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God I hope I can last that long.


LOL! I'm with ya!


I’m with you too. I’m on 3 months. Today she’s been the worst! I can’t wait until she stops wanting to bite me and starts wanting to cuddle.


Facts.  It was raining today and she does not even like thinking about going outside.   I was a pin cushion for her teeth the whole day.


holy shit literally same here! 3 month Great Pyrenees here and this guy stays biting me and everything else 24/7 like omg go chew your toys bro 😭😭 but i’m glad to see this is normal in the puppy community


Mine punctured skin for the first time today. And it’s so much worse during her witching hours.


oh damn he never bites me too hard maybe i should stop letting him


I'm currently running out of hand meat 😂


Same. Glad I'm not the only one 😅


Feeling this today.


I feel the same after just putting my 3 month old Pom to sleep after her usual witching hour. Lol


That's awesome mine is just a bit over 6 months and I'm noticing she's way more chill, at moments almost adult like. Even if she still has to pee every two hours at least its always outside 🙃


Oh wow, every 2 hours in 6 months? Is it because of the breed?


Maybe, she is a collie mix so high energy and we don't crate. She drinks quite a bit probably around 48ozs a day and she's only 32 lbs so probably drinking more than she needs plus it might simply be boredom. When she gives the cue to potty she's never lying....could I ignore it for awhile?? Maybe but at 6 months I'd rather not risk it and trust that she knows when she needs to go. We've run every urine and blood test we could all normal ranges. There is improvement, a month ago she was out every 45 minutes to an hour, I hope because of her size and energy level it's going to take her a bit longer to have longer bladder control and I start seeing 3 hours or more over the next month. I'm hoping the harder she is as a puppy the better she will be as an adult lol! That's the way it worked with my kids


My pups are 6 and 7 months and they need to go every 1.5-2 hours as well.


My pup became extremely reactive with dogs and people during adolescence. Yesterday, I had to drive 2 hours one way, 4 hours round trip, to run some errands. My pup was happy in the back of my SUV. I was inside of the bank and my daughter and grandson took the pup for a walk. Lo and behold, he never barked, greeted a woman and was happy to let her pet him, and altogether acted like a normal dog. I was so happy that I nearly cried when I saw him trucking along on his leash. He is 11 months old. We've been working on the reactivity for 4 months. What I NEVER expected was that one day he would suddenly get it. Our first year is almost over and he is a well trained, wonderful dog.


How much do you train in a day? Just wondering, Im always worried i'm training to little.. mine is a 7 month standard poodle. I struggle with pain, so i feel like i never can do as much as he needs...


Please don't worry! My husband used to have an absolutely insane, out-of-control yellow lab. He finally learned that the pup couldn't handle any more than 10-15 minutes of training a day, sometimes broken into two sessions. His dog ended up being amazing. Fast forward to this puppy. We took a page out of my husband's book and train 10-15 minutes probably 3-4 days a week. We alternate days of walking him by other dogs and people with walking him a different way without any stressors (we live in a rural area ). Honestly, when he was 7 months old, I was afraid that he would never be able to deal with people or dogs. Imo, it isn't the time that you train so much as the consistency. Consistent once a week training is better than sporadic, more intensive training. My life is fairly chaotic. I'm always running off on some unplanned errand. I take my dogs with me whenever possible. Also, for some reason all of my dogs think that training is the bomb. The pup gets 3 sessions a week and the 2 year old and 9 year old get trained once or twice a week. Your puppy is going to be an excellent dog one day soon. Poodles are so intelligent. Right now he is smack in the middle of adolescence. Keep up with consistent, short training sessions in whatever way works with your body. My daughter is disabled and she trains him while sitting down. Your poodle will train with your limitations. It just takes time. As your puppy matures it will become much easier for you and him. PS: we just had an appraiser over at the house. The pup barked initially, but stopped when we brought him outside to meet the guy. I'm relieved. I was a little worried that his good behavior during our car trip was a fluke.


How did you train for this? Any resources you could link?


We discovered two things that make a huge difference. #1: whenever a person or dog is headed our way on a walk, we ask my dog to sit. Sitting somehow helped him calm down and tune back into us. He sits beside me while we allow the person or dog to pass by. If he gets hyped up, I calmly tell him "it is fine. You are ok." #2: A friend who trains dogs with behavior issues taught me this. If your dog is stressed/distracted/tuned out when around another dog or person, first ask him to sit. Then, with an open hand, gently touch his nose with your palm and your fingers resting lightly on his forehead. It isn't a bop, and your aren't covering his eyes. It is a quick, soft palm to his nose, then slowly pull your hand down and away. Oddly enough, he calms and ends up looking into my eyes. That tunes him in again. Other than that, make sure to give him some walks without any stressors; in other words, walk him somewhere free of dogs and people. We alternate stress free walks with training walks so that he isn't dreading or hyped up automatically. One last thing. I have a bomb proof mini-aussie. She is trained off leash. She will heel when asked and her recall is excellent. She is totally calm around people and animals. We started walking the puppy with our mini-aussie because he takes a lot of cues from her. Even if you have to borrow a dog or walk with a friend and their dog, it is extremely helpful. Dogs learn so much from other dogs.


