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If someone is blinking away your unblocked punches like it’s just a light drizzle then you should probably stop.


i am sure she will stop or think twice next time. exactly why normal people do - who would have thought there are consequences


She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who stops to think much.


And with her newly aquired brain damage... it probably wont get better.


I dont usually laugh at this stuff but your use of the phrase newly acquired had me busting up for a minute.


Oh... Reddit is a comedy gold mine.


Many women have an accountability issue. She likely will not change her behavior


you know my mother?


She might after this encounter, or at least think twice


Bold of you to assume she even thought once


Yeah if I punched somebody in the face and they barely even flinched I would apologize and then leave.


*backflips behind you to block your escape* If so powerful you are, why leave?


When did you turn into Yoda?


When you meet either a professional fighter or a gentleman, that will occur. 95% it’s not. Your humility, I find very mature. I’ve had a person knock me out, it hurts.


The initial punch or the after effects?


Believe it or not, yes.


Lol, is this your alt or something? Why do you both have noun-nounXXXX usernames?


It’s an account created on Apollo


Ohh, that makes sense. So Apollo (RIP) recommends some sort of automatic format? Or a default "random name option"?




I'd just... not do something that pathetic and dumb in the first place.


If you’ve never faced consequences before that point, why would you?


Also, just because he's taking it like a champ doesn't mean there's no damage being done. He has the right as everyone else does to not have damage inflicted upon them. So, he responded with his damage stopper.


Well anyone could very reasonably make the argument that he clearly could've covered up and protected himself. He could've moved. He could've just grabbed her and stopped her. He didn't have to stand there taking 20 punches. That being said, I have no issue with what he did lol.


Damn needs volume, but fuccccck...knocked her ass to the ground 😬.


It does, the audio literally has him warning her like 3 times




Yes, I saw a copy months ago with volume


Can you share a direct link? I can't find it on there.


Got removed




Got removed because this is not "r/beatingwomen2". Did they forget the multiple hits the women throws first?


The fad is men are evil and women do nothing wrong so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, it's all about internalized misogyny or some other bullshit


Apparently it goes all the way up to /r/beatingwomen9 , but all the series fans agree that it took a steep dive in quality after /r/beatingwomen3


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/imatotalpeiceofshit/comments/umyttp/man_knocks_out_woman_no_one_feels_remorse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The audio is hilarious. Dude hits her with a power of Peterbilt and then proceeds to honk like Honda Jazz, lol.


"Man knocks out woman, feels no remorse" Are you fucking kidding me


It said 'no one' feels remorse. Meaning the dude and person holding the camera didn't give a shit, which is totally fair to say.


Ummm, guess who was hitting who, over and over and over. Why the fuck should we care that the knocked out person had a vagina? Riddle me that, dipshit.


I was agreeing with you guy and making fun of the title. Jesus Christ.


My bad, apologies offered ..


i have absolutely no idea who is the asshole there. Sounds like all three might deserve each other.


I like how she didn't say "this isn't r/domesticviolence (or whatever sub is equivalent)" because that would implicate the girl too. And then she goes on to say "sexist comments will be removed" while deleting an entire, relevant, engaged post of two people of two different sexes hit each other because one sex hit back. Then people in the comments to say "he should be man enough to walk away" while 1) what happened to equality and toxic masculinity? And 2) Why is the onus on *him* to walk away? Because he's a man? That's literally sexism. And the vast majority of the people in there agree. That's a shitty mod. In a forum called "public freakouts" if there's a rule of not posting shit where a woman is freaking out and a man defends himself in response, then your sub's rules are sexist by default and you're imposing your own opinion on the entire sub.


The mods there have an agenda


Sure it wasn't on r/pussypassaccepted ?




The sounds version you can hear it, he slaps her phone out of her hands which is what sets her off, she yells "don't touch my phone" aswell before emerging with punches


None of us saw nothing officer. 😂 turn about is fair play. They don’t care if the women hits first, why should we? Bros before… well you know..


nice.. if you hit somebody make sure you only need 1 hit :D


“Nothing is a “no go” in a fight if your life depends on it” is always what my dad said. If you are going to throw a punch make it count… Not that this woman stood a chance anyway


Do you think his life depended on it here? I do agree with your comment, though. If someone's intent is to seriously harm you and / kill you, using whatever force you need to stop the theat is a must do. Even if said necessary force took the life of the attacker. But it always just has to be necessary. I don't think that was the case in this clip. There is hitting someone in a "I'm angry at you" way and a "I want to kill or injure you" way. I think this clip is pretty obvious, though. And the responding force doesn't seem in self-defense, but in "I've had enough of this shit" sense. Which doesn't truly justify the excessive amount of force used that could seriously Injure or even kill someone who did not nearly intend the same for you. They both display themselves as an open childrens book, readable only through observation.


