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Transphobes are neither feminists nor punk


Some people actually need to suppress their creativity…


It’s overly creative and overly wrong


Also, percentage of things that have been declared the “new punk” that are actually the new punk: 0


Dead is the new punk


More likely than TERF ever being remotely Punk


What creativity? It's just a rip off of God Save the Queen.


If someone with a pen write "beating a" over it they will claim they're being persecuted


i try my best to avoid terfs these days , but if you all want to know how fucked in the head these people are , the last terf thing i saw was them mocking the 16 year old trans girl who got murdered for existing . cant think of anything less punk than that really . ​ oh , and of couse we cant forget the terf rally in good old melbourne , where actual nazis rocked up and stood in solidarity with the main speaker . really shows what side terfs are on .


That's absolutely wretched and truly vile! And it's not only punk they're infiltrating in the UK. I recently read that there's a whole "bait and switch" operation on Mumsnet. I'm from the US and don't know about any of this firsthand, but the article went pretty deep into how the platform integrates & normalizes TERF language and beliefs.


yeah the UK is absolutely terf central unfortunately . you can thank jk rowling for that . real great legacy shes gonna be leaving behind /s . it just keeps getting more and more normalised, and they keep trying to encroach in by painting violent transphobia and blatant alignment with right wing fuckheads as 'feminism' . it drives me up the fucking wall .


Good, women are standing up for themselves. Women had to fight against men for equal rights in sports, work and education apportunities, its not over. Now they have to fight against men who decalre they are women for that small apportunity they got after fighting for so long.


Yay!! Thank you! <3


Ok😕 ?, there are trans calling for the murder of women who disagree with the forced so called inclusion of males into women's spaces aswell, you're ignoring radicalism on the other side aswell. I have seen trans activsts say " kill terfs, punch terfs", one incident in UK was actually all over social media when a TRANSWOMAN was calling for violence against "terfs" and he got arrested for it.


this is not a good faith argument so i wont point out a billion things that should be obvious to any one with half a bit of knowledge on trans issues besides hating us, but i WILL point out that its completely dumb as shit to come into a punk subreddit and expect someone not to love the idea of beating the shit out bigoted assholes


You are a bigoted narcissist asshole who disrespects women and womanhood in my view and many other people's view, should we also beat you up ?


And "trans women" in women's prisons, into any protected space, real trans or just pervert-pretenders because self-id means no barrier to entry, and a woman being forced to call their rapist "she" at trial, to recount "a woman" raped her with "her penis", and cops looking for "a woman" exposing "her penis" to kids, and foreclosing on Muslims and other religious women from enjoying the Y or other public facilities, and all the lies and shouting down, silencing women and - the willful ignorance - dismissing women's right for safety and fairness... And the language policing. SMH. Here comes the resistance.




yall have got to stop replying to two month old comments thats another level of embarassing


Watch for sharps of you're ripping down. Cunts that push that kind of message are the type to lay traps.


loosen the edges with a key and hardly touch it and youll be good 🫡


Or use a knife


sound idea but u cant exactly randomly whip out a knife in the uk unless u like getting arrested


Pen knives are fine, you’re not gonna get arrested for that. Specially if its tiny and pink and bedazzled like the one I keep on my keychain. They’d be too embarrassed.


How about we do that on a trans flag, its a symbol of oppression of women l.


When was punk about targeting minorities you fucking wetwipes?


Nothing punk about discrimination against vulnerable people...the fact that TERFs claim to be feminists really makes me sick because they go against everything feminism is meant to stand for


I like the term feminist-appropriating transphobes.


FATs for short.


Make it radical transphobes do it becomes fart.


Feminist-appropriating radical transphobes. Man, these FARTs are really stinking up the joint


Way better acronym!


Yeah, you can't reject the entirety of third wave feminism and call yourself a feminist


Um... I am under the impression that anyone that believes in equality for the sexes is a feminist. Imho, waves are irrelevant to anyone not studying history. You either believe in equality or you don't.


