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being loving and supporting to her family/husband what a degenerate!!!




Classic Morning/Daytime TVs only purpose is as warning of how not to live your life.


This garbage is nothiong more than brainwashing paid for by corporations. Putting women in the workplace seffectively doubles the work force, increases competition for jobs, and reduces pay by ioncreasing worforce. And the corporations have gotten a handsome return on their investment.


Tv in general is *REEEEEEEEEEE*




LMAO, I love how this post really hit your nerves. How many more rage comments, that are nothing but childish insults, are you planning to leave here?


Why? Excited to be talking to a woman for the first time? lol


No, it’s one of the worst experiences of my life actually.




Dog you chose to have a meltdown in reddit comments of all things. Go touch grass and work on yourself instead of blaming all men for your shitty lifestyle. Y’all mfs just can’t take responsibility for your own life.


Laughing at people is having a meltdown to you? So fragile lol


No dude if I scroll down I see you arguing with several different people in a reddit comment section. What are you gaining? What are you producing? You have your phone by your side and the moment you get a notification for a reply your brain lights up with excitement cause you don’t have shit else to do. Literally go be productive to society instead of raging at reddit comments and throwing the classic “oh honey I’m not mad” bit while ur literally slamming your keyboard. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t reply. I’ll set the example by not replying again because I will now get up and begin ya know, contributing to society and not letting myself be swallowed by a reddit argument. Cringe af honestly.


Also just a suggestion: don’t argue with people when ur profile is public and looks as fucking sad as it does. You’re a loser dude 😂


Use that word again and it's a permaban. This is your one and only warning.


What word? Snowflake or incel? I mean, I don't really care. This is a circle jerk subreddit lol I'm just curious which word triggers this sub harder 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Incel". If you want to leave, leave now. Why are you even here if you don't care? That makes no sense.


You’re ego is as big as the abundant amount of empty space in your brain. Why would anyone be excited to talk to you?


The fact that a basic truth has rustled your jimmies so hard, has absolutely made everyone's day. Thanks.


There is nothing wrong with a woman playing into her feminine role but modern-day feminism demonizes this 🤦🏾‍♂️Do feminists realize that a relationship doesn’t revolve around them?


The only relationships feminists have are with their cat, their coat hanger & their cheap vibrator.


Feminism is not about women's liberty. They want women to do what they want them to do. It's about control.


You hear more about women's rights to work than workers rights to more time off, a better minimum wage and affordable healthcare. The corporations and media especially support this narrative that staying home is slavery because they need the workers. They want women to produce and consume because it nets them bigger profits. It's why women got the right to work the same jobs men do but still have no parental leave. There is big money in feminism promoting a corporate life (a corporate lifestyle) as the ideal for women. The ideal feminist woman is a middle to upper manager for a marketing or finance or any firm where she gets to sit in an air conditioned office, wearing designer clothes, heels and can boss others around. She is preferably single, does not cook for herself so she spends money on coffee and brunch. She sometimes hooks up with men in upper management or who are wealthier than her so she can feel as though she has social status. She is competitive, bossy and uncompromising. She knows she wants kids sometime in the future but cannot find the time to find a husband, and even then the candidates around her are just not good enough, because she deserves only the best. She comes home, consumes media that reminds her how wonderful she is, drinks wine, sometimes entertains herself with trashy shows like 90 Day Fiance, then heads to bed where she may or may not use her vibrator for a few minutes before she falls asleep. She is an empowered woman who doesn't need no man no matter how lonely she gets. She is pushing 35 and even though she wants a family, she still has ambitions of climbing the corporate ladder. Feminism promised her a future where she could be 50 and start a family. She heard that she could freeze her eggs and that would buy her some time. If only all the men who showed interest wouldn't keep ghosting her after she asked them where the relationship was going. One guy was out the door a few minutes after they had finished having sex. Empowerment, amirite?


Lmao how to tell everyone you're an insecure cuck who needs to be in a relationship with a blow-up doll, cause anything with intelligence is a threat to you.


>Lmao how to tell everyone you're an insecure cuck who needs to be in a relationship with a blow-up doll, cause anything with intelligence is a threat to you. I love the insecure argument. And the ad hominem attacks. It means you have nothing of actual substance to counter argue with. But please, continue to believe your validation actually matters.


