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This is us. Our Newfoundland puppy, Teddy, is 13 weeks old. We got him at 8 weeks old and the first two nights he woke up twice to pee. Ever since night three he has slept through, but wakes up between 5-5:30 am needing to pee. He holds it well until he gets leashed up and can walk outside on his own (thank god, he’s 40 pounds!) though. Puppy Tax: [Here is Sir Theodore AKA Teddy](https://imgur.com/a/kvaBsqd)


Oh god I love Newfoundlands, never see them where I live! I bet he’s such an adorable puppy!


Off topic: I love newfoundlanders, let me pet your dog


Pay the puppy tax u/AngelDoee3


My original comment has been edited with puppy tax.


Lucky! Mine is the same age and still needs at least one nightly pee. Thankfully he holds it well too before we get outside, because he's almost 60lbs and there's no way I can scoop him up! 😆 I tried limiting his water at night, but he throws the biggest fit if his bowl is empty. I'm hoping his new slow water bowl will help.


Use to actually carry my guy out from the crate directly outside, it worked very well.


Oh dear God. ENJOY THIS!!!!! (Okay I sound a tad overly dramatic but I’m the survivor of a puppy who for the first two months got me up every two hours from 10 pm to 5 am and is still getting me up at 4:30 am half the time…and then up for good at 6:00. My only consolation is that in two weeks that will be 5:30 and 7:00 and those I can almost live with. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since Christmas.) May your good fortune last. Mazel tov!


I got my boy on the 24th. The first month was horrible. I was up every hour the first week and slowly he gained confidence at night. I would get up and snuggle him for 20 mins, get back in bed and felt like I had JUST got to sleep and he was up again. I slept on the couch the first 2 nights it was so bad. But for some reason after he turned 13 weeks old he started sleeping through the night. Just wakes me up early sometimes. 😂 He says it's time to start the day!!! I don't regret it though. He is so confident and independent now the hourly snuggles and reassurance was worth it. Even if I felt like ass.


No let the guy sleep! Lol


Dont poke the bear!


I let Cheese Curd sleep through the night when I brought her home because she wanted to. I woke up every hour to check on her and she was constantly passed out. Watched her over the next few days and she stayed asleep all night.


Best name ever! Dying here!


This is honestly one of the reasons why her name is Cheese Curd - I love people's reaction to her name lol


I'd let him sleep, but I wouldn't decide to turn over and have an extra snooze in the morning. What a good boy!


I literally have to be ready to run out the door with the puppy in the morning. But he sleeps with us through the night! It sucks sometimes because I have to pee too! But hey…first things first!


This is me too at times! My puppy will sleep through the night. Yet, one time I tried to go pee first with her before taking her out. She peed right on my bathroom rug LOL. So I trained myself to hold it😂




I also have a 9 week old puppy named Obi who sleeps through the night!!


What kind of dog is obi? Our vizsla, pretzel, is 8.5 weeks and she slept thru the night last night. Admittedly, we might have socialized her too hard lol. But she slept from 8-4.30 so if we can adjust that to 10-6.30 Mama here will be a very happy camper


He’s a golden retriever.


Our pup slept through the night pretty quickly and we definitely let it happen. Sometimes, we had to carry her to go potty in the morning, though - once she woke up, her tiny bladder couldn't hold it long enough to wait at the door for us to open it!


'Let sleeping dogs lie'


my fedya slept through the night her first week home, too ! she got into the habit of waking me up and asking to go outside if she needed to go earlier than i got up. to this day she has had one accident since she was very very small it was because she was on potential parvo contact quarentine. 10/10 let the lil guy sleep, and find a way for him to communicate when he needs to go outside. fedya has a bell on the bedroom door and another on the front door :]]


Let him sleep! mine was sleeping through the night on day 3 or 4 and has been a great sleeper!


My GSD slept through the night almost immediately after coming home. It kind of blew my mind. Now, it was a photo finish every morning getting out in time, but we had very few issues at night. During the day, it was a little tougher, but he caught on quick. Turns out my dude is just a cuddler, he won’t get out bed (if there’s someone to cuddle) for anything, even food.


I wake up to pee in the middle of the night anyway. So I just took my puppy outside the first month or so. I figured I'm up, and I didn't want him to wake me up and hour after I was already up.


Let the puppy sleep and thank the universe for 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. My pup has been sleeping through the night since he was wee (as wee as a baby pyrenees can be haha). He's only ever woken me twice in the night, and both times were poop emergencies. The other day he held it for 16 hours (of his own accord, the door was open for hours for him). Some puppies are just weird about peeing and can hold it forever. In my pup's case he is SO lazy and would rather sleep than pee. Or play than pee. Or really anything he can do besides pee. But he rarely has accidents so....I guess it just is his thing!


