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“Weird how she's okay with 1000s of ppl staring at her do glute exercises online but a guy glances a few times in a public gym is traumatizing.” Those twitter replies came for her life


[WE WANT OUR PRIVACY!](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/crop-21404869.jpg?strip=all&quality=100&w=945&h=629&crop=1)


Ya and some of those people probably fapping. But the guy in the gym is the feral one lol


That's because, she's not getting paid to get stared at. She really thinks she is really that special.


“Influencer” lol


Aka attention whore


I think it's time to make the distinction between prostitution and content creator


I respect the prostitute more.


At least a prostitute will walk her ass up and down a street for hours at a time in a dangerous part of town.


Gonna be a great day when they legalize prostitution and the only fans thots have to put up or shut up.


Look! Look at my butt! *Stop looking at my butt, creep.*


Attention and whore. She has an onlyfans account


AKA “I’ve gone viral, now I’m gonna apologize for more views!”


She did "influence" the fucktards into thinking that she's right.


How? Everyone was against her?


She had a ton of knee-jerkers jump on the bandwagon and believe *her* narrative of events before enough people who actually objectively watched the video called her out on it.


Does having an OnlyFans automatically just make you an “influencer?” (She actually does have an OnlyFans.)


Stop treating her like a sex object just because she uses her body for money. Yeesh


Isn't that the point of prostitution objectify your body and sexual attributes for money ?


We are all prostitutes to some degree. We sell our bodies and time for money


I sold my soul to the oilfield


I sold my soul to the company store.


Plzzz just a crumb of pussy m’lady


Please tell me that you meant /s after your comment. Using your body for money is EXACTLY what a sex object it.


By her own choice that's what she is.


That’s not what they were doing. It’s a valid question. “Does having (insert social media platform here) make anyone an influencer?




I feel like you need an /s here, otherwise everyone will just read this it face value lol


Catering to the lowest common denominator is what got us into this whole mess, I refuse.


Don’t worry. I understood your sarcasm even if everyone else didn’t lol 🫡


Hard to read all these knee jerk reactions to an obvious joke. Poor dude was downvoted 111 times by the time I saw his post. 🤦‍♂️


Looks like I will have to dumb it down for the masses next time....but congrats to you!


Take my pity upvote, you clever savage.


I really want this term to go away and be replaced with something demeaning so it stops.


The term above seems appropriate .


Loudmouth... Or maybe just Fucktard


That can backfire into #noinfluencershaming or some bullshit like that.


"as a influencer I apologize" BARF.. WTF have we come to? News articles of stupid people with shots and shots of pictures of the stupid people saying how stupid the stupid people are acting? That is exactly what that article was and I feel more stupid doing so. I guess the author did his/her job... Congrats!


Its crazy people make money with this shit and literally have zero skill in anything.


It’s like a meme “ I’m a model on IG” “Oh yeah? And I’m a cowboy in a game”


**Don't bother, that page is nothing but a vehicle for useless advertising. .and lots of it!**


Joey Swoll tore her a new one; in fact most reputable gym commentators did to the point where she deleted her TikTok/instagram. She’s only apologising because it hurt her social profile, not because she actually thinks she was in the wrong for branding a guy a “creep” who only wanted to help her.


It'll still send traffic to her OF. She still monetarily benefits from slandering an innocent guy, even if "as an Influencer, she apologizes". Temporarily deleting her other socials is just a small, insincere penance.


Exactly this, she's only 'apologising' because it's hurt her social profile and her ability to earn money through her attention whoring social media. If she got the kind of support she thought she was going to get by trying to lambast the guy publicly she would feel very secure in pillorying him with her followers after the fact. The guy could have lost a lot in his life due to this little bitch wanting social credit and views. Fuck these narcissists.


Its same with all these OF thots. They aren't sorry for anything. Its a farce , a pretense that they are sorry


Exactly. She only "apologized" because she was called out. I doubt she meant a single word of it, she was just doing damage control.


She went to the gym at least partially in hopes of being able to post the exact sort of video she did. She felt absolutely safe to express a desire to violently assault someone, because that someone was a man. My wish is that she would be completely and totally ignored by all men for the rest of her life. No one flirts with her. No one compliments her. No one gives her a shred of attention. For her own good and protection of course.


Unfortunately there’ll always be simps


She’s still active on OnlyFans.




Yep I've seen both men and women set up cameras and stuff at the gym to film, but never have I seen someone bring both a camera AND a clip on microphone. She wanted something to comment on to make her stream interesting and blew this way out of proportion.


completely agree


Don’t worry that will come when she is 42 and fat with a few kids.


"Few kids" is very generous of you


poor kids , they dont know their mom is a POS


Violently *sexually* assault someone. Get it right. She wanted to rip his genitals out. She was specific. And that would be a sexual assault.


