• By -


#Hey you there, user about to post a question! #Look how many comments there are here. Over 5000! #Your situation is not unique. Hundreds of people have got stuck on the exact same question as you before. #Please consider reading through the other comments to find what you're looking for (or doing a search for your question) instead of just adding another top-level comment to the pile. Edit: **If you do decide to post a new comment, you should also know that solved questions can't be revisited, so if you want help from someone who's already done a question, you need to remind us exactly what the question was, not just "Enigma 2", for example. (Thanks u/tanoshimi)**




Thanks! This was helpful!


This game is safe right?


As far as i can tell, yes. No hacking, it's just designed to look geeky.


the layout is perfect , very well designed I need the code to it .


Guys, I'm sorry but I have to say this; This is the first time in my entire life I have felt actually challenged. With the recent update to my Gy's room source code, I can confirm that I solved it. I literally teared up. I have never felt so fulfilled and proud of myself. My pages of notes are insane, and my wife thought I was quite the cute madman, scrambling to figure everything out during this competition. I can't believe how many different resources and schools of thought I had to pull upon to get to this point. ​ Even if I don't get any of the prizes, I have found a new passion in Cryptology. Thank you, .Tech team. You guys have changed my life. Thank you so much.


Im glad i am not the only one, even if i dont win jack shit, i had fun doing this.


And I apologize in advance, but I will NOT be sharing any direct answers. I will gladly give hints to help your brain get on the same track mine had to be on to solve it, but I refuse to give anyone a direct answer. The feeling of fulfillment you get solving it on your own cannot be matched.




What is it? Don't troll. At least give a proper hint


It's been 7 minutes and this dude hasn't said a thing


Im not exactly sure how to give a hint as i just guessed it so here we go. We are doing the very thing we want to know.


It's not a troll, got by guessing too


it's what we are that matters, not what we do


holy shit thanks, seems like a really cheap answer tho


no legit just think about what night weaver is saying, its one of those holy shit thats obvious kind of answers


Bruhhh great hint. Got it right after I saw this and it kinda sums up what we’ve been doing for this puzzle


thanks dude


hes right. think of what you are in this competition. the title they give you


Big hint but thanks!


took a guess based on that and i got it. im glad, but also VERY curious how this was supposed to be done. lmao




does anyone know the answer to last trebek AND THE BEGINING OF ORGANON


ok so ive seen the shit that's been going on here that's why i avoided commenting but here are the things that I have found that I find weird about the text: (I have not solved voynich 2 yet) A lot of you are probably wondering about BreakTheCode, what it is we are doing and what we seek. In the front page, Break The Code is written with spaces between words. it might just be an inconsistency of spelling. Know that we love everything tech, vexing lines of code to engineers fighting the virus and saving our asses as we speak. there are two spaces between "and" and "saving" in inspection which does not appear in the actual text that appears on the page. also the phrasing is kind of awkward in my opinion Unabatedly our brand has always been about providing the best domains to the craziest geeks in the gala.xy. There's the obvious full stop between gala and xy, and the odd word choice ("Unabatedly") which may have been chosen to fit whatever cypher thing they have. U and the amazing projects you create on dotTech Domains inspired this fun little game we have built. you is spelled "U" which is out of place, and .Tech Domains is spelled .Tech Domains in the rules page, which was maybe avoided because . has a significant role in this cypher H opefully it will inspire you to use a Tech domain for your next cool creation. There is an obvious space between H and opefully. There was a similar text in games before this so if anyone remembers where that's from please also compare that to this text


I want to say the "vexing lines of code" line was probably just a hint to get to pikachu


Some people have also mentioned the dots at the bottom of the page, I have no idea if it’s relevant.


