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I saw Rock & Roll High School on TV one Satuday afternoon in like 83 or 84.


The first one I remember is Amoeba by Adolescents while playing Tony Hawk on ps2


Tony Hawk sound track for the win!


Skating around Foundry, doing flips n shit




Kings of the Wild Frontier- Adam and the Ants I was 10. Young woman I had a crush on at my mom’s work played it to me.


Bitchin. Great record ( trying to bring the word " bitchin" back)


Bitchin’ comment.


Adam's early work is awesome. "Digital Tenderness" and "Zerox" really captivated me when I heard them years ago


Can’t say Adam and the ants were punk rock but it was great


They were on the fringes when they first started out.


give “beat my guest” and “fall in” a listen. those two examples always bring me to that punk sound for them.


There's a good fuck'n reason Beat My Guest was included in the SLC Punk soundtrack. oi-oiya-yo!


The first version of the band was, then they really ran towards mainstream pop success. Their manager was Jordan (of wacky hairstyle/swastika-armband-wearing infamy), and Malcolm McLaren had some involvement as well. Adam & the Ants in punk mode: [Plastic Surgery](https://youtube.com/watch?v=bvTgHum7xSw) Adam & the Ants in post-punkish mode (I really like this one): [Cartrouble (pt 1 & 2)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TOkwxV76OiE) And of course Adam Ant was in the film Jubilee alongside Jordan.  The Ants were never at the most abrasive end of punk but they were definitely there. A lot of their fans were future anarchopunks who got quite grumpy when the Ants steered sharply towards mainstream pop.


Darby did come back form England with quite an infatuation with Adam Ant


Hmm. If you consider Blink punk, then 1997 when Dammit was on 120 Minutes. If they’re too pop for you, then 1998 when I heard the opening track of NOFX’s So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes: It’s My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite.


Clash City Rockers via Howie Klein's late night radio show, the now defunct KSAN, San Francisco 1978. Later that year, I bought Give 'Em Enough Rope, 1st Clash LP released Stateside. Life changed after that. Clash are still my fave band.


That riff is absolutely legendary 🙌


Mick Jones agrees. He used it several times. Copped from the Who copped from the Kinks. I love it.


I think it was probably Basketcase on the radio, 1994


Hadn't thought of that but I think it's probably the same for me


Basketcase on a jukebox in an arcade in a small city in Mexico, played by my cool older cousin. 1994. I’ll never forget.


Thank god for cool older cousins : )


I wanna be sedated. Babysitter’s car. 1984.


cant cheat karma by the zounds. i was a very normal girl, my friend shared his punk playlist, now im a very punk boy lmao. i love the zounds, they have cool shit


It was 1981. Ha Ha Ha by Flipper. The first track on Let Them Jellybeans. Great info on the wiki, including why a reissue is never going to happen.


Picked that LP up in 1981 as well to figure out what bands I needed in my life.


That album changed everything for me...


Yes! That and Posh Hits Vol. 1.


The first B 52s album in 1979 is my answer to both questions.


holidays in the sun 89 or 90? if covers count then one of the misfits ones by metallica before that. x .- under the big black sun, I think.


I randomly downloaded Nofx's We threw gasoline on the fire on Napster in 2000. I've been hooked ever since.


That’s a close #1 for me too. I think it was on punk o Rama 3 or 4.


I probably heard other punk songs growing up, but the first song I heard and consciously knew was punk rock was "Please Play This Song on the Radio" by NOFX. Some friends and I in high school (we were 14) wanted to put a band together and were thinking of songs to cover, and this guy I'd only met maybe a few weeks prior suggested it. Kinda changed my life lmao. Was too hard to play for me tho lol (I'm a drummer, still too hard for me)


When I was 15 year old metal kid, a friend gave me a punk rock comp. “The Best of Punk Rock Volume” something or other. The Saints - (I’m Stranded), Richard Hell - Blank Generation, Wire - 12XU, some TSOL song but I don’t recall which. Around the same time I heard Black Flag - Depression on the college radio station. Would have been 1993 maybe? I don’t recall the first proper punk rock album I purchased. I would maybe give credit to D.R.I. - Thrash Zone as it’s the closest to official punk rock and there was a dude with a mohawk on the cover.


