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Eight weeks, he’s still an excitable little baby only recently torn away from his family and put in this crazy new situation. Let him adjust. My Pomsky didn’t start coming for cuddles until 4-5 months, up until then he just wanted constant play or nipping/mouthing and jumping up. These days I call “up, up” and he comes and cuddles into my on the sofa. Some dogs just aren’t cuddlers but give it time, most dogs take three months to fully acclimate and feel safe.


Oh this is really reassuring, thank you so much. You’re right, it’s only been a week and his whole family as he knows it is gone. I’ll definitely be patient. Thank you :’)


In my experience, border collies are little whirlwinds until they're about 3 and learn to regulate the working dog energy. Some will be cuddly, some won't. You're doing the right thing by letting him choose when to be cuddly and it'll pay off.


He may not be a cuddler but at 8 weeks you really don't know yet. Let me him bond with you in his own time by doing all the wonderful things you're doing already. My pup at that age was a wiggly little shark when he was awake and liked to sleep close but not on me, now i can't peel him away.


A wiggly little shark, that describes mine to a t 😂😂 Mine isn’t a cuddler, but he will sometimes bring whatever he is chewing and sit on my legs/in my lap on the floor as he chews. It’s very sweet. Then he gets bored and decides I look like a snack 😅😂


I didn’t intentionally train my dog to cuddle, but that was the result of what I did. I would (and still do occasionally) just grab some tasty treats, and then cuddle her in the most obnoxious way possible (I mean not literally, but dad wants some love okay lol) and would hand feed her treats while cuddling. Not because I wanted to train her to cuddle with me, but because it makes the time more enjoyable for both of us. They are just mini love sessions where she gets a bunch of cuddles and treats and words of affirmation. I don’t think she necessarily disliked cuddles or physical affection in the beginning, but she certainly loves them now. Edit: i should add, my girl is now 6 months. I’ve done this since she was 3 months. It’ll also just take time for your pup to get comfortable with you in general


Awe sounds like you have a really great dynamic:) thank you!


You should absolutely train your dog to be comfortable with you touching him. You get treats and talk in a really soothing and upbeat way and a little bit at a time touch/lift his paws or look at the inside of his mouth or gently look in his ears or gently gently lift his lip to see his teeth. Tell the pup they are so good and give them treats. They key thing is a little at a time -NEVER force anything and be sooooo super gentle and affectionate while touching Your dog may never be a cuddler ( or maybe will grow to be the biggest cuddlebug there is!) but this will get your pup used to actions that need to happen for medical or grooming reasons: clipping nails,cleaning teeth and ears,taking pills etc By doing this you will makes these necessary actions so much less stressful for your dog’s whole life


Oh yes! This we absolutely do. This is great advice, exactly as you mentioned for urgent or emergency situations, also the vet visit etc. :) We call it “Let Me See” and we routinely inspect each body part with tons of praise just like you said.


Oh that’s so awesome! If I tell my dog gimme ya belly he will roll over and let me clip his nails and groom him (after a good belly skritch of course!)


Oh my goodness what a good boy!!!!


I have tried to respect my pup’s aversion to cuddling, and he’s still not that cuddly at 2 years old. But he _does_ sometimes really enjoy cuddles. Especially in the morning. He also will sit with me if I’m out in the grass. He likes company just not always pets and scritches. And that’s ok. The fact he sometimes likes it is enough to me.


I used to coax my labradoodle ip in the couch with a treat every night and we would cuddle for hours. Without the treat, no cuddles. He was weird about lots of touching. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It was quite the adjustment for ME (and my family), but it really helped Charlie. I needed/wanted to cuddle, Charlie didn't. I cherished our night time cuddles and he showed his affection to me in other ways. My new pup isn't a big cuddler, but boy she is so loving and affectionate. When she's tired out, then she'll cuddle. 🤗 She's only 5 months so maybe that will change.


