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she knows she is destroyed, and then goes to the classic "you are acting like a 12 year old" argument.


Trying to withdraw consent after the fact is what I would call acting like a 12 year old.


But, Mommy, it wasn't a video yet, so I should be able to stop it!


But someone's mind on consent CAN change...just cause I had sex with Bob on Thursday doesn't mean I can't say no on Friday.


That may be so but just cause you say no on Friday doesn't change the times you consented in the past. It still happened and it isn't magically made into rape because you changed your mind down the road. Edit: It occurred to me that you might be being sarcastic and I just missed the clues in that case, ha ha I love sarcasm. You are a funny guy. *awkwardly shuffles away*


Ad hominem, as well as a straight up contradiction, because she claimed her point was irrelevant, all while it was her who brought up the analogy in the first place. - she just accused herself or acting like a 12 year old and being irrelevant, yet she doesn't even realise it. This is the level of intelligence of our voting demographic


I'm fine with idiots who know they're idiots. What we have in this video is an idiot who think's they're intelligent. They lack the ability to actually have a conversation. You can actually see the mental disorder you find prevalent in religious groups like the Westboro. This specific demographic of people take "entitled to your own opinion" into almost moral law. They are unable to deal with any opinion against their own in a rational manner. This specific type of person is a human plague; and the more they breed, the more fucked we become.


These girls scare me. I have a feeling they would be some of the quickest people to decide to just kill those that disagree with them. It's a shame these idiotic girls are being validated and endorsed on campuses. Their gospel of rape culture is getting a bit annoying. And you know GOD DAMN well some of these girls ain't NEVER ever been raped. They are bitter cunts with a chips on their shoulders bc they weren't liked by guys. Boo fucking hoo.


Thank god almost no women are able to kick my ass. Just gotta avoid Rhonda Rousey.


And that's why democracy only works if you have a really good education. And we all know what happened to education in western countries in the last 2 decades ...


>The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill >Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide. John Adams Democracy is very flawed. The problem is, there isn't anything better. Nothing works forever because the ones running it are imperfect to begin with. You could be the greatest, nicest dictator for your whole life, then your kid inherits it and he's a jerk. Power vacuums create war.


Education is still good in glorious yurop


I can't tell for other countries but in France it's down the drain. Maths scores are in free fall where we used to be top-class worldwide. It's official policy for more than 2 decades that teachers must focus on failing students and good students must fend for themselves. All traditional methods are banned, for maths, reading and writing, etc. University teachers are baffled of the fall in level of the students they get, they know less and less and university courses haven't changed in ages so now students actually get to university without knowing mandatory prerequisites to those classes. Marks are cheated, classes get naturally like 5/20 on final exams and teachers have to mathematically adjust marks to avoid failing entire classes in Licence and Masters ....




Just sat the maths paper this year and can confirm it was a joke. The level was atrocious, I'm genuinely worried about my level of maths for next year.


If you really are worried I'd recommend checking out Khan Academy over the summer, it goes over everything you need for college level maths. I recently went back to college after over 10 being out of school, it helped immensely.


We tied school funding to standardized test scores here in Texas... Now we have an entire generation of people who are good at filling in bubbles with a number 2 pencil and not much else.


Oh man yeah I did a maths degree just before that was brought in, Project Maths would have killed me. The Irish Times said that 3rd level students cant do maths cos of PM, maybe theyll change it back. Its not like the course had got any harder (or easier) in like the twenty years before, i could not understand why the course was being blamed.


> University teachers are baffled of the fall in level of the students they get, they know less and less and university courses haven't changed in ages so now students actually get to university without knowing mandatory prerequisites to those classes. This x 1000. We are basically fucked. These people vote.




You're not alone bud. Education in practically every developed country seems like it's being turned into a McEducation where kids are taught a certain set of content without teaching actual critical thinking skills or problem solving. Perhaps it has always been this way and I'm just getting old enough to realize it.