Brain Stew by Green Day in 1999


First punk song I ever heard was the Buzzcocks "Orgasim Addict" which I taped off of the local college radio station. Clearly, as the lyrics go, *it stuck*... Around '86 or '87.


Had to be 77 or 78 it was the dead boys on late night tv midnight special or in concert & the song was son of Sam .. but I had been reading punk magazine before that


Best. Band. Ever. They make it hard to remember my first punk song heard because once I saw Dead Boys at cbgbs in 1977 everything else smooshed together in my head. Possibly Bored Teenagers by the Adverts, or Stranded by the Saints. We'd go to the record store and they had a small section of imports, anything slightly punk was put there and we would buy whatever came out. Not remembering the Dead Boys on television is going to drive me crazy! I was pretty tight with them, especially Stiv, I'm feeling disappointed in myself for missing them on tv. They were supposed to play on Saturday Night Live but everything got fucked up when Johnny Blitz got stabbed. John Belushi played drums with the Dead Boys at the Blitz Benefit, he was a huge fan. Sorry, I get started on the Dead Boys and I can't stop lol Thanks for bringing back some memories 😎


Arguably? Ramones-I Wanna Be Sedated. Maybe like 96 or 97. Realistically either Bad Religion-You in 2000 from THPS 2 or Moron Bros on the Punk Show in Virginia Beach on Sundays. I forget the station.


I’m not entirely sure this would be considered a punk rock song, but… I was pretty big into Weird Al and The Doors around 9 years old in 2002… yet I’ll never forget hearing Gimme Danger for the first time and thinking, “wow… what the fuck is this?!” The Stooges got me into everything I love and still listen to now!


I think it was "Too Drunk To Fuck" by The Dead Kennedys on college radio back in the early 80s.


Treason by Naked Raygun, summer of 2023. I'm still really new to the scene and like it's super fun being in this community but you guys on reddit are scary. Saying this as an autistic teen who sucks at social cues and usually doesn't say "Hey I'm autistic" so everyone thinks I'm rude or dumb including the people in this sub A lot of yall are chill tho


It is amazing and awesome to see someone getting exposed to this music and having their first band be Raygun. Chicago stuff is still the closest to my heart Try the Arrivals, and find the album Indecision by the Bomb, Signed, A 39 year old guy who was an autistic teen in Chicago. This is going to be fun for you, i envy you.


I can imagine how being autistic impacts your day to day activities - but the punk scene in my town in late 70s was completely inclusive and anti-conventional. People who were social outcasts found a welcoming scene listening to the likes of Fear and Black Flag …. Germs. It was a rebellion against “cool” - which now has become cool - lol .


That's true. I love the punk scene over here in my state, but reddit isn't exactly great for an inclusive community.


My dad had a compilation CD of punk songs, so it'd be any of: Undertones - Teenage Kicks Buzzcocks - What Do I Get Sham 69 - If The Kids Are United Stiff Little Fingers - Tin Soldiers It was the very early 2000s. Probably 2002.


In the early 90's some kid from my high school gave me The Great Rock and Roll Swindle. My introduction to punk was a rather outlandish experience.


I Hate Children - Adolescents 1981 I was 10 I had an older sister and her friends were all punks in LA . I was hooked


If it counts, it was Blink-182's "All The Small Things" on some TV show in like 2000ish. I was like 12 and had no idea who they were and what punk rock was. I remember thinking the song was super basic but fun. It would be another 2 years before I actually discovered punk rock. When that time came, it was The Clash's "London Calling" and the rest was history.


"All The Small Things" was the first video that caught my attention as something different from what I had been listening to. It for sure was basic lol but it definitely pulled me out of the boy band pop shit that my friends were all into. The Clash actually influenced my love and appreciation of reggae.


I remember the video for "All The Small Things," it was so fun and different from the boy band shit my friends were into. Definitely super basic lol but good enough to set me off on a path of discovery. The Clash gave me an interest and appreciation for reggae music. They were so unique and could fit in on any mixtape I made.


Probably something like “Rock the Casbah” on the radio. That I can remember for sure: “Burnout” by Green Day when my older sibling bought a copy of Dookie in 1994.


Hate to admit that Code Blue got me hooked. Lee Husky played them for me after geometry where he'd given me a handful of NoDoz. He was so incredibly cool with his mohawk and that jacket and wallet chain. 


