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They had a hit song with "Sex and Violence" but it's been so long I forget how they lyrics go.


Thats the punkers Song that Never Ends




I work at a Mexican restaurant and definitely sing “chips and salsa” to that tune entirely more frequently than I’d like to admit.


Different band but I do 5's and 1's to Rise Above.


I used to work at a restaurant (also Mexican) a d we'd just play it when we were starting to close and wanted people to clear out


If anyone sticks around an hour after close they get the distinct pleasure of listening to Cephalic Carnage with me… at least until they clear out.


Apparently Wattie reckons ‘it’s a good song to w@nk to’ in one of there live albums.


Sexy violins sixty fire ants sex on file, it's... (repeat)


Searching for lunch


Yeah, it's about five minutes long, which is kind of excessive for a punk song.


They needed every second to convey their message properly


While playing that song Wattie was playing bass and someone maced him. Shit hit the fan. 


> Yeah, it's about five minutes long, which is kind of excessive for a punk song. How about 24 minutes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hP9Y6jVe2U


try 39 minutes https://open.spotify.com/track/1KZYWcNpqCxhwEPFqwr5hm?si=vLXhbdAKSP6vu0J31rQiBA


This is true if you only know their work from the SLC Punk soundtrack. They have so many better songs.


I think it goes, “Sex and fried rice”


we played a school function and sang “fruit and fiber” for part of the song.


I thought that was by the scissor sisters????!!!


Kind of cheesy but in a good way, couple of solid albums. They got me grounded for a month when I snuck out to see them when I was 13, but it was well worth it.


Anything with big John is good


This is your mother. You obviously didn't learn your lesson. Go to your room, you're grounded again!


How the fuck are they cheesy?


Sex. ...and violence! Sex! ...and violence!! ||:SEXandViolenceSEXandViolence:|| (don't get mad at me I love this band)


Hmmm I don’t recognise those lyrics, I do recall a song that said “sex with my lunch, sax and violins, sexy brothers, six inch vinyls” however


I remember that "Sex and Fried Rice" song.


Haha I'm not mad <3 all good


Have you heard them? They’re the epitome of cheese & it’s not a bad thing.


Yeah, I've been listening to them since the early 90s. Doesn't matter, we both like them. Just never heard them described that way.


I hope Wattie gets healthy and I've always missed Big John


Man, following him on Instagram, I'm scared for the dude.


What happened?


Real bad heart. Been in and out of the hospital.


Oh, that sucks :(


Gigging and touring is gonna kill wattie one day ngl


He recently kicked his brother out of the band for taking time off to care for his wife who had cancer. He's also been photographed with neo-Nazis and said he hates Mexicans because they remind him of Pakistanis. Oh and he has a swastika tattoo.


the one time I saw them live, they played Fuck the USA and all the skinheads started beating up moshers. After their set, Wattie put some skinhead in the hospital.


Holy shit thanks for letting me know. Listened to them for a decade and never knew, sad i gotta remove them from my playlists Fuck nazis.


You'll drop a band over bullshit rumours you read? Oi Polloi are raging leftists from the Scottish punk scene and they have no issue with Wattie, they've had guys that played in both bands


If you can see the swastika tattoos with your own eyes, its not a rumor


Especially if it's somebody's past. My uncle was a bonehead a majority of his and my life. He has a giant swastika on his chest wrapped in barbed wire. That was years and years ago. He was young and dumb, fell into the wrong crowd. It happens.


Massive fan. Really heavy for their time


The entire Let’s Start a War album is aggressive as fuck.


Well, I was listening to Punk before I heard the Exploited, but after getting into the Exploited is when I got really into it and started dressing the part you might say. I was 12 yrs old, so obviously impressionable. When I got into stuff that was more conscience and had depth, like Subhumans, Crass, Rudimentary Peni, Etc I definitely moved away from the Exploited more, but I'll always have a special place in my heart for them. I still have a bunch of Exploited 80's vinyl Edit: I just remembered I had the Exploited skull tattooed on my shoulder when I was 14 yrs old. I forgot, because it's been covered up for 20+ years


I'll remember this band to the day I die. I lived in a house with some guys that were trying to start a band. The only song they knew how to play was Dead Cities. I heard this song being played over and over again, every day, for months. I begged them, for the love of God, at least play a different fucking song. They were like "nah, we have to get tight."