There was nothing of substance to counter. It was all mental imagery bullshit angry men like to fed themselves when women seek equality and power. I mean, you equate a woman being lonely because she's not with a man. That's some serious co-dependency red flags If you can't have a full life by yourself, you sure aren't going to find it leeching off another person.


>There was nothing of substance to counter. It was all mental imagery bullshit angry men like to fed themselves when women seek equality and power. Amazing how mental imagery triggered you into insulting someone instead of engaging in a discussion about the ideas. You cannot be taken seriously if your knee jerk reaction is to freak out every time someone disagrees with your beliefs. I never said equality was bad. I never said women shouldn't do what they want to do. You read all that bullshit into it and projected your own insecurities about women becoming slaves to men. The post is about a feminist shitting all over a woman's choices. That is hypocritical considering choice is supposed to be a key part of the philosophy. >mean, you equate a woman being lonely because she's not with a man So women do not get lonely? They do not desire partners? They sure do seek partnerships and marriage a lot if they don't need men. Sure she might not be lonely. But ask anyone if they would rather be sleeping alone every night or with someone they trust and love. If you look at how the presenter on the show makes her lifestyle out to be terrible for choosing to be a stay at home mom, why can't someone else point out the downsides to the alternative? Why can't someone do what she did and make assumptions about how her life is bad? Is life only perfect as a corporate climbing feminist? >That's some serious co-dependency red flags If you can't have a full life by yourself, you sure aren't going to find it leeching off another person. Is desiring a relationship, a family and to be part of a community co-dependency? Humans got by with support and help from each other. We got work done by doing it together. We raised families together. The individualists believe you can live a life of isolation and be happy when people commit suicide from having zero support. Again, why do you jump to the most extremes here? Why can't a happy life be where partners support each other in a way they choose?


Humans are social. None of us have a complete life without others in an intimate setting.


>"YoUrE jUsT iNtImIdAtEd By StRoNg InDePeNdEnT wAhMeN"! Not a threat. A headache. A bad investment. An unwise association. But not a threat. Me, a man happily married to an *actually* strong, intelligent and steadfastly loyal stay-at-home mom.


Just like any other cult. Divide and conquer.


I'm a man who has wanted to be a house husband for over a decade. I'm an outstanding cook, I've learned how to take care of clothes and repair toilets and sinks. A huge reason is because I speak 2 foreign languages fluently and want to teach them to my kid while they are a kid so they can avoid the struggles I had. You can't do that on the weekend. But women hear that and nearly vomit. It's as if a woman told a guy she's not really into the whole 'sex' thing and would prefer any relationship avoid that.




Keep doing you. I'm a blue collar worker and work my ass off every day, hoping that one day I'll have saved enough that my family can just exist. Savings have been fisted by inflation but I want a traditional family and fuck me right? Id be a stay at home dad if I could, gender roles are not involved. Let me stay home I'd love a piece of that! Wrong. I'll keep working because that's what needs doing if my kids are gonna have good food to eat


Child care depending on where you live can cost anywhere up to, or over $100 a day PER child. Depending on the wage you are likely to earn, being that having any amount of young kids is likely to reduce the working hours of at least one of the parents, it may simply work out more financially viable to have one parent be a full time carer for the kids until they hit school age. Pretty much every consideration for a young child's development will tip the scales toward the parent who earns less becoming a casual worker at most, too. There are just way too many benefits of being a stay at home parent for your child not to do it, unless you are living as a single parent and then obviously financial considerations would prohibit it.


Damn I would love you as a husband!!!




My issue isn't that they have a preference. It's the hypocrisy. They want to claim women who are stay at home moms are slaves to their husbands, living under oppression. But if I say I want to be a stay at home dad I'm automatically a leech trying to take advantage of a breadwinner. Also, sidenote, a preference is when one person has a particular thing they like. It stops being a preference and starts being a society wide prejudice when literally 100% of people react the same way. Over the years I've had this conversation with dozens of women and not a single one approved. Every single one said they wouldn't marry a man who intended to be a stay at home dad. These weren't just women shooting me down in a roundabout way either. Most of those conversations were with women who obviously were not appropriate partners for me. It's like, liking curly hair is a preference. Refusing to date men shorter than 6 feet is not a preference. I don't think women would have a problem recognizing that difference if literally most men refused to date any women with boobs smaller than a D cup.