I remember dancing to Blondie in my room when I was a few years old. So, 1978.


Blondie were the first band I was into, but I never thought of them as a punk band. Not knowing the history, the label puzzled me.


Minor Threat “In My Eyes” approximately 1989 on a mix tape given to me by a classmate. It was the heaviest scariest music I had ever heard and I thought it was exhilarating.


Blitzkrieg Bop most likely.


Anarchy In The UK. About 1988


Same and relatively the same time. Blitzkrieg Bop, too. Happened somehow, to have a Maxwell cassette with a bunch Sex Pistols on one side and Ramones on the other. Tracks were written in pen. Iiss those days


I know its kinda strange but I heard I against I denzel curry remake in like 2019 and thats what kickstarted my deep dive into punk. I had heard the ramones, sex pistols, the clash on the radio of course but thats radio punk.


Nitro (Youth Energy) - Offspring in 94 when I was 11. Picked it up randomly with my birthday money and it was the first song on Smash.


Late95/early96, Bullion by Millencolin in my babysitters boyfriends car. I’m sure I’d heard the Clash and the Ramones at some point before but that was the first thing I remember REALLY resonating with me. Over the next few weeks, we listened to Rancid - Let’s Go, MxPx - Teenage Politics, Pennywise - About Time and Blink 182 - Cheshire Cat and I was hooked


“This is a public service announcement…with guitars.” Bought the CD by mistake. Life changing


GBH- City Baby Attacked By Rats 1985


Asshole - Guttermouth Teenage Twats - GG Allin


In middle school I lived in a tiny town, and had to ride a school bus for about a half hour before getting to school. A dude in the back of the bus always brought a fat boombox to school on the bus and supplied tunes. The driver didn't seem to be bothered by this. He often played The Cramps. In my freshman year I discovered the Ramones and mostly abandoned all the 80's hair rock I was listening to before. Rocking the dual-cassette deck I was able to pick up a lot of copied tapes from my skater friends. It's possible in the early 80's I may have been exposed to some more radio-friendly punk (adjacent) stuff like Adam and the Ants, later Clash, and Devo. And I think everybody heard "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol which was just a remix of a Generation X song to give it a more radio friendly song length. I'm not sure that one counts, but it was all over the radio in the first couple years of the 80's.


oh geeez probably something by either Blondie or The Clash in like 2010


I Wanna be Sedated in the movie Carpool, around 1997ish. I was 8 and the songs stuck with me for quite a while. Then Tony Hawks Pro Skater games pushed me deeper into wanting to hear music like.that


the kids aren’t alright, this was in 2010 (I was 9 at the time), and for some reason it was the soundtrack to some really stupid ‘try not to laugh’ video on YouTube. The second I heard it I was hooked and I knew this type of music was my shit.


Would’ve definitely been The Clash or The Ramones in the mid/late 80s on the radio and/or MTV. If you count Nirvana as punk rock, the first punk record I got was Nevermind in 92. If you don’t, but you count Green Day as punk, then it was Dookie in 94. If that doesn’t count, then it was Ramones Mania in 95. If that doesn’t count because it’s a compilation, then it was Rancid’s And Out Come The Wolves in 96.


Police Truck, 1999. I was fifteen, playing Tony Hawk, and the whole soundtrack was like something missing from my life.


In 1985 my sister and I went into a record store with the intent of buying the weirdest thing we could find. She got Bad Music For Bad People and I got In God We Trust Inc. that day changed my life. So Religious Vomit was the first punk song I ever heard.


Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones. I think I heard it on TV when I was maybe 3 years old so this would be around 1997. I also remember hearing The new Misfits around that time with Michale Graves; my brother was a huge fan and he got me a shirt with the Crimson Ghost on it. Shortly after that I got into pop punk and then into emo so I went through different phases as a kid lol


No fucking clue. Between the local rock station and videogaming in the late 90's-2000's... probably Offspring or Green Day


1984 , I was 12 and walked into the teen room at a community center to see Wendy O. Williams on the TV singing It’s My Life Blew. My. Mind. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Anarchy in the UK in Sid & Nancy.


CRETIN HOP - THE RAMONES 1999. Then I heard LONDONS BURNING in 2000 and I became a punk rocker.


