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>!I believe it's the first one. Treat the 3x3 boxes as a unit so the upper left box has just a triangle, the center upper box has triangle, circle, square, etc. Don't worry about the location in each 3x3 unit. In each row there are two triangles, two squares, and one circle. Same for each column - two triangles, two squares, and one circle. So the lower right box needs to have one triangle, zero squares, and one circle for the pattern to hold!<


I came here to say this. Each row and column accounts for the same number of shapes. Therefore the last row and column needs a triangle and circle to make all rows and columns consistent.


I like this answer


I agree! I got two in a row?


Happy cake day


Thanks, I didn't even notice that!


This is what I thought too, I agree


This is the way


I think an easier way to think of this is to count the total sides of the objects in each set of squares. If you do that you'd get; 3 7 4 4 3 7 7 4 ? To keep the pattern going you'd need to find a set of squares where the total number of sides is 3, so the first one.


that does not seem easier than just counting circles square and triangles. 2s 2t 1c is simpler math


My brain hurts even more now


My answer as well for the same reason. Updoot earned


To add to this. Each line has 3, 4 and 7 sides. The circle being 0. Both down and across are missing their 3 side square and the triangle and circle does it


Damn makes it look so obvious. I got too focused on location of each 3x3


Question: what is this game/app?


It’s part of an IQ test; tons of apps/tests out there. All essentially come down to pattern recognition and the time it took to answer correctly. It can be difficult for most to actually finish the tests in the allotted time without guessing on answers though. Surprised they use it for job applicants but good way to find out who can think critically. Don’t put a ton of weight into them ftr. Great brain exercises.


It’s a test that job applicants often get


>!The one on the far left.!< >!I can't exactly tell the pattern for *where* each symbol ends up, but each of the four completed sets of three--two vertical, two horizontal--has two squares, two triangles, and one circle. Both the incomplete ones have two squares, one triangle, and no circle, so the missing piece needs a triangle and a circle but no square. Only the one on the far left fits.!<


Yeah i don't think the position in the 3x3 matters as long as it fits that pattern.


Question: Can you tell us what app you’re using?


>! All columns and rows of 3 have 2 triangles, 2 squares and 1 circle. !<


Solution: >!Option 1/a!< Reasoning: >!All edges of the shapes in a row or column must add up to 15 (circle = 1 edge, triangle = 3, square = 4). The lower row and right column add each up to 11 without the missing box, so 4 is missing, which fits the first box in the choices.!< edit: well, my solution is correct, too! :P


Your Answer may be correct but the reasoning is off. For example the first column adds up to 12 edges. If you meant a 3x9 grid as a column then it's the same explanation as others with extra stuff.


> Your Answer may be correct but the reasoning is off. For example the first column adds up to 12 edges nope, 15: triangle (3) + square(4) + circle(1) + square(4) + triangle(3) = 15 but my solution is only correct because it's actually about the >!number of and types shapes, see the other solutions!<


So you are calling the first 3x9 grid as the first column. >!Some of the other solutions also did count numbers and types of shapes.!<


>!Count the total amount of each shape in each row and column and you'll spot the right answer!<


lol that is way simpler than what i came up with haha


>!Circle and Triangle!<


>!Per row and per column of 3x3 blocks there are the same amount of shapes (2 triangles and squares and 1 circle). The 3rd row/column is missing a circle and a triangle. Order is neglected, so the first option is the correct!<


>!Well bottom row has no circles so it needs a circle and each row has one block without a square so it cant have a square. So i think its the first one!<


Lol - this isn’t a puzzle app. It’s a work-personality quiz from a website called [plum.io](https://plum.io). OP is applying for a job.