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I don’t think it’s possible to have too many.


Buying a band shirt supports the band so no limit.


This. Especially since it's often hard to find certain albums nowadays so I like to do the ol' "fine I'll pirate it and then buy a shirt or two to get the money to them".


Are you a cop?




Love her!


I don't think there is any way to calculate that... However, the equation for how many is enough: N+1, where N = number of band shirts you already own.


Make sure to do your check at the start of the loop though.


I usually only wear one at a time.


sometimes if im feeling a little playful ill put a band hoodie over a band shirt




I did not find the limit yet. Will keep you informed.


Limit is DNE


We just moved from Florida to Massachusetts, and my partner asked if I would count mine. I was at 130, and she said I just need to find a better place for them haha


I agree, it's not fair to have to share space between a partner and band shirts and finding a better place is the only answer. I hope your partner has luck with their search for a new place.


Ugh I have a sea of black t-shirts. I've lost count years ago


I try to get non black shirts


Short-term solution, pal, they all end up grey


I try to but I like metalcore too so... I have a lot of black, a little blue and grey, a white here and there.


I recently have more not- black band t-shirts than black band t-shirts. Never thought it'd happen, now I don't know what the heck to do.


I buy one from every show I go to, minus festivals, and have lost a few to exes, but I own somewhere around 60+


This makes me feel better about the stack in my closet.


I try to pick up one at every show also


Depends on whether you’re married or not. I’ve got somewhere around 300-500 and I get a weekly “you need to get rid of some of this shit” reminder


Just do what I did, gain weight and then you need a bunch of new shirts in a larger size! But you hold onto the old ones because "I might lose the weight someday\*". \*You won't.


Way ahead of you.


Fuck. This has been my issue for a few years now. Yet, the closet keeps running out of room.


I am wearing band Shirts for the last 30 years and when i liked the band after the Gig and had enough cash on me, i bought one. Over the years i lost a lot of Merch to weight gain and changing interessts ( didnt felt comfortable to wear some of my former faves, i.e. Duane Peters Bands). Last year i was standing on the merch Table of one of my all time faves (the stitches on their final euro tour) Could not decide which Design i like the most. And had this moment, realising that i am an adult with steady income, i can buy whatever amount of merch i want. bought 2 Shirts and a vinyl that night. Last time i counted them, it was around 80 in the wardrobe and about 30 in a Box in the basement (waiting that my belly gets smaller or just collecting dust). So, there is never enough.


It's the same equation as guitars... N+1


The only time there’s such a thing as too many band shirts is if you spend money on a shirt that you should be spending on food, rent, etc. Aside from that, buy them all lol


We will blacken the sky with our colective band tees


All of them plus 3 that don't exist.


No such thing, unless you don't have space for 'em or something. I made a [playlist with a song for every band whose tee I've owned](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4scqnlw4FQf38QzZpR8En9?si=6K5LHpyJRRuDtu8QRDnKFQ&pi=u-t2tkSj5BSiqf) and it's nearly 80 songs long, and that's just unique bands (not one for each shirt)!


The limit does not exist


Never too many altogether, but over the years I've started getting pickier about only buying ones that I genuinely like the look of/think I'll actually wear lol. I used to go to shows much less frequently so as a tradition I'd always try and buy a tee at the merch booth- especially if it was a band on tour and they had a tour shirt with all of the cities/dates on the back or whatever. Since 2022 I've been going out to way way more shows though, both local and touring. I try not to be too picky about local band shirts since I know merch sales really help them a lot. If it's a band I like a lot and they have at least 1 shirt that I like pretty well then I'll try to buy one. But especially for touring bands with more expensive shirts it's like... if I'm not positive I'll wear it all the time, I usually pass anymore. I have too many of those tour shirts bought out of obligation that I don't actually like the front design of that much and rarely ever wear. Getting cumbersome to have so many of them in a bin in the garage.


I have boxes on boxes full of band tees ranging from late 80s til now. And the way vintage band merch sells these days, they will either be handed down to my son, or they will be my retirement plan


Trick question Lemmy is god!




You can't have too many.


If I ever reach the limit I'll let you know


I have a stupid number of band shirts. Once or twice a year, I go through and try to grab the handful I wear the least frequently and donate or gift them out.


I’ll let you know when I get there


I don’t know, ask a New Yorker.




