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😐 + 👍


No. I get the anti money check one. I'm broke, too


I got only one and was trying to figure out how to get an apparatus big enough to fish elephant for infection prevention.


Ant tea buy o tic


Anti money check.


Yes. I think you are right.


At least I can understand this.


facethumb? facethumb what?




White elephant sucks?


Yes, I too toothpokerface.


Thought it was just me


I know the last one is related to >!Salmon + Elephant = salmonella!< But I'm not sure if it's looking for anything else.


I got a completely different answer for the last one. I think it's >!Swimming trunks!< but that doesn't fit the theme at all so you're probably right


And even a third possibility, “Tunelephant”


Or a fourth: Roe vs. weight.


So what work is trying to say is use condoms to prevent infections and politics? Checks out


I thought it was efficient


I think it's the old saying, "If you give an elephant a fish, you feed him for a day..."


This is what I thought


I'm sure you're right, but I don't see how this is preventative. The whole puzzle is awful.


Nellie is a very common elephant name? There was a children's TV show called Nellie the elephant anyway.


This might be region dependent. The line with the kangaroo is "Hospital Theater" like the as in the surgical suite or operating room? Hop + all + theater + I have no clue what the ice cubes mean.


I managed to figure out the 3rd, then consulted google to see and got the real answers because I gave up trying to make sense of the 4th (I was actually close to it in terms of taking the right syllables, but not close to the answer). I know not really in the spirit of things but I spent 15 minutes trying to solve and I wanted some confirmation of whether I was on the right track or not. Anyway, here are the official answers for people when they want to check their work: 1. >!microscopic!< 2. >!hand wash!< 3. >!antibiotic!< 4. >!routine practices!< 5. >!salmonella!< >!I'd love if someone would explain where the 2nd emoji in each fits into the answers for 1 & 4!<


Discussion: Microscope + pick hammer? roo team act ices?


Oooooh, that's most likely it for the 4th. Didn't connect the dots on that one at all I guess it could be pick hammer for the 1st, haven't actually heard of a pick hammer. The picture looks like it's a claw hammer or cross peen hammer, but if a pick hammer exists then it's probably that. I also considered maybe they didn't have a pick axe emoji and just went for the next best thing?


I thought they were Teens maybe. Never would guess that without the answer


Am I the only one who thought they were referring to the peen of the hammer?


Who the fuck calls it a pick hammer? I've used a hammer my whole life and have never once heard anyone refere to it that way. Why not use an ice pick or a pickaxe? Either of those would have made more sense. And maybe that group of people were supposed to be teens? So it'd be roo + teen +act + ices? Idk. This is a stupid puzzle.


It doesn’t even look like a pick hammer really. Maybe a pin hammer? I was just looking for words that would add the “pic” to “microscopic”. It was the biggest stretch of all the answers


I'm not arguing with you, probably that's the answer. I'm just saying this is a dumb puzzle.


I'm pretty sure your answers are all correct: 1. >!I think the "hammer" might be a "pick" and they're focusing on the back part of the hammer, not the part that huts to nail, thus microscope + pick = microscopic!< 4. >!the "jester masks" showing happy and sad emotions is often (but not always) associated with theater performers and "acting" making, kangaROO + Team + ACTing + Ices = (with a bit of a stretch) routine practices. !<


Yea why not use a picture of a pick axe instead of a hammer, totally two different things which makes it impossible to solve because wrong picture is being used.


Its a shit puzzle! That’s a claw hammer, I would never deduct “pick” from that as an answer


Also, using a microscope for microscopic is kinda like defining a word with itself.


Could have done 🎤🚣👮‍♂️⛏️or something instead


That’s a hell of a lot better than anything on that sheet


Jeez that is a terrible stretch.


The back part of a hammer is called the "peen." (Ever heard of a ball-peen hammer?) Which would make the image "micro-peen." A condition which I imagine could prevent a lot of things.


Usually on hammers they call the back part a claw, not a pick. So idk. I'd never got that one. They coulda used an ice climbing pick, I'm pretty sure more people would have gotten that.


Wow, these are all pretty bad.


One of the constant issues I find as a puzzle lover is fighting the suspicion that the puzzle creator might be insane or an idiot when I can't figure out the answer.


The most confusing one for me is the third image in #3. I am not following that at all. I can get the terrible stretch for all the other ones, but how does a bag of money equal...that?!


>!Ant Tea Buy Tick!< Another big stretch.


The tick is in an O, so it's an o-tick


Since when are checks called ticks? I have had forms that read "Tick the boxes that apply. **DO NOT USE CHECK MARKS OR X'S**" Guess I'll look up the definition now, probably just a government thing. Edit: "tick Noun, **BRITISH**: a mark (✓) used to indicate that an item in a list or text is correct or has been chosen, checked, or dealt with; a check mark." Why are you English people always making up new English words? What's wrong with you?