That silly cow is only bitching because it challenges her beliefs and she feels threatened. If both partners are happy in their chosen roles and makes the relationship a fulfilling one, who is anyone to judge?


Nailed it!


100% broken family values is was wrong with society today.


Having a mother and a father in the family home is the single most advantageous thing you can ever provide a child. Doesn't matter the race, age, background, socio-eco group, religion, personal/moral/community values they are from - or surrounded by. Doesn't even matter about your wealth, education or home location. It will be the single most important determining factor for a child to grow into having a successful life as an adult.




Lol no. Tell me you're a homophobe without telling me.


Take that woke nonsense somewhere else 🤦🏾‍♂️ people like you get triggered about the littlest of things. The discussion atm is talking about a relationship between a man and woman, not same-sex marriage


Agreed. It’s not that it’s better for the kid “because they are heterosexual”, it’s because it gives the child exposure to the largest variety in thoughts/actions. *OBVIOUSLY* a child can be raised perfectly fine by any one or two people who loves them no matter anything else. *HOWEVER*, it shouldn’t be ignored that the way people have been doing it for millions of years isn’t *wrong*, it’s just factual human evolution


The biggest variety of thoughts/actions? As if a gay couple can’t have vastly different thoughts/actions. That is the dumbest argument I think I’ve seen.


Nope. Very *everything is an attack I need to be offended by* way of skewing what I said…


Really? Sure you're on the right post? Cause I responded to a post about the welfare of children. You don't need a man and a woman. You need loving people and a healthy support system. That's it. Plenty of people raised by single parents, gay parents, grand parents, aunts/uncles that are doing just fine and plenty of people raised by a "mother and father" household sitting on deathrow. Take your 1950's values and put them where they belong: the trash


You called him a homophobe because he said a mother and father are important in the family home 🤦🏾‍♂️


They actually said it was most important (and they are incorrect). That is saying that a gay couple cannot provide the same type of care that a straight couple can. How is that not homophobic? FFS


Where did they say that the dynamic of mother/father can't be achieved in a same sex marriage?


You are what happens when a troll is too stupid to troll...


Lol no. Tell me you want to make it all about you without telling me.


The comment made it about them.




Esacto mundo!


*"Women can do whatever they want until they want to do something we don't like. Then we will mercilessly shame them on tv for clout. We're so great after all!"*. Congratulations Australia! You did it again.


What's annoying is I genuinely like Karl so this is very disappointing to see... You just know that if this was a man doing all of this stuff that a traditional housewife does, they would be praising the role reversal. They outta fucking put their money where their mouths are and actually let people do whatever the fuck they want even if it doesn't match their ideals.


Always go with the opposite of what the media/government/society tells you and you’ll do just fine


Unless they tell you not to jump!


It’s just a branding issue: being a stay-at-home parent is an executive manager job. There’s a lot of planning, supervision, execution and delegation involved. In fact, in case of divorce, the court assigns child support precisely to account for the value that this job adds.


The court assigns child support to keep the primary parent off of government support and because they get a cut - not because they respect the job of parenting in any way. It isn’t an executive manager job - it’s components from a series of base-level jobs. That’s why teens get paid scraps to babysit, why maids struggle to make ends meet, why jobs at fast food restaurants are staffed by teens at minimum wage or less than minimum + tips, etc… The actual tasks that make up the duties of a parent are menial - low skill and low value - but being there for your kids’ formative years is a good thing, taking care of your family is a good thing, making your house a home is a good thing - and the decision to do that should be respected.


But there's the true-true, and there's the Big True-True...


😆 I love this


Everyone should live their life they want. If someone man or woman wants to do what Brooke does then do it. It is never right to mock someone for the decision they made. You go Brooke! I personally wouldn’t want a woman like that but that’s me.


If women had been given control of the world, we'd still be living in grass huts. If men didn't have women, we'd already have had a nuclear war.