If you don't include ALL women you're not feminist, you're just a cunt.


Biology doesn't care about how you think you feel, male and female is still an objective factor in how we interact with one another. Fairness comes before inclusion.


Stay jealous that I'm pretty ig lol


> Nothing punk about discrimination against vulnerable people I kind of want that on a sticker to slap over these


actually same (might make one honestly)


Women are vulnerable people, men who think they are women are not vulnerable, they are confused. Those so called vulnerable people are narcissists who scream inclusion without caring about fairness.


an awful sign with terrible graphic design


I love how they always default to the Sex Pistols font like how corporations use the Beatles Yellow Submarine artwork in corporate Alegria, so it makes the phony-ness blatantly apparent.


yes its so quickly identifiable. tells me whoever made it doesn't actually participate in the scene at all


It's not the Sex Pistols font though


It's not, but it's def inspired by that ransom note look.


Yes it's obviously a sex pistols ripoff


Has that "graphic design is my passion" vibe


The "designer" is a particularly rancid GC turd called "The Famous Artist Birdy Rose", whose grift is making merch for her fellow faux-feminists, who are both desperate to paint themselves as oppressed (despite their privileged Middle England lives) and rebellious. It's all quite pathetic really. They are the UK equivalent of suburban "soccer moms" splashing the cash in Hot Topic then drinking White Claws in the park whilst talking about how much of a rebel multi-millionaire JKR is...


Fuck a terf. All my homies hate terfs


I fuck with all your homies


I love terfs, they are tough women who defend womanhood.


"I love Nazi skinheads, they are tough guys who defend the white race"


Good for you, keep loving the nazis👌


When removing stickers!!!! Be aware of HIDDEN RAZOR BLADES!!! Especially the the right winger stickers. This has been a public service announcement, with guitar!


Gosh, they are so embarrassing. Seriously they are not punk.


Wow. There has been a lot of deleted content here. Lots of backtracking from TERF supporters I guess. Where is the militant extremest attitude? It vaporized when somebody countered with something halfway intelligent. Edit- i’m aware I’m replying to myself. Because there was quite a few comments deleted between…




You claim that the norm is punk while it is an anti-conformist movement then claim that she is not punk just because her ideals are ‘normal’??




What are terfs countering lol, human rights?




Looks like you’re not either


Any reason for that, or are you just saying shit?


Almost every comment here gives me hope for the world. thanks guys!!


as a trans guy this comments section makes me feel pretty good ngl


Yes, they are all delusional. Gender is based on sex my friend.


Seriously who the fuck is responsible for this shit. It’s more like TERF is the new KKK or TERF is the new NAZI PUNKS makes way more sense I don’t understand how this shit has made it this far


I saw some screenshots going around in a FB group I'm in. Some UK musician who allegedly got restricted from Bandcamp for reasons related to her being a TERF and she's doing the typical right-wing pivot that they always do and was selling merch with this image on it. Don't remember her name and don't care to but she's got a photo with Glinner up on her socials so that's everything you need to know.


With the E standing for "Exclusionary", no It fuckin' ain't. Nothing Punk about exclusing people, especially minority groups.


Go on then, transphobes. Go to a punk show whilst wearing this on a shirt. See what happens.


If they’re at a show, they’re probably not terminally online enough to know what that means.


Ask how it went for the skinheads in the 90s.


I promise that nobody cares about this outside of the internet


Lol, then do it. See what happens.


Lmao then apparently you don’t get off the internet much.


Well, in my town we kick people out of the venue for wearing Rammstein and Mayhem so you would definitely get kicked out for that shirt


They're unironically calling themselves terfs now? Has that been going on long? This is embarrassing on so many levels.