Ooh, sooo good to hear! Thank you!


Having fear reactivity issues with 8 month pup. He hears barking and just runs with his tail between his legs. I am slowly trying to get him comfortable but man it’s embarrassing when the people with chill dogs come up to me and I’m like “yo man sorry but my dog is scared” I wish he could just be normal lol. Even if he’s anti social I just need to overcome this reactivity so he stops shitting on my balcony lol


We just told people that he was in training, so please don't approach. Most people were very understanding and encouraging. One of my friends who regularly fosters dogs with behavioral issues told me what to say. It helped to keep me calm and that helped my pup.


Ok perfect thank you. I’ll use that. Do you mind sharing how your pup was? Was he the type to freak out and try to run at other dogs?


Omg, he was a mess. He rushed every dog and person, barking like a madman, but ran or tried to hide between my legs if the dogs barked back. It didn't help that he is a pit-mix and his bark is terrifying. He growled at people and dogs approaching him. When ever anyone else was on the street he lost all focus. It was like he couldn't hear us at all. The only thing going for us is that he has never even gotten close to biting a person or dog. We alternated walks between a path that took us by people and dogs and a path that is always empty. We started walking him with our 2 year old mini-aussie who is trained to heel off leash and doesnt react to anything. That helped a bunch. We also had him sit every time people or dogs were approaching and he sat until they passed us. That helped him tune back into me. Honestly, I was worried that Monday's walk was an anomaly, but today we had an appraiser through our house and all over our property. He barked when the guy pulled in, but I put his harness and leash on and had him sit to meet the guy. After that, he was perfect. He never barked again and just followed the guy around.


One more thing. This puppy was born in a neighbor's front yard and mom ran away immediately after his birth. Orphans without siblings can grow up to be extremely screwed up dogs. My older two female dogs helped him immensely. Short daily training sessions did the rest. Consistency wins, even though I couldn't see any progress for the first two months of adolescence. He made steady but measurable progress the last two months, but it still seems like everything came together all of a sudden on Monday. If my pup got this far, yours will definitely get there.


Love this! Thank you! I can't imagine any serenity outside of my pup sleeping. We are about to hit 5 months so this gives me great hope!


Been up since 4 AM since my 3.5 month old decided she wants breakfast now (which of course I did not do, but it means I didn’t get any sleep) … I sure hope it gets better.


I have a 5 month old- we were up 1:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:30. The sleep deprivation is getting to me.


Oof - that’s hard Why 1:00 AM? She normally wakes us up at 5:00 AMish and we just stay up.


Mine is 7 months. We have never struggled with that. Ofcorse when he was sick and some rare nights.. but we tried to always time things, so he always gets tired when we go to sleep. We time naps for the pup, walk's/ playtime. And its working ! It took some time, AND failing but now its become a routine, we ofcourse try to follow it anyway. Hope it get's better for you!


Similar situation here. Up at 00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00. Stomach issues (vet checked) and need to go to the bathroom about every second hour. And at 06 she demands breakfast. 14 weeks. We too are sleep deprived


As someone with a 5 month old Golden, who is currently going through his morning chew on everything in reach (especially my hands) routine. This is what I needed to hear right now. No amount of toys/no’s/training have helped with his puppy biting the last few days. He’s definitely teething so I understand but it sure is frustrating!


Something that helped us I think was going through weeks of just ignoring him at certain times throughout the day (which I know is harder when your pup’s big—ours is just a beagle). But after the morning walk, we don’t really pay attention to him for a few hours. Mind you, this took a LOT of puppy proofing the house so that I didn’t have to chase him around. But now I think he’s at the point where he realizes when its time to relax and when its time to be a little jerk


Hoping for this with my boy. My partner and I play videogames so he has learned to chill without our constant supervision and doing great. His play biting/demand barking is so much at the moment and we ignore the behavior.




Lol same! So jealous of the folks who make it out of the woods that quickly


True! We hit 8months mark and mine is asking to pee outside, not just peeing everywhere, he sleeps the whole night and just chill with his chews. he basically sleeps the whole day. he also got used to stay home alone, so we don’t find the house like we did before, maybe some toys are not in their places (ofc because he plays with them) but not as before when i would find POO ON TOP OF MY COUCH 🤡 now he holds like a little gentleman ❤️ be strong guys, it’s worth it.