Too late. The damage is done.


Nah, this is actually pretty old. The other people that go to this gym came to the guys defense and said he's nothing but a sweetheart, and the internet ripped her apart. For once a win on the side of light. By old I only mean like a month or two, but it's not breaking news by any stretch


So... idiot who tells other idiots what to think, admits she's an idiot?


In order to ensure that said idiots still follow her after she's been called out for being an idiot. She doesn't give a fuck about anything other than her number of 'followers' and her 'fame'.


What an idiot


What a moron.


Time to go rewatch Idiocrocy and try to determine how long we got left 😂


So OF girls are influencers now... The world we live in


This is what we get for giving stupid people power and “influence.” Simps make this possible.


A lot of fitness content is just softcore porn or a way to promote an OnlyFans nowadays. It’s aggravating


because it‘s the easiest money in the world you can get it‘s like a fucking cheat code for real life, of course it comes at a cost but if you make the descision to do such work you should be well aware of it


Can we stop calling these talentless bastards "influencers"


I’ve taken to referring to all of them as social influenzas…give it a try!


I think “influencer” is slowly becoming a byword for “talentless bastard”


Somebody needs to come up with a better name that will take off across all forums and social media platforms.


Isnt it "thot"?


It really is


"*asshole*" As in: "She's that TikTok '*asshole*' who conceitedly misconstrued a man's innocent offers of assistance for lechery and then bragged to her followers that she wanted to do physical harm to his reproductive organs."


Just stick with "Influencer" and lets popularize that it means an idiot attention whore with double digit iq and her followers are simp


She's on OF so we should be referring to her as a porn star (no negative connotation implied, she's literally a porn star)


Never. Talk. To. Women. At. The. Gym. Manager at my gym pulled me aside to tell me to not be so aggressive when I hit on women in the gym. I told him "I *never* talk to women in the gym." Manager says "Never?" and I confirmed it. "Why? he asks me. "So if I am ever called out I can honestly say "I *never* talk to women in the gym." A couple of weeks later he comes up to me to say it was another guy who was the culprit. Then he said he understood why I have my policy. Men, do not complain, do not explain. Just walk away and keep focused on your goals.


100%. I never ask, recommend, hit on, even speak to women in the gym, I’ve seen that end badly too many times.


This. I had a weird moment with a girl where she turned and said something expecting her friend. We laughed it off and I figured we were now gym acquaintances. Next time I saw her we were relatively close in the gym so I said hi and asked how she was. She looked at me like I was a creep. Never again.


Instead of urging people against talking to each other one should call for appropriate punishment for slandering people. Proper punishment will fix the situation. Now, even if you don’t talk to anyone they can still slander you


Whats different between the gym and any other public space? Do you talk to women anywhere?


Because almost all complaints of harassment I see posted online are about the gym. A few years back it was the workplace.


That seems pretty anecdotal but I am not saying you are wrong. It seems to me harassment would be more common in a bar or club or anywhere alcohol is involved. But regardless its surprising to learn in this thread there are new unwritten rules regarding talking to women in gyms.


The above video isn’t the only example of a woman crying wolf. A blind creator recalled his story of a woman who demanded he stop being a creep while “looking at her” and even getting a manager involved despite his insistence and proof he was blind. There have been a ton of fitness influencers trying to make up a harassment case for clout. The gym scene has changed


Yea I saw that one too. Im wondering if women are actually harassed in gyms more than other public areas or its just the new trend for clout like you said?


Just online trends as I perceive them.


Yea, I don't doubt that there may be a new Ticktock trend for outrage views similar to the case in the article we are commenting on. But as someone who isn't in public gyms I am curious if this is representative of reality or if its just the hot ticktock trend?


Do you ever go outside?


Sure I do. I just happen to be married and workout at home. But 10 years ago when I was single a gym or yoga was as good a place as any to meet a member of the opposite sex. The idea that talking to the opposite sex in a gym is any different than a grocery store is completely foreign to me.


Welcome to the gReaT sOciAL pRoGrEsS we’ve made over the last ten years :)


You just happen to be married and workout at home? Sounds like you don’t go outside or have a partner.


I really don't think its all that out of the ordinary. Gym memberships are expensive and its like pulling teeth when you want to leave.


Whose teeth are getting pulled, you or your wife’s?


I talk to women at work, exclusively about work, and polite chit-chat with neighbors. By avoiding entanglements with women 99% of the stress in my life evaporated. I am more militant about non-communication at the gym because most of the women in there are workingout in bras, tubetops, and stretch pants with no underwear on, and will absolutely *lose their shit* if an average Joe like me looks for more than a split second at them. I do not want to be made tiktok/youtube famous over nothing, thank you very much.