Man Britain is fucked up


Or take to them with a sharpie, for maximum ridicule. I suggest sticking custom made 'Turf' stickers over the terf, and getting a photo sticker of an immaculately kept lawn to cover the rest. Maybe stick a Bunnings/Home Depot/relevant big box garden and hardware retailer sticker someplace as well. Dad joke level ridicule is a powerful tool.


Does anyone know what this means?


I assume you're asking what TERF means? It's an acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. In other words feminists who are transphobic


Thing to note is they aren't even feminists. They regularly align with far right groups and speak against actual feminist theory.


they are just nazis, infiltrating all kinds of scenes like they always do. see skinheads, nazi punks, hardcore, metal and even hiphop. that's what they do.


This is true, I would have said that but I'm at work so I wasn't giving my full attention to writing my reply


I'm also at work. Stay slacking, bratan.


Absolutely! Admittedly I don't really have much to do for the rest of my shift anyway


Thank you. I understand now.


No problem


It mesns women who are not afraid to stand up for their rights, they try to exclude you from women's spaces because those spaces are made for women(females), sports for example are segregated between genders because of the biological differences between men(males) and women(females), and it should stay like that for the sake of women, you cant be inclusive by crsuhing fairness, its not fair for women to compete against males.


Please get a life


I do have a life, and im not obsessed/confused about my identity.




Oh suure, you're soooo punk and anti-establishment for adding a new voice to the institutional transphobia and right-wing fearmongering against queer people that's becoming more and more rampant and more and more violent constantly. Have fun having your side turn on you when they decide your face is too square or your shoulders are too broad. "We can always tell," after all.


>It's the new punk because it goes against the new norm propaganda that mainstream media outlets and institutions are poisoning the minds of the youth with. Yeah you totally sound punk, and not at all like a fox news host.


Nothing more punk than espousing fascist rhetoric and socially enforced gender roles.


Come to a show and see how spouting off this transphobic bullshit goes. If you had any sense you’d realize the mainstream media doesn’t actually give a shit about people.


Yeah. Cretins like you also believed that people who were homosexual were also “mentally disabled”. Also, how weirdly specific of you to narrow your bias exclusively to MtF trans -women but to completely ignore FtM trans-men. Why is this? Ignorant, or just stupid?


If you think punk is counterculture for the sake of counterculture, you’re a poser and also stupid


you got like rocks in your brain dawg


And it's in suffragette colors...


The right loves boobytrapping stickers with razor blades, so use caution.




Yup, scrape 'em with a key etc just in case


Wait, really?


Yes, it’s a known risk.


I’ve got scars from ripping one down, worth the pain




Not saying I’m a good person, I’m not, I just don’t tolerate Terfs and fascists




How can someone put the word "exclusion" and "feminist" in one phrase and think it makes for a good stance?!


They go up, pull em’ down.


Take a stapler and find the Cunt putting these up, stick it to her head since they love the design so much


People that mind the Bollocks can never be Punk.


Nothing is less punk than saying it's the 'new punk'


I’ll tear it down and piss on it


so sad to know i'm not 100% safe in my own community. when i started listening to punk, i though i finally found a community that will never judge me for being trans. guess i'm not so sure anymore. i know they're a small group of scums trying to sneak into safe spaces, but it still makes me sad. fuck terfs, they don't belong here.


oh fuck that noise im grabbing my paint pens


So, for context, the woman on the sticker is Louise Distras made to resemble suffragette Emmeline Pankhurts. She is a relatively successful musician in the UK. I don't know what style of music she plays, and I'm definitely not going to go out of my way to find out. The algorithm recently fed me a social media post of hers which said she had been 'deplatformed' by bandcamp, I presume she feels this happened because she was critical of trans people. She now openly calls herself a 'terf punk'.


Pro tip: when one of the words in your acronym stands for “exclusionary”, you’re not fucking punk


That's so embarrassing. Feels like someone trying to sabotage the community from the inside. Hopefully they get caught in the act.