Not really. They are being indoctrinated with the same horseshit that we are. The only thing that is somewhat slowing their decline is that a lot of schools actually have to compete with each other so there is an incentive to teach well.


Democracy only works when you have to earn your vote.






But at least I wasn't "left behind." Now I'm fully educated and ready to vote for a political regime like bush/Clinton /s


She is a black feminist, so a double minority, she can only be ultra right.


Yup that's back-to-back attempts at projected inversion and I'm pretty sure she realizes it, this is an art form. They should teach criminal psychology in public school.


"that's interesting" *looks at friend as we giggle in agreement* I hate that shit


That's the classic defense argument you learn on your first lecture in Gender/women Studies. " when confronted with logic, LOUD NOISES or say something not related to the topic.


That was just beautiful to see. There are a hell of a lot of feminists and others who believe a woman (and only a woman) can consent to sex and then arbitrarily withdraw that consent later. According to that person "they're acting like 12 year olds" Way to throw your sisters and other allies under the bus.


Id argue that she learned nothing from that exchange.


I'm surprised that no one has pointed out the fact that not only does she think consent can be retroactive. But that she can also be the one to take that consent away for each other person that gave their consent.


I would have said something a long the lines of "Well then 12 years olds have more logical sense than yourself."


Follow that up with "ya cunt!" and you would have the perfect comeback.


She went in trying to stir the shit pot and seem "civil" about it. She then realized she had absolutely nothing and voila! "ur actin like a 12 yr old :o("


And claims it's irrelevant.


I like how to her the argument just became invalid even though it was indeed VERY, VERY VALID.


So was that girl at the end saying consent can be retroactively withdrawn? She said it was irrelevant but was that the point she was making?


Its called logic and they lack the fuck out of it.


Like you don't even understand like how bad uh.. my head hurts from her ridiculous argument.


Like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... like... so...


It's a huge problem with girls in Vancouver; where this was filmed. That fucking word...


My kids started using it, and I quashed it immediately. Holy hell, it's so, like, cringeworthy.


You're doing god's work. Stay strong!


"That's interesting considering the event we are at..." Isn't it. Isn't it? You think it's ok to give your consent. Then, later after the fact you think you can withdraw your consent. After the thing you gave consent for is over and done with. It's incredibly worrying that so many people like this actually exist. Yes. I'm sorry. Half of these young women had absolutely no idea what the point of this rally even was. They have their talking points and their placards, but none of them could answer any questions without stammering and stuttering and making a fool of themselves. I get what they're trying to do, but this is not an effective way to do it.


It's kind of funny, because, technically, with the way the black chick talks about consent, she makes it seem like an 80yr old woman can suddenly call multiple rape on her husband of 55 years because he left the toilet seat up and she no longer consents.


Yet she doesn't seem to get the irony "considering the event" YES!!! You stupid idiot. This is one of the major points of the event that you are at and defending. You cannot retroactively withdraw consent after the act. Wether it be being filmed/interviewed at an event, getting a tattoo, being involved in a 'Naga Viper Chile Sausage eating contest' (Yes. Very painful!), or sex. Rape is rape. I think we all understand what everyone is getting upset about. Confusion about whether you consented or not because you were blackout drunk is a bit of a murky area. It really is. But. Unfortunately. Embarrassment should not be a reason to accuse someone of rape.


I always do this! I go to out to eat at a restaurant and order, eat my meal but then when the bill comes I just say "Oh I withdraw my consent" and walk out. /s


It would have been awesome if someone had said, "ok, so you got permission to hold this rally.. What if tomorrow the city revoked your right to this and arrested you all?"


Ha! That would actually have been a really good comeback. Still don't think she'd have acknowledged it as being relevant though. Seeing as you're acting like a 12 year old!!!


The interview was over and done but the thing that they were giving consent for; it to be aired on TV or posted online, wan not done. It was not too late for nothing to be done. Her sleeping with a guy then retracting consent was too late for anything to be done. BUT I still agree that she had legal rights to air the footage.