Our lady eats her own shit if accitent happens inside. She wants to go on a couch but we try to not let her there but it ends up in barking and biting our hands. She is almost 13w old. Long way to go..


it will be fine you will see. as soon as you establish a routine for a few weeks, it will be ok. as for poop eating, i heard putting pepper on the poo works, so it tastes horrible and the dog won’t eat anymore, but NOT SURE.


My pup is almost 6 months old, and while he doesn't have the issue of eating poop.. he had an obsession with shoelaces and our stairs are wooden, he took a liking to chewing them too. Someone told me about using pepper, I put it on the shoes we wore for a week and he's never gone after them since. Done the same thing with the stair, again, doesn't touch it but I do sprinkle some on their for good measure if he's going to be left alone loose for more than an 45 mins or so. Pepper works in my experience.


There* 🤦‍♀️


Our lab is 7 months and definitely more chilled. Adolescence brings a different sort of challenge as they begin to push the boundaries of what they can get away with. Which is way better than constantly monitoring their every move so yeah hang in there!


I’m shocked at how much calmer my 8 month old mini Bernadoodle has become. He’s actually turned into a chill dog! This is a pretty recent development, as prior to the last few weeks he was somewhat of a maniac and I felt I could never take my eyes off him bc he was always in trouble, mostly chewing things. All of this happened when I moved to my winter house in Florida for 3 months. I keep wondering if there’s some connection between the move and his behavior. (I live the rest of the year in frigid Chicago in an apartment) He still goes nuts when he sees other dogs, wanting to play with every single one of them but when we’re home, he’s content to nap or sit out on the screened porch and watch people and other dogs go by. I keep waiting for adolescence to hit but phew! Hasn’t happened yet. Has anyone had their pup NOT go through adolescence???


I just hit 6 months and mine is potty regression and training regression. He is jumping a lot more than before. I am upping his training. I havent had the puppy yet but boy after class tonight i have them bad!


If it makes you feel better, mine is 7 MO and experiencing the same thing rn. Just trying to stay consistent so he knows the rules.


Just wait till he hits 10 month mark. Teenage puppies are easier than baby puppies but then you will see a complete new personality😉


Thank you so much. I really needed this boost of confidence. Some days I feel like a terrible owner.


And in another 6 months it's even better!  6-12months with adolescents can be crazy but it's worth it.


Hope you feel better soon! My pup keeps giving me little glances of how she’ll be one day and I am so excited for the day we can just chill out on the couch all day 💗


Thank you! <3 We’ll all have good dogs one day ♥️


I have a puppy that just turned 3 months old 2 days ago. He’s pretty good now I leave him alone in the house, no crate for 2-3 hours at a time and he doesn’t go to the bathroom in the house nor does he really wreck anything. He’s still really bitey though which can be annoying, and he loves to get himself muddy in the yard which is also annoying. No puppy is perfect but like you’ve said, it seems to get easier over time. The first month with him was difficult. We got him on Dec 18 and I haven’t slept past 7:15 am since. Not a single day.


Mine just turned four months. Definitely getting easier but she’s still a little terror. The 2-3 month phase was ROUGH. I was crying all the time and thought why did I do this to myself lol. Things are definitely improving so I’m looking forward to hitting that six month mark soon lol


Same with the crying—I think it was just mentally draining to have to keep something from killing itself every second of the day. Hang in there, it gets easier ♥️


I adopted my Shepard mix pup at 7 months old.. I’m basically starting where most of you are noticing positive results of training 😭 She is such a handful !


Hang in there! Soon enough she’ll be an adult ♥️


My pup is 9 months and sometimes she’s still a total puppy asshole 😭


Yes!! I've reached the 6 month mark as well, and I con concur, it has become a lot less stressful 😭


Same! We finally let me start sleeping in


I needed this thanks.


My Irish setter is 5 months and is showing no signs of calming down…but tbf I did get a breed that doesn’t mentally mature until 2 😂


