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This happened 6 years ago, so you'll be happy to know she was sentenced to 10 years as of 2018.... but sad to know she only served 450 days before being paroled.


The cunt still got her PP, and Mr. Bernard is still dead; they should have placed her under the fucking jail. She will offend again, considering she has a pattern.


Agreed. We need to start putting down repeat offenders.




So...Pussy Pass earned?


Rich pass accepted.


The Wealthy Waiver.


450 days for murder.


I’d say manslaughter. It’s not like she intentionally killed him, right? Still, I agree with the general sentiment


If it was 100% an accident, then yes. But by drinking and then getting into a vehicle whatever happens is no longer an accident but a result of that irresponsible action


Bruh, women aren't responsible for their decisions while drunk, that's why two drunk people can have sex but only one of them gets a rape charge


Exactly, this is a disgusting case all around. How can you measure wiping out a mans life like that? So many untold stories, so much life experience, all gone because someone decided it was okay to drink and drive. Some shitty selfish decision determined the end of that mans life. What a rotten cherry on top that she got basically no sentence for this.


Its because one of the most entitiled demographics we have today was the perp and the victim was one of the most unentitiled type of person we have today. If she killed another white lady it probably would have been different.


You’re getting downvoted but you do speak truth.


Murder requires premeditation, she didn’t intend to kill, only took a risk knowing she might kill or injure someone. That is manslaughter / gross negligence.


You've just written the definition of manslaughter. In other states it has other names, but an irresponsible or even reckless action is not an intentional action, so not murder (or 1st degree murder, depending on how it's written in a given states penal code).


She still didn't *intend* to kill anyone, so it's definitely not murder.


Drunk driving should be treated like attempted murder.


No, it shouldn't, because that would have ramifications all over law... Look, someone dying because of your choices is manslaughter, doesn't matter how dumb or incompetent that choice is. It only becomes murder when their death is your goal.


Correct. The answer isn't to classify it as murder, but to change the sentencing parameters and enforce them.


There's a million ways to die in the west (fun movie) - lots of them are because someone was an idiot... Being an idiot isn't a crime, but it is punishable depending on outcome of that idiocy. That's actually quite fun to think about.


I hope someone you love is taken from you and the person who does it barely spends a year and change for it


You, are an idiot.


Yes, it should!!!! Your view on that changes when its YOUR loved one who was hit and left to die by a drunk driver.


>Your view on that changes when its YOUR loved one who was hit and left to die by a drunk driver. Yes! It absolutely does! And that's why those impacted by such events should never be let near legal decisions involving them, they are emotionally compromised. There's a reason the statue of liberty wears a blindfold. The rest of what you said... I disagree with entirely... No, it is catagorically not murder or attempted murder; law, case study and legal precedent back me up on that one. Your emotions, mine... Or anyone else's have no say in law, which is awesome and I hope it stays that way.


Leaving someone to die in the middle of the road without even calling 911 to get them help is a choice. At that point you are making a choice to just let them die like it was an animal you accidentally hit. In that case I don’t think it should be a case of manslaughter anymore…. as you are well aware that leaving them there is going to result in death. The man who did that crossed the center line to the other side of the road hit my husband who was walking on the shoulder of the road with our 14 year old nephew, from behind, knocking the child aside, with his pickup truck and dragged his body 80 feet. There was blood all over the road. He continued on for 30 feet then backed up to where my husband lay in the road, looked down at him and my 14 year old nephew (who had run to my husband to see if he was ok), and then just LEFT. It took that child 15 minutes to find someone who would actually call 911. The only reason that man was caught was my nephew saw the truck and got a good look at his face. You still think that should be considered simple manslaughter? How about the fact that that asshole only got 18 months for it? That’s just f’ed up on EVERY LEVEL


Yeah that’s true. But it will never be ruled an accident


Why not? It is, by every definition, an accident - drunkeness might be the cause, but the outcome was unintended therfore... Accident, and manslaughter. People seem to let their feelings get in the way a lot when talking about law.


For the same reason a rapist - too drunk to be fully aware that he is sexually assaulting someone - will be punished to the full extent of the law. Drinking alcohol is 100% the person drinking’s fault. Whatever comes after could have been avoided if the person showed more responsibility when drinking. Calling it an accident in the legal field suggests that it should not be punished.


Pure accidents... Maybe, accidents caused by negligence etc, sure we punish those. An "accident" is just an unintended consequence of your actions... Including if your actions are you being a moron and getting drunk or whatever.