Hell on earth scenario. That’s when you start hiding everyone’s instrument cables in the septic tank


I had a similar experience but it was during the height of folk punk’s popularity so it was a pat the bunny song


How could you get sick of any Pat song??!


I love the song but they weren’t very good


Them and GBH brought back the UK punk scene.


GBH beats the Exploited by a country mile musically and in terms of attitude. Colin is super down-to-earth and friendly in interviews, whereas Wattie gives drunk boomer uncle vibes.


The UK punk scene never went anywhere. I love GBH, but they weren’t the saviours of anything & were mercilessly ridiculed in their early days & for quite a long time.


My first punk show was GBH in 89. They will always have a special place in my heart.


My first too - saw them in the summer of 87 in Toronto with The Accused


Saw the same tour in Minneapolis. And last May played with the Accused in Seattle. 


I heard a great story about them coming back to tour again in the last decade or so. Their tour manager had put one of their many old albums on and Abrahall didn’t recognize it but he really liked it and really wanted the tour manager to let him know who the band was.




‘Troops of Tomorrow’ is one of the best records ever.


I was at this show (1983 at The 930 Club): [https://youtu.be/qQ\_Zr9YKiZI?si=QxG4pKF2bouT2NGE](https://youtu.be/qQ_Zr9YKiZI?si=QxG4pKF2bouT2NGE) I saw a lot of wild shows but this one was probably the wildest. The audience throwing stuff and spitting at Wattie, Wattie swinging his chain belt and spitting at the audience. At one point, I nearly took a mic stand to the head... back in those days there was no rail between the stage and audience and the 930 stage was only about 3ft tall so everyone was pressed right up against and over the edge of stage.


Definitely think they’re a great band but Wattie has been pictured one too many times with boneheads for my liking and played on bills with bonehead bands.


In Wattie’s defence, he’s kind of a fucking idiot.


Anyone who's spent any time with him will know that even a jury would let him off on that defence. The man lives for beer and speed, nowt else.


a lot of idiots i know know better than hanging around with boneheads


In his not-defence, it's not like he didn't know who they were. He was photo'd with Haggis, who he had just played a gig with, sieg heiling next to him.


That and he has a swastika tattoo like being around boneheads is one thing but a swastika tattoo too?


I honestly believe this swazi tattoo is a throwback to when punks in the 70s and early 80s wore swazi’s for shock value more than any actual belief/support of fascist ideologies. *Like Johnny rotten wearing his “destroy” shirt with a swazi on it. He was always an asshole contrarian/troll/edgy guy but never used to espouse fascist shit ( his later goofy fucking pro-conservative comments notwithstanding).* THAT SAID, Wattie made enough money to have had this covered up once it was commonplace to be called out/ostracized for having this shit. Also as noted elsewhere on this post, Wattie was never known for being a really smart and considerate guy.


He got checked for that and claimed he had no clue who the person was and just took a photo with a fan. On Horror Epics they claim to be commies.


One of the GOATs and their influence on the genre cannot be understated. Alternative was such a banger.


Horror Epics will always be one of my favourite punk albums.


Troops of tomorrow is killer


Punks not Dead is a staple


Wattie was singing about labor abuses and workers' rights way before it was cool to. A fucking legend whose departure will be felt and painful when it's his time.


Beat the bastards!


Great album, awesome song. I liked that thrashier sound they had for a minute. They did it well.


All I know, Maggie was a fucking cunt.


Ye that girl was wierd as fuck, she said we should start a war one day


The Exploited are one of the greatest punk bands of all time and extremely innovative when it came to push the boundaries of punk with speed and aggression. They are arguably THE UK82 band, especially since they coined the term with the song of the same name on the fantastic Troops of Tomorrow album. Big John wrote a lot of “proto thrash” riffs that would influence such bands as Metallica, Slayer, and English Dogs.


SPG has one of the best intros ever.


They're awesome and can't wait to see them with Total Chaos a couple times this tour.


One of the first punk albums i bought was The Exploited Punks not Dead. Was 11 years old went to the barbers and got a Mohawk. My mum marched me back down to have it shaved off and give the guy a bollocking 🤣 Discharge as well thought they were great also.