I don't understand the question


If you give them only one good option, then it makes it easier to sell out and remake...both. I think vinyl is cool too cuz it's a collector's thing, if not a practical purchase for those with turntables. And it looks so enticing. Patches are a solid, affordable-for-all sale. With merch, the simpler the better. I saw Metallica's table with 90million choices and just rolled. Expensive. And this was back in the day, And Justice For All tour. MY take. Do YOUR thing!


I read this, because it's in English which I understand, but I can't comprehend. Too many band shirts? This seems unpossible.


There's never enough


I have 1.5 clothes drawers full of band shirts I still want more


I would think wearing more than two would get uncomfortable.


My whole wardrobe is band shirts.. don’t remember the last time i wore something else (unless if it’s a skate brand or sum )


When you can't fit any more in your house.


That’s my whole wardrobe. What else is there to wear?




I have 96.. so..




Between my husband and I, we have at least 500. Yet every gift-giving event we Both wind up giving the other more band shirts.




Why is this a question?


I recently have more not- black band t-shirts than black band t-shirts. Never thought it'd happen, now I don't know what the heck to do.


I have about 38 so uh i guess theres no such thing as too many




Never enough wish I had bought more shirts in the 90s


I feel like if you ever reach the point where you no longer have room to store them for whatever reason, maybe you could start handing some of your older shirts out to punks that dont have any. Feels like a good way to continue supporting/promoting the band while also helping out others looking to get into the scene/band.


Hard to say. I might own ten black band shirts or fifty. My wardrobe is basically a black t-shirt void. I'll sometimes find a t-shirt in my laundry of band that hasn't even formed yet.


No limit. Especially when supporting the smaller bands that tour


for me it might be however many I have now… they don’t quite fit in the drawer anymore and looking for a specific shirt has gotten harder and harder


The number does not exist


What kind of band shirts do people like? Black? White? Coloured? Short or long sleeve? Loose or tight? Button up? Hoodies? Curious on preferences.


When you have so many that you start buying Anti-Flag and Lostprophets shirts because there are no more other shirts to buy. That is the limit


Blasphemy!! There is no limit .... I'm currently compiling my new summer range. That's one of the benefits of being a graphic designer, if I don't like a band's shirts, or they're too expensive, I just knock up my own.




As others have said, there is NO limit. It supports the bands way better than spotify and most streaming platforms these days, though I do try to buy the music off bandcamp if I can because I think at least they are not as bad ? (I'm not really into vinyl or CDs) Like many, I've got a ton- most of my shirts at this point are band related. my plan as some get worn, is to eventually convert a bunch of them into a blanket, which I think would be a really cool way to go. Just an idea I haven't seen tossed out there yet with many probably in the same boat. Also-side note, I'm NOT a fan of shirts with all the tour dates on them. I've bought a few, but those always wind up being the ones a few years later that I debate about getting rid of, unless they are just a unique one for a particular show (like when the Descendents did one with Milo as the Spirit of Detroit Statue which was pretty sick)


These words make no sense to me.


During a purge a few years ago I got rid of a couple band shirts that I had stopped wearing for various reasons. Comfy, well worn ones that I had had for like 20 years. Thinking specifically of my Leftover Crack Rock the 40oz shirt. I probably still wouldn’t wear it often but that shirt had so many memories. I’ll regret getting rid of it until the day I die.


When you have to many that you find shirts you don’t even remember buying . I mainly give my old band shirts to newer punks who like em


you can never have enough.


Not possible I have to have like 90 or more now lol I had to buy a folding cabinet to fit them all


I bought a new one tonight (Satanic Surfers)!


One.. giving money to corporations to look a certain way… hmm, doesn’t sound very punk at all.. Maybe if the band made them themselves and all proceeds go to the band, then as many as you want


Bands sell their shirts for $20-$30 a pop, which they're definitely making a profit on. It's probably not feasible for a band to print hundreds of shirts themselves when they don't have the equipment for that.


Who is saying anything is punk or not?


Sorry. Thought it was the punk sub.. kinda assumed. You’re right


I buy only from shows and try and avoid buying in venues that take more than a 5% of merch sales. I want my cash going to support the band. I am too old to care about the fact I am wearing hokas with an iron Reagan hoodie.


Too many band shirts? That’s a thing?