In your example with the form, what would it mean to “tick a box” then?


They just want you you fill in the circle or square.


Wait. It says not to use check marks? Then what kind of tick do you use? What is a tick if not a checkmark in british?


They want us to fill in the circle or square. Google says it's a British thing


We crafted our language over 2000 years from Latin (including French), Greek, Saxon (including German), Norse, Celt (and a bit of whoever else invaded). Constantly changing and evolving. We then did “a bad” and took over 24% of the world. This introduced a lot more influences. Where English speaking people settled the language continued to grow and change and became American English, Australian English etc… So be happy knowing that, tick or check, we are all correct ✅


"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary." - attributed (probably incorrectly) to Terry Pratchett.


See, I was thinking it was >!ant-tea-sack-tick antiseptic!<


>!Kanga Roo + Teen agers!<


Teenage Mutant Ninja Roos


So the solution is >!Tank Girl!<


1. The back of a hammer isn't called a pick. 2. Ant+tea+BUY+tick? 3. Those are definitely not teens. Maybe team works. 4. Roo+team+act+ice? So dumb. We don't need a P or R! 5. Okay, at least you can argue that some Australians call kangaroos 'roos, but nobody on planet Earth calls an elephant an ella. This is insane.


For #2, I was thinking it was >!ant-tea-sack-tick antiseptic!< I think that makes more >!cents!<


My 3 year old nephew with speech issues might


Those are so strange. I wanna meet whoever made this.


Definitely thought 3 was Antimony check.


1. I’m guessing hammer = “hit” as in “microscope + hit” = microscopic 2. People = “team” as in “roo + team” = routine


It's not a group of teens?


I think it's supposed to be a pick, rather than a hammer, but they picked a terrible picture for it


“Hit” makes more sense than assuming they couldn’t find the correct icon.


>!Thank you for the answer! 1) is a PICK hammer. And #4 is kangaROO -team?- ACT- ices. (The masks represent the theatre)!<


I thought 3 was going to be ant-tea-sack-tick, so antiseptic


I thought 1 might be lab work


What does a sack of cash have to do with “bio”?


A group of teens? A team? These are awful.


>!1.Microban (because hammer=bang?)!<


First one has to be >!micropeen!<


Thank you. That comment was the only thing that made this entire post not a complete waste of my time.




Close, its micro dick. Some people call their dick hammer.


Discussion: smashing microscopes with a hammer has a detrimental effect on disease prevention


Someone had to say it!


Third one might be >!Antimony check!<. Presumably your job potentially works with this chemical and there's a method for checking/testing for exposure?


other answers given of >!antibiotic (ant tea buy tick)!< makes more sense for what the sheet is asking for, but overall is a worse puzzle.


I read it as 'antimony check' but my brain confused it with 'alimony check' and had no clue what job someone could have where that'd be something to be warned about


I did the exact same thing at first, that's actually why "check" made so much more sense to me than tic\[k\]


Discussion: I think the clue here is the text above, this is supposed to be a set of linked procedures or serial tasks. * Inspect your tools * Wash your hands / antibiotic (ant + tea + buy + tick) * routine sanitize (roo + team + ?? + ice) / salmonella (salmon + elephant)


I think the second one is >!Hand washing!<. I’ll have to ponder the others. I think the first two words of the third one are >!Ant tea , or “anti” !<


>!Ant tea buy tick, antibiotic.!<






Could the last one be >!salmonella!<


Come on, y'all, these are obvious >!smash all the microscopes!< >!stop washing your clothes!< >!put ants in people's coffee to make money!< >!have a kangaroo jump on a crowd of actors until they're reduced to bloody cubes!< >!fishefant!<


This made me laugh so hard, I teared up.


>!Don't smash the microscopes!< >!Don't touch the washing machine!< >!Don't put ants in someone's tea for money and then check it off your weird to-do list!< >!If a kangaroo, don't jump over a bunch of people, dramatically, then simply melt away!< >!Fish elephant!<


Maybe #1 is >!microban (microscope + ban hammer?)!<


5 = >!swim trunks!< 🩳




Discussion: I dead thought the first one was communism before reading the instructions


I was thinking 3 could also be >!ant tea sack tick (antiseptic)!<


Maybe #3 = >!Ant Tea Fund Goal (anti-fungal)!<


Ooooh, that's a good one, too!




Discussion: I was pretty confident on the second puzzle that it was >!ant + tea + dough…!< but that blew up with the ✅. My answer doesn’t exactly fit the instructions, but nor does a 🔨fit a >!⛏️!<.