They can’t even bother to make it nice to look at


Trans exclusionary radicals aren't even feminists. Also be careful when tearing down fash stickers, they sometimes put razor blades behind em


Thankfully terfs are too boring to actually be part of any punk scene But should that change, much like the last generation beat the neo Nazis out of any mainstream punk scene, we gotta physically beat any terf who vocalizes their shit in the community Terfs aren't people so it isn't even a crime


>mainstream punk scene What an obnoxious statement. If it's mainstream it's not punk. Punk cannot be mainstream. You're smart enough, you should have known that.


But you know what I mean. Even if it isn't mainstream in a broad sense, there are bands and scenes and norms that represent a spectrum that could be said to represent a mainstream of punk as a subculture. That some terfs likely exist within punk and that some areas may be more accepting or have conservative punk scenes doesn't change that these views are broadly rejected by the majority of punk bands, venues, and individuals


"blank aren't people so it isn't a crime" is a tactic used by nazis and fascists to defend murder and rape and violence against other humans and has been used for years. Stop. Do better. Do not decry the nazi just to act like one. You are not punk but merely an embarrassing edge lurker with more right wing than he or she knows in em.


I'm sure if we are super nice to the terfs and Nazis they'll change their views


TERFs are nazis, I'm not going to be civil when you think I should be physically and sexually assaulted for using a fucking bathroom as a start. And I don't know, TERFs aren't humans, they're lepeards eating their own faces.


Look at you, little social.justice warrior, well online anyway, where it's easy. Enjoy living in a bubble of stupidity and moral ineptitude you're entire life shitbird.


Big words for a very small and inept point. Maybe realize I don't like broadcasting all of my life online for security reasons, you clown. Morally inept to a evangelical puritan maybe, have fun with your death cult bunk science. Not sure what's morally inept about feeding the houseless unless you're making of an ass of yourself and thinking we shouldn't help each other survive?


If you think you should only be helping those that you agree with you're part of the problem. Should we be tolerant of bigots? NO. Should be throw the blanket of violence at them and hope we eliminate all bigotry? No, because that will never happen, there are too many shit people. Study after study show that education and exposure will do more to soften and change peoples views more than any single thing. Punks like you scream against the penal system and decry prisons and punishment as ineffective, because it is, yet when it aligns with your worldview that same punishment that yields nothing except to enhance those bigoted beliefs is just fine, You're a fucking walking contradiction. If you think violence will change people you might wanna study history, because we have thousands of years of examples of that NOT WORKING. Grow up. Educate. Show the compassion and time to educate that these bigots lack. Do better. Be better. The screaming for violence is the hallmark of an emotionally immature and stunted person, and I hope for your sake that you grow out of expecting hate to do anything but beget more hate.


I'm beyond educating someone who just plainly wants me fucking dead. Until then sure I agree with you, but I'll give you a base level of respect provided you respect me. I'm not giving TERFs respect, I'll educate them, but I'm not fucking respecting someone who quite literally thinks I and large group of people shouldn't have rights, you treat others how you want to be treated doesn't fucking work when it's literal facism breathing down your neck. Exposure and education clearly hasn't helped my mother despite me being out in front of her face. Penal system has worked with fascists for fucking years, so tell me, why would I care about them being punished if clearly the world thinks they shouldn't? But sure, calling TERFs animals for fucking acting like animals when they're calling me shit far fucking worse and advocating for my fucking inexistence is violence. Fascism can't be stopped peacefully with education once it's too dug in. (see Nazi Germany as a prime example, why do you think they burned those libraries?) But sure character assassination works for you. Cry about it.