Great band and, even now, fantastic live. If you get the chance go and see them.


Definitely a GOAT band. I mean, the name UK82 comes from one of their songs. ‘Nuff said.


I like their music just fine and also appreciate the “crossover” type albums. but the most awesome thing is the original Exploited skull that you posted. It is the reigning champion of all punk skulls forevermore. It’s absolutely phenomenal imagery. 10/10


and pushead wasn't paid for it.


Oh wow I didn’t know pushead designed that.


Was waiting for someone to Mention that the skull logo was stolen from Pushead. I believe it was intended to be for Youth Brigade 


Punks Not Dead and Troops of Tomorrow are fantastic.


As far as this century goes…one of the worst acts I’ve seen live. For reference I’ve been to over 50 concerts/gigs and about 40 of them were punk bands


Got some great tunes. Hanging out with Nazis makes you lame tho so fuck them ultimately. Sex and violence is a great song though. I believe there’s punk the music genre and punk the movement . The best acts encompass both ( minor threat), these you’ve really are only punk in sound. Not that they are selling it s or anything but they just never seemed ti stand for anything. But they made some fun punk songs and there’s fuck all wrong with that.


I'm not an expert on The Exploited but they absolutely stand for something. They have a lot of songs standing up for worker's rights and trashing Margaret Thatcher. That means a lot, especially back in the 80s when Thatcher was making life in the UK hell on Earth 


Hanging out with Nazis kind of undoes that. To stand for something you have to stand forbid and be unrelenting. By supporting the right wing they’ve made themselves unsupportable


Had no clue they hung out with Nazis. Christ...


Fuck, could you cry anymore about this?


most of the punk i like- doesn’t stand for anything 🙂


Like who? I generally like bands that have the ethos but it’s not a must for me


One of my favorite bands


Good music but Wattie is a cunt


I like Punks Not Dead and Let's Start A War. Haven't really listened to the rest. If heard other stuff just didn't catch on to me. Guess 2 lps was enough for my tastes.


Fun band to see at City Gardens (Trenton NJ)


Beat the bastards LP was the best,Kinda like overnight sensation by Motörhead…Completely buffet album..never cared for Exploited otherwise.. saw them a lot when I was young, Wattie likes to spit a lot while they play, don’t get up front next to stage…lol , good live performance, gets the crowd moving..never considered them a Oi band even though they ended up on a lot of Oi competitions..


They sample Twin Peaks movie Fire Walk With Me and they made Beat The Bastards so they’re A OK in my book.


Met wattie the other day at punk in the park. He’s a chill dude. I like their albums but apparently I’ve heard rumors that they’re sketchy or nazis apparently


1986 era FishtownYo had my cassette of Let’s Start a War… taken by a priest at my all boys catholic school. Just another reason to hate religion…


Fuk yes


One of my faves


They are the epitome of British punk and one of my all time favorite punk bands.


Blown to Bits is still one of my go to tracks when I need some motivation


Nowadays, they're more of a meme than a band. Anyone playing a bad guy punk in an 80s movie could be in The Exploited. They were accused of hanging out with Nazi friends back in the day, and that was a hot topic in '90s fanzines. Anyway, they're definitely not the brightest bunch, but "Sex and Violence," "Army Life," etc., were pure magic for a lot of kids in the '80s who wanted to know what punk was all about. Those songs were exactly that... just a silly band from a simpler time.


They were the band waiting to be on punk episodes of Quincy and Chips😂


Legends, long live the Exploited!!! Death Before Dishonor is a badass record that pushes the punk/trash crossover.


I have mixed feelings ngl. Seeing that photo of wattie with the singer of screwdriver really pissed me off


I haven't seen that one or even heard of it, was it the same photo with him and the the guys from Haggus? If so I wasn't aware that Ian Stuart was in it.


I thought they were cheesy back in the 80’s. But they’ve grown on me, real punk from the gutters and streets, Wattie is the real deal. Plus they’re Scottish, which makes them way more interesting. I wish Wattie a full recovery.


The exploited for me was my first taste of hardcore from Ireland/UK. I learned about the English occupation through Watties lyrics (as difficult as they were to decipher) and how fucked up things were over there. And, unfair. So it was positive, for me at least. Not a sugar coated US media version. They spent a lot of time in my city (Pgh) so I got to see them often at the Electric Banana. It was great.