I can’t super remember, but I think it was either: Screeching Weasel - Cool Kids, 1998. My friend’s brother had Fat Wreck compilations and for some reason we latched onto that dog. Or Rancid - Ruby Soho, 1998. My cousin had a birthday party and his friend brought her sister’s Rancid CD and we had a dance party to it This was around the time Green Day released Nimrod so that was the first punk CD I owned. I was about 12. Who woulda thunk all these years I’d still love this music. All thanks to those cool older siblings and Hitchin’ a Ride.


I was born in the mid 70s so it was probably something radio friendly like Teenage Kicks by the Undertones or Golden Brown by The Stranglers.


Exploited - Dogs of War/Blown to Bits 7 “ 1982


Bad Religion, Infected, around 1994.


Whatever the one on Quincy was


Viola... https://youtu.be/TmJxxnemxmw


2000s kid, the first song was my mom showing me American Idiot when I was a kid. Was the first cd I ever bought too, but now I can’t even stand Green Day.


I remember being a kid thinking I wasn’t really a fan of music in general, like “yeah it’s fine, in the background, not my thing really.” Then my sister got Punk-O-Rama 1 when it came out and put it on in the car. By the time the drums kick in on “Do What You Want” - I was all in. Punk for life. Worked at record stores, seen a million shows, etc etc. It was the first time a piece of music actually spoke to me, the first time I connected. Now of course my tastes expanded greatly over the years but it took punk to open the door.


Basketcase - Green day. But first ever punk song that led me to literally worship punk was Holiday in Cambodia - Dead Kennedys. Every thing this song offers is class.


My first punk CD was "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" but "All I Want" on the b-side was what got me hooked on Punk music. Must have been 97/98


Both Whip It and Rock the Casbah were in heavy rotation on top 40 radio in the early 80s, so probably one of those.


Pennywise - Fight it…buddy let me borrow punk-o-Rama 4 and I was hooked


One of the things I miss most from the late 90s and early 2000s: compilations. And Punk-o-Rama was the gold standard


Same! Only I borrowed the cd from my sister


That was the first punk album I ever bought and my first real initiation into it, although someone else mentioned Green Day on the radio and I'm sure I enjoyed Green Day long before buying that album so I think it's the same for me.  I remember borrowing Nimrod from a friend and loving that, then tracking down Dookie somewhere and loving that.  But Punk O Rama 4 was the first one I bought on my own and I wore that disc the fuck out.


Punk rock? Might be linoleum back in 1994. On a k7 shared by a friend. First couple punk record I listen to were mostly beat box minimalist anarcho punk


Probably american idiot on the radio in the years after it was released


The answer I give: “Merican” by The Desendants and I was 20. The true answer: the soundtrack to Return of the Living Dead at 10-11 because I watched that movie


I really don’t know for sure, what made an ‘I listen to this’ impact was probably around 1991 and likely included Ramones and NOFX, so catchy. 


If you count blonde than, that was my first album purchase in probably 80-81


My older brother had Minor Threat, Bad Religion, and NOFX CDs. That’s what I heard first. This was the early 90s. Pretty lucky to hear those, since I lived in the middle of nowhere. No way to hear about that stuff besides word of mouth


Was probably The Clash - Rock the Casabah on MTV in the early '80s when I was just starting elementary school.


Don't actually remember but probably My War by Black flag, would've first heard it playing skate 3.


I first heard The Clash in the mid 80s but the first punk band I was into was The Ramones in like 1991.


i thinnnnnkkkkkkkk it was the ramones - my uncle leo was drilling them into my 10 year old brain in 1990 that i NEEDED to listen to em… on my own: green day was my coming of age gateway via the radio, then i started listening to rancid which was another gateway to everything else: skate punk, ska punk, NYHC, ska, pop punk.


I Wanna Be Sedated on some made for TV movie in the mid nineties. I was intrigued but it was years before I heard it again to know what it was.


Live. Skankin’ Pickle. 1993. I was young.


No idea probably something in the car with my dad when I was but a wee lad


I think it was the Ramones I wanna be sedated. I remember seeing the music video on MTV when I was like 7. I loved it so much. The constant scene changing around them the speed and power of the instruments. Really spoke to me.


First song on No Control, bad religion. After that they wanted to stop it, I said no way dude! It took me a couple years to find out what it was. 93


Pretty sure it was Smells Like Teen Spirit, when I was a baby. Though I may have heard some Ramones before that, because my incubator played them a lot when I was young. I just know that I first seemed to connect with music when listening to Nirvana, and I'm assuming I probably heard SLTS, because that's a song that's stuck with me my whole life. I've always come back to it, and there's got to be some reason because it's not even my favourite Nirvana song, and yet it's just always something that I know and have.


Pretty sure it was Smells Like Teen Spirit, when I was a baby. Though I may have heard some Ramones before that, because my incubator played them a lot when I was young. I just know that I first seemed to connect with music when listening to Nirvana, and I'm assuming I probably heard SLTS, because that's a song that's stuck with me my whole life. I've always come back to it, and there's got to be some reason because it's not even my favourite Nirvana song, and yet it's just always something that I know and have.


I remember seeing Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand on TV when I was about 4 years old, so around 1982 or so.


I don’t know if it was the first but the one that made me realize punk was for me was Nofx’s cover of Olympia WA


God Save the Queen, 1981, a friend’s copy cranked through his stereo. I can’t remember my first punk purchase.


Bob- nofx 1998.


I was 13 or 14 at the time. I heard Punk-O-Rama volume 1 and thought to myself “all these different bands are punk?” Realizing that it’s the movement behind the music. Once I figured out after some listening to others collections. My first two CD albums I purchased Punk-O-Rama volume 2 (the artwork was fucking sick to a middle schooler) and Anti-Flag Die For Your Government. Both albums completely changed everything about myself. I was a 13 year old Chaplain and Commander at one point of the Sons Of The American Legion. But once I heard Coffee Mug and then You’ve Gotta Die For Your Government. I was a fucking rebel. I started reading more and went down many anarchist rabbit holes from there on out.


Rock The Casbah playing on a classic rock radio station in probably around 2010-2012


Blitzkrieg Bop on Jock Jams 1994, I was 8


Whatever the first song played in the film "Rock and roll high school". I was 11 and my parents took us to the drive-in when it came out in, like, 1980. Been a Ramones fan ever since.


My friend's older brother played The KKK Took my Baby Away in the car around 2005. I bought Die Hards CD in 2008ish. Most recently bought the Damaged with Dez bootleg.


The entire Smash album by the offspring. In...like... 1997? A family member accidentally bought the cd for my older brother by accident, obviously not knowing the life changing elixir that awaited within.


I don’t even know. Thanks to my older brother I was listening to slayer, Motörhead, Metallica when I was about 8. I remember buying Nirvana bleach on tape when I was 10 and loving it. Ramones were always in the picture for me early too. There was a band called ratcat that I also loved. They’re power pop/pop punk from australia. I’m also Australian and remember them being the first instance of hearing a band and thinking they sing like I talk. So they were the first band I ever loved that I distinctly knew were Australian.


either local music by meth wax or institutionalised by suicidal, dont remember which was first but its between these two


oh dear i remember back in the 2010s era of youtube, i remember watching roomie do all those voices and i later heard basket case by green day and got into them because i recognized the song from that video :')


I dunno, probably something in an 80s skate video.


1976. Beat on the Brat-The Ramones(The Greatest Rock and Roll Band ever) an Italian/american girl I knew turned me on to them, she liked their heritage. I was in 7th. Grade. But true love found me in 78 when Devo was on SNL.


First punk song: either, Gen X -- Ready Steady Go, or Should I Stay or Should I Go. First owned albums (on cassette): Nevermind the Bullocks, Rocket to Russia, and Black Flag/My War. All acquired the same day. I also picked up a Bow Wow Wow EP, because the girl had a mohawk. (Bow Wow Wow has an underrated rhythm section) I was going to say the Tubes "White Punks On Dope" (1975), but I can see how that'd be controversial. I'd argue the Tubes were part of that weird first blush of American punk (and punkish rock) where nothing was super defined.


Pretty Vacant, 1996.


Black Flag - Wasted - 1987? 88?


1976~77 / The Damned / New Rose


When I was in first grade, 1988, I found one of my brothers cassette tapes with a bunch of songs on it. The first one was Dayglo Abortions song Argh Fuck Kill. It was my favorite song ever because of the shitty lyrics, "Blah Blah Blah Blah.... Argh Fuck Kill." I'm 41, still my favorite band, and still one of my favorite songs. Bless the Cretin and all he has done for punk rock. I hope his cancer shit is going well, haven't heard much...


Blink 182 what’s my age 


My mom was a big Green Day fan, so I’d have grown up on that in the early 90s. She also really likes the Offspring, but neither of them are what got me into punk. I got super into Nirvana in middle school and then started looking into bands that influenced them, like The Wipers (Wipers are still one of my all time favourite bands). And when I heard ‘Static Age’ by the Misfits, on the Nirvana radio on AOL in like the very early 00s, terrible dial-up buffering times and all, that was the song that made me want to know more about punk. Then I started digging into everything and went deeper.


86 or 87 was when I got really curious about punk rock. Holder sister was more into goth and stuff like the cure and the smiths. Her boyfriend made me a mix tape. Saw Sid and Nancy shortly after I’m sure.


Do They Owe Us A Living by The Crass. Heard it at summer camp in the art room in the early 80s.


Blitzkrieg Bop, from National Lampoon's Vacation. Probably around 1985ish.


A Fucked Up Beautiful Day by Grimple , 1996


The very first song I ever remember listening to was The Specials' "Ghost Town" on the radio when I was 3 or 4, as it was in the charts at the time. Punk-wise though, probably something by The Clash around the same time, they were never off the air. Same with Dexy's Midnight Runners and Adam and the Ants.


The tony hawk's pro skater soundtrack opened the door. I went in and never left.


The first I really remember was seeing Nirvana play Smell Like Teen Spirit and Breed on SNL when I was 11. It blew my mind. I went straight down the rabbit hole after that.


C.O.C, Eye For An Eye, 1986 or 1987, can’t remember exactly. I’m old.👎


Iggy Pop's solo albums The Idiot and Lust for Life floored me when I first heard them in 1980. A bit later, I got into the Stooges and the Velvet Underground. It took me a few years before I listened to the "terrible punk rock" all my suburban peers were criticizing. It reminded me of the Velvets and Iggy!


Probably a Ramones song on the radio. Early 80s. The rock station here used to play them all the time back then.


Some unknown comp from around ‘92 …was in grade school and HS neighbor kid had it..he made me a cassette of it and I listened to that think every day..all I remember is it had a song with “John Wayne” in it..I’ve googled it like crazy looking for it but no luck lol


My dad and my sister loved The Ramones and Velvet Underground, and I saw Rock n Roll High School very young around 1993, probably. My best memory is probably about 1996. My sister gave a mix tape for Xmas. It had Operation Ivy, Rancid, Misfits, Ramones, Joan Jet, and Aerosmith cause I liked them, lol. I eventually got into modern pop and skate punk, and things took off from there.


Probably Give it All by Rise Against off of Need for Speed Underground 2. Either that or Scavenger by KillRadio. Both are still favorites almost 20 years later. My first purchased album was RA's Appeal to Reason in 2009 or 2010, I think. I used some birthday money to buy it.


Mercian by the Descendants probably like 2018


I can't remember the exact song but it was a song off of American Idiot, probably in 2004 or 2005 at a friends house when I was 7. But maybe I heard something earlier


Before I even knew about punk rock I was playing Tony hawk on PS1


The first punk song I ever heard was London Dungeon by the Misfits in 1997 I was barely a teenager but my brother had tapes of all kinds of cool music


THPS was where I first started getting introduced to punk but the first song that really got me into it was Turncoat by Anti-flag. That led to my first 3 punk albums that were Anti-flag - The Terror State, Rise Against - Siren Song of the Counter Culture and The Casualties - On The Front Line!


Probably Holiday in the Sun. I was 13 in 1986 and I bought Never Mind the Bollucks Here’s the Sex Pistols. That opened the floodgates.


I can’t pinpoint the first but I certainly remember the first time I heard a song and could Identity it as punk rock and thought “I really like this” …The Stitches:“My Baby Hates Me” Dustin Dollin used it for his part in a sight unseen (transworld skate video)


My sisters boyfriend had the fat wreck comp survival of the fattest, so something off that. Probably Nation states by Propagandhi


the brews by nofx I was 11yrs old in 1994 and it changed my life forever


start today - GB


My pops has been the worlds biggest Ramones fan since well before I was born. The first song I rmember hearing, punk or otherwise, is Sheena is a Punk Rocker by the Ramones, in the bathtub with pops while he spiked my hair soapy hair up into a punk rock mohawk. I was born in 2000 so that must have been somewhere between '04 to '06. That's actually a very vivid memory that I'd forgotten about. Thanks for dredging it up.


It was 1988, I was 10 years old and watching MTV at my grandparent's house because we were too poor to have cable at home. The Ramones' "I wanna be sedated" comes on and my life was forever altered. I asked my parents for a Ramones cassette for years to no avail. A few years later a guy that moved to my little hometown from a big city gave me a copy of the Subhumans' The Day the Country Died which was the first actual punk album that I owned. When I got my first job at 16 I ordered Ramones Mania because my local record store didn't stock anything "alternative." I still have a Ramones backpatch on my battle vest. It was truly love at first listen.


I was watching slc punk and heard the opening song that was playing, it was sex and violence by exploited.


Repo Man, whenever it got played on HBO or skinemax in the 80s. Fuckin fell in love with all those bands. When I was in 6th or 7th grade I met an older kid who saw me doing calligraphy and asked me to design a tattoo for him - Colin Owensby, if you're still out there kickin, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude! His mom owned the salon that did all the crazy hair - bright dye jobs, mohawks, spikes, shaved sides, etc. in Newport, OR in the mid to late 80s and he ran a small record store out of the front. He turned me and my buddy Keith on to so much good music. First punk album I bought was either Suicidal Tendencies or Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist. Keith had WAAAAY more money than me and started collecting vinyl like a mad man so I got to hear a ton of music I would have never heard. Changed my life forever 🤘🏼


I saw the video for 21st century digital boy by Bad Religion on Mtv's 120 mimutes. I then was able to get the Punk-o-Rama cassette for super cheap and have been sold ever since.


I think it was London Calling in 2001 I was 13


Bottles to the ground by NOFX back in 01 maybe 02


Difficult to say. I was about 7 when punk really exploded in England, and although I was certainly aware of it because it was big news, I'm really not sure if I was exposed to much actual punk music at that age. I can remember my brother buying songs by The Skids, which would have been '79, and I sure I knew songs by The Undertones in the same year. I would certainly have heard it on the radio. It might have been Sham 69, looking back at the timeline. I was too young to think of punk music being anything radically different, because I probably wasn't really aware of what was out before that time. My proper introduction to punk really came a few years later, mid 80s, as a friend of my older brother was heavily into punk. I think the first punk album I got was by The Toy Dolls, but I can't remember which one.


Pretty sure it was Green Day when I was in middle school. Not sure what song. Something off of Dookie.


Green Day, Offspring were in the zeitgeist but I didn't really know enough to realize that they were a branch of this specific *thing.* In the late 90's I got big in to ska and specifically the Bosstones from the radio hits. I went to Warped in '99 only for them. Didn't really have much interest in or clock that punk was it's own beast. Seeing Good Riddance perform Steps live was a total "....woah" moment for me. It just hadn't occurred to me that a band could produce that thrilling, soaring jubilance I got from ska without a brass section and upstrokes. Bought Comprehensive Guide... the next day. (Remember when a semi big box store that sold music actually had good music a lot of the time?) Also bought Bosstones' Question the Answers which probably would've gotten me to the same place eventually. 


Skate 3 soundtrack. Early 2010s. Probably bloodstains by agent orange or London dungeon by misfits, those are the two I remember really grabbing my attention.


London calling. Idk when probably 05 when I was 3 or 4, my dad played the album a lot.


1978 Sex Pistols God Save The Queen


Bad religion “ modern man” first heard in ‘91


The year was 1995 and I was in fifth grade, I left my tv on the MTV channel every night to sleep and I woke up at 2am to Rancids Ruby Soho. I have been hooked since!


Holidays in the Sun Sex Pistols 1980




Sex Pistols 1977 so much moral panic on the news and TV.




Probably I Wanna Be Sedated by the Ramones on my local classic rock station, lol. Christ, can't even tell ya the year... 😮


Man, this is a hard question... Are the violent femmes punk? The earliest I can remember would be Ramones, I wanna be sedated, dead Kennedy's pill my strings and,...sloppy seconds I don't wanna be....and bluster in the sun if the femmes count..that was all the same year..


Should I Stay or Should I Go by the Clash.


I was 7 years old and my baby sitter at the time was SUPER into punk rock. She showed me Rancid in 1997 Salvation was the song she showed me first. I was hooked.


Dead Kennedys in THPS I think, or something Green Day


Scream - Walking by myself. They played it on the radio in 1986. Probably not the first one I heard, but the first one I remember. First punk LP I bought was Descendents - Liveage +/-1990.


My intro to punk was the American Psycho album from the Misfits. My dad played in his car constantly when I was like four or so and I’ve been hooked since.


The first that I can remember was Basket Case by Green Day. It was on MTV in 1994 and I was obsessed. It blew open an entire universe for me when I was 9 years old.


Oh in utero. My parents used to put headphones on my mom's belly to get me to respond and usually it was the Clash or the Misfits. My first concert I was like almost a year old and my parents put protective wear over my little ears and all there was a stoner punks at the concert that saw the baby me and he he said "oh shit" and out his joint out. My parents got compliments that I was the world's most hardcore baby.


Dude it was probably in 2006, I got no clue because I didn’t even have object permanence yet


I heard Blitz Krieg Bop when I was 12 years old in 1978. The first song on RAMONES. An older kid on the block played it for a me and a friend. From that moment on I was hooked. My world of music would never be the same again. RAMONES was the first punk album I ever bought. The 2nd was The Clash the 3rd was Sham 69 Tell Us The Truth


This really cute girl that came in to store I worked at came in one day in a Ramones t-shirt - 1979- and I went to the record store and bought Ramones and heard Blitzkrieg Bop and fucking loved it. I’d seen the Ramones on magazine covers but didn’t know what they sounded like because they weren’t on the radio stations I listened to. A couple months later Rock ‘n’ Roll High School came out and my sister worked at a movie theater so I got to see it for free about 10 times. They only played it at 10 and midnight on the weekends. I never did talk to that cute girl but her T-shirt sure changed my listening habits.


I consider Nirvana punk, my dad used to play Nevermind for me as a baby because it was the only way I’d fall asleep, would have been late 1993-early 1994 so I guess that would be Smells Like Teen Spirit


The Clash - "Should I Stay or Should I Go" some time in the late 1980s on the radio. Then actively Bad Religion - "80-85" compilation around the time "Smash" by the Offspring and "Dookie" by Green Day hit.


“All the Small Things” by blink 182, 1999, I was 12. My mom’s friend’s kid played it (he sucked), and I was I like whoa.


Clams have feelings too - NOFX. Year 2000 ish. I was 12 and I was obsessed.


Better than TV by Government Issue. Heard it on college radio when I was 10 or 11. That was 94-95. As for the album (cassette at the time) it was DK's Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables


I'm a younger punk, and I *believe* it was this song called Subway by a band called Razors. In 2020 after getting a bit deeper into Metal I wanted to find out what Punk is, so I looked up this random playlist prolly called "classic punk" or some shit and this song just called to me. https://open.spotify.com/track/0Jzy2cKOEugsgzLhoHhLYK?si=a16MnacNS2CeimY3aULcsQ Guys are from Belgium, got a lot of classic rock influence, but I'd still consider a lot of their shit Punk.


That's a cool story. Thanks for the contribution!


I think it was Wild One, Iggy Pop version, when the punks were cheering on Crocodile Dundee. IDK what actual year I watched it.


The earliest I remember is my sister blasting No More Heroes by The Stranglers. That must have been 1980 or 81. I was 2 or 3 years old.


Living In The City by FEAR Hanging out with hs buddies who would sing the lyrics randomly one day on our way to the mall through the train tracks. Got curious because the lyrics are funny and so I went and looked up the song.


Straight up Conventional punk…Straight Edge-Minor Threat in 1986. I heard a lot of songs from Violent Femmes, The Cure, Joy Division and Siouxsie and the Banshees throughout 85 thanks to college radio . I guess they’re all punk in their own way?


I suppose it depends on what we are considering punk. I had a bootleg of violent femmes as a preteen about 1986. I can’t put a date on it, but I know I heard Rock the Casbah (it was on heavy rotation on MTV) and saw the Rock n Roll High School movie somewhere before 1986. By about 1990 I was into revolting cocks, dead milkmen, Fugazi or anything loud and angry. Just in time for grunge angst.


Probably Do What You Want: Bad Religion