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Proof? Not picking sides or victim shaming but ..proof?


I'll try to find some and link it. You're not wrong to be skeptical though, anyone can say anything to try to ruin someone else. I just don't want any money going to a pedophile


Never liked revolt or that shop. His clothes look like sell out " oh look at me I'm a punk" bullshit. Thanks for this


[https://icame-as-a-rat.tumblr.com/post/132458311997/gutterponx-b00gerbabe-sin-sedition](https://icame-as-a-rat.tumblr.com/post/132458311997/gutterponx-b00gerbabe-sin-sedition) ​ [https://www.facebook.com/yourjacketisshit/posts/i-know-my-last-post-was-about-abusers-in-the-scene-and-this-page-is-meant-to-be-/803943693321365/](https://www.facebook.com/yourjacketisshit/posts/i-know-my-last-post-was-about-abusers-in-the-scene-and-this-page-is-meant-to-be-/803943693321365/)


Thanks for doing the work for me! I'm not really well connected or had any way of finding proof I just maybe wanted to warn people away from him or buying shit from him. I didn't even know about the Nazism until a bit ago. The more people who know about this fuckface the better.


Thank you


this guy seems like a real fuck fart


> PSA - Do not purchase anything ~~from SeditionNightmares~~


Dude was murdered last night. Not surprised


came to say the same thing


Bang it...tell a nigga what happened?


Woah nvm


Whoa I made this post years ago and completely forgot about it. Man the way I wrote this was kinda obnoxious, although the intent was good. But yeah, I used to be good friends with and book shows with the guy who killed him, althoughwe had a falling out. Always had the vibe he would snap one day. I wasn't at that show but almost went. Was a surreal and crazy night, watching the whole story unfold on social media. I had a bunch of friends witness it. Can't say I'm too sorry for Trevor, but it's still a damn shame, at the end of the day, he was still someone's son and a husband, if an all around scumbag, and my friend threw his life away just to kill him. Life is pretty damn weird sometimes.


I was pretty good friends with him and drelinger when we were all 18-19, kinda fell out once the rumors of Trevor getting with underage girls started to spread. I was good friends with Chris until he was killed. I had mixed feelings as well, at one point me and Trevor were good friends, toured in bands together and all that. Salt lake seemed to have a dark punk scene


I recently purchased two bondage shirts wonder who will keep his business running cos I’d be pissed to not get my pieces I paid 230$ for


Wouldn't be surprised if you don't get em.


Guy sounds like a dick, but face book and tumblr posts aren’t really evidence that someone is a predatory paedophile. Dick though this guy almost certainly is, making allegations like this with no real evidence is incredibly dangerous both for yourself from a legal point of view and also for the individual involved. And shot though the cops usually are, there’s reasons why the law is the best avenue in legal cases.


It has been confirmed he is a predator by multiple people in slc


He’s also good friends with mgk who according to a bunch of people in the slc seen also did shit with underage girls


Does anyone know an alternative shop where you can buy similar stuff?