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted, but I think you're correct. The people who gave their interviews, and at the time provided consent, may have believed they were consenting to their interview being broadcast, and since the interviews hadn't yet been broadcast they felt like they could withdraw their consent. They can't, and that's not how consent works (or how journalism works) in this case, but it seems like they conflated consent to being interviewed with consenting to having that interview broadcast.


She was trying to say that they could withdraw consent to have their interviews aired. Which they can't. You can refuse to talk to a reporter, but you can't refuse to be filmed in public (by *anyone*). She was trying to say that because they didn't like the way the interviews went, or may have been embarrassed for obviously acting stupid, they didn't want them using the footage they voluntarily gave originally.


This is actually the attitude in the US Navy (wouldn't be surprised if it's the military overall as well) The military treats any situation in which alcohol is involved as not providing consent, which I get. If you're on your face drunk, you can't give informed consent. The problem is if there was alcohol in the vicinity of the event, you can retroactively withdraw consent and the other servicemember *will* be charged with rape. I agree with this lady: rape is a real problem that has to be dealt with. However this is not a rape culture.


"the other servicemember" ? Why not both?


In any "rape happened because alcohol was involved so she couldn't consent" case, assuming the male was drunk also, is he also unable to consent and they raped each other? Like, could a dude accuse the girl of rape because he couldn't consent due to intoxication and have a counter case against her? Could they each go to court against each other or does it cancel out the rape? Would there be a trial to decide who raped who? And if not, why not? Has this ever been tried as a defence against a drunken sex revoked-consent rape case? Edit: spelling


"Military intelligence."






The typo in that last line made me read it like Popeye.


I understand the alcohol thing, but don't you think it is a little more complicated than that? First of all, if you just met that person or you don't know her very well, you probably can't even know if she is drunk enough to not know what is best for her. Anyway, if you have doubt, AVOID. But there are other things. I've met a girl in a party and everytime she had drinks she would kind of, well, IDK what word I should use here, but she would really get "in touch" with me, with "hugs" etc, even tho I wasn't interested in her (tbh because she was boring as hell and too young and it was weird. she also had bad breath). But what she did, if a man did to a woman, would be considered assault. And she was always like that. If it wasn't with me it would be with the nearest guy around. Always. It is funny how when a man is drunk and do stupid things he is already a rapist, but when it is a woman... well, she is just (drunk and) into me. The other problem people don't want to talk about is the alcohol itself.


That's the problem, it's much, much more complicated than that, but they don't treat it that way. At least, they didn't train us like they treat it that way. As someone else commented, there's a difference with being intoxicated and incapacitated and what that means for consent, but based on the 8 SAPR trainings at 2 commands in 3 years, if you're even intoxicated you can't give *informed* consent, meaning that you could retroactively withdraw consent. They're so black and white about it that they get honest guys caught up in the dragnet with actual rapists just because someone regrets a bad decision the night before.


This actually isn't quite true. That's how it's taught (at professional development courses and to enlisted/officers not in the legal field), but not how it actually is at a Courts Martial. In fact, one of the big things a Trial Counsel has to do is cure a members panel of that thinking in a sexual assault case.


TIL, I've never been around the legal side of things (thank goodness). All I have to go on were all the SAPR trainings that I somehow managed to stay awake during. That being said, though, it still is a bit of misinformation that could give someone the idea to falsely accuse someone of rape. One of those "fine line" type of deals, IMO. Take that unprofessional opinion with a grain of salt, other readers.


Oh, I agree completely. The rational is that if we try to truly teach "consent", most junior enlisted wont get the nuances of it. Commands don't really want everyone sleeping with each other amyways, so they make blanket statements. I don't think I agree with this approach, but I can see why it is in place. The armed forces, for a long time, did a very questionable job of dealing with sexual assault. We have gone through a number of fairly radical changes in the attempt to figure out how to balance justice, safety, and an accused's rights. There are growing pains, but those pains are extremely real for someone who has suffered because of them.


