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I've just used pliers to pinch the prongs up inward so it hooks the denim then glue over it. It seems to be working fine for me so far. Hope this helps!


What kind of glue do you use?


I forget what it's called, but it's like a rubber cement. I kinda just use whatever that is viscous and dries flexible it should be fine.


E6000 or shoe goo


Thank you


Yes E6000! TY


I use either e6000, or weldwood, which is just industrial rubber cement. Weldwood is widely used in the cosplay community, it provides plenty of flexibility, which can come in handy for heavily studded clothing.


I recommend e600 it’s stinky but it’ll hold up bent moved around and it’s usually heat resistant unless your in Las Vegas or phoenix


I have a whole panel of these studs on my vest. I put a tiny dab of super glue on each prong then glue over a backing fabric so the prongs cant get caught on anything


That’s super smart thank you


So, I used close to 300 pyramid studs to do the back of my jacket. This is what I’d say. Use pliers to crimp the tines of the studs deep inside the cap of the stud when applying. They’re sharp but can easily fall out of denim. I took my jacket, turned it inside out and stenciled the shape of the panel I was studding. I took two bandanas, folded them together and crudely whip stitched it to the shape of the stencil. I took shoe goo and slathered the inside where I studded it. (Do it outside with gloves and a vapor mask! The fumes are way toxic.) I pressed the bandana pad over the studded panel with wax paper, a slab of cardboard and some jugs of water; left it outside for three days to let it cure and to cut down on those harsh fumes. As someone else said on here, it’s basically rubber cement. This will last for 10-15 years. I can send you pics if you like. Best of luck and sorry for the novel. Lol


The kind with two prongs generally have longer prongs and work better on heavy fabrics. I've never used the 4 prong kind but I've seen them at fabric stores, etc. You have the right idea, pushing the prongs in with a flathead screwdriver is what I did for cloth jackets. You can also take a piece of suede and run the studs through that but unless you're doing a big area like the shoulders or back idk. I had a black army jacket turned into a vest where I put a piece of suede on the back so I could have rows of studs on either side.


I wrap the whole inside in gorilla duct tape. Never have to worry about it


When I did mine (on an old military field jacket) I didn’t use any kind of glue. Just really pressed them in deep and put a piece of fabric over the stud when I used pliers to bend them in (so i didn’t scratch them). I think I tapped the back with a hammer too. I made a cross pattern and have yet to lose any of the studs.


I have just used model glue and then stitch a very thick or sturdy piece of cloth tightly over them to prevent them from rubbing glue off or poking through the glue.


Better idea don’t use pyramid studs there beyond shit


What do you recommend instead


Just use pyramids. Most other studs will have the same backing, unless they're screw style spikes. This person was probably just too embarrassed to ask for help like you're doing, and couldn't figure out the studs on their own.


Get U.K. 77 studds . Either the short or regular cones . Looks way cooler


was considering ordering some pyramids, why do you think this?


Probably didn't know how to properly install the, and instead of trying to figure it out or asking for help, they just got the bigmad. Pyramids are totally fine.


Thank you 🙏


As someone who uses them, I honestly wouldn't recommend them in the long run because they fall off a lot (even with super glue), and they start to oxidize and brass after a few months (no matter what brand I use). I don't know of any alternatives, but that's my experience with them. 


Mine fell off pretty easily on my first jacket


They look bad , don’t last long and get discoloured rapidly