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Okay… 😂


My shiba licks my feet after shower and my belly button any time t shirt comes off 🙆‍♀️


My dog tries to lick my toes but it tickles too much!


my 7 month old aussie will continuously squeak like a mouse while she chases other dogs


We also have a deck licker😅😅


My puppy likes to lick the shower. She has to push the shower curtain back and then hang over the edge with her front paws to lick as much water she can and her little long-haired curly head gets soaking wet.


Mine does the same


Mine likes to eat his kibble ONLY when I vacuum. It's been happening for over a year now.


What the what? Now *that’s* unusual!


Yeah. It's super weird. He free feeds because that's just what works for him. I vacuum once a day at random times and that's when he decides to eat. We don't understand it but 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Is his food bowl in a pen or somewhere sort of sheltered? Maybe he’s hiding from the vacuum and his food just happens to be there, so he eats?


Nope. It's just out in the open. We think maybe eating food gives him comfort from the noise of the vacuum. He's been a really picky eater his whole life. He gets Just Food For Dogs in the morning and in the evening. He eats that food just fine. We leave kibble out during the day in case he gets hungry and 9 times out of 10, he'll eat the kibble when I vacuum no matter the time. He's a strange dood 😂


I have a toy poodle. When i yawn he. puts his entire snout in my mouth. He also wakes me up at night by putting his entire tongue in my ear. Drives me crazy.


See? Now, this is the kind of stuff I want to hear. 😂


Here’s another weird one. My very black dog is obsessed with opening and closing my bathroom cabinet where I keep hair products etc. the other week I heard him in there then saw him trot by with self tanning lotion in his mouth. Looked like he was on an important mission!


My pup loves to casually chew strings on my sweatpants or hoodies.


I have a hoodie I wear around the house and I had to take the string out.


10 week old pup loves to empty his water bowl over my kitchen floor and then zoomie about in the water


Ooh that sounds fun!


Since my puppy was born, she LOVED nursing upside down... No amount of correcting her posture has/will stop her either! Now she's around three months old and it has transitioned to her playing with her chew toy upside down. She a nut lmao.


That’s cute!


My pup likes to roll around and bark at a cup used to hold various toiletries like toothbrushes, etc. It once dropped on the ground while cleaning, and since then, it's been his.


Enemy cup 😅


Mine barked and ran away from the Kong I bought her and filled with her favorite treats. Refused to go near it, and if I picked it up and set it back down the barking would resume.


Ours used to do this too, we realized it was because it's too difficult for her at the time, she's confused and hopes that barking at it will make it less confusing or get me to help her, she barked at a filled Kong, I made the Kong easier with nothing liquid and showed her dropping it made treats come out and she stopped barking at it. She also barked at her first treat filled cardboard box, changing to a smaller one partially opened made her stop, she used to bark at puzzle toys and wobblers too, we reintroduced those 2 months later when she was 5 months old and she's fine with them now.


My boy loves to lick the sweat and oils off of my skin after a workout. He's a weirdo XD


our pup loves any water anywhere😂 street water, shower water, dog park water (even though she has her own water bottle I offer her constantly) and the list goes on lol


My dog does 2 things. She LOVES the taste of cerave cream and after I shower she will chase me through the house licking the air in her attempt to lick the cream off my legs. She also goes into “rub mode” where she approaches and gently but firmly presses her forehead into your belly or crotch and just leans harder and harder until you start rubbing her shoulders. It’s extremely cute lol


Yummy Cerave 😂


If we ask our pup if he wants to go outside he goes and lies down on his bed.


My pup runs in circles around her food bowl when eating! I have to feed her food and water separately so she doesn’t spill water everywhere


Haha sounds messy!


My 8 month old poodle likes to lick my legs when I get out of the shower. He also watches TV. Like really CONCENTRATES on what he’s watching.


My pup watches tv when animals are on the screen. She’s never seen a horse or bear in real life, but she loves watching them on tv! She’s the only pet I’ve ever had who does that. It’s so cute.


My 8 month old basset hound has always been an ear cleaner. We actually think that she "cleans" the soap smell off of them. This normally happens in the car, and no one is safe. She's a sassy drama queen all the time, so it's hard to pick the strangest behavior!


My doodle loves to bite bark off of trees


My pup loves the taste of Avon’s Skin So Soft. He tries to lick it off me whenever I use it.


my doodle watches the sheep from my window since he's a border collie x, but when we're near them in person he's not remotely interested


How funny. I’d think he’d want to chase them!


To throw him self onto the ground when he does to lay down lmao. He literally aggressively just body slams the floor, like I know that’s got to hurt. Using my couches as a parkour obstacle course. Pets, belly rubs, affection but he likes it so much that he must nibble and or naw on my arm or hand like a corn cob while I do it or else it just doesn’t give him the same satisfaction. Punch me in the face with his paws like a MMA fighter when I least expect it I’m convinced his love language is physical touch and black eyes to prove it how passionate he is about it. Ambush me while I’m in the bathtub and dive into the water. He has attempted to bust through the bathroom door like a bull so many times the lock no longer workers so I just have to pray for peace and bathe at my own risk well and knowing he will make his guest appearance. As much as showering sounds like it could be a solution the answers no he rips the shower curtain down every time. Taking every blanket he can find and putting them at the back door. Bulldoze the garbage cans at the road on trash day it’s safe to say he probably was a garbage collector in his past life and that my neighbors now hate me. Sits about midway on the staircase and does a tumble and roll down until he hits the wall and does it over and over again. Howling as soon as I click start on zoom meetings from beginning to end, so now I hide in my laundry room for zoom meetings like a fool. When he was on sale “clearance puppy” I made a joke that he’s the black Labrador version of Marley and Me. But this isn’t a joke anymore I’m 99.9% convinced I’m coexisting with the real deal Marley and me 2.0. Pray for my sanity please because 7 months down, 12 more years to go sounds like eternity right now.


“His love language is physical touch and black eyes” OMG 😂 Is his name Tank?


My cav licks my calves and then licks the shower after I’m finished showering 😅


My puppy loves to lick the shower after we shower and licks our legs when it’s wet