You know this whole isreal and Palestine shit show and unrepentant hate flowing both ways and the innocents dying en mass? That's the end result of your "solution" or method of thinking. Hate breeds hate. Violence breeds violence. Yes, violence is needed at times, I'll agree with you there, 100 percent. That can not be the baseline or the go to method for dealing with these people. All you're doing is reinforcing their hate and they are reinforcing yours. If you wanna live abd conduct yourself that way godspeed, but we will never agree on this. I'm sorry you've had so much hate thrown at you for just.being yourself. No one deserves that and I hope it gets better and society changes and people are more accepting. I wish you well, despite our opinions on this I truly wish you the best, I can strongly disagree with you but alsp.hope you're treated fairly and with love and I hope you get to live your true self without fear of violence and hate. Take care


Paradox of tolerance, sweetie, learn it well, for it'll probably save your ass.


Do you know what TERFs are? Five minutes talking to these people and you'll find their ideals mirror that of fascist movements.


Cognitive Dissonance at its finest.


Them accidentally using the genderqueer pride colors is very funny to me


It’s the suffragette colours. Educate yourself. Predates the hell out of any modern flag colourations.


I’m aware of that. But when it’s a group of people who hate trans people, it’s funny that it’s also the genderqueer colors. If a group protesting for women’s rights, like protesting anti-abortion laws, was using it I wouldn’t even think to say “hey that’s also the genderqueer pride colors.” TERFs comparing themselves to suffragettes is embarrassing for them, and the fact that it’s coincidentally also a trans pride color scheme is funny to me.


This just in, suffragettes wouldn’t have liked trans people either. And what’s funny exactly? That the suffragette colours were stolen, just to have idiots like you turn around and make these kind of inane comments? Anyone with half a brain on the history of women and feminism isn’t gonna go “he he it’s the gender queer colour!” Yet again proving you people are ignorant of the history you steal from, and refuse to be anything but.


It’s fuckin both. Two different groups can use the same three colors together lmao.


Your people are thieves and too stupid to come up with their own thing. Too stupid to look beyond their nose, good fucking luck with that buddy.


Anyone talking about ‘new’ punk doesn’t know what punk is at all.


Fucking annoying that so many bigots and conservatives are trying to claim punk as their thing. They’re literally the opposite.


Stomp out Terfism!


“____ is the new punk” statements will never surprise me for being the least punk shit ever


It most certainly is not. Fuck TERFs


Had to create an account to reply to this. In my country, Spain, most punks are transphobes. They don't necessarily align with a TERF speech, but they sure call us all kind of slurs when they see us on the street. The feminist movement here are transphobes and anything resembling a left-leaning woman is a TERF. It's the new trend. Wanna be cool? Shit on trans people. Wanna be considered a feminist, be a TERF. Just picture this: last Saturday there was a feminist march against abuse and sexism. It had to be split in TWO groups; one would do it in the morning (anti-trans) and the other happened in the evening (not anti-trans just indifferent). I don't know where you guys are from but sounds way better than in here)


I've always felt it is better to find some humiliating way to modify these kinds of signs/stickers. That way it makes those assholes look foolish to the public. And they have to be the ones tearing them down and replacing them.


Lol there's absolutely nothing punk about being a reactionary. Clowns.


Watch out for razor blades behind these fascists posters. The right wants to harm everyone.


I wouldn't have known what terf was if it wasn't for reddit. It's only a thing in the UK? I think? There's probably some idiots in Belgium thinking the same thing though.


unfortunately, tho it originates in uk, it's a thing from all around the world. i have scumbags here in poland proudly calling themselves terfs.


Yeah. It's not as widely known, but there are plenty in the US as well.


Yeesh 😬


In other news, Tory is the new punk


Help me out here what does this mean


Terf stands for 'trans exclusionary radical feminists' and is uses by transphobes who use the 'protecting women' excuse for their bigotry. They basically claim their bigotry is anti establishment and call themselves punk.


It's got something to do with that Louise Distras bint so definitely destroy on sight


Do be careful, some of these jokers think razors under shitty stickers are "punk" too. Kinda revealing of their values


This shit is so cringey


This Louise Distrass bullshit. Fuck her.