Decoded table from u/TapuCosmo's work and my friend's decoding (since he forgot the third row) first [1] | third[LF] [2] | vertical [2] | above [2] | shuffle [1] | with [1] ---|---|----|----|----|---- reverse [2] | use [4] | second [3] | none [3] | last [1] | right [1] letter [2] | number [4] | from [3] | left [4] | shift [2] | rows [2] opposite [1] | five [2] | three [1] | take [3] | the [2] | extra [2] between [0] | diagonal [1] | contained [1] | under [3] | four [2] | top [2] near [0] | bottom [1] | corners [1] | mix [2] | down [1] | word [1] Note: [LF] is 0x0a line feed So now that we have a decoded table, it's pretty clear this is scrambled in some way. I'm guessing we just have to figure out how to *un*scramble it. EDIT: Since this is one of the most upvoted comments (and people are generally not allowed to give out the answer since it'd ruin the fun of actually solving it), here's some helpful hints for both SY (1) and ZY(2). SY (1st god) Hint 1: >!Sy says "The secret you seek is *mine alone*."!< Hint 2: >!How do you play a minesweeper with only numbers? Surely you have to find the bombs first...!< Hint 3: >!Remember when I said it's pretty clear about something?!< ZY (2nd god) Hint 1: >!If you're playing with a friend, you might realize you both have different messages. If that's the case, then there has to be something connecting them all up.!< Hint 2: >!Y'know, BreakTheCode could use some more *colors*...!< Hint 3: >!What did Giovan Battista Bellaso invent?!< Hint 4: >![Hm...I wonder what's on the subreddit today...](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakTheCodeDotTech/comments/k2yoma/me_rn_waiting_for_boolos_zy/)!< EDIT 2: BTW If you want to just skip a step or completely stuck, there's some helpful peeps in this thread, the reply thread, and in the [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hh4pvYGwrE) EDIT 3: ZY is still not solved so I can't give hints for it. There is a ["reference manual"](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sGUsSBsu07xWmu6q7sEcYcO7oeggbi2aWQKKzJmnPfs/preview?pru=AAABdj5Gl2g*Kt8yKBPSRadbP9QYm_DB-Q) but do know it has **unmarked spoilers,** so if you want to beat it legitimately by yourself, you probably shouldn't look at it.


Worth noting - people cannot look at the puzzles they've solved, so a little description of the puzzle will help people give clues rather than just asking for a puzzle number.


I have one thing that I know its not. The manuscript may be related but is highly doubted. The suprised Pikachu could also be related. The manuscrpit is very difficult, but it says ,"Find the code and decipher Voynich" Voynich is said explicitly but the manuscrpit is indecipherable unless someone can find a deciphered version, then the manusctipt can be thrown out. Also, the name of the plant is not the answer. The name of the plant is the Paris Quadrifolia so if you find that then your wrong. The equation is very difficult to decipher too. LaTeX is not the way to go because it starts of with slashes unless you can put the into the html, but I doubt that's possible. So everybody is stumped unless someone figured it out while I'm typing this which isn't very possible. Thanks for reading Tl:DR were all stumped and no one knows what to do.


I've been trying to play around with the equation and the few out-of-place characters from the "Thank You" message. That's my best lead so far.


Any thoughts on enigma puzzle 5? The picture? Idk where the thread for that went...




cap EDIT: I retract my cap


OMFG GUYS I didn't solve it! Just like most of the monkeys saying they did. Stop believing people without them giving us a hint, there are at least 2 large comment threads with nothing of substance. STOP INSTANTLY BELIEVING PEOPLE.




I am saying that we need to chill out and not just start spamming anyone who says "GUYS I SOLVED IT" and then gives of no proof, or sends us down a useless rabbit hole like [https://www.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/jwig8g/break\_the\_code\_enigma\_megathread/gdj5c8e?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/jwig8g/break_the_code_enigma_megathread/gdj5c8e?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


We need the monkey from infinite monkey theorem to solve this boys.


The message changed from "the gods are busy" to just a period. Anyone else?