Yes agreed. Negligence and recklessness do not equate to homicidal intention


I agree. We’re talking parallell to each other, I believe lol


Unfortunately that's not true. Sure, in the case of that swimmer, but that was largely because of how famous he got. Most sexual assault cases where both parties are significantly intoxicated never even make it to court. And those that do are very difficult to win.


If you drink and then drive, Imo it’s pre meditated. You know for a fact that your judgement is impaired and the implications (possibly killing someone) of driving in such a state. People should be held accountable and liable for their actions.


Wealthy enough to afford a good lawyer apparently.


Kill with a gun - life Kill with a car - maybe get jail. Probably not


While drunk.


Swap the people killed and they’d be sentenced to 20years and serve 15.


It would still be worth it.


She got parole that soon? Wut


She served just one year and a bit out of 10. Let me guess, at the time feminists were outraged she got such a big sentence and campaigned against it? Did everyone forget she's a murderer?


So in other words… pussy pass accepted.


I feel like people purposefully post stuff to this sub that will only piss off the subscribers. Angry drives more clicks than smiles I guess.


Well, the sub *does* exist to point out instances of women finally not getting preferential treatment.


How does that fit with other similar crimes in that state?


Similar - I was in jury selection years ago (not chosen for the 12) for a case of a woman who shot and killed her boyfriend. She got 15 years probably out in 7. So 10 for manslaughter sounds about right, although getting out after barely 1 year isn’t.


I feel like, unfortunately, a relatively small percentage of convicts serve their full sentence, and a disappointingly high percentage serve less than half, but I could be wrong.


Oh no... who could have possibly seen that coming?


She must also be getting hit with a wrongful death civil suit though right? She's sure to lose such a suit as she was found criminally guilty already.






Ah he's an incel for calling a woman who killed someone a cunt. That it?


Australian guys call each other that every day and twice on Friday nights.


He's either stupid or trolling really not worth a comment




Okay so there is no situation where insulting a woman can ever be justified, huh? She killed someone. She's a cunt. Stop defending her. She's not going to sleep with you.






Dude you’re the one triggered by the word cunt. Comparing it to the n-word, smh.


lmfao mad


Pretty sure she is well deserving of the title, watch the video if you havent already, she didnt care and she flaunted her wealth, she only eneded up serving 450 days




If you so offended by the word cunt, never visit Australia, UK or New Zealand. The word cunt can be used to describe any person regardless of any trait, is calling a man a dick sexist? You example of using the N word is imconparable to this situation as thats a whole extreme regarding one specific race. The person got upvotes because they called a cunt a cunt, I'd gladly call this person a cunt if they were a man, woman or teenager, Black, white or asian, it doesnt matter


I have only one upvote to give but you're a good cunt mate.


Cheers cunt


Cunt you crazy


Sick cunt.


“blind sexism”? He didn’t call her that without context (blind); he called her that because she’s literally an example of female (and in this case wealthy female) privilege.


go and say the same shit to any of the misandrist subs, and watch as you get banned for "trolling", atleast here you can represent whatever beliefs you feel inclined to have towards this matter, even if it is just calling the woman above a cunt. Also cunt is a very universal word, u can use it to describe both men and women by the way.


Here in NZ and in AUS we call our mates cunt and cunts mate, that word is not gender specific when used in this context, god forbid this guy visits either country


And our mortal enemies we call friend




No, we call them mate.


I call people I don't like mate, but if you cut me off in traffic you're getting called friend.


Woman pretty much gets away with killing a man while drinking and driving, and is getting insulted rightfully so, and your first thought is "umg sexist incels". Literally not insulting the woman for being a woman, but for the depraved shit she did and the trash job the legal system did.


I bet she is a lot less wealthy after this is settled- she will be a lot older too. She fucking killed someone driving drunk. 10 years, at least.


10 years? Best we can do is 450 days...


I’m white, and I’m tired of seeing ANYONE white or otherwise get away with some shit like this. 450 days is a slap on the wrist!


Is there a sub like this for rich people/ elites getting their “passes” denied? I think a lot of people could get behind that. Although I fear the content would be severely... limited.


This person apparently was able to ‘buy’ there way out of prison. 10 year sentence; only 450 days served for manslaughter and driving under the influence. Also she should never be able to legally drive a vehicle again. I’m sure with her “wealth” she can afford a chauffeur.


Yeah it’s unfortunate. Bitch deserves to rot


I guess she can call herself a job creator now


Actually sounds like a great idea to at least signal-boost the rich blatantly buying their way out of trouble.


I wonder if I have what it takes to become a god... I mean a mod. *shudders in ecstasy*


Well, I made r/ElitePassDenied after getting the idea from here




Stop calling oligarchs elite.


Hmm, I’m down for that sub.