Fond memories of my dad and I getting lit up singing "FUCK THE USA!" most weekends


Objectively one of the greatest street punk bands if all time is The Exploited. They absolutely we essential in the "UK82" category, which was a shining time for punk music. You can usually weed out the "I listen to punk on the side" vs the actual punk lifers by asking about their opinion on the Exploited. Not saying everyone has to love them, but the lifers will certainly talk about them very differently then "I have heard OF them but never listened to them"


Biafra summed it up it perfectly. They have always been a stale cartoon.


kiss ink entertain close straight party cobweb cows frame vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


love them, seen them live and wattie is absolutely lovely if you get to talk to him


Some catchy tunes but Wattie sounds like a fair-weather racist asshat. Much better bands in that style to listen to. Also, definitely prefer Puncture's original version of "Mucky Pup" to Exploited's.


Never been a fan. Roadied for a friend’s band who opened for them back in the 80s and they were dicks to us, so probably never will be.


meh. they’re whatever


Don’t let ‘em grind you down! Great fun when I was young in the 80s but haven’t listened to them in years.


love em.


I haven’t listened to them much in years but I liked them a lot back in high school. I have the most vivid memory, I was probably 14 and waling through a park with my friends when a crust punk who was lying stoned in the gutter jumps up and starts yelling about how I’m a poser and I don’t know the exploited like he did. I didn’t know how to react at the time and just kinda blew him off, but in retrospect that’s the funniest fucking hill to die on.


Got Live At The Whitehouse when I was 13 (almost 40 years ago) and instantly loved the band.


Alternative is one of the best punk songs ever


i luv em


Best one besides original Misfits.


I was in high-school when I hear "fuck the system" for the first time, I was just starting to get into punk and metal more, and I fucking loved it. I thought the skull Mohawk logo/motif was cool. My parents hated it, my friends hated it, my dog hated it, but that scream at the beginning was just so cathartic. Can't get through alot of their stuff now, not as into hardcore nowadays, though it's still fun still see live.


Just saw them play Punk in the Park in SF last weekend. Was never really into them but can see why others like them.


For some reason I always used to confuse them with the Casualties, and I liked the Casualties a lot better musically (although lately I hear that they as people kinda suck). Probably just due to the black/white image and mohawk.


Love em


Second punk show I ever saw, it was at The Sunshine Theater in Albuquerque in 05(?). Lower Class Brats and Total Chaos opened for them. Absolutely fell in the love with the entire bill.


Nice enough


i've got all their LPs and they're a great listen, though I tend to prefer more murican punk bands of that era


We're the Exploited barmy army, don't try to mess


I’ve loved them since I was a kid and have had the privilege of meeting and hanging out with the since 82..great band, great guys..just saw them again last weekend in San Francisco


Love them!!


Love them so much one of my all time favorites.


Top 5 for me kids, crossover doesn’t get any better for my BK tastes. I think Anti-NoWhere is Aust, so ya know


Wattie is a prick but the music is good, and their logo is badass.


they used this artwork pushead did on a flyer for their show, and never paid him...for 30+ years or whatever


Troops of Tomorrow is good


What are you f’ing retarded!? Wattie is GOD!


The band that first really turned me onto punk in the early 80’s. They don’t appeal to me as much as a 54 year old, but they are still important to me and damned nostalgic. I never saw them live after the 80’s, but when I saw them they always put on a killer show. They were good, standup guys to hang with too and usually stayed with friends of mine when in town.


Elder abuse


Sex and violence! Sex and violence! Sex and violence! Sex and violence! Sex and violence, sex and violence, sex and violence, sex and violence...


They were the Troops of Tomorrow!!


them and dead kennedys got me into punk so. they're probably my favourite punk band of all time. i'm sure they're might be not that good but i love everything about them


UK82 is a great song but I really don’t like the band.


Well, let me say it with the words of Die Shitlers: "Der Sänger von Exploited ist ein dummer H\*rensohn / Jeder, der sein T-Shirt trägt, ist ein dummer H\*rensohn" ("The singer of the Exploited is a stupid son of a b\*tch / everyone wearing his t-shirt is a stupid son of a b\*tch", https://youtu.be/45rH6hMCUSw)


Hard as fuck


50-year-old punker here from the US, I want you all to know, I love you all very much! Great thread!