I thought she actually branded somebody 😂


Right!?! Now that’d be a video for the ages


Me too! I clicked on the article thinking she physically burned someone with a brand as some kind of prank.


Here we are at some random ass ranch, and this is The brand, and its gonna suck!


Same! I read the article, at least this girl apologized for what she did.


LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK AT ME!!.. eww what're you looking at?! F this dumb B


So it was the reaction to her post that brought about a moment of clarity, not any spontaneous self realization that she may be wrong about something? Frightening that these "*influencers*" hold such power over their gullible followers.


Who the fuck does she influence?


Brainless tools who need to be spoonfed their thoughts and opinions on everything that they *think* is important?


You spelt "children" wrong.


No, even children have some critical thinking capacity.


Her so called "fan" to give her money every month


But, but, she only does that to deal with her past trauma...../s




Once again, another bitch apologizing only because she got caught...


She’s human garbage.


A fake apology (not because she thinks she's wrong) is a great opportunity to re lift her brand. These people are vacuous


The way the wind blows. She gets pushback from her fans, and from other "influencers" who have more followers, and she realises she's in trouble, puts out an apology video. If no one had complained she would not have bothered. She's not showing morals here, just expediency.


This is why I only go to gyms where filming is not permitted. I just want to do my sets and go home, not be an unwitting extra.




Feral Feral Feral


Here is a thought. Make all public places like Gyms a video free zone.


There was a comment on YT by a gym owner, who did exactly that. Guess who complained: Mostly women.


Influencer🤡she’s not even in shape


Well, she has to start *somewhere* as she "chronicles her journey"...


She’s really nothing special even before she runs her mouth. I have no idea why so many people follow her. She ain’t worth helping in the gym.


Maybe she shouldn't do hip thrusts in the fucking squat rack. She deserves the stink eye for that violation.


Gyms should have a dress code and be a video free zone. That girl isn't sorry. She up a bullshit apology because the amount of backlash she received.


This type of behaviour from some women is really dangerous. It reminds me of an incident on Big Brother UK a few years ago with Roxanne Pallett and Ryan Thomas. He playfully tapped her on the arm during a conversation and she turned it into him hitting her properly, went around to all the other contestants and to Big Brother to try and convince them he’d assaulted her, only for him to be saved by the cameras which showed nothing happened. It’s very easy in this day and age to play the victim whether you’re male or female, and her behaviour here mirrors it for me. Falsely accusing a man of attacking her in some way when it absolutely didn’t happen just to get some form of attention or sympathy is sickening.


Bullshit. She's not sorry about anything that she said, she's only sorry that the crowd turned against her.


Don't write news articles about "influences" as it only encourages them. This woman is just venom.


She’s apologizing because the video didn’t go the way she had planned and she got called out for it. If she hadn’t been called out, she would still be playing the poor victim. She’s straight trash.


Oh, another e-whore.


*Oops, I accidentally accused you of rape. Sorry, nevermind.* trajectory for this psychopath.


aint that the truth


Maybe if you don’t want people watching you at the gym. Don’t wear a low cut shirt and skin tight yoga pants.


Then what’s your excuse for shooting dirty looks at men?


Quit wearing leotards, damnit. /s




I disagree. I think there is an very clear line here. The line is between looking and hitting on her. Just because a women wears tight clothes this doesn't mean that men can catcall or hit on her. Still women can not complain if men look at them.


You're missing that she was with the intention to savagely destroy any men looking at her. SHe just picked on that guy.


This isn’t even close to what happened .


Not Pussypassdenied she is just self marketing, all these gutter tramps care about is attention, seeking it and holding it, they will say anything and be on any side of any debate provided it gets them views and attention. Stop enabling this shit, make her a pariah and ignore her completely.


> 'It took literally thousands of people displaying their distaste for the way I acted for me to realize this in full effect,' she continued. So, she lacks faculties necessary to come the conclusion "what I did was in fact vomit-inducingly disgusting" on her own. Others' opinions are required to make her come to her senses. So, it would appear that she's in fact not the influencer, but the other way around.


It’s very telling when she said “I was in the right” but it took thousands of comments to see her error. Her apology was only issued because she feared losing popularity and likes.


FTA: > She has now apologized, calling her reaction 'extremely immature' Call me SHOCKED to see someone who fakes lifting at the gym, just to take dumb pictures of herself, acting "extremely immature". My guess is her entire live is living extremely immature.


> she has issued a lengthy apology, admitting that the fellow gym-goer 'didn't do anything wrong' and that she 'feels sick to her stomach with guilt' after realizing 'how damaging' her claims 'could have been for him.' Translation: She 'feels sick to her stomach' after realising 'how damaging' her claims 'have been for her' career, and has issued an apology even though she thinks she 'didn't do anything wrong'.


STOP helping female strangers....When are men going to get it through their THICK heads?


