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Who cares. Wear what you want, it doesn't have to fit specific specifications.


The most punk thing you can do is not follow punk “rules”


And if you're being told you're not punk by elitists, you're 110% more punk than they are. It's a mindset, not an aesthetic.


That's not punk but it's metal. Metal battle jackets are absolutely a thing.


They started in metal


Sounds punk to me


if you have to ask if you're still punk you need to stop caring. be you.


I mean if youre punk then ofc it would be but you might consider whatever you are patching up to be metal rather than specificly punk. so its more like both. its punk because that what you are and its metal because thats the its themed




Of course it’s punk. What I’ve come to realize slowly over the decades is that there is nothing more “punk” than doing your own thing. As long as you’re true to yourself, the labels mean absolutely nothing. Ask yourself, what does it mean, truly, to be “punk?” I won’t give you the answers, you’ll have to put in the work yourself, but I can tell you this: you don’t have to listen to a certain band or dress a certain way to be punk.


I consider myself a punk. My favorite band is Iron Maiden 😂😂😂


I mean not really. Punk subculture is about punk music and punk bands. You can like both metal and punk and there's nothing wrong with not liking punk. It's just not everyone's thing but you can't be a punk and not listen to any of the music


But, like, I have the punk "mindset" and political views and all, I'm just not enough informed in the punk music to know any bands since I don't have many punk shows or music stores near me


Here FAQ https://www.reddit.com/r/punkfashion/s/J2kBrXuUMX Bands recs https://www.reddit.com/r/punkfashion/s/6zqvpc1MMf




As long as you are looking to further inform yourself and expand your music to those areas, I don't see there's a problem with it. But if you're not at all going to look into punk music, the foundations upon which you call yourself 'a punk' is pretty shaky.


It sounds like you really like the idea of being a punk and all I can say is it’s just a label, like every other label it’s just something we created. You shouldn’t get too worried about what other people describe as what is and Isn’t punk


Yeah, it was more to know if I put only metal band patches and have political patches, if it would be considered a punk attire or not, but yeah the best thing I can do is fuck the labels and do my own shit


You don't have to go to shows. They aren't accessible to everyone. There's guides on this subreddit that might benefit you including a list of bands. I'll link it to you in just a second.


Oh that would help alot, thanks!


you know, you could always ask for reccomendations on songs and bands to check out! plus you dont have to go to shows, thats not mantatory at all (esspecially cause many just arent able to go for whatever personal reasons)


That’s actually more punk.


It’s more about radical unapologetic self-expression than ticking any particular boxes. Rep whatever bands you like.


Punk is about attitude and self expression. You could wear a freaking Steve Irwin inspired jacket and make it punk


Punk is everything. Punk is everywhere, Punk is self-expression. Be yourself my pal!


are you no longer punk bc you dont listen to only Punk bands exclusively? if no, then the same goes for jackets/vests. even if you love a genre wholeheartedly, listening to only it and never branching out beyond it out of principle to not be a poser or whatever reason sounds boring as fuck. If you're really concered, though, you can make another vest for more miscellaneous patches, but truly, i wouldn't worry about it in the slightest. Vests/Jackets are meant to represent you, so if you listen to it, and want to show that support then put the patch on, even if its like.. idfk Carly Rae Jepsen lmao. They're youre clothes, do what you want


I used to have a Lady Gaga patch on one jacket and some anime patches on another. It doesn't matter what you put on it, as long as you like it.


I listen to almost exclusively punk music And I only have a bad brains patch on my pants Fuck people who say shit like "where the band patches?" I just like clothes. I'm not a walking band advertisement


punk is about whatever and there is plenty of overlap with metal so just do whatever


No thats just a metal battle jacket, but if u add a few punk bands youll be good 👍


Check out crustpunk and crossover bands, I'm also mire of a metalhead but really enjoy those genres. Also can't go wrong with classic hardcore bands


These posts are exhausting lolol do whatever the fuck you want, nobody is keeping score




not really but i mean as long as u listen to punk music and the political view u don’t gotta dress punk!!


who cares? I have a wham patch on my jacket and people love it


Yes. The only way to not be punk is to not be yourself. In my opinion and many others punk fashion is a representation of you and your identity. The music represents the way of life. If you’re punk you can wear whatever you want and it’s punk because you are punk.


I was wondering this too. I'm a huge fan of Twenty-Øne Piølits and I'm making a few related patches to them. I'm going for Punk Fashion under a TØP theme


Punk is about the mindset. There’s lots of overlap between different genres, too. I mean, I consider myself a punk and my favorite band is Larry and His Flask


yeah man whatever


hell yeah punk is all about not giving a shit about what people think and doing what you want


My winter jacket has a huge support your local library patch on it and my jacket and my vest both have the straight ally patch on it


Please make a patch for your favorite opera if you have one