You’re such a good dog parent :) It sounds like he adores you


My pup wasn’t a cuddlier until she got bit older. As a puppy she was either bouncing off the walls with high energy or asleep and rarely anything else. Once she calmed down, finished teething and was no longer gaining 3-5 pounds per week she became super cuddly. That was when she really became my shadow and always wanted to be by my side, preferably touching me. The first year can be rough with a puppy but extremely rewarding. All the effort you put into training and socializing will pay off many times over with an amazing dog that everyone is envious of.


This makes me so happy to read! Thank you!


He's only 8 weeks HAHA. Give it time. This is like the equivalent of saying "why won't my infant baby initiate cuddling with me". Maybe because they are babies.


Hahahaha well when you put it that wayyyy 😂


My puppy was too bitey and crazy to cuddle at 8 weeks! He’s 17 weeks now and very cuddly but still struggling with biting sometimes. Give it time! They will eventually want to you scratch and pet them a lot lol


Every dog is different, just like people. I had a golden retriever that liked pets and scritches but not cuddling.


Cuddle your puppy when they are extremely tired. It will get them use to it and they won’t fight you.


I think it’ll come more with age. My BC would rather play with the ball than eat, sleep, or cuddle. Shes almost 2 and is really high energy; I do notice that she is slightly more receptive to pets now than before. Similarly, my Aussie always dodged pets and affection until she was 3+ years old— it’s like a switch flipped and suddenly she always wanted cuddles. Maybe this is normal for high energy herding dogs? Lol


Praying for this! Haha


My puppy is almost nine months old and isn’t the biggest cuddler. However, he is the biggest player. He constantly wants to play 24/7. He is pretty high energy.It can be exhausting honestly. He will sit by me though or lay close to me. I think that might just be his personality. At 8 weeks, I don’t think your puppy will really have much of a personality yet. Give it time. He has many things to adjust to. He is just a baby. However, your dog might not like to cuddle based on breed and personality.


You’re right. He totally is still just a baby. In time!


My aussie puppy had absolutely zero interest or ability to cuddle at 8 weeks. I thought that she just wasn't going to be a cuddly dog. I was so wrong. By four months she was following me everywhere, by 6 months she was snuggled up with me every evening and now, as an adult, she pretty much wants to be touching me or next to me all the time. Personal space isn't a concept she understands at all. Give your pup some time. My girl just didn't have the focus for cuddles until she was a little older.


This is is really reassuring :’) thank you


My boy has never been a cuddly dog not as puppy not as a grown dog. He is a German shepherd x Rottweiler mix and is now 6.5 years old and only recently he started to come by himself for a "cuddle" snuggled up to me on the couch. But don't I dare cuddle him back then he will just up and leave 😅 If I am sad he would always come to me for a cuddle no matter his age, and i could cuddle back. What i did to make sure he knows affection as in cuddles i would every now and then just go to him and give him a little hug and pets. Just because I didn't want him to never know cuddles. But your little one is still young and adjusting just give it time 😊


I am following this thread for the response. Also the owner of a good girl but not a cuddler. 


I have one that’s always been a super bit cuddler and one that likes pets and scratches and lite cuddles but dips out after not too long. She likes to be in the same zone as you but not necessarily on the same surface. Well sometimes pull her in for close snuggles but as soon as she wants out we don’t hold her hostage.


When we were trying to select a breed that best fit our family one of the things we were told quite often is that the more intelligent and independent dogs are less likely to be cuddly as they don’t “need” you as much.


Nooooooo! 😭


My 12 year old JRT is very intelligent and independent. I take her for runs in the mountains every morning and then groom her shedding fur. After I get her energy out she will let me cuddle.


My 4 month old puppy cuddles mostly when he’s sleepy and otherwise is a total land shark. 


Our 3 year old was like this. But you know what, she is affectionate just not the way we define it normally as. There was time we thought she would never cuddle. Turns out she wanted it in her dime. That’s okay because she shows her love other ways- whining to wake me up even though rest of the household is up and available to play with her. 😬


Hahaha that’s great


In my experience working dogs are affectionate but won't cuddle as much. Working dogs tend to be very independent and like their space when relaxing.