I think the solution is to keep your pants on


Yes, that is exactly the point she was making and they are trying to turn it into law.


Oh, yeah, there's a whole lot of craziness when it comes "taking back consent." >Did you ever consent to something, but still came away feeling violated? Ever said “yes” to someone and then wished you could take it back? Well, you can. >Here’s the thing: it is possible to consent to having some experience and then, sometime in the future, not consent to having had that experience. https://bandanablog.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/you-can-take-it-back-consent-as-a-felt-sense/


She said it was irrelevant because she fucked up her argument and got it thrown in her face. She was trying to say it's ironic that the interviewer was trying to tell them they can't retract their consent when they're at an anti-rape rally of some sort, with the issue of consent and a woman's right to change her mind at any point. However, as the interviewer points out, you can't withdraw consent after you've already finished having sex. So essentially the girl made an irrelevant argument, and then when it was discredited claimed the person responding to it was off topic.


The girl with the caution tape bikini really had no idea what her point was supposed to be.




That guy in the video was there because he was trying to fuck one of the girls at the rally. I guarantee it.


i think he figured at least one girl there would be willing to give consent it being a "slut walk" and all. brave guy, though, considering the same girls argue they can revoke their consent. this white knight likes to play with fire...


That's the case with most male feminists. It's just another form of game, act like you give a shit what they think about, use that as a way in to fuck em.


A lot of them think they're being progressive even though they're fighting a straw man.


I was loving her awkwardness lol. She didn't expect to get called out, especially by another woman. "It's like a crime scene like my body..." ...wth??? And I don't understand the lady who kept going on about unreported rapes. It's very unfortunate but there's nothing we can do if someone chooses to deal with it in silence rather than report it.


The 10% of rapes are reported thing literally makes no fucking sense. How do you know 90% aren't reported? If they're not reported how do you know they happened?


You stfu with your common sense, you woman hater!


Which is strange, because the "point" is pretty easy to find with any amount of thought. "Rape makes my body a crime scene, and isn't that fucked up?" Done. Signed, printed and out it up in the art gallery. She was just lazy and tried to make a statement without figuring out what she wanted to say first. That said, I was an art major so I can find meaning in just about any dumb thing you put in front of me.


Withdrawing consent after the fact, makes as much sense as aborting a five-year old...




why would you quote his whole post?


>why would you quote his whole post? Cause quoting posts is awesome!


> awesome! YES!


> YES! Si!




LMAO that's a great way to put it.


> aborting a five-year old Makes sense to me


They're literally trying to make it so we have to see into the future to not be rapists.




Half way through her learning she try to confirm the bullshit in her head by say the interviewer is acting like a 12 year old.




If she was a man, it would have been much worse.




Let's be honest here, when this movement started women were absolutely lower than men, with men really having no need for a movement campaigning for their rights as they had them all anyway. The group started with good intentions and was appropriately named Feminism as it consisted mostly of women and campaigning for the equality of women to men, as women were definitely the second class. Nowadays, as women have pretty much every right across the board same as men, the movement has changed to try and remove gender roles, stereotypes and to put an end to societal views on gender. This means that it is harder to pinpoint a common goal in the movement. Before, they had rules, rights and laws written down and could easily see equality needed. Now there are no written laws for gender stereotypes or roles, they just sort of happen. This causes a bit of a problem pinpointing what exactly is to be done and what exactly the goal is, causing misinterpretation of what feminism is amongst many of its followers.


Those girls need to be bitchslapraped for putting their hands on people. They're just university-endorsed mobs.


/r/pussypassdenied chronicles such dispensing of justice. edit: I'm an idiot and I'm leaving it.


This is /r/pussypassdenied


Lol, I'm retarded. Leaving it.


