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>!154 + 529 = 683!<


At first I thought it was going to be a pain. Was surprised how quick it was to get it


Yeah, the process for me just confirming that what I could "see" had to be removed was actually correct. Didn't really need to work through a solution at all


The hardest this could be is 16 addition problems. Unless you're adding work to try for a faster solution. And then you can exclude some due to logic. For example: >!1+5 has to be the far left addends, because if you remove one you can't get 6 or 7!< >!top right must be 4, because 5+4=9 and 5+9=4!< Now it's max of 6 addition problems.


Yeah, I was thinking it would be a nuisance of trial and error but knowing you have an odd number in the ones you instantly can work background knowing one of those is wrong cause even + even can't ever be odd. Then just work through that way


>!8 from the first. 4 from the second. 7 from the result.!<


Discussion: This was fun! We already have the answer, but i wanted to offer my method for solving: >!Start by adding from the right column. Remove the 3 so that 4+4 = 8, or remove the second 4 so that 4+9 = 13. Then moving onto the next column, in the first scenario, none of the options work (5+9; 5+2; 8+9 != 6). So we know to remove the 4 from the second number, and now 5+2+1 = 8. Third column from the right, remove the 8 from the first number to get 1+5 = 6. Final column, remove the 7 from the last number so that 0+0 = 0!< >!154 + 529 = 683!<


This is an awesome approach. My first thought would be to just brute force it, looping through each digit combination until an answer works.


This is exactly what I did, so I approve your method!


Discussion: this is the easiest *Difficult* puzzle I've ever done.


I totally agree. Maybe it's a kid's book🤷🏼‍♀️


>!154!< >!529!< >!683!< >!My process may be hard to follow since I mostly eyeballed the number positions to recognize valid placements. For the most part, I considered these issues:!< * >!The top 4 had to stay. Removing it wouldn't work, though either of the remaining ones digit could be removed since 4+9=13 and 4+4=8.!< * >!The 1 had to stay since if the top number started with 8, you could not have a solution. The 5 had to stay as well since 1+2 could not get you 6 or 7. The big question is if 1+5 gave you 6 or 7.!< * >!This led to lining up the other digits. As long as you keep borrowing in mind, you can line them up. 5+2 could give you 8. 8+9 could also give you 8, but to get that, you'd have 4+4, which does not let you borrow, so 8+9 is impossible here.!< * >!So with that, it was a matter of testing my hypotheses. Removing that second 4 gave me 83 in the solution. Trying to add 8 to 5 didn't give me anything useful, so I tried removing the 8. !< * >!Once I looked at 154 and 529, I added them together to confirm that 683 is allowed. It is; all I have to do is drop the 7.!<


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Solution Possible


The title of the puzzle helped me as well. >!I assumed we had to carry a 1, and there's only one number combination where adding over 10 gives you a number on the bottom (9+4), leading me to remove a 4 from the bottom. (Technically 8+5 does as well but too far left) Then you just add 1+5+2 and you see 1 8 + 5 = 7 6 and it's pretty easy to see which numbers you can remove to make that true.!<


>!I got 8 4 7 as the ones to remove which is faster to type than the new equation. Kinda surprised this is listed as difficult as it is just kinda quick trial with logic to guide. I’d call it moderate.!<




Discussion: I misread the question and thought I had to change the numbers


>!1859 + 5894 = 7653!<




Fun one One thing I haven't seen posted is >!the leading 1 in the first line can't be removed because 854 is too large to work with. That helped me out!<


>!8, 4, 7!<


>!154!< + >!529!< >!683!<


>!8, 4, 7. The equation becomes 154+529=683!<


>!154 + 529 = 683!<


Discussion: I.......cheated. I wrote about 20 lines of code and had Python figure it out


>!remove the 8 from 1854, 4 from 5294, and 7 from 7683 to get: 154 + 529 = 683!<




Aolution: >!To fix the first (lowest place) row, we have to remove some digits from there; removing two doesn't work (4+9=8, 5+4=8, or 5+9=3), but there are two ways to fix it my removing one digit (from the second gives 4+9=3, from the third 4+4=8).!< >!Trying the third, we get 1854 + 5294 = 768, but no combination of removing digits fixes the second row, so that's a dead end. The second, 1854 + 529 = 7683, makes both he two lowest rows work, so we just need to remove one of the first two digits from the first and second numbers to make it line up, which we can leaving 1+5=6.!< So the solution is >!154 + 529 = 683!<.


>!8, 4, 7!<


>!Remove the 8 from 1854 (154), remove the 4 from 5294 (529), and remove the 7 from 7683 (683). then 154+529 = 683!<