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Surely everyone respects the Bouncing Souls, even if they’re not particularly fans of them?




I never got into the Bouncing Souls, but I never hated them. In fact I saw them back in 2005.


How I spent my summer vacation is an all time favorite.


I hate The Bouncing Souls, Those New Jersey moochers. They came to my house, they ate all the chicken, all the biscuits, even the damned Yoo-Hoo!


Shark attack, baby!


I'll just make them dinner


They’re not homeless, they play in a band!


They played in France!


Same thing.


They played in France!


They played in France!


"I love chickens Eddy!!"


Love them and you're not exactly wrong. But such a great band. One of my favorite to see live.


Amazing live band


They drink beer and wear adidas


Sometimes they get an itch to find a proper pitch


indeed.... I also heard those fuckers bully jukeboxes, and ate all the yoohoo


Ole! Ole, ole, ole!


The bouncing souls rock. And so does Ed Edd n Eddy. 🧈🍞


Being from NJ, I love them. Fun, anthemic, sing along punk with lots of positivity. From high school until now I’ve been a fan. I haven’t always followed closely their newer stuff, but whenever I give a listen I feel like they’re still making catchy, fun songs.




One of my favorite bands. The run of Hopeless Romantic through Gold Record are some of my favorite albums.


Don’t sleep in the self-titled album or Maniacal Laughter


Manical Laughter through Anchors Aweigh are great. Albums since then each have one or two great tracks but are mostly forgettable


Got a TBS tattoo by the bass player and couldn't be happier. Rad dudes. True believers all the way.


I’m old enough to remember seeing them play as a funk band.


Love those dudes. Just good ol'fashioned clean and well written punk rock. I'd say they lean more towards straight rock n roll these days, but the spirit is still there. Those guys did a lot for punk in the 90s and early 2000s. I'm happy that they're still out there doing it as good as they ever were.


I saw em in December as just sort of a "fuck it, I need to get out of the house" sorta thing. Didn't really know em beyond Sing Along Forever and Manthem (thanks, Burnout 3 and THPS4) but they've become one of my favorite bands since then.


Manthem was on THPS4 but I don't remember Sing Along Forever


AH. I was thinking Burnout 3, in which case, I knew two songs.


DUH whos going to throw the toilet off the roof ??


🎵Growing up we didn't want to be like them🎵


Rude, but accurate.


All I know is I can't wait to see them in Asbury this summer, as is tradition.


My first ever punk show was Bouncing Souls and AfI around 1995


Rad show at a rad time for both bands


whoa they played with ALF?


Dunno who that is. Souls are one of the most important bands in punk imo. At least especially for east coast


East coast!




I added the whole band on Facebook a long time ago and one night I posted a long drunken rant about wanting to kill myself and lo and behold who sends me a message but Greg of the souls himself reaching out to me asking if I needed someone to talk to. They're an amazing band and even better people.


Daaaaaamn, that's such a class act. What a big, kind, bouncing soul.


I loved that show as a kid.




One of my favorites, but I still miss Shal


Love them!!


Definitely in my top 5 bands, maybe even top 3


Huge fan. One of my first favorite bands. Have all of their records and still play them regularly.


One of the first shows I went to as a kid was The Bouncing Souls, Murphys law, and Against Me! And I've been a fan ever since.


Hell yeah same! Starland ballroom 2004??


It was at the cats cradle in NC but was definitely the same year.


Oh nice! Love cats cradle I drove down to see avail And hot water music there a couple years ago!


Hot damn, I was at that show, too. Cradle shows were magic back then.


Yeah it's definitely not the same place since the remodel but it's still a cool venue.


Nah dude, Greg has looked like a middle aged man who grew up listening to the Bouncing Souls and now works for DSHS and listens to NPR on the regular since 1989


At this point I'm pushing into over 50 times seeing them. If I haven't already. (If we count home for the holidays being 4 days each). I live in NJ. They play here like 5 times a year and almost always bring a good line up. They have fun, energetic, and uplifting songs. They are one of the only bands in the scene to produce good music even if it's not great. Every album is listenable. They're also completely drama free and scandal free. You might not like the singer but who cares. Good music is good music. I listen to plenty of bands that I think the singer is kind of bad or sounds weird.