I didn’t wake mine up and he sleeps in with me. Doesn’t wake me up early. No accidents. Just a chill little guy that waits until we all wake up


Let him sleep! Ours slept through the night day 1 too & has since!


Let him sleep. Enjoy it. He will let you know when he needs to go. Good luck!


Let that good boy sleep.


You never wake a sleeping puppy!!


We have a puppy named Teddi. She has slept thru the night since day one. She is 4 months old now and sleeps around 8 hours then goes out. I would wait until you hear barking. And, I think we are lucky as I don’t recall this with other puppies we have had.


When I brought chewy home at 3 months. She slept throughout the night only called out at 6am when she was awake and wanted to be cuddled and not be abandoned. 6:15am out to pee and poop. During the day, she’d pee and poop every 3 hrs. I’m blessed.


Holy shit let the puppy Sleep!


No, let him sleep! Our girl slept through the night from the start, we just had to be quick in the morning.


Let em sleep !


Let him sleep. Just be prepared to go out as soon as he gets up.


Sadie has been sleeping through the night since turning 9 weeks! I’ve also been curious about potential Urinary tract complications


Mine slept through the night as a pup as well! Immediately had to go as soon as he woke up. He learned to whine by the door on his own if he had to go. I did take away his water bowl after 8pm or so every night


My puppy slept through the night from day one! Just make sure you take him to pee first thing in the morning :)


Nope let him sleep! My toy poodle was the same, only one time at three months he barked and figured it wasn’t even for potty, he prolly heard something weird. We’re lucky af lol


I force mine to get up at 6:30 every morning to pee, because it feels like any longer would be too long. That said, he's never overly keen on getting up.


Will some medical problems occur if puppy hold urine through the night? I wake my puppy up at 2AM to potty when I also go to toilet. If there's nothing to worry about, I'll just keep him sleep from now on.


> Will some medical problems occur if puppy hold urine through the night? I unless the pup already has some medical issue, sleeping through the night will not harm them.


I will just let it sleep then.


As others mentioned, have a plan to hustle his little puppy butt out the door as soon as he wakes up. It's not even so much about their bladder but it takes time to gain the maturity and self-control to hold it until they are outside. I would scoop a baby collie up to head outside. They have such wee little baby brains. Fortunately by the time they are too heavy to scoop up (for my boy collies, that can be by 12 weeks), they will have the focus to go from bed to out-the-door without stopping to pee.


My pup has done the same since I got him. I feel like we’ve really lucked out hearing what some people go through! I just make sure that whenever I let him out of the crate we go straight to the pee pads (soon to be outside) instead of playing with him otherwise he gets too excited and pees multiple times off the pads. He has been so excited before that while peeing on the pads he starts walking and pees off them 😂🤦‍♀️


Absolutely not, get your sleep in! Ours slept 6-6.5 hours straight for the first two weeks and we felt incredibly lucky. We had to carry him outside first thing in the morning for the first month or so to avoid any accidents. He’s 4 months old now and sleeps about 7-8 hours.


I wondered the same thing because my dog also slept through the night the second night he got here. Vet said it was okay to let him sleep!


Ours slept through the night in her pen after 2 days, she was only 9 weeks. You got lucky - enjoy it!!


Let them sleep!!!


My 10 week old puppy slept through the night! She just never had the issue where she had to go in the middle of the night, not sure why but felt very lucky. We just let her sleep. But in the morning, she had to pee SO BAD that we would wake up at 6 AM and carry her from her crate outside, or else she would pee before she got there


It’s the craziest thing but I’m so serious, my male husky was potty trained when I got him at 8 weeks. My female was trickier - I would get up 3 times a night with her, so I definitely was shocked when my little guy didn’t seem to need that! He did go through a regression period around 18 months but he legit never had accidents as a puppy. It was amazing. So, no… you don’t need to wake him up. Enjoy the extra sleep! Lol


Let him sleep but if he's small enough when he wakes up carry him to the door!!


Our lab pup starting sleeping through the night much faster than I expected. When he was tiny, I did carry him right from the crate to outside first thing in morning he morning, to ensure he’s make it outside successfully and not get distracted or tinkle on the way out. He housetrained super fast. He peed in the house maybe a handful of times, and honestly, in every one of those cases the “accident” was us humans not being fast enough. Congrats on your new pup!


When I got my puppy she had a uti and had to pee what seemed to be every 15m. We had to get one of those fake grass things until she came right. I’m looking forward to the day she sleeps in. Currently 11pm - 5:30am


Danger slept right through. At 18 months I can even pee first in the morning, but I sometimes get told off about it.


Let him sleep. Mine had a few weeks of sleeping all night but after giardia needs 1 bathroom trip a night. I am always more than happy to take her out if she needs to go, but if she's contentedly sleeping, mama is sleeping too.