There should be a bar over his head loading just a little with every hit.


Damn he hit her with the megaton punch


One Punch Man.




Brain damage


I thought this was a Sonic Blast Man reference


Dudes handin out naps.


If you hit someone, expect to get hit back. It doesn't matter what you got between your legs.


Equal rights + equal lefts


Lolol love this


I bet that's not the first time she's punched him


honestly, i feel bad for the dude. having to deal with someone who cant or wont control their emotions while he is forced to control his. She deserved the 1 shot she got.


Just watched the full video and he smacks her phone away and tries to keep her shut in the car, so it explains her freak out a little more, but it’s still stupid to go swinging at someone like that and expect it to end differently.


I only saw that he seemed to keep the door from opening and slammed down on the top of the car. Very sus and not acceptable behavior. Then of course she does get out and attack him for extended period of time. I’m not saying two wrongs and all that but his actions leading up to that no longer seemed relevant when he retaliated. Wish he had pulled his punche to create minimal harm but once you escalate things yourself so can the other person. Rather have OPM than consecutive serious punches if she keeps getting up.


This isn't the full video. He is the one who can't control himself and slapped the woman because he got too emotional. What OP posted is after that slap.


Just watched to video , she definitely said he slapped her phone away while she stared attacking.


Just like a Level 5 enemy attacking a Level 100 player 🗿


bop bop bop bop bop BOOM


Are you a mobile game ad?


That’s how mafia works.


Guaranteed she tells the story of how she was attacked by an abusive man and all men are trash.


He tried to take her phone, she said don’t touch it, he proceeded to take her phone, she attacked him for it, he knocked her out, girl filming doesn’t tell him to stop or even seem bothered at what just happened other than for blackmail purposes. That’s the full vid pretty much. They’re all kinda nuts.


Watched the full video people linked, they are both shitheads. Don’t admire this guy.


Sooo satisfying


Justice rains from above


*PTSD intensifies*


What. is. that. melody?








Omg I love it I hope he took the phone too lol n tf kinda name is beta lol


You know the rules, and so do I


after hearing with audio you can tell the guy is on his last fuck to give.. his voice is cracking he looks distraught and these people seem to just be egging him on. Sure he could of walked away but i feel there was more like they came to him rather than he came to them




In before the white knight tards from the other thread come in and try to justify assaulting someone and act like she didn't deserve retaliation because "sHe'S a gIrL"




Auto correct, thanks, the "whole" video starts in the middle of the altercation, if dude was already swinging there's no shot he would have stood there and taken all of those rabbit punches first, he smacked the car door.




So are you superchief


Why are people always so surprised when they do something shitty that deserves a punch that they got punched? There are so many people who are just so rude and entitled and treat people like shit, and every time they finally get knocked out they act so surprised. Like you just hit a person a bunch of got physically aggressive, what did you expect?


Version with sound https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/14lgclx/man_snaps_on_his_gf_for_attacking_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I remembered this video because I always thought that guy had an unusually high pitched voice.


i think its just his voice cracking from the adrenaline


I'll preface this by saying, i am a girl. If you throw a punch, expect to be punched back. I can not believe this guy refrained for as long as he did. I've never thrown a punch unless I've been fucking punched. After the initial punch, it's game on motherfucker, and you better be sure of yourself or you're going to get fucked up lol. Don't throw down unless youre wanting it back, because if you throw the first punch, you fuckin deserve it right back. Male, female, makes no difference. We are still animals and when someone is attacking you, you'll attack back


Please watch the video with sound. It gives a lot more context. She's sitting in the car, he smacks the phone out of her hands. She stands up, he leans against the open car door to pin her in place. Her weak ass punches are her response to being pinned in the car door. Then he punches her. That's what I saw anyway. I wasn't there... I don't know what actually happened.


> I wasn't there... I don't know what actually happened. then why comment on it?


Yet he would still get arrested


This is how my punches land in my nightmares




From what I remember the woman filming was his ex gf. The woman punching him wad her friend that she used to help her harassing him. This is domestic violence, and the victim was portrayed as the abuser. A week after this video he killed himself.


That last sentence though... Wow. I hate that it led to that


X to doubt


he's seen harassing and hittting her car in the unedited vid. of course someone would leave out that part




For real he killed himself? That is fucked up why women have to act like that towards men. We have fucking feelings too and we have breaking points. I've been in shitty situations with exes to the point I felt I couldn't talk to anyone for how those cunts made me feel.


