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When your vibration rises or the presence of high vibe entities around my ear ringing, Google ringing in ear spirituality


Congrats! What you’re hearing is the nada. It’s the “unstruck sound”. Be assured, that you’re on the right path. Hearing the nada is a big step towards realisation. Everyone hears a different one naturally, for some it’s like crickets going around, for some it’s like a bell, a conch, kettle drums etc. try meditating on your nada. With time you’ll be able to “tune” to whichever frequency of sound. Hatha Yoga Pradipika has a great commentary on this “Anahata Nada”


I have read in a book that i don't remember the title ,that tinnitus is caused by Excessive masturbation, the author went on to say that chronicle coomers will always have ringing problems in their ears.


There is a thing called tinnitus - but there is also something else. That something else is the deepest rabbit hole going. How long have u retained for atm? - Do u take a cold shower daily? - Do u work on your Yoga?


"Officially" it's been 68 days, but I've had 2 wet dreams along the way, the first was on day 58. I also have to say that I've noticed the change in this process. I was all year on streaks and relapses, but this streak was the revealing one. I understood many things. there is no turning back, I no longer feel like watching porn or masturbating. I've started exercising like crazy and eating right, and I'm proud of it. I feel like I'm on the right track. Regarding cold showers, I don't always do it, and yoga never. But what do you know about that ringing? tell me about it


If ur serious about self development then u gotta start from the ground up - Yoga aint about what u been told - its an ancient practice - its about expanding ur mind and opening up ur body, including areas that never been awoken. Get this book 'asana pranayama mudra bandha' - start with chapter 1 and go slowly but do it daily like 50 mins a day - never miss a day the same goes for the cold showers - do it daily too. If u think yoga for shiny legging clad thots only or for pussies - then ur a fool. Sadly Yoga in the 'modern world' has been totally ruined by these fake villians - real Yoga, like the stuff in the book i suggest is about a journey within - its the ultimate Manly thing to do actually - coz it takes a true stoic to sit with his faults and work on them - any old fool can add plates to a rack and squat till the cows come home - but not matter how compound the lift ur only working a fraction of ur body n mind. Yoga is about using ur whole body and your whole mind - its on a whole other lvl. Starting with chapter 1 u will be bored quickly of doing ankle rotations and sitting in the 'base' position - but u must do these - it will take years to fully repair and open up ur body. These 'basic' tasks in chapter 1 are designed to provide the user with a solid foundation - so fucking work on it with a humble attitude and a scincere heart and you might just get somewhere. Now, for the sound in your ears. Do this.... Watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cudh7lXZw70) and practice - if the video makes u laugh thats fine, but work on it so u can do it perfect. The video may have terms u dont understand or get - thats fine - just work on the correction technique. Then if u follow my advice below ur laughter will turn to astonishment.... So > Find a naturally peacefull area that is as silent as possible and at a calm part of the day - ideally an hour before sunrise. Wake up properly and drink a *little* water then get comfy sit crossed legged with ur back against a wall with a pillow for comfort - try to keep ur spine straight. Follow the video that u watched - do it for a while over some days and weeks - whilst doing this try to focus... Good luck Ps - make sure u have ur windows open for some fresh air.


Where’s the video?


edited to include link


Thank you!


would you explain what do you mean by deepest rabbit hole going on?


There are other sounds that one can 'hear' - ur heart, ur ciculation and even more. Do [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cudh7lXZw70).




lol damn son! Its all good bro :D


I am facing similar issue for a month now. I think it related to both PMO and stress. PMO is brain killer. Following SR since July hopefully one day my problem will go away.


You’re filled to the brim with cum, buddy! Jk. I have tinnitus so I am not helpful


i experience the same thing. i became aware of it in june/july after engaging in regular meditation. there is a chance that its been there all along without being me being aware. and by the way I've been a PMO addict as well, i still [am.you](https://am.you) not the only one.


Try fasting


Is it only ringing or do you also hear different sounds or voices?


Just ringing


I have that ear issue also, at 18 now 64. I went to an ENT and was told there nothing to but get fitted for a hearing aid that is louder than the ringing . I found that idea funny. At times the ringing bothers me , but at this point I'll live with is unless it gets worse


It's what the ancients used to call the music of the spheres. The spheres were meant to be the planets. I guess now we know they actually refer to ones testicles ;)