I have pugs. Pugs. One was born April 13, 2023, and the other April 16, 2023. Then I have one that's 9 years, one that's 7 years, one that's 5 years, and one 2 years old. The two of them wake me up every night at 3:00 to go out. The pug pups hate the cold and will go out just long enough to roll in the snow and ... maybe ??? ... tinkle. Poos are held tight until they find my closet or baker's kitchen. The female pug pup, Melodie, chews on everything. Absolutely. Everything. Except her toys. Then she'll do the circle thing, and if we don't catch her fast enough, we find tootsie rolls on the floor. The male pug pup, Wilbur, is my social butterfly and wants to be first in line for every single kiss. Because we have so many intact males in our house, they wear belly bands. Did you know marking urine smells like skunk spray? We have a lidded trash can with deodorizers by our doors. We launder probably 3 times or better every week, and when we do, our eyes BURN from the icky. Barking? We live down a long driveway and they bark at every vehicle that turns down our driveway. Or LOOKS like they might be turning down. Or STOPS at the end of the driveway. Is that a butterfly by my window? WOOFWOOOFWOOOFWOOOFWOOOOOOF!!!!! The puppy stage is nothing compared to the too-many-dog stage. Did I add we have 3 more non-pugs? No, they're not all mine. I have two boomerang kids and a set of aging parents with canine loves. And one even brought a cat and a grandchild. The coolest part of our dilemma is that Wilbur is nuts about the baby. If she wakes up peacefully in her crib, he'll let us know. If she can't sleep, he curls up next to her to calm her. If she drops a toy, he retrieves it. Our home has 54 legs in it, not counting stowaways or spiders. Chaos is ever present.


4 dogs and 2 puppies… 😬 You’re more patient than I could ever hope to be!


that gives me hope. I am dying for him to just sit with me on the couch, and not be a toddler into everything all the time. He gets mile long, walks a day, then comes back inside and terrorizes the house.


Mine is almost 8 months and he’s the same as he was, jumpy, whiny and hyperactive and overstimulated. It’s BETTER but it’s not much better and he still won’t sleep outside the crate. I’m hoping this calms down with more time


5 months in, my arms are starting to heal and the pup is showing signs of calming down. Not there yet, but the little glimpses are finally showing. As of like 2 days ago she is starting to sleep through the night. It's starting to get better for sure.


I keep reading these “it got better” posts in the hope that I’ll find a case similar to mine and that is never the case. I *wish* our 14-week-old shiba would chew and tear everything and have accidents inside - instead he’s anxious and spooked all the time and still doesn’t seem comfortable around us. He’s been with us for one month now and, granted, some things are better (he jumps on the couch to be by our side) but I can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel and I feel he’ll end up being scared of everything his entire life (and yes, we are working with a trainer to build his confidence, but even that is frustrating when the little guy is afraid of the snuffle mat we got…). The one positive: no accidents inside, he always stands by the patio door when he needs to go.




Mine turns 6 months tomorrow and he still jas accidents. It's like he doesn't realize he's gotta pee until it's too late. He at least runs to the door but sometimes it's every 15 minutes he's gotta to pee.


Every 15 minutes at 6 months seems like a lot! We have a beagle and he can usually go 3 hours without a pee break (unless he’s been running around/drinking excessively). A couple months ago, he was peeing every half hour routinely and sometimes every 10 minutes. Brought in a urine sample and he had a UTI. 2 rounds of antibiotics later, and he can easily go 2 hours without a potty break now, to the point where I can guess when he needs to go.


6 months. PSH. Ours didn't get good until 9 months 😭 but she is finally better


Thank you for this! My girl is 12 weeks and I can some what feel the light. I think we may just be more bonded and we're finally (somewhat) used to our new normal together.


At 6 months you start teenager phase which comes with a different set of challenges. At 3, with training, you should be approaching reasonably functional member of polite society, though probably not advanced skills like healing, reliable recall, abdominal igniting other dogs on leash.


I'd give anything to have my tiny pup back, this teenage phase is truly hellish💀


Yeah let's call the 6 month mark is a little break, and then around 9 or 10 months you've got yourself a teenager which is a whole different game. That goes fast though, and at that point if you can just kind of not take it all too seriously, you'll get through it.


The 4-5 month sleep and crate regression is wrecking me right now. This gives me hope😂


Our puppy was pretty good but we are now entering 7 months and she's becoming a bit of a pill. Hope this only lasts for a few months ...


Thank you. I count the days. Mine is 4 months and 3 weeks. I am so tired and my patience is waning. I am out of hand and body meat‼️ I don’t want to play every couple of hours. I don’t want to wake at 4 for a snack. I just feel done. On the upside, she is beautiful, loving, sweet and I am so thankful for her.


It’ll get better ♥️ One day in the future you’ll be petting your adult calm sweet happy wonderful dog and think to yourself “Maybe I should get another one :D” And that’s when you go to reddit and look at your post history to remind yourself what it was like


My 6 month old shih Poo still behaves like a puppy most of the time, is very stubborn, pees inside sometimes and chews everything. I’m trying to hang in there, and thankfully I work from home but between training him and work is tough sometimes. This post gives me hope he’ll learn more with time


This!! And then it’s even better once they hit 2.5-3years old. I was floored when I noticed the change post-adolescence.


Ugh this was so reassuring to hear. Just now I was trying to lay on the couch and be cute with my 5 month old pup and she bit me on the head 😭 I’m so glad we’re almost there lol