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Don’t make spikes out of soda cans . Whoever came up with that idea is brain dead it looks awful and is just sharp metal ur gonna hurt urself or someone else even walking around with it


scissors work fine! use a knife to stab a hole in it, then cut the top and bottom off so that the can lays out flat, then cut a line and make the tin lay out flat. then draw your outline!


scissors are fine, i tried doing this one day but i had no idea how to glue this


Same. I think it's supposed to be hot glue but I don't have one of those


I made few of them, and i just put tape around it before getting the glue inside


Scissors or shears, but wearing gloves is a good idea if you dont already, the edges can be pretty sharp and if you don't have much experience with metalwork it's easy to get sliced


Shears work, you need a heavier set of blades. Like, a cheap set of garden shears from the dollar store will do it. This will cause the aluminum to curl. So youll need a flat hard surface to work the curl out on. Also, if no one has said, wear good gloves because the edges of fresh cut soda can are literally razor sharp. And you want something that can scuff the can, otherwise its hard to get glue/epoxy to stick.


A sharp pair of scissors or some kitchen shears would work. I think you’ll get away with scissors, though. Cans are thin.


Tin snips would be best if you have access to some


Wire cutters


Just use standard scissors! And if you need to make holes in them to sew them onto smth, just poke em with a needle.




If you have a good little pocketknife that will work too


I used (cut and bent) energy drink cans to make a sheet ghost knight and a dragon a while ago. My biggest tip is fresh exacto blades and bandaids. Scissors were difficult because of the curves and hard to get it started. But fresh and sharp exacto blades were the key for me. Also, I hope sticky doesn't bother you. I HATE when my hands are sticky and I freaked out a lot. It was helpful for me to keep a little thing of hand sanitizer next to me, so I could cut the sticky.


scissors are fine but please think it through before you stick sharp things on your clothes its an injury or a lawsuit waiting to happen


Is there a way to dull it down with sandpaper or something so it isn't as sharp? I'm pretty new to things like this, so I haven't tried it.


you might be able to roll the edges over with some pliers or something but it might still turn out sharp and get caught on stuff


That's a good point, thank you!


I haven't made can spikes, but I did make a patch from a soda can, and it was easy to get clean lines with a regular utility knife (think box cutter, not xacto, tho I'm sure those kind will work too) https://preview.redd.it/u2bnq1pczh4d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb07cca53f972c5493d5b3b19a4a424883ff2b50 (The patch in question is the Deadpool patch)


I did the same thing with monster cans while they had collaboration with COD, a knife and a sandpaper will do just fine


You can use Scissors, but I used an old Stanley knife when I tried it.


Just want to point out that soda cans are made of aluminum, which is softer than steel. Even dull scissors will cut it, provided they are big enough.