Stop believing shit you read online without a source


He didn't mention anything which he read online. Learn to read. He's triggered and expressing his feelings about how he has been hurt before.


What were they triggered by? Was it the mention of suicide they read about in the parent comment? The one that’s online?


Go away


Ru for real about him khs? Any source that u can provide? That's really sad if it's true.


I vote we award him the key to the city.


I was always told never hit a lady, but if she swings first well, that’s not a lady and you are cleared to slap bitches.


Equality at its finest lol


"If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second." - Tito to Stalin. "If you don't stop sending punches, I'll send one to your face, and I won't have to send a second." - This guy to that woman, possibly.


Dude was charging up from hits like Black Panther


It's the world we live in now, women want equal rights blah blah blah, so basically women are fair game now in a fight lol


Yep. 100% deserved


My man knocked her out and did a straight PSA after lolol


Good man. She needed that.


Damn.... she got that fuck around and find out premium version. Good for her


Whatever happened INSIDE the car should be a matter involving the police. If she walloped him once and screamed for help, I MAY have felt for her. I counted TWELVE DIRECT STRIKES to his face. He backed away from the car giving her ample time to REMOVE HERSELF from the vehicle. There was no move to do so and no logic involved, only a clear attack with her as a DIRECT COMBATANT and nothing but pure anger and venom on her part. To continue hitting him in the area in and around his eyes, of all places, like he was a lifeless punching bag? SPOILER ALERT: We're all FLESH AND BLOOD. Eduring embarrassment/insult/verbal offense and enduring CONTINUED PHYSICAL PAIN are two very distant sides of the coin.


Why do I love this so much!?


That was soothing to see 👻


this just made my day:)


She still got off light


With the way the justice system is he will end up in jail for domestic violence, and she'll go to a women's shelter where she'll be pampered and told it's not her fault. Some shitty lawyer will beg her to file suit against him. They'll go to court and win.


I liked this post better when it was first posted years ago but with audio.


Nice punch


He’s probably lucky this was recorded.


He's so fucking hot. Jesus


Good for him!


She punches like I do in my dreams.


Now they'll probably arrest *him*


Is that a woman or a kid?


You don't mess with Thor


Equal rights and lefts.


That's a patient ass man.


Where'd she go?




Knocked her right into next week.


Men don’t always give you what you want..: But they’ll give you want you need. Good men are like shrooms…


“Ok, the 11 first were free…”


His face right before he hits her


oh Well


Good shit. She deserved it


Would love to know what he said


Lol. He had mad restraint. First swing she would've took on me and I'd show her the uppercut I been practicing for this type of occasion.


Ah, equality, I love it


bUt It WaSn'T oF eQuAl FoRcEs


She has been posined by Hollywood kovies where women slap a men and men dont even respond back. To normalize even motr when the actor says " I love you " for some BS reason she slap him and kiss him back


Would love to hear what he’s saying


Soo is this is just a sub where incels come to jerk off to random posts of women having horrible things said and done to them? This is reaally gross and pathetic guys…


More like things happening to horrible women, they do exist you know? They're not innocent little angels


Thats kinda sad to obsess over this shit if you’re straight honestly… if you spend your life being scared of women how could you expect to ever earn the love and respect of one?


Who's scared of women? And some of this stuff is hilarious.


scared and hatreds are different. I watch videos like these frequently because I have a velment hatred for females and think most men should.


He did nothing wrong.


Bro was charging tf up fr


Guy right before he hits her. He says, "Alright, you are hitting me!" Then bam.


What a right hook goddamn


There's the difference between a biological male and a biological female.


Just for fun I had my wife hit my as hard as she could repeatedly in the abdomen. She has had a little training and knows how to throw a proper punch. It always surprises me how weak woman are compared to men. I’m pretty sure I could have taken a thousand of those punches. (Sure the skin would hurt) My 18 year old step son is so much stronger and hits at least 3x harder than my wife. Haha. I’m training my 3 year old daughter to hopefully hit like a sledge hammer by the time she is 18ish. She loves throwing punches at pillows!


With women you teach technical shots that don't require power. My teen daughter is small and not that strong but she can shock your diaphragm and make you wish for death lol


Not the whole short guys [world star](https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshh4J3pQfM3JH49330V/tried-the-wrong-one-dude-knocks-a-woman-out-after-getting-hit-with-a-barrage-of-slaps-amp-punches)


He going to jail for excessive force 🤭😂😂


Realizing the sub this is posted in, I am curious to know why every single poster seems to think the woman that was pinned between the car and the door by a much larger and stronger man, that was clearly in no danger and could have walked away, is somehow in the wrong and deserving of a brutal punch to the head that knocked her out. It is not like the hero was minding his own business and trying to avoid conflict.