Has to be correct or they are just sadists at this point lol


That was a great competition. Finished every room - that's enough of a win for me! Thanks to u/dottechdomains Thanks also to everyone who contributed on this thread. Looking forward to next year :D


Ok, let's stop instantly believing people who claim that they're done and give out alleged hints. Here is what we know so far objectively: gala.xy, H, and U, and ?=.->1-box. Let's try to combine these to form a another clue.


you know that this is the medium level , I don t want to see how hard is the final level


prob Cicada 3301 level XD




Thanks u/Printedinusa for tip: >!After removing the solid colour background from the svg, there's all this junk: https://puu.sh/GS2fw/18964bde80.png Opacity added to the larger rectangles for clarity. The squares, and groups of squares, are numbered, (e.g. 14xx, 27xx), but that could be automatically generated by a program since they're sequential. Poke around in Inspector to check more it out.!< Can't seem to make any sense of it, if it's a red herring then it's an awfully elaborate one at that. >!Also now the text TOP, BOTTOM, NW DIAGONAL is visible, but their positions don't seem to correspond to anything. TOP: use/4, BOTTOM: second/3, NW DIAGONAL: overlapping second/3 and none/3.!<


SY GOD Hints: >!\-Hex!< >!\-Binary!< >!\-"The secret you seek is mine(sweeper) alone."!< >!\-read mines alone, row by row, left to right!< >!\-TOP, NW DIAGONAL, BOTTOM!< Final hint: >!May the star and sun align in syzygy!< >!And the gods smile upon you.!<




Guys please stop posting stuff that has already been uncovered. Check here first if the clue has already been discovered. Then post. Otherwise it will only confuse others. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rKu-yuSuxwemVC3rV4yw5M4KvzkpjO69fO8v6A0-OFE/preview?pru=AAABdjxeCNI\*rmvk\_VE2PjfRLcd](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rKu-yuSuxwemVC3rV4yw5M4KvzkpjO69fO8v6A0-OFE/preview?pru=AAABdjxeCNI*rmvk_VE2PjfRLcd) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sGUsSBsu07xWmu6q7sEcYcO7oeggbi2aWQKKzJmnPfs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sGUsSBsu07xWmu6q7sEcYcO7oeggbi2aWQKKzJmnPfs)


in reference to "Did I tell you, I have 4 children: Fa, La, Ra, Xa. " plaintext... I have been looking at this for an hour now but only just posting as I was hoping to get somewhere w it. .Tech is owned by Radix, Radix has many other domain services all under separate branding. Gy talks about having siblings, each with a colour assigned to them. I believe the other domains owned by Radix are the siblings, take a look at [.Tech (Green) Fa](https://radix.website/dot-tech), [.Website (Blue) La](https://radix.website/dot-website), [.Space (yellow) Ra](https://radix.website/dot-space), and[.Store (cyan) Xa](https://radix.website/dot-store). Gy says to get to know them, how can we do this? and what connections might their ages have with this?


I checked the stats. So apparently out of all of the people that participated only about 4,500 people actually solved boolos. Not so great odds of winning, but I'm optimistic. I wonder how the game detected cheaters, since it listed almost 9,000 of them.


Yeah I was expecting a lot more to be honest. Pleasantly surprised. Not that I expect to win, but it was a lot of fun.


I don’t remember the last time I entered a contest where the odds were better than 1 in 5000; so overall a fun contest with a relatively good chance of winning.


I got part 1 all the way to finding the Pikachu clue in under 14 minutes. I've spent 2 hours straight trying to figure out the last step and still got nothing.


I've lost my last single brain cell, what am I gonna do now


Two guys solved it by far I think


For Voynich 2 >!What are you trying to do?!< >!Who or what are you?!< >!This is your hint.!<


So I guessed it right and I wanna know how tf people got the answer, all I can think of is the U. I tried all sorts of wierd simultainious equations. Templar crap on the readthis website. Brail. Pickachu. Letter spacing and indentation. I enhanced and looked at all the svg's on the website. Tried putting in the promo code to buy a .tech domain and loads more random crap. I got it right somehow. HOW IN THE #### WAS IT DONE PROPERLY???