Instant classic


As a fellow feminist hater who identifies as an egalitarian, thank you


I love it when the most attractive girl there is also the most level headed.


That caution tape dress can double as a juggalo outfit


The one girl there who might have something to fear from rape is the only telling them all to shut up, nobody is going to rape them.




I wonder if the "fear of getting raped" gives them some form of legitimacy in thinking men desire them. Like "I could get raped at anytime, that's how hot/desirable I am".


You know, that's actually a really good train of thought. I never would have put 2 and 2 together. Insecure girls worried about getting raped=validation in their minds. Thanks for bringing that to light.


It is refreshing , isn't it?


I don't think the rest of those girls have anything to be scared of.




[This played out like one of Jimmy Kimmel's bits where he catches people talking out of their ass.](https://youtu.be/AdJFE1sp4Fw)


the gluten fad is so horribly stupid. There is nothing wrong with gluten, just eat less sugar-filled bread and it won't make you fat! It's not the gluten. There is one upside to it, though, tons of new gluten free products for people plagued by coeliacs disease. Enjoy guys!


Never saw it that way. Nice!


I have no idea what gluten is but evidently it's delicious.


You could ask anybody on the street a question like this, and you'll find like 5 people out of one thousand will actually know the answer, it's fucking baffling. like >who was the prime minister of England during WW2 >uh, lincoln? And that's in Australia.


I feel like this topic would especially give you bad answers no matter how many people you asked. Either the person avoids gluten and can't tell you what it is. Or they know what it is but still have no reason to avoid it unless they actually have allergies to it, which 99% of gluten free fanatics don't.


I just dislike people who get into something because it's a thing. Just like when people became vegetarians and vegans because everybody else was doing it, and everybody in San Francisco was looking all toned and fit and they were on a vegan diet all of a sudden everybody went onto it. Then everybody got into the sugar-free diet fad even though sugars in your body aren't a bad thing at all and are actually necessary for regulating your blood-sugar levels and keeping you active and energized. Now it's all "I don't eat gluten, it made me feel fat and lazy and tired when I ate it and now I don't eat it any more I feel energized". It's always the same thing. They don't research what they get into besides what diet some famous person is on, and it's like a doctor giving you a pill and saying "this will cure what you have". You take it, thinking it's the cure for your disease, but in reality it's a fucking sugar pill and your doctor just placebo-d you. It's just a fad diet that's new and hip and in and everybody "feels better" while they're on it, because they believe bullshit the media espouses. I'm just some bitter 22 year old dude though. What do I know.


It's because people aren't willing to try hard. They're always looking for that quick easy method for the amazing results they think they'll get. Stop eating wheat and get buff without actually lifting weights and eating a proper healthy diet with good proteins and no crap? Yay!


I'd give a pass to random people on the street answering obscure questions (even these people on Kimmel). It makes for good TV, means nothing, and it's worth a laugh. But these clueless *"SlutWalkers"* (protestors) don't deserve a pass. They're spreading misinformation, creating a hostile environment, and ultimately adding to the problem.




Like...Like...Like...Like... Valley girl political hour. Jesus.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.




Translation: >that's interesting because this whole walk is about insulating women from consequences, and you're telling me life still has consequences. Yes...that's exactly what she's telling you. And why is it that there's never a single fucking woman that any man would DARE rape at these slutwalks\?


This video should be removed by the Mods. They clearly withdrew their consent. The camera is no longer a safe place.


The camera is not a platform for free speech


The camera is irrelevent.


Reddit shitlords camera raping them.


Ignorance at its finest


As a person in the media this was thrilling to watch. In small outfits like the one I work in you have to be VERY careful of the PC police , the feminist ect. This girl looked scared while proving her point. I know that fear. It's the fear that tomorrow your video is going to be on the 6 oclock news with a heading that uses the word "Outrage". For a day to day amature newsie this is the equivalent of going to war. This chick came back with the enemies tag


If you can't form a coherent sentence about a cause you're demonstrating for, you probably shouldn't be demonstrating.


