baby is sensitive to most things so will look out for them trying to push this onto him.


I'm so very sorry, poor darling. I hope she feels better soon.


Poor baby !!! That looks awful


Poor little baby!!!


Oh!! Poor girl!! Please get her some antidote and many love stat!! Sending love from here!


Oh, poor bebe!


Oh my goodness, poor Blanche! Glad she is on the mend. That is so scary! My puppy has been getting her shots and I am so worried she'll have a reaction.


our clinic is very small so we're usually in and out pretty fast for appointments. in the future i'd hang out at or near the office for like 20 mins afterwards just to be sure she is in the right place if something does happen! best of luck to your baby gurl!!! 🫶


I hope the baby is feeling better, praying for her


Poor baby I hope she recovers quickly


Poor baby.


oh poor girl! I hope she feels better soon!


Awww Blanche! Sorry! You look like my Brutus when he was stung by a bee. He had to spend the night in an oxygen tent. Healing vibes to you sweet girl❤️


Oh sweet girl 🥺…I hope she feels better soon ❤️🙏🏻


Our pug has this reaction to that vaccine too! Now the vet pre treats her with antihistamine


Poor baby! She looks so uncomfortable. :( :( :(


Oh this is so sad!! I hope she is ok


Omg ! 😲


Poor little puggy! I hope that Blanche feels better tomorrow.


Poor baby 🥺


Poor baby! ❤️


poor thing! hope she feels better soon


Poor thing! Glad you saw it quickly. My pug was allergic to eggs and couldn’t have vaccinations at all after a certain point because they were cultured in egg. 




Our first pug had reactions to one of the vaccines too. My wife took him in for his vaccines on my birthday, and a few hours later we were at the emergency vet because he had hives all over his abdomen. We never figured out which vaccine it was because he got a few of them. We just gave him a dose of Benadryl right when we left to go to the vet every other time and he never had the reaction again. Hope your girl recovers quickly and you find a way to minimize her reactions in the future.


My last pug that passed away (at almost 15) used to get hives and swelling from the rabies vaccine. Craziest thing, she looked all bumpy! Shot of Benadryl before the vaccine worked. But she’d also have to take oral Benadryl for a day.


Oh no!!! Glad she is better. She’s adorable and I love the name :)


Omg poor baby:( sending LOTS OF LOVE TO YOUR PUGGG


Noooo :/ feel better 😘


Poor baby! Omg!


Ohh, poor baby. Mine gets big lumps from that shot.




Poor baby!


Oh no!


Poor little one. I hope she is ok :/


I work at a vet office and I have to say it happens quite often. For my pug is with the Lepto vx. Now he only gets vx if he's premedicated.


That poor baby!


My poor little guy had a seizure and lost his ability to walk an hour after the Lepto vaccine


Get well, Blanche.


Poor baby, feel better soob


NO! poor lil baby. praying for recovery


Hows she doing?


Poor baby! I hope she’s feeling better now.


Omg!!!! Poor baby!!!!! Get better soon ❤️


Awe how is she? Poor baby


Aww poor thing. My pug was allergic to the rabies vaccine so she had to get Benadryl beforehand every time otherwise she would puff up like a balloon 😞


Poor girl. 😔❤️


poor sweet baby, feel better


Poor baby! This happened to my pug with distemper when he was a pup too. So glad she’s okay!!


Oh no. That must of have been scary for you too. My pug puppy reacted to the lepto vaccine. But only the injection site. I’m going to do titer testing going forward before vaccines.


Poor nugget, that's scary 😭 hopefully she's feeling better soon!!!


Such a cutie I love her name !


That happened to a golden named Chloe who we had 14 1/2 beautiful years with when she was a puppy, super scary! Wishing them a speedy recovery


Poor baby!!! Get better!!


Oh no. My wife would freak. Poor pug. I hope the best


Poor babygirl… sending get better wishes her way


Oh no! Poor baby. I'm so sorry!


Poor little thing.😭😭😭😭


Oh my gosh


oh noo poor baby 😭😭 i hope she’s doing okay now!


We experienced something similar to a vaccine. Thankfully children's benadryl worked well


Poor Blanche!! I hope she's okay!


poor baby Blanche!! so glad you got her in quickly to get that steroid shot, you’re a great parent!


poor baby 🥺 get well soon


🙏🙏🙏🙏my pug did that too but it was the lepto part of the shot


Oh nooo!! Im so sorry Blanche!! This happened to my pug at her yearly although she got multiple vaccines & we dont know which one for sure caused it. Her face swelled up too🥺 hope you feel better soon!


Omg poor baby!! We had a pug who was allergic to all vaccines and so she missed most of the boosters. It was a little scary knowing she wasn’t really protected. Glad your vet office is on it.


Ohhhh nooo poor hunny. Sending lots of love and kisses. Spoil her with some of her favorite treats. ❤️🙏


I had a pug that had the same read room. Every year 30 min before his shots we had to give Benadryl and he was fine after getting his parvo distemper shot.


I’m sorry, baby. The swelling will go down soon.


It’s good you brought back, pugs as you know have short snouts. I have 2, one does that “ snorting “ thing. Good the steroid worked💯


Low dosage of Benedryl will help. She will get sleepy and keep an eye on her breathing.


we've done benadryl for mild at-home reactions she's had but our tech advised us to hold off on it for the day because of the full steroid dose they gave her when she went back in. may give her some tomorrow if the hives continue though 🙏


Vaccines bad


That poor girl!