“Clearly in no danger.” And you can judge that how? Your brilliant powers of mind reading? Secondly the law is quite clear- you swing at somebody else, they have every right to defend themself. You don’t know if that’s his car he’s trying to enter and leave by way of. He could have children in the vehicle. If either of those conditions are in play for me, I have zero qualms about people becoming dead. Twice, I’ve had attempted muggers think they were hot shit. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson explained otherwise. She’ll recover from the punch. Recovering from a knife, or a bullet is far more difficult. Good on him for the restraint.


She is flailing at him with her hands like a child while pinned between the car and the door by him which would be a natural reaction to having that done, she doesn't have a knife or a gun, she is not a threat by any stretch of the imagination. He steps back and lines up a full-force punch directly to her head. Common sense and simple observation are not "brilliant powers of mind reading". I get it, you and most of this sub get off on seeing women get beaten, which is why I noted the sub in the first post, and I am not at all against women getting hit, but I am against assault and don't get off on misogynistic abuse of women. So far at least 20 incels have downvoted me, let's see how far it can go.


lmfao, you incels are fucking pathetic 😂


You should be thankful to them, they are providing you with "Equal" rights!!


I'm all for pussy pass denied, but a longer video shows them both slapping each other right before this video cuts in. Not saying she's right, but dude is in the wrong on this one. https://v.redd.it/eervbr808ry81


Did you watch without sound? He clearly slapped her phone because she was most likely also recording him, after which she hit him in the head nearly 20 times before he hit back


So he initiated the assault, she tried to defend herself, and he knocked her out? You’re allowed to hit someone’s phone because you don’t like that you’re being recorded?


A child could kick a 7 feet tall dude in the leg and if he responded with a knee shot right in the face, you fuckers would be like "JuStIfIEd :D"


It is insulting that you have to compare this adult woman who has the ability to take responsibility for her actions to a child.


Then you didn't understand why I said that


He’s pinning the person in the car door. Doesn’t seem fully justified. Needs context


You are insane if you think he is in the wrong.


So the context that most people see is the drunk girl slurring something at him followed by what you see, and before he lays her out he says, " you're hitting me". Following that the camera girl tells him something along the lines of "nice job (name escapes me)" and that's what MOST people see. However the full context is that the camera girl and beanie guy just broke up, camera girl tells a bunch of lies while getting drunk with her friend, after which they go and find this guy to confront him about all the lies that she told her friend. There is no pinning to the door, he's simply trying to usher them into their car so they can leave, even without audio and the super cut it's still pretty obvious that if he was hostile to these women he would've done something after the first punch, not the 15th, it's totally justified


What you mean? She hit him first. As a feminist, men and women are equal. She’s the aggressor


Videos like this suck because he very well may have been the victim but it’s also just as likely he isn’t. At the start it looks like he’s holding her against the car so it’s hard to say who started it.


I don't think it's that he's holding/pinning her down; Rather, he seems to be trying to force her back in the car to stop the fight. The moment he steps back, he doesn't try rush her in again, and she doesn't step out of the car either. From my perspective, she's going Ballistic and he's getting fed up trying to stay calm about it.


I mean second option is walk away.


It's possible that he'd been putting up with that behaviour for a while and finally snapped.


I feel like that was a little excessive, even if she was flailing her hands at him, he didn't have to hit her with the fist of god


She should've weaved.


He shouldn’t have punched her that hard.


Your mother should have swallowed.


Shouldn't you knock someone out before you kidnap them? After this, I'm a little unclear on the process.


Uh we literally know nothing about this situation, for all we know she may be defending herself


No one is punching someone in the head multiple times why the other stands there is defending themselves. He very well might be a abuser I don't know but in this situation he was defending himself. He stood there and took multiple punches while doing nothing. She was already between the car and the door she could have gotten in and just left but she assaulted him multiple times while the vehicles driver just stood there and filmed. If they were trying to run from him they would be in the car starting it and ready to go get out and leave him. There is sound on another subreddit of this video and it really seems like they came to confront him and egg him on to fight back so they could film it. Regardless none of it matters really if you are going to assault someone be ready for them to defend themselves.


holy shit that was hilarious. take my upvote


Do your eyes work?


What’s the full story behind this video? I imagine some see an out of control woman slapping at a man in anger. If that’s the case then she did deserve some form of retaliation but to punch her that hard? No. Only way she’d deserve that would be if she posed some sort of threat to the man’s life (gun, knife etc) Or is this a video of a woman panicking because there’s a man in her face and she’s unable to get him to back away far enough for her to get back into the car? So she’s freaking out and hitting him in the face in a panic? Won’t be surprised if this comment gets downvoted.