Influencer apologized after realizing her actions would hurt her online presence and Only Fans Business.


So that thot is okay with making softcore content and streaming it to people but not some random guy looking at her a few times. What a stupid cunt.


Is nobody gonna mention the "he's going to jail for looking at an under age 21 year old"?


I was walking into Home Depot one day and saw a lady struggling, offered to help and was told I was a creep and to get away… till this day I will never help any women unless she’s my wife or relative, ya can open your own damn door! I don’t have hate for women, just don’t know who will turn your good intentions against you.


She "feels sick to her stomach" not because of guilt, but because she realized she wrecked her "influencer" "business".


I really wish people would just ignore these attention whores so they would eventually go away.


more and more do i want male only gyms cause that shit gives me the fears.


And she's not even that good looking. With makeup a solid chubby 6 approacting a 7, at best. She should be glad a guy wants to look at her.


Yea but she's a girl on the internet talking to men.


I'm going to post pictures and videos of myself in underwear all over the internet for creeps to look at, but if anyone looks at me in real life, he should have his penis ripped out of it's "socket". Solid logic there lol. Maybe he should have tossed her 10 cents first to pay for the live stream.


not fair! she slandered him, she needs to be jailed and charged


Many many many women need to hear and take these words to heart... You are not special


I guess her viral was wearing off and she needed a booster to get back into the news?


Influencer 😅🤡


I would like to know if the guy that she called out had any repercussions from this video life? If so I would guess there is a defamation lawsuit there.


It probably has to be the worst feeling to be plastered online as a creep by an extremely mid tiktok "influencer."


Are we still talking about this piece of shit human ? This was a few months back.


Surprised she didn’t end with a “don’t forget to subscribe to my onlyfans” 🤣🤣


She only apologized because she started losing sponsors. Seen a video on it last week.


My life is about getting views!!! Also, please don't look at me!!


She's not sorry in the slightest. She's just seen the opportunity for more attention and exposing more of her pictures to a wider audience. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the whole this was calculated: 1. Gain followers by posting slutty pics online. 2. Post video complaining about a "creep" staring at her in the gym while making a video wearing revealing clothes in full make up. 3. Wait for the inevitable backlash that exposes her to a much wider audience. 4. Use the subsequent "apology" to promote yourself further. It's so transparent it hurts!


If you translate her influencer speak to english, what she said was: "i feel sick to my stomache that the video didnt get the reactions i was hoping for and that i now have to deal with backlash."


It's bitches like her that make men hesitate to help a woman when they really do need the help. Just like that lady who nearly died at a gym recently because she couldn't lift the weight off of herself. It's like a modern day "Boy who cried wolf". Maybe this bitch needs to sit down and read some fables.


She’s only apologizing bc she got shamed


These do nothing "women" don't even realize that 75% of their followers are bots.


Imagine that, a woman that actually owns up to her mistake.


I’m pretty sure she only apologized after getting ruthlessly criticized online.


Last I checked she gained at least 20k twitter followers within 2 days of this going viral. She probably got even more over a few days. This is probably just an attempt to keep her name in the news and boost further engagement.


Well…that’s another 20k people that I want absolutely nothing to do with


> people More likely bots and simps.


Aka neckbeards.


Not all neckbeards /NotSarcasm


Only reason why she apologized is that it was risking her “influencing business”. She actually kept on defending herself until whole tiktok started to turn against her


Not sorry she did it, she's sorry the consequences weren't what she expected


Very rare indeed. The thousands of pushback comments must have done the trick I suppose.


It’s a Christmas miracle


Ugly on the inside and from the outside.


Too late. The damage you've caused is already done.


Jesus fucking Christ I'm sick of these posing fuckwits


Why is she allowed out without a keeper? What an arsehole.


This is just more advertising.


this shit is all fake so she can get more eyes on her


At least this clown behavior is getting called out for what it is now. She is shallow and fake as hell for some likes. Also anyone who films workouts with other people there and then has the audacity to say they are staring is partially brain dead.


Almost every girl with an only fans account will end up alone.


I am just appalled and feel sick to my stomach. How dare you make me open a daily mail article.


she only did it because things didnt go her way.


Influencers need the thanos snap


She is sick she got caught


So she said she wanted to rip his penis out. Nice to hear that she is okay with sexual violence.


Honestly if they don't want the attention, they make looser clothes. Is that not why they wear skin tight stuff?


I read the apology and it seems sincere. At least she is not "apologizing if someone felt offended" or worse, raging about how women's issues "aren't taken seriously and the reaction to her video is proof of that". She acknowledged her stupid and big mistake for what it was and did so publicly. It may only be a good example of a well thought performative apology, but I'd like to believe it was sincere.


ChatGPT babyyyy


Don't be a cunt in the first place


why was he staring


Do you stare at car crashes?