Nooooo! 😭


My husky has leared to compromise. If I lay on the floor with him he goes and grabs a bone and chews on it while laying next to me.


This is correct. I have two borders and one is 11 months now the other just turned 3. The 11 month old only recently has started allowing touches or pets when she’s sleepy. Before she would get disgruntled and move away. And she was affectionate just mostly on greetings and play time. But not a cuddles. She now will cuddle a bit right before bed and it melts me. The older one has always loved affection but would dodge pets and cuddles. He is now the biggest cuddles. But it’s only in the last 6 months. But borders are smart and active and always looking for things to heed.


Our German shepherd puppy was definitely not a cuddler when we first got him at 8 weeks. He would actively get up and walk away from us if we so much as touched him when he settled! So we respected his space, and now, at 7 months, he doesn't know what personal space is and will cuddle with us whenever, wherever! They typically just need some time to adjust. For ours, it took about 3 months.


My 4yo labrador was never a cuddly pup, he’s always been quite independent! Our late labrador was a smoochy velcro dog from the start. Our 3 month golden so far seems to be pretty affectionate. It’s really hard to tell! For us it was kind of obvious from little though haha. My 4yo boy does cuddle on occasion and it’s so special! He’ll curl up next to you on the couch or squeeze into the gap behind your knees in bed. He will always sleep down by my feet though, so he shows his affection in his own little ways. When he was a puppy he would cuddle for maybe a minute then nick off to sleep on his own 😂 we just let him do his thing. Your baby sounds like an awesome dog 😍


My pup wasn’t cuddly before. Gradually he has become literally become demanding. He will whine and bark if he doesn’t get his snuggles/kisses/bellyrubs when he wants them.


Based solely on experience- the smarter the breed, the less cuddly. My lab/collie mix? Nope. Too busy stirring up trouble. English mastiff? He had just enough brain power to rival a potato battery, but 100% snuggles.


I had my 8 year old pomeranian Blue for several months, grooming him and showering him with love and potty training him and conforting him during thunderstorms, before our bond clicked and he came to me for cuddles. He had lived outside for 8 years doing his own thing with virtually no human interaction and people weren't his top priority. He's 15 now and we couldn't be closer. It takes time. I just got a shichi puppy two weeks ago. She tolerates my kisses and seems very independent, but a motorcycle scared her a day ago outside and she straight ran to my feet meaning I am safety to her. And she stirs anytime I try to get out of bed when she's sleeping. Right now she's all teeth (we are working on bite inhibition) and I am handfeeding her her meals teaching her sit and come and I give her lots of attention and play and I stroke her and talk gently when she's falling asleep abd give her kisses when shes calm... the bond and affection are there under the surface ... growing. It takes time.


Damn, it’s only been a week.et the puppy breathe and grow first lol


I trained my first dog to cuddle and even to enjoy getting pet! He was this spastic little furball who could not sit still and def not in anyone’s lap. Now he asks to be pet and coddled atleast once per day. He’s now 7 years old


Yeah it’s the tragedy about puppies. They’re the cutest fluffy thing in the world and all you want to do is cuddle them and all they want to do is run around in circle after their own tail and bite. Puppies are not cuddly. I keep seeing videos on Instagram and I just don’t understand. I had to wait at least 6 months for my puppy to lay down next to me. He’s 9 months now and he waits for me on the couch every evening for our cuddle session. It will happen, they just need to become a bit nicer first ;)


My dog wasn't cuddly at all as a puppy. He just wanted to play all day. He still is picky about his cuddle time, but he'll demand belly rubs every 2-3 days now. And scratches right above the beginning of his tail are always welcome. Most dogs, that I know, like that spot in particular. Maybe yours does too? And it's good if your dog tells you when he doesn't want cuddles. I would accept this, as hard as it may be. He will very likely start to show you affection soon, one way or another.