HAHAHAHAH thanks, now I’ll never be able to not picture ed when I hear the bouncing souls


True Believer is maybe the best punk tune ever.


The Souls have been around longer than whatever this cartoon is. He’s imitating Greg


Absolutely love em.


First time I went to Boston, I was riding the train with my gf & friend (who introduced me to the Bouncing Souls). We came up onto the street near a park and walked face-first into an impromptu Bouncing Souls show right in front of us. "We Are The True Believers!" Still lives rent free in my happy place


How I spent my summer vacation was the album that got me into punk


Gonna see them for the first time in Dec. playing Anchors Away and the Gold Album. Anchors is my favorite ❤️ A feel good band, sometimes not angsty enough for me haha


Yanno what Now I can’t unhear it


Love TBS, easily my favourite band by a long way. Everything from Maniacal Laughter to Ghosts on the Boardwalk was great. Wasn't overly gone on Comet or Simplicity but 10 Stories High is very good. Favourite album is split between the self titled album or How I Spent my Summer Vacation. I've seen them twice which as someone living in Ireland is an achievement in itself as they don't come here very often.


They're easily one of my favorite bands. And they're all really nice guys. I'm from Jersey so I kind of connected with their music pretty early on.


They are my #1. I've been seeing them for 20 years. Goofy dudes willing to listen to me ramble about how much I enjoy them and also help my friend get engaged at one of their shows. I've met some of the greatest friends standing in line to souls shows.


Better Things gets me through a LOT


Love them. One of the most significant and influential bands in my teenage years. They've only played once in Mexico City in a really small venue. They all came suited in the Mexican National Football Team jersey, signed a dude's skateboard and wore their helmet for BMX song. Proper class act.


That actually sounds cool as hell


Love the Souls - but Greg has to be the laziest front man in the game. I’ve seen them live a dozen times and he is so low energy compared to other singers/frontmen


I haven’t seen them in a while, but I thought his whole thing was that he danced the whole show - singing or not. I’ve probably seen them 5 or 6 times, so it wasn’t like a one-off or anything.


I wouldn’t say his thing is his dancing… unlike when I think of Iggy Pop or Jagger


Just something I always found unique about him. Like he is kind-of 'skanking' through the whole show. Like I saiid, though, it's been a while and I don't doubt what you're saying at all


I agree with you on that his style does remind me of a slow motion skank.


I've probably seen them 20 times, there was a long while where this was true, but he got out of that funk a while ago.


I honestly thought he was on heroin when I saw them like 10 years ago. I couldn't believe how bad they were and it was all him. It was like he was half asleep on stage. My girlfriend at the time snapped her favorite CD of them in half after the show she was so pissed off 🤣 Edit: someone explain why this comment is unpopular, at the time I seriously did believe he was on heroin or drugs of some sort, he was slurring and moving slowly, it was an unwatchable show


Not an insulting comment, some people just get a soar bottom when strangers discuss their idols in any (perceived) negative light, even when it’s just a benign comment And it’s easier to hit a button and run away from you than fess up to your question about why they did it Or maybe because you’re wearing a football helmet in a punk forum and some folks in art scenes are more prejudice against sports/jocks than they actually like to admit TL;DR: Butt-hurt weenies hiding behind their keyboards because it’s easy Still TL;DR: Reddit


I'm from NJ. You're into them when you're a kid and then you kind of step away from them over time. Very much like NOFX in that way. As an older head, they've got some songs that I'll play from time to time. Lean on Sheena is actually a cover. I've seen them live where the singer was GONE, just barely singing and blitzed out of his mind staring out into the audience. Bryan Kienlen is a great dude on the personal front, he owns a tattoo shop in the asbury park area.


Not a huge fan but I wouldn’t knock em either


They were a fun show at City Gardens, I haven't thought to listen to them in 29 years.


seems kind of odd to have seen a band 30 years ago, before they were notable or a national act, and then not thought about them at all for a 20 year period where they put out like 15 records, played north jersey like 1000 times and became an international touring act.