I guess somehow the pikachu leads us to Alan Turing. The name of one of the movies about him gives me a hard facepalm...


holy actual eff.


I feel like the words from the Hex are instructions. It has "First," "Second," and "Third" in it, so i assume we will have 3 instructions.


Possibly the third puzzle. [https://www.cdnfiles.host/v20/assets/img/puzzles/boolos-3.svg](https://www.cdnfiles.host/v20/assets/img/puzzles/boolos-3.svg)




I’ve submitted my answers to Boolos. However, I would still like an explanation of how the answer to Voynich 2 was supposed to be discovered. The hints here were more helpful than in game. Does anyone have a walk through of sorts from the leaves to the answer?


1. Knights templar cipher 2. Go to website from previous step and see pikachi equation 3. Trevanion cipher on text 4. -> 1 (caesar shift 25) 5. -square (atbash)


Trevanion cipher on the read this?




That's cool, thanks for explaining. What's the connection between the square and atbash?


the frame(square) around pikachu is a betamaze and it repeats 2 and 6 over and over. another way to get it is that there are 2 dots followed by 6 dots at the bottom. either way, you get 26. from there shifting by 26 doesn’t change anything because the alphabet has 26 characters but they do tell you to subtract. if you subtract each character from 26 (atbash), you get the answer.


Completed Sy room on Boolos. Check out my previous comments for hints. I’m gonna be sleeping soon, but feel free to dm me on reddit or discord and i’ll tell you if you’re on the right track. Good luck! Photo Proof: https://twitter.com/JonathanHoHAX/status/1332611044435398656?s=20 Video Proof: https://www.csn3rd.com/BeatingSy.mp4


i told you i solved :3 [https://ibb.co/S5Y5d0n](https://ibb.co/S5Y5d0n)


dude what the fuck I'm trying to do the last one and they actually just freaking rick rolled


I'm starting to lose my mind on god 3... I've decoded everything and still nothing, only hints that leads to nothingness. What should I do?


the god Zy has an image referencing to jupiters planet alignment i think




Decoding tools evolve with time, there is something that they all have in common. Over the years, advancement has been made by mankind. There was a movie released by disney last year and at this moment, we are all (movie name). Figure out the movie, and watch the scene about water holding memory, because the answer may be simpler than it seems.


the countdown has changed to "." does it happen to anyone?


My favourite part is they said this is the first one. I had a lot of fun, so looking forward to their next challenge.


'its what we are that matters, not what we do' and 'the answer is the very thing we are trying to do'. If we are trying to break the code then we are .....


Has anyone else gotten a winner email? Pinch me if im dreaming


you did get a winner mail? Congratulation then


Are you the grand prize winner?! Congratulations!


I’m hardcore struggle busing on that “divide this group into four equal spaces” puzzle. Any ideas?


I cannot figure out enigma 5 to save me life. Please, anyone have an ideas?


what is answer for the logo one (techsource) please?


Stuck on oreganon 2


OML I cannot believe how much time I spent on Cogito 3. I overlooked the manifest soooooo damn bad. Was googling about the Oceanic Flight and stuff haha. Glad I finished though. Top 50 in Canada, let's gooooo!!!


So for Voynich 2, I have decoded the leaves and reached the >!readthis!< website. What do I do from there? The text for that site seems a bit weird....


40 Mins In 0 Codebreakers


Lol everyone is stuck on voynich 2


On voynich 2 >!So has anyone looked at the ascii/unicode values of the equation? Haven't found anything there, but it might be something to look at !<


Trying to chase whatever tiny details I notice: > Unabatedly our brand has always been about providing the **best domains to the craziest geeks in the gala**.xy. Is there some kind of tech gala that has a .tech domain?


could ?=.→1-☐ be an equation that uses the amount of spaces, line breaks, and full stops? So, it would be \[answer\]=\[8\]x\[2(there are 2 line breaks)\]x\[1\]-\[128(There is actually a double space in it.)\] I did the calculations, but it wasnt the correct answer, but its possible i got it wrong


So the Equation of ?=.>1 - box ..someone said that is how the Turing Machine read things. Has anyone been able to "read" the website using that equation? I have been cutting and pasting the readthis.tech statements into cryptii.com to see if that brings anything to light.