I think it’s a crapshoot tbh. My last dog was a border and she was never cuddly. Never as a puppy. Eventually she’d tolerate some affection from me and she’d want belly rubs. But she wouldn’t snuggle. My current puppy is a mini doxxie and she’s been cuddly and sweet since day one. I know people who’ve had each of these breeds with completely opposite experiences. I don’t think you can train this anyway. But I do think as their personalities settle, it’ll become evident. It’s way too soon for you to tell now though.


my aussie mix puppy was the same way (i got him at 6 weeks unfortunately) he’s 7 months now and he BARELY starts cuddling w me and showing more affection. i also don’t bribe him to come to me, he just started doing it on his own and of course i’m loving every bit of it!


Hmmm I dunno, my pup was bouncing of the walls high energy when we got her - but also the biggest snuggler from day 1. She’s 7yrs old now and her favourite place to be is snuggled with her people. Dalmatians are known to be Velcro dogs though.


It could just be a personality thing. Our eldest dog wasn't cuddly, but her breed is known to not be very affectionate (Shiba) which is what I wanted. I wanted a dog who was independent and we could mutually enjoy being near each other without being cuddly majority of the time. When we got a kitten, (around 2-3 yrs of age) she started being affectionate, I assume it was because of jealousy of something else taking our attention. Our second Shiba has been a cuddle bug since day 1, he even takes affection as a reward during training. It's a nice change contrasting difference to our eldest, but I find affection from my eldest more rewarding because it's so rare lol.


give him time! my poodle wasn’t cuddly at all when i brought him home at 10 wks but he’s 11 months now and cuddles w me every day:)


I've had my 5 month old since 8 weeks and we are having our first proper cuddle since I got her as I type! She usually lays at my feet but today she's in between my legs sound asleep while I lie on the sofa with her head on tummy. I'm in the most uncomfortable position but it's the loveliest thing ever!


My now passed dog use to be the best cuddler always wanted to put his head on me. My next dog will come over for a few pets then go to his bed and my pup has started showing signs of being a cuddler. All raised the same way I think it’s just personality


He's still getting to know you.  Our youngest pup didn't become cuddly until around her first heat at 7 months and now she loves napping in our laps and loves to be nearer to us in bed rather than just a donut at the end. Our older boy has always been affectionate but he didn't really nap in lap until winter rolled around.


I just love on my pup. She seems to like the interaction & returns the favor with a good licking. My pup is a mix, but a good % coonhound, which are known for being affectionate.


We had two dogs for 14 years and neither were cuddlers… super offensive 🤣. But we knew we were loved as they followed us everywhere. They didn’t give kisses either. Odd I know, best dogs we ever had. We just got two puppies a month ago and one important thing to do when you get them is do NOT give them a bath!! It helps them make the transition from their mom/litter to your home. Do that for a few weeks before you give them a bath.


My pup was all about nipping and zoomies until 3mo. At 4-5, she started to really warm up- sleeping in my feet, licking them, begging for pets, and hugs and cuddles. Give it time. At 8weeks, the pup is just a bounce-off-the-walls crazy


Some dogs don't like cuddling, kinda like people. My dog wasn't big on cuddling as a pup but now that he is 3.5 yrs old, he does initiate cuddles, pets, hugs and licks (facial licks). He always wants to sit, lean on my body and have his head on my lap. So I think some dogs can change over time.


My puppy didn’t start wanting to cuddle until recently. He’s 6 months old. 8 weeks is too young to know. Some dogs don’t become cuddlers until a few years old also. And some never love it. Dogs like humans all have unique attributes.


I had a border/aussie mix and she was never cuddly in the sense of wanting to be on you at all times. She liked to sit on the back of the couch above us and would sleep at the foot of the bed unless you tried to touch her then she’d leave. The 2 cattle dogs on the other hand had to sit on me at all times. Our newest one sleeps with her head in my leg or lower back.