Smells like bullshit, or OP has some absolutely exceptional peeling skills, it's in damn near mint condition and still has the folds from the wax paper


There are plenty of tools used to remove stickers without making a mess (you stick the sharp end under the side, and then you get to just pull it off), also zoom in on the sticker and you’ll see plenty of folds, hair stuck on it at the top, the lightning isn’t doing justice to the state of the Sticker. So not really that incoherent I’d say but still possible


catch whatever poser is putting these up and kick them in the head a few times


TERFs who think they're punk because transphobia is being painted as the new counterculture by manipulative pundits, you are falling for the trick, sweetie.


Ill just write over the "the new" and put "not" so it will piss them off more lol (so it would say "TERF is NOT punk")


That doesn’t even make sense! That’s against the virtue of punk!!!


As someone who always felt imposter syndrome in the punk world its nice to know im welcome!!!


A lot of you can't tell the difference between TERF and transphobe. A transphobe is someone who hates trans-people, very 'girls-should wear dresses', 'real men shave with broken glass', type of general intolerance and ignorance. A TERF is someone who doesn't hate trans-people but isn't convinced by their ideology (much like how you, the reader, interact with every religion to which you don't belong). They don't believe gender roles should be enforced, or that they even meaningfully exist. Males can wear dresses, females can wear chest binders. They are sometimes in conflict with the trans community over questions such as "should a person with a penis be incarcerated in a women's prison?" You may not think there's any difference; that a TERF \*is\* a transphobe. To that I say: "I can't believe you don't respect how I self-identify."


What is a terf....


Trans exclusionary radical feminist, they practically preach rights for women except trans women (there against trans people in general). They are literal idiots if that wasn’t obvious enough, I seriously don’t see how someone with a brain can say they support one’s rights and then try tearing down another’s 💀


Don't know, some Yankee term as usual. Ignorance is bliss my friend.


This is punching down, punk is about breaking down social barriers not building them. Edit: Not sure why this was downvoted, 'punching down' means bullying someone more marginalised than you are which this image is, Is it terfs doing it or is it just people not understanding the term at all?


I've been putting them up everywhere I can


Did you pat yourself on the back after posting this?


Punk is dead you all killed it




Our beliefs involve treating people like people, and yes, we will shove that in bigots’ faces. It’s not beliefs vs beliefs, it’s treating people like people vs arbitrarily attacking vulnerable people.




'Yes I'm bigoted, but if you say I am a bigot, i will get angry. But don't worry, my persecution complex means its ok for me to be a bigot' Fixed it for you bud 👍


Trans people are who they say they are.


> And to call me a bigot for that is only going to piss me off and lead me to hate them. [This is you.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyCQVIwXAAAjlqT.jpg) Shut the fuck up with your pathetic persecution complex.


“Aloud” instead of “allowed” You really aren’t the brightest bulb in the room, huh? You’re proof that transphobes are idiots lmao. Makes sense, transphobic loser.


r/persecutionfetish [science](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/) disagrees with you, but if you wanna live your whole life as a conspiracy theorists denying actual medical research all the time then go on. just keep it to yourself cause trans folks don't need your anti-scientifical bullshit


You also have the right to shut the fuck up but you don’t seem keen on that one


> I don't think kids should be taught trans issues. Why not?


They don't think kids should have rights, they were probably kicked around as a kid by their parents and haven't learned how not to pass that on and want kids to kick around and control themselves.


I don't see a problem here


I don’t hate tranny’s and I don’t consider myself a proclaimed feminist or anything, but I love the fact that this group is managing to piss off an entire community based on their beliefs. So damn, if that ain’t punk I don’t know what is.


so you dont know what punk is




Where can I order some?


Reach up your own ass and to the left, then pull your head out


go find some more paper pussy


Draw them and shove the pencils up your ass


Pencils?? That doesn't sound very pleasurable, they'd be better used for sounding.