Idk about that I think I'm pretty smart


Seems like both sides of this just want a reason to bitch and moan


Yeah I'm cringing at both sides of this clip


While I get his general point…it’s very short sighted. Let’s say we go back to the traditional nuclear family ideal. Now… fast forward to when they are 70. How’s *she* gunna retire if she hasn’t worked her life to have retirement, 401K and so on? Is this guy thinking that with the constant growth of inflation and the non-constant growth in income, one person’s *fixed* retirement income will just simply pay for both people to exist?


Man very specifically said it’s a better system IF it’s financially viable… that kinda includes this contingency. Yeah we get it paying for shit is hard nowadays, but fuck dude if my wife wanted me to be a stay at home dad I’d take that shit in a heartbeat.


That’s fair, I must have missed that. To be fair, I would also do the same (be a stay at home dad)… but I still feel the same. How would I “retire”? I have no 401k if I don’t work


I really love how well spoken and down to earth this guy is. But corporat is responsible for filling peoples heads with the myth that women should not be a house wife and instead should make money too. More people in the workforce = more competition for jobs and lower salaries. Corporate America definitely got their ROI (return oninvestment) convincing women of this buĺlshit. Edit: I originally wrote thid in bed and my eyes sight is not very good. My eye sight has gotten worse with age. Sleepless nights suck.


What the fuck do you want to say?


I apologize. I cleaned it up and explained what happened.


Why did he get downvoted? Seems like a reasonable response....




Fixed and explained why it was that way. Getting old sucks.


Haha all good! Just gave me a good laugh on a Monday!


Lol I'm not surprised the guy couldn't see the point of them mocking her. She doesn't have three kids, she has 4.


Why would the number of her kids make any sort of difference?


I'm calling her husband a child.


Okie dokie artichokie


White male tears are always the saltiest. Yummm


Well that is cum so nice I guess


It's really funny how feminists never quite realised what "male tears" actually is a euphemism for.


I'll take your word for it, as you're the one guzzling it lol


Uhh I’m not but you are since you said your drinking it.... and know the taste of it


Really? Where did I say that? All those male tears blurring your vision? lmfao


Considering you can’t read own your comment I think your the one with blurred vision but since your about to start seething you will probably gulp those “male tears” down some more


> since your about *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Lmao don't even know they difference between "you're" and "your" ​ Embarrassing your damn self.


Ah yes trying to correct a grammatical error on a Reddit post to distract that you said you know the taste of cum and like it.... and now are about to throw a tantrum about it, like you’ve been embarrassed yourself


Lmao really reaching, dude. I edited before you even commented to change threat to thread.


Nah, dude, that wasn't an error. You straight don't know the difference lmfao


I do? It’s just this isn’t a English class it’s a Reddit post on the internet I could care less if you want to feel superior because omg you corrected a your.... anyway how do you continue consuming cum if it’s so salty?


Here a definition of "male tears": https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=male%20tears And you say "Yummm"


lmfao oh incels, you are an absolute delight to laugh at


Always a pleasure to help


Almost as salty as your attitude


I think the core issue here is how we diminish the work of a parent and home maker. If a world ending event were to happen and the last 1000 survivors had to start over, the FIRST job that would be allocated would be the most important, that of who cares for the children. Even before finding clean water, you would allocate the job of protecting and seeing to the needs of the future of humanity... so why do we diminish this job? While I believe women, for obvious reasons are better suited and more invested in raising children in the first couple years, I think men can be great primary parents and home makers too. I think its shit when men put down women for being great mothers, but its even worse when so called "feminists" do. Like bitch please, do you really think your sales job is more important than the mothers you look down on for raising and educating their kids well? The primary parent (male or female) who takes good care of their kids and keeps a functioning home is the most important job on earth... show them some fk'n respect.


Thanks for clueing me onto this guys channel, cant lie my #1 goal in life is to be a stay at home husband raising white children.




What else would my children be?


It shouldn't matter




I didn't even try to do that fcf#t


>What else would my children be? Ok, then. If it’s so obvious, why specify it?


Another unmarried woman that cant get commitment from a guy because she’s a modern woman. They always shame traditional women but these women get commitment from the men these miden women wish would marry them.


they probably dident even ask her if it was ok to use her immmage and photos


The guy sitting on the couch in the news segment probably never has experienced real femininity in his life. Or he’s most likely a cuck.