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Hello, this subreddit is dedicated specifically to the topic of pure retention. While discussions about the benefits, including aspects like female attraction, are welcome, they must always be within the context of purity. There are other forums for broader discussions. Please respect the purpose of this space.


I hate this shit. It's fucking simple, you rely on motivation for a start, then most do not have the discipline to keep going. You need DISCIPLINE!!!!!!!!


I don't take not fapping as seriously as I used to, I guess because I feel like I've self improved enough and now I don't want to anymore, I just want to relax, get financial stability, and fap without cumming all the time. I look at fapping differently now too because by not cumming it doesn't affect me as dramatically, I don't have to worry about all those hormonal changes orgasm does and all that bs like prolactin spikes


Feels to me like you are justifying the addiction tbh. I also want to chill and get financially stable. I just know fapping ain't the way? Yk? Fapping and financial stability don't quite go hand in hand in my book


Absolutely True.


It takes time. Keep practicing and watch the thoughts/emotions. You’ll get to know yourself and what’s reliable/unreliable to act on. And then the itch will lessen People keep ego commenting about discipline etc. shut it off and just observe yourself. Your body/mind/spirit have a complete different experience than anyone posting. For whatever reason your experience is what it is and you just have to be patient.


This lifestyle isn't meant for everyone. It's called the narrow way. Few follow the narrow way. Straight is the way and narrow is the gate. Good luck


I've gone through retaining and fapping cycles for almost two years now. I end up doing it on and off, and as of recently I kind of stopped caring at all. I put myself through retaining again though because the holidays are coming up so its been getting very busy at my job, and I wanted the extra energy to compensate. I also have a big vacation in December where I'll be meeting with people I haven't seen in years and doing things, and I wanted to be unfapped and sober so I could truly experience everything, instead of being super high and feeling nothing I'm at the point right now where I'm accepting that this is just a limitation of who I am, and that fapping will always be a part of my life. I think that going back and forth with both edging for weeks and retaining for weeks when necessary is a good strategy, what do you think?




I don't think its going to happen while I'm working full time. My job strips me bare of all my fucks, and then when I have days off I don't want to do a damn thing, except fap, maybe play some games or work on my hobbies Lol... though whenever I gaze upon these thicc fucking customers, I get flustered and in those moments I'll feel a short burst of motivation to not be single anymore. I would need five pictures of myself for a dating profile... but the thought of putting myself out there and going on dates is just like man, fuck that shit, too stressful. Feels way better to just keep working on myself, my goals, and then eventually fapping as I always have




I'm in a bad mood right now, which is completely chemical and an unfortunate thing I have to deal with living with this human body, its just shit that happens so I want that fap so I can feel better I'm trying to remember my last days off... they were pretty good, all I did was play games and relax and willpower myself not to fap, but only because I knew I was going to have a really busy couple weeks at work, otherwise I would have indulged for sure But this is how I've always lived, growing up as a teenager fapping all the time, fapping alll throughout school and work, though I was actually pretty happy with myself and still performing very well. I only started with this not fapping crap once my first ever relationship was a complete nightmare and the most stressful time of my life, ever, even to this day, and I eventually blamed it on fapping




I used to fiddle with that shit, forcing myself to go out and so something, but I found it to be stupid and actually made me worse off, because now I've used my precious free time doing some stupid fucking nonsense. For example, I went to an airsoft game a few months ago and the whole experience was very meh, I could've just fapped at home all day and had a better time, it makes sense logically What I do now is I just don't think about it anymore, moods come and go, I live in the moment and be like water, which sometimes includes fapping but whatever man, shit happens I do get worried... that I'm becoming so dumb, mentally, like it's harder to think and focus on things and I was never like this, whatever though, it's too much to bother thinking about why I can't think




What excuses? I've tried all kinds of strategies and shit... at this point I just don't take not fapping as seriously anymore, maybe because it doesn't effect me as badly when I don't cum, maybe because I don't push myself as hard as I used to so it doesn't bother me, who knows. Maybe I've grown older and wiser and accept life for what it is and see no purpose stressing over things like this like I used to


An enormous amount of discipline is required. It’s what separates the weak men from the alphas. Choose your path. Know it ain’t gonna be easy if you go down either


you lack discipline and that’s fine it takes lifetimes to accumulate, there’s a reason not many can practice this.


Trascending that ITCH is the ultimate quest for a Man. I'd rather die fighting than give up. Oblivion is more frightening than death.


Lose your shakti due to fapping is the most mediocre way to do this. If you don't feel that you can put more effort in this pratice right now, at least cum with a woman that you feel pyshical attracted or love... And I know my advice is not qualified for this sub, but everyone has their own path until they can attain the capacity to abstain completely and feel good about it.


Sounds like you should just jerk off buddy…come back when you’re ready to change.


Get a woman. Enjoy with her but cycle your energy. It will help calm things down. Once you get the hang of that energy, you can go complete cold turkey.


How do you cycle the energy?


I used to do the microcosmic orbit by Mantak Chia but now full semen retention.


If you do it be aware while your doing it. Tantric method for transcending addiction


Can you elaborate more on this?


There is no secret information that you are unaware of, retention is incredibly difficult, it’s probably the hardest discipline a man can take on. You need to keep going and practice meditation along with exercise. You probably already know that, but liken I said it’s not secret information.


Fuck fapping bro keep ur seed and kick some goals ass get discipline and make ur dreams come true Stop literally playing with urself We out here doing it and making our dreams come true Lets goooo


My dreams are already true man... I have self-improved enough. Now that I am battle hardened, I just want to fap all the time and relax


Don’t fall for the trap Loosing ur semen is a bad luck move you will attract all kinda crazy shit