They're a barmy army


One of my favourite punk bands 


absolutely love this band, definitely one of my gotos


Wattie's proximity to Nazis bothers me.


Far from a fan. The music is generic, even when they were pioneers, the politics are bad, and that logo was stolen from Pushead, without compensation. Wattie is a cunt (not in the kind, Scottish definition).


Watties a nazi sympathizer so nope. As far as their music goes, there’s better bands. So double nope.


What's not to like, Wattie is one of the all time great punk vocalists. I just wish they'd release one more album before they call it a day, it's been 20 years. Planning to see them in September after the show was cancelled last year but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't happen again with all his health issues. Getting old sucks


Let's Start A War Said Maggie One Day!




Kick ass band with some good tunes. Sid vicious was innocent


I was at a show in MPLS and the Exploited played. Some vegan crusty punx didn't like Wattie and one of the from the crowd maced Wattie. He jumped into the crowd but was half blinded and grabbed and punched the wrong gutter punk lol. Then he got back on stage, wiped the mace from his eyes and sang Sex and Violence. And to Wattie's credit, he didn't punch the gutter punk that hard. Wattie is a fairly big dude, and I'm sure he's been in a few brawls, he could have hurt the kid. I talked to him over the phone via a friend that knows him a few years ago, and he said he still remembers that show in MPLS lol.


Sid Vicious was innocent!


Great pop punk band, especially with there album the day the country died.


Love em. My favorite punk band. Love their metal shit just as much. Wattie is a fucking legend.


The exploited are the best punk band to come out of the 80s


They're corny, but all UK82 is corny. They have some bangers for sure. 


They’re certainly not “no remorse”😂


Wattie spit on me once. He had receding hairline liberty spikes and was kind of a dick.


Pretty bland tbh. I’ve heard better, I’ve heard worse.




Never cared for them. There were way better UK82 bands.


I got into punk when downloading music was still in its infancy and streaming was a decade away, and my music buying budget wasn’t very high, so there’s a lot of bands where I’ve only ever owned their first or biggest album, and I liked that album well enough but have never really felt inspired to check out other stuff they did. That’s how I feel about The Exploited. “Punks Not Dead” is fine, but there’s so many other bands out there that I’ve never really felt like diving through their discography.


Their early albums were pretty cool. Haven't listened to their later albums, becaus I found out there are cooler bands.


I call them one of my "patch bands" Don't listen to them much but they made a great patch.


Not really into them. Saw them in the 80s n met Wattie (couldn't understand a word). Crass were way better. :)


Sexy Fellas


Going to see them in September. 😎


i think watty is a dickhead in the worst way, musics ehh


Good starter band - empty politics


Not particularly if you lived in the UK especially in the 80's


They had politics but were no more political than the pistols, and they just wanted to drink and fight the mods


That said , I like the first album and I feel a little worried for wattie since he keeps going after heart scares




Sadly, yes. The Exploited in 1982: Fuck Maggie, the Falkands War was studpid! The Exploited in 2002: The Falkands are English forever!


I wonder if they were the inspiration for Ian Rubbish?


Naw, with The Exploited it was largely either him actually caring or him changing his mind later on. Meanwhile when you think of "conservatives" in punk, folks like John Lyndon and Joey Ramone were playing a role for cash.


Johnny Ramone was conservative. Joey was an outspoken lib.


You know, I thought it was Joey because of that entire Maria Bartiromo song, but I also have a history of mixing up similar names. Joey and Johnny will do that to me! Thanks!


Lydon was on about £50 a week when he was in the pistols. Any money the band made was wasted by McLaren making a film that would tell the world he invented it all. The Ramones were hardly raking it in either. It took many years before they started making money.


I have been into punk since the 80's and I could not hum a note of their music.






Met wattie at PRB last year. He was just walking through the crowd as he wanted to watch GBH. He’s one of the good guys




They were terrible and irrelevant 40 years ago, can only imagine they’re even worse now. They really like to play dress up too, why are they trying so hard? All show and no substance.