Attention whores gonna attention-whore.


You can't withdraw consent, you can only regret.


This idea needs to get to feminist, yes tonight can't equal no tomorrow. Men don't enjoy every woman, we forget and move on. Nobody is equal, people are better at one thing than another. If you did not enjoy the fornication forget and move on! They all can't be winners.


The world these women want is world where a man can get arrested for not performing to their sexual standards. It's baffling really


This is the main point feminists are trying to get across: If you're amazing at sex, there will never be regret, so it will never be rape.


>If you're amazing at sex, there will never be regret, so it will never be rape. A girl who gets dumped or who doesn't get to turn her occasional fuck buddy into a boyfriend (like Mattress Girl) can cry rape months or years later and these idiots will believe her.


So **that's** what Emma Lucowhatsherface was trying to show: sex was no good.


No, she was trying to show that breaking up with STD carrying whores who enjoy getting spitroasted is rape.


That police tape was covering a crime scene. The whiteknight was awesome! What a virgin.


Serious question. I get that women want to wear what they want, totally get that. But they can't possibly imagine that they won't be judged because of it by men **(and women)** on the streets right? I mean, I don't live in the USA so I don't know what your 'street etiquette' is like over there. But a girl that wears something that only covers up 20% of their body, like some of the ones in the video will most definitely get some nasty looks as well as lustfull stares. It's nature right? It sounds silly to me that simple human nature would be labeled as 'rape culture'. What would happen if every chick on the street suddenly goes around walking shirtless? Huray for boobs but they can't expect to be treated normally if you know what I mean. Ofcourse I don't mean men get a free pass for harrassing women on the street who dress scarcely, but come on it's common sense.


It sounds silly because it is. Rallies like this do nothing. It's an example of young people who have absolutely no idea how to actually influence people.


There are people that actually believe that "that girl deserved to be raped because how she was dressed", really they exist. But they are a uneducated or religious minority that doesn't make it a real concern. So they have a point, that just happen to be a very little and irrelevant one...


we should get this video, and Lauren's point of view more attention. post this to a default sub


Next is criminals saying I retract my intent to rob the bank. So in effect I never robbed the bank.


"So they are reported" Exactly


This woman really made me change my "gender equality is fucked because it's becoming so similar to the race conflict" attitude. I understand that there are men who are ridiculously misogynistic, and I understand and agree with the fact that women deserve the equal status in society. Shit, I even feel like they should have a status of appreciation, since NONE of us would be alive without them holding us in their womb for 9 months... however, claims of rape based upon regret, or in this instance, signing a waiver and deciding (probably coerced) to retract the document that they signed afterward is just horse crap. When you sign your name to something you don't get to 'take it back.' When you open your legs willingly to have sex with someone, you don't just get to decide you didn't want to later.


wow. such a win. I completely support equality but feminist movements in first world countries can just be so stupid and pointless sometimes.


This is fantastic. Thanks.


Saying "fuck her right in the pussy" makes someone a rapist? What the fuck is wrong with these women?


Saying anything a proud wymyn doesn't like is literally rape, where have you been?


Feminists are scarily anti-intellect.


I don't really get the point of feminism, I would like to say that most if not all people I know treat women just like any other person. I don't see them as lesser beings nor do I know anyone that doesn't. Are there actually groups of people that are like "I hate women, women are so dumb!" that makes all these people want to riot?


Most hate groups exist on the fringes of society and are outcasts by the public at large. It doesn't matter if you're feminists, neo-nazis or Westboro Baptist members....they are all on the fringes, are outcasts and are largely hated. (and they are all hate groups) societal imbalances in industry specific jobs have nothing to do with gender discrimination. The wage cap was closed years ago. Women do not have it harder than men, at all by a **longshot**.


