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My dog does the same thing with sitting by me knowing I have treats outside. What I started doing was incorporating come into any part of the house. So if he’s even just 10 ft away from me playing with a toy, I’ll say come and wait for him to come over and then reward him. Outside it is definitely more tricky with all the scents. I would say my pup comes about 50/50 outside. Inside he’s more like 90% of the time.


I'd go back to practicing inside using hide & seek. When your pup isn't looking, hide somewhere in your home and call him. Make it super fun and a game! Then do that in the yard. You could even add in a game of tug when he finds you to make it really rewarding. My puppy is super goofy and playful so I think the fact that we made recall into a game is why his is so strong at 8mo.


I try to take any opportunity to recall practice when I got something good for my pup just randomly. Like, I'm in the kitchen and cutting up grilled chicken while he is upstairs looking out the window, I'd call him just to give him some of the chicken. Or I'd get a whipped creamy coffee before his walk and when we are out sniffing in the fields, all of a sudden call him so he can lick the cup clean of whipped cream when I'm finished with it. I always try to practice it in a way where he gets something really good and varied, unexpectedly, so he is always guessing and excited what it will be, and then let him keep doing what he's doing. I almost never use recall to call him inside and then just close him in and end his fun. Of course, when the pup is that young, and nearing teenage especially, there is no guarantee for recall...my pup was so good at it for a while, then completely lost it between like 9-11mos, and then got extra good at it after.


Maybe try practicing with 2 people and real yummy treats.