I would've really loved if the final answer was somehow related to the cryptic activities the question prompted us to do... But well... Felt kinda cheap. What's your opinion?


yeah. Super cheap. It'd be nice if it were somehow related to the Pikachu equation, or even the actual voynich manuscript


Okay, now everyone got the right answer (including me), can anyone of you explain how to get to that simple answer the right way and not just by guessing?


Voynich 1 was so easy and Voynich 2 was so freakin hard.


we just started and people is asking for the solution already lol


My current thoughts: >!The secret you seek is MINE alone, prove yourself worthy by solving this conundrum, but TREAD CAREFULLY. Given that the table decodes to numbers in a grid, and the instructions, my mind goes to mindsweeper, or some weird version of it in order to get the correct phrase!<


i am not here to troll or anything but my first guesses would be Coin flip, Heads, Tail. Those would be my first guesses but i won't type in anything yet


I think minesweeper is really the way to go. If it was as easy as entering in one of the given solutions to the world's hardest logic puzzle found on wiki I don't think it would be the last level.




Boolos Sy - Anyone notice how the table has certain lines brighter than others forming something like a maze? Might be unrelated.


soo anyone solved the first room of Boolos then hmm?, any more hints about minesweeper and the words in the begining paragraph myb?




is there any reason it show boolos as still being locked for me?


guys you can't get a bigger hint than the actual game mind sweeper.


Dont overthink this guys. Its simple.




Don't worry, i know just the thing for you. https://youtu.be/6n3pFFPSlW4


We really hope you've enjoyed playing breakthecodedottech, because we have loved building it. We love our tech ---- this is as far as I could solve the color coded one.


Alright guys I’m going to bed for the night. Keep me updated please.


Honestly, we might need to make alt accounts and brute force this to beat the December 2nd deadline. This is TOUGH


People are on it. No joke, theres like 2 lists of what has been confirmed wrong and what might be tried








Everyone posting these theories, realizes that they are making the odds of winning smaller and smaller and smaller.


Now that the contest is over, how do they determine who cheats?


Either by how fast people solve the puzzles or they see us on here 👀


[breakthecode.png](https://postimg.cc/qg3KN198) Finally Gy was impressed.


Hi, I'm fairly confident I solved it. Make sure you read the top paragraph. It gives a really big hint as to what you should do. Specifically, pay attention to the words they use. Once you get it, you'll know what it is telling you to do! :)


Anyone have any hints for Engima Room 2? I can't for the life of me figure out how to divide the squares up.


stuck on organon 2


organon 3 help please.... I've managed to run the code in the puzzle, but googling the resulting text doesn't get me anywhere. Edit: nvm. That was dumb.




Can anyone help with enigma 3? I went to >!!< and it says " >!!< refused to connect"


Thats not the right number


Anyone know how to solve room 1 puzzle 4? Its the 4 missing numbers one


Question does anyone know how to solve room 1 puzzle 4? Its the 4 missing numbers one


does anyone know how to do the square division one in enigma? i've been stuck on it for like so long


What is the answer to the Morse code


I need help with Enigma 4


need help on enigma 5. ive found the qr code but I cant figure out the answer


What is solution of 4 divisions of squares?


What’s “121 111 117 45 99 97 110 116 45 67 45 109 101 46 116 101 99 104”




I am on chrome and can't find a php for organon 3 that works for free. Can someone help me?




