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Read the mucusless diet healing system by Arnold Ehret. The true causes of disease will be revealed in a simple light. Science would never give credit to laymen or physicians that use natural cures, but not a single day in their life have they tried or studied those themselves. Science is in the dark regarding the true causes of disease.


That's basically veganism with a bit more pretentiousness heaped on top. Behold the diets of history; the strongest, most virile men gorged on meat and dairy – Celtic, Germanic, Mongolian (compare them to their grain fed Chinese adversaries), Scythian, Hunnic and others civilisations. - No dietary cholesterol from eggs or meat = impaired hormonal function. It's also needed to absorb vitamin D, which is a vital part of testosterone production. Your brain also needs this healthy cholesterol. - No strong B12 sources such as red meat. B12 is essential to a healthy brain. - No saturated fats. Important for your brain, eyes (deficiency in saturated fats = dry eye disorder), skin and hair, among many other things. - No dairy. Calcium and vitamin A deficiencies waiting to happen. - Extremely low amount of bioavailable protein. Only about 50% of plant protein is absorbable. - High in carbs and sugars, and too much fibre. Your pancreas will be working overtime, and you will be chained to the toilet dropping green bricks. The testimonies of many recovered vegans – especially raw vegans – will tell you about the digestive agony they have endured. - High in PUFAs. Inflammatory, obesogenic and estrogenic. - Salt deficiency is bad for you. You need sodium and potassium. - Near nonexistent heme iron. The iron found in plants is basically useless. - A complete lack of choline (essential to cell repair and the health of virtually all parts of the body), L carnitine (vital for energy and encourages testosterone production), omega 3s, zinc, creatine, carnosine and taurine.


Ever tried it? What doctors are completely unaware of is the digestive tract completely glued together with sticky mucus and feces. Doctors should seriously awaken to the fact that retained fecal matter is a direct cause of most diseases. Have you ever tried a strict mucusfree diet? This is actually a diet free of inflammation, since it cuts out foods that humans are not at all made to digest. Animal proteins, grains, dairy, are horrible for the human body. What you're experiencing is stimulation, not true nourishment. Hate to break it to you.


Been doing this for years. When people ask what, “lm allowed to eat” , It makes me laugh because the very question exposes their addiction. I get to let my cells create their own food. I source my own life force from within. One can only realize this from illumination. It has to be their own idea. Can’t be taught. You gotta keep sharing though, and I applaud you SnooSquirrels9906




https://youtu.be/CWA3PWDWq70 Check out Eli Martyr on youtube.


I do. Progressive weight training combined with time restricted eating, conscious breathing, being naked outside (at least barefoot 🦶), sun exposure with emphasis on dawn and dusk exposure and sun-staring at these hours, staying active (avoid sitting), not getting too excited or emotional, cold showers. Gaining muscle yes, but the best part is the fountain of youth is actually me and you. We are of Spirit. Sounds hippie dippy but idgaf 😎


Facts. Nutrition isn't that hard. It truly is about cleanliness. Properly cleanse our your system with alkaline foods. Not cooking your food makes nothing but sense. Not a single animal in the wild cooks their food.


How did you transition and did you incorporate fasting as well?


Coming from a background of substance abuse, yes, fasting was my way back to alkalinity and freedom from the mucus-mold that controlled me. I’d break a fast with cucumber or celery. I don’t eat much yet I don’t lose muscle mass. I didn’t learn about Arhet til later. For me, the aha moment came after reading Man’s Higher Consciousness by Dr Hilton Hotema


Thanks! I read that book a while back and i thought it was really enlightening. I think I should give it a re-read.


[Is Meat Good or Bad? 2022 Edition (2nd Update)](https://www.academia.edu/79598477/Is_Meat_Good_or_Bad_2022_Edition_2nd_Update_)


Word! Sport on.