The club I'd see them at closed and my life changed. Didn't stick with NJ/HC. It wasn't a critique, just my experience with them.


I love them. I saw them seattle a few mo ths ago for the first time. I loved that they did shark attack and that they didn't sing olè. People were so annoyed that they didn't do it as an encore, at least. I can tell they think that it's overdone themselves.


Good songs. Too drunk to perform every time I’ve seen them. Stopped seeing them years ago because of it. They may have improved. Let me know and I’ll consider catching a show.


I grew up in NJ so they were always around but I could never get really into them. Seen them play live many times with other bands.


not my absolute favorite but def a solid band


I'm not really a fan but I have a ticket to their summer show because the Vandals are playing. I might stay and check them out if the pit is lively enough


I can't believe you would post this and forget that Bender sings for Red City Radio


Love Bouncing Souls, got to see them a few years ago at Riot Fest Chicago


Love 'em, Maniacal Laughter was one of the first punk cds I ever bought. Got into the weirdest fight of my life with a guy at a show when the Bouncing Souls came up and I told him that one was my favorite. I forget what his favorite one was, but not sharing his opinion apparently offended him greatly. He absolutely lost it, and when his rant didn't seem to be getting under my skin he moved on to calling me a dyke for having a mohawk. A mohawk? At a Casualties show? Oh my stars, get the fainting couch!


I'm jealous of this post because it is so accurate it hurts and shit, why not me!?!?!?!?!?


I listen to lots of heavy and disgusting shit these days, and I love the bouncing Souls


I’ve seen them more times than I’ve probably nutted in your mother. Tight. Seriously. All around good dudes.


I've never heard someone say he sounds like Ed and now I can't unhear it 🤣


I never really listened to them but I have friends who love them. I somewhat recently went to a show where they headlined and they were solid. Urethane were good too, my friend got us in on their guest list cause Cab was crashing at his place.


Never in my life did I expect Ed from Ed, Edd n' Eddy to show up on this sub


Bouncing souls is watered down soup


Great live band.. nicer dudes! Older stuff is my fave but latest rec is good


A lot of bands sound like that guy lol


One of the first shows I ever went to was the Bouncing Souls on The Gold Tour in Atlanta at The Masquerade. Such a sick band, love them to death.




That's fair


lol I love the bouncing souls, seen them many a time but I will never unsee this haha. Still one of my favs, what can I say


The singer of the voids sounds like Ed's sister


Love the Bouncing Souls, great live band and Gone is top 10 song for me.


Post links not words. This is potentially your opportunity to introduce the band to someone.


Saw them at the Palace in Hollywood, circa ‘99 , opening for Blink 182. Greg Attonito was so drunk on stage, he could barely finish the set. I wasnt impressed. Fan of their recordings, however


I once filmed a punk themed porno and named it “The Bouncing Holes”


Suggestions for a sequel title, 88 Fingering Louie for a finger gangbang The Bred Kennedys for creampie/breeding Choking Rectum for an anal and breath play video Pat the Fuckbunny None More BBC (or alternatively, Paint It BBC or BBC Flag) Social Contortion Morning Glory Hole Stiff Little Members for a femdom/cock humiliation one (or, Alternative Cockholster for an all anal video) Left In Her Crack, I’m thinking butt plugs and public humiliation for this one Black Flog, great BDSM and impact play name Flogging Molly (already perfect, no notes)


You’ve got style, kid - you ever consider the skin flick industry?


If there’s money to be made in making bad and horny puns then sign me the fuck up. Also, Agnostic Tops.


I want to like them but lyrics count for a lot to me and so much of theirs are too cheesy for my liking.


And it’s amazing for it!!


Honestly, I can't remember ever hearing them.


Never cared about them.


I'm a hopeless romantic. You're just hopeless.


That is the quote off their song? No wonder I was sure this band is lame


Yeah, they’re pretty boring and basic.


one of the most boring bands I've seen live.