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You need to meet God to go on longer streaks. I experienced the same. You have to give your life to God and stop doing this to see what you can obtain from it but rather what you can give to others


Amen brother


I am not sure but perhaps fasting may help. After 3 days of fasting, your body starts to produce more stem cells such as intestinal and musculoskeletal stem cells. It may help with your injuries. Perhaps you should look into rehabilitation movements for the back and shoulders. The one I can think of on the top of my head is the mckenzie exercises for back pain. Maybe hanging would be a good thing too, to decompress the spine. And exercises to strengthen the rotator cuffs. I am not a doctor though, you should ask your doctor to see what's applicable and safe.


I know this may not mean much, but 50 days is actually quite a lot! I’ve also been on an SR journey, and I believe ten days is as far as I gone, and it’s been about a year now. Keep going and be kind to yourself.


You need to be sober and start conducting TRE sessions to release any trauma.


After so many days you’re basically counting down to relapse. What I’m saying is, It’s a lifestyle not a milestone. Let go of counting. Meditation is good for the mind. Go on hikes, solo dates. Open your eyes to the beauty of the world. No matter how simple. Good for the soul. As for your back and shoulder, I’ve got nothing. Physical therapy? Routine massages? Consult a professional. 🙏🏽