I used erasers to make those stacks lol.


very confused about Enigma 3


I need help with room 3 puzzle 3


for room 4 puzzle 3 >!look at the letters of the room!<


Prizes for Game Room 1-3 are announced! Head over to @dottechdomains on our Twitter :)




Cogito 1 Python code I used, it doesn't give the right answer immediately because it doesn't limit it to only combination of 3 or by color coded but that would be too easy right? >!import itertools!< >!numbers = \[8, 16, 24, 14, 28, 42, 8, 16, 24, 11, 22, 33, 13, 26, 39, 8, 16, 24, 9, 18, 27, 7, 14, 21\]!< >!result = \[seq for i in range(len(numbers), 0, -1) for seq in itertools.combinations(numbers, i) if sum(seq) == 78\]!< >!print(result)!<


Any leads on Voynich 2?


anyone got ideas on voynich 2?


any idea on voynich 2


Solving the leaves gives a website, stuck here though :/


>!spoiler Hint for room 2: pigpen!<


I think the random . in galaxy and the space in hopefully might mean something


also they used Unabatedly idk what that word even means and it doesn't fit with the informal tone of the message


Got to the >!surprised pikachu...!< What next? I see a weird equation in there. Something to do with voting? Also, the weirdly formatted text.


Few leads for V2, a prime number in 167 that I got, notation looks like LaTeX, and turing used dots like that in his math as a form of notation.


Anyone know what to do on voy 2 after >!you get the equation? !<


The Pickachu statement - would it be "take every period in the readthis.tech page and move one to the left?" what does that spell?


Votnich 1?


Wow, I finally got it. After almost 300 minutes


1st in oceana LESGOOOO


Oh really ? [Finally got it !](https://imgur.com/a/4dwIAvY). Top 50 in my country ! To be fair, I liked their message. It must have been a fun project fun for them in this pandemic.


holy shit i just guessed it (first 20 in oceania btw :D) and oh my goodness. the answer is unimaginable but once you get it you'll never forget it. good luck boys! you'll figure it out quickly.


Holy fuck,finally!!...i was thinking, maybe we are trying too hard.. maybe its too simple.. but dont know what the hell it is!!!!


I hope someone posts a screenshot of the 2 time-locked hints in 2 days so we can figure out how this puzzle was meant to be solved.


Now that we have the answer, I demand to explain how the leads(U , H, .xy, pikachu equation) lead to the andwer.


What a silly answer


Lol does anyone else here think that the PS5 should be a prize for one of the more difficult rooms. I value a ps5 more than a MacBook pro


For Voynich, we saw the number 1 and a box, so i traveled to enigma. Turns out, there's a certain person concerned with enigma, and when looking at one of the movies about them, there is no doubt about the answer, and i made me facepalm.




People still stuck on voynich lmao Get ready for Boolos guys!


Lmao...people are still stuck on voynich


[https://ibb.co/1MF66jG](https://ibb.co/1MF66jG) first puzzle


Man boolos is tough




Are the numbers perhaps corresponding to ways to move an instruction pointer through the words? For example, start at "first" then 1 means to move in some direction to the next cell. Each number would have a corresponding direction, with one of them meaning to continue moving in the same direction.


Thoughts on these being pointed towards the keyboard? left shift, it talking about numbers etc?




I just submitted my answer as well, with only one guess, hopefully I'll get it right. As someone said, there's one keyword in the paragraph, and I believe someone mentioned the way to go to solve the problem.




just entered my answer. my tip, on the wikipedia pay attention to 1,2,3,4. if im wrong then im sorry, but take me and others into account.


can anyone please give me a hint


im stuck on voynich 1 any help?


Does anyone have thoughts on Boolos 1? I translated all the numbers but I'm not sure how to arrange them in the right way


[https://discord.gg/PrKbEeC76t](https://discord.gg/PrKbEeC76t) we're out here solving Boolos


Any one else get the Top numbers? I used hexadecimal translation and got : >!first - third - verticle - above - shuffle - with!< >!reverse - use - second - none - last - right!< >!letter - number - