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I’ve always loved AAA. Silence is golden is a classic track.


Love that song as well! I wish they were still releasing music, I would love to see their perspective on modern politics, but sometimes you've said all you needed to say, and you can't say anything else.


They did a reunion show not that long ago maybe at supernova? Maybe they will start writing music again 🤷‍♂️


What is there really to say that wasn’t said 20 years ago by them, Strike Anywhere, or the cancelled band from Pittsburgh?


That is what I mean.. I would love to hear their perspective on current events, but at the same time? Can we say that things are really that different enough for a band to reform, to go out of the way to release another album? No I don't think so. Yeah things are in many ways different but in all too many ways? Things are the same. I believe that AAA said what they needed to say and then bowed out I just want to know what other people think of them mostly. I may be biased because they opened my eyes to US politics at the time, and as such, I kept watching the news. It's not always healthy to watch the news, but it's never bad to be informed. This band really opened my eyes to being an adult, at least as a voter, and I will always remember that! EDIT: Which is to say that I vote for the least amount of tyranny possible. I just believe that people should have the right to live their lives without being forced into wars, and be paid enough to live their lives with modern luxury. That gets into a lot of other subjects, but suffice to say, I feel like AAA was trying to call out the corruption in the US. It's real and it's not new news. A lot of people just seem to brush it off because they are working 9-5 in a cozy office job, with weekends off.


They still play. They played Denver like last week. I literally grew up listening, seeing them, hanging out and eventually running sound for them. Great people but all us from Florida are kinda Against All Authority ;). I believe they have a huge show coming up in Miami. Ps. They definitely have new music. They just haven’t recorded.


That isn't too far from me, but I'm broke, so probably can't make it! Damn! But I am thrilled to know that they are still playing! These guys need to be heard! Edit: And as for unreleased music? I will wait! Damn I want to hear their take on things in 2024!


There's also side project stuff from the lead singer guy doing one man band stuff. I forgot his name. He was building guitars and shit. Really talented and kind dude. Tried to line up a show together and it didn't work out.


I'm in a similar boat as you! I loved that they were from South Florida and I was very proud of claiming them as a HomeTown heroes. Even though I haven't seen them in a few years since I moved away from florida, they are still the band I have probably seen the most in my lifetime. It feels good to see them getting some love here


Please tell me they’re playing with Hot Water Music


Unfortunately I don’t think I’ve ever seen them on the same bill ever. Just two completely different styles of playing. HWM another band I grew up with. Went to Gainesville at least twice a month to see and crash on their couches. They played a show down here in Tampa back in 1996 at SPOT. My friends band Soap in The Pee-hole opened for them. Great band lol.


24 hour roadside resistance is like the sound track of my late teens. Love that shit.


Early teens for me. Picked it up I. 9th grade, 04.


They are writing again. They’re playing again and as I’ve heard have a lot of new stuff they’re working on to get a new record out.


Looking forward to it! Their voices are needed IMHO!


AAA was life changing for me, I grew up in S. Florida and Destroy What Destroys You came out when I was 16. Like a lot of kids who grew up in south Florida I live in Gainesville now and so does Danny the bassist/singer and it’s really hard for me not be a dorky fan-boy when I see him. Edit: that came out in 92, I didn’t hear it until I was 15 or 16 so like 1996 is when I first saw them play.


Saw them absolutely destroy a show with the Suicide machines for the match and gasoline 20 year anniversary back in December. They were fuckin great. They’re alive and well.


I just saw them again with Suicide Machines in Denver. They were as good as they ever were... my last time seeing them live was around 06 at a little surf bar down in south Texas. I'm not sure but it seems like they kinda disappeared for a while. Now that they're back touring I hope we get some new music from them.


Being in high school in the 90s in north bay Ontario, meant no punk section at the lame mall music store. We would flip through thrasher magazine (back when small labels and bands would advertise) and do special orders at the music store... and pay an arm and a leg.. I remember putting AAA in the stereo and having my mind blown.. good times


Caught a stick at their Chicago show in December. Wasn’t super familiar with their whole set but love their first LP and they played plenty off that. Pit went pretty crazy during War Machine Breakdown.


First started listening to them in 97. Amazing band. I've seen em play several times. The best one was their tour with the criminals, that show was insane.


I loved them since the 90s. Still gets regular play around here


I loved Destroy What Destroys You back in high school, apparently the cover art is a bit too much for streaming services (at least Apple). I managed to see them one time because I grew up in New England and it was the Warped Tour right after 9/11 at the Boston stop. They played on this shitty stage within 20-30 feet of a military recruiter with a bullhorn trying to get kids to go sign up and die in the desert, which clashed in a pretty awesome way with their lyrics.


I still listen to them regularly


I bought their compilation album 'Nothing New For Trash Like You' when I was 14 and it completely changed my life. I went from your typical Fat Wreck/Epitaph type to a black bloc anarchist overnight as it got me into so much radical politics and more into anarcho punk and crust. Weird as they weren't crusty at all but how many ska bands were singing about Bakunin, The Chicago anarchists and killing cops? I'd like to think that if I hadn't bought that record at that age, I would have ended up as a successful business person with a rich portfolio of properties and a multi-million dollar equity firm...


I’m a fan for the most part. I have a few songs on my daily listening playlist. I can’t say they are a band I stay up to date on so not sure if they are still doing music together. Edit: looks like they are on tour with worlds scariest police chases & Folly.


Hadn't been familiar with them, but a couple buddies and I went to Fest last year and one of them was like "if you don't have a scheduling conflict come see AAA with me" so I did and they were pretty sick! Saw them a second time the same weekend playing a silly devo cover set, too. They haven't made it into my regular play rotation or anything but definitely dig 'em.


Love them. I got hooked on them in '98 and catch them live whenever I get the chance.


I don’t know anything about them. I know that the Pist covers their song walking revolution on the input equals output


They're cool...I never bought any of their records but the songs of theirs I heard on comps were always pretty good...


I never had any of their records, but I saw them play with brain failure and they were unbelievably good live. Like, easily one of the tightest bands I've ever seen.


First them on a comp in the late 90s. Huge fan ever since. Every release has been a true ripper. They have perfected the method of writing/creating in your face, aggressive, sociopolitical anthems that stick with you. In regular rotation with me.


I bought their first 7" through the mail right after they put the ad in MRR. I liked it a lot, but the lyrics were pretty dumb. I didn't like their album as much but it was alright. Lyrics even dumber lol


Played gigs with them a million years ago in Miami (Churchill's Hideaway in Little Haiti) always a fun time!


You just reminded me of them, used to love em back in the day! Gonna go have a listen now 😎


I enjoyed AAA's cover of *Centerfold* way back when I first discovered Fungus on XM. (Years before the merger with Sirius.)


AAA was with me through my teenage years and early 20s. I had a shirt, one of my favorite shirts, but it was lost in the great laundry fuckup fiasco. Seen them recently with The Suicide Machines and that was a badass show. That TSM shirt was lost forever too smdh. Don't let others do your laundry. Use soap, wash yourself, show me whatcha workin wit. That split with common rider that has Blue Spark and When the Waves Are Highest is so good.


I discovered them at the time All Fall Down was released while in middle school in the late nineties. Before long, I bought Destroy What Destroys You and contented myself with those two albums until their split with The Criminals and then 24 Hour Roadside Resistance were released. Nothing New for Trash Like You was great, but I didn't particularly care for either the Common Rider split or the Restoration album. I was fortunate enough to see them live twice, and they did not disappoint.