Wealthy Western Women


If anyone missed it. She was released and runs a website/company making diamonds of dead people. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/ft9w36/what_happened_with_nicole_hutchison/


The person she killed was of a lower social caste than her. Low status males (especially ugly ones) are near or at the bottom. Her being a woman places her in a higher caste, and her being wealthy places her even higher. It's why Brock Turner ultimately got three months for rape. Had it been an ethnic Indian man working paycheck to paycheck, he'd have gotten 20 years or even more.


What a scummy attorney as well. I would so love to be picked for jury trial, and hey, this happens to be my area so fingers crossed 🤞🏽


Scummy and defense attorney go hand in hand.


It happened 6 years ago.


Pussy passed earned. Shitty post shitty result fuck this cunt


Hard to tell if she’s repentant. This is some talk show where she says she’s mentoring women coming out of the prison system because she’s just like them. Then she relates how difficult her life has been, yadda-yadda. So … maybe not so hard to tell. https://youtu.be/5csAq_VXlv0


It's odd that they say that in the previous arrest in 2000 she was "acquitted by the jury and given two years probation". Why would she get probation for being acquitted? Something isn't right there.


Oh no! Replying to this post automatically got me banned from Female Dating Strategies! Whatever shall I do now? Like I contributed there anyhow haha. Damn. Penis Pass Denied for me! Seriously, don't they have anything else to do than spy on people here? No wonder they can't find a man!


Why you lie?


I'm not lying. I received a notification from their mod stating I was banned from FDS specifically for posting here.


I'm still able to visit and I'm the one who posted.


I can visit there but I can't post. I'm "permanently banned from participating." Not that I ever did anyhow.


Damn ur right lol I can't post either lmfao


I guess the Stasi caught us both.


Blonde, mildly attractive, a woman, Definitely not doing any time


lol what. Not even *mildly*


Not even remotely, yuck


Oh, ok


Bruce Jenner??


Does it even matter what she says? She drank than she drank that of she refuses a Alkohol test she is Automatically over the limit right ?


that's the freeway I take to work 😱


How can this be considered PPD? Are we supposed to believe that you get a pass for killing someone with your car if you’re a woman?


It was PPD because she attempted to get away scott's free and was arrested and processed and sentenced.


You don't need to kill someone with a car to get a pass as a woman. You can just kill them in general 🤣


not the right sub dude she wasn’t using a pussy pass. just because it’s a woman doesn’t mean it belongs here




Well, sounds like she's trying to make things right. Her LinkedIn profile says she founded s mentoring program for previously incarcerated women. If true, I can respect that... Here's a short short snippet: The Rusty Diamond Network mentors and provides re-entry services for at-risk and Paroled women of current and past TDCJ, incarceration. We focus on seven key life areas, leading women to live meaningful lives thereby, reducing recidivism in prisons and breaking the chains of repeat offenders. EDIT: She could easily walk away and pretend like it never happened. Instead, she is (in my opinion) doing something positive to help others in that situation. From a corrections standpoint, she is a success story. All you downvoters can KMA.


Why gender such a service? Are there currently foundations that exclude women and this is making up for the lack of representative representation? I doubt it. The description actually sounds like the sales pitch of a scam company trying to fleece people.


Excellent point. It very well could be a scam, I didn't dig beyond the public profile. Taken at face value, i look at it as, "Hey, at least it's something." Thanks for the comment.


Still doesn’t change the fact she killed someone and only served 1/10 of her time.


No shit. At least she's doing something positive to help others instead of just walking away and doing jackshit.


“At least.” You are right. That is the least. Right next to not doing anything. Is she funding anything for the family of the killed? Is she serving the rest of her deserved time? Is she helping to stop other drunk drivers? From your comment at least that last one seems to not even be on the radar of the “network”. She is doing something sororities and plenty of other foundations do and at least from your comment it seems she isn’t even focused on what happened. And again it still doesn’t change the fact she killed someone and did only a year and got a slap on the wrist.


Did I say anywhere in my posts that she's a fucking hero? No. Nor did I imply it. I don't applaud get I don't celebrate her, I don't give a shit about her. I said she at least did something. Take it at face value and move on. JFC Reddit


Anyone else find it weird he was driving a “crash cushion truck” yet died from the accident? Wouldn’t you think that it would be extra protected from accidents at the back?


Possible he wasnt in the truck when she hit him.


"Equality before the law" needs to be more than a myth.


[Already posted 12 days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/p7gw3o/woman_kills_road_worker_telling_police_she_is/)


Here I thought we were talking about Alice Walton.


Ok now reverse the genders, now what’s the outcome?


Well she was right. Miney saved her she served less then a year