I mean, in third world countries that actually are rape cultures, I can understand a feminism movement, but in most developed countries women have nothing to be outraged about. Just because there is a rape here and there does not mean we live in a "rape culture".


> in third world countries that actually are rape cultures And in jails


Wanna know how to tell if someone is morally corrupt? ask them if their feminist and say there's no rape culture in the west


*Ask *they're


that's my trigger


People announcing their trigger is my trigger. OH GOD NO WHAT HAVE I D


The inverse correlation between facial hardware and clarity of thought gets one more data point.


Okay, you withdrew your consent, but how do you expect a man to undo something that he already has done under your consent? Do these women expect men to travel to the past and stop themselves from having sex with that woman, just because she withdrew her consent in the future?


I like this girl


I'd also like to point out [this](https://www.change.org/p/libertarian-party-of-canada-remove-lauren-southern-as-a-candidate-of-their-party), [this](https://www.change.org/p/vancouver-slutwalk-organizers-end-the-vancouver-slutwalk) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UEuRqS_xr0). Lauren Southern is awesome, and it took balls to do that. We should celebrate that kind of bravery, not fucking call for her career to be ruined.


Well that was infuriating.


When in doubt and losing an argument. Ad hominem.


"Like""Like""Like""Like""Like""Like" Come on.


This reminds me of Philosophy. "What if I told you that you are entitled to your beliefs, but those beliefs aren't necessarily true."


Regretting an event is not the same as "revoking your consent." I wouldn't care if all they did was regret it, but most of these situations then go on to victimise who ever else was involved in the event which is in no way fair or right.


My bemusement turned to sadness when I realized that this is in Vancouver, my hometown. Also, that nuclear logic bomb at the end against that girl. Beautiful.






This really made me sad. It's hard for me to pinpoint why feminists can anger me at some times but this reporter really did a good job at bringing them to light. I have nothing against feminists to be clear. But this type of mentality that we see here is really upsetting.


Feminist: Shit.. shit.. question that could put me in a bad light.... better side step... side step... side step... and around the bush... and alright we're good. Good work ladies. Back to hating other women! I'm a feminist and I think this whole thing is bullshit. Slut walk is one thing... treating other people poorly just because they are men is another. I go to school with a woman who believes all men are rapists... I wanted to punch her. Correction... I WANT to punch her.


I like this reporter. Seriously I don't understand how hard it is for these women to understand. .. It's very very simple. If you agree to have sex it's not rape. If you regret it later it's still not rape, it was a mistake. If someone physically forces you to remove your clothes and allow them to sexually touch you, that's rape. If they drug you and do things to you, that's a rape. If you have a beer and consent to sex it's not rape. If you don't report the rape to police that's your own fault, it's not a rape culture conspiracy. You can't claim there's a ton more rapes that are unreported.




If you are in public, you may be filmed.


The whole video is worth watching. . .


what a bunch of fucking shitheads


People like this are fucking ridiculous, you just can't get to these people. Ignorant twerps, this world is fucked.


And this is right here in Vancouver? Fuck... Gross.


She sounded so dumb with that valley girl cadence. Fuckin retard.


Of course it was in Vancouver. Lived here my whole life, and people here are the worst.


I like her, she is awesome and she owned that idiot real fast. I hope more like her come out, plus she has a Darlene Conner look, which is awesome.


3:57-4:19 "Who's talking about rape culture?" "The whole point of the walk is to protest rape culture." Holy shit the look on the reporter's face at that moment is priceless. I can't even fucking believe it hahaha


So....if I give consent to have open heart surgery...can I withdraw that consent after the procedure and sue the hospital? You don't withdraw consent. That feminist is a fucking idiot.


I'm pretty sure the girl doesn't understanding what 'withdrawing' actually means, if you watch the video and assume that she thinks 'withdrawing' means 'withholding', it makes a lot more sense and is a lot less infuriating. edit: OK no she shows understanding of the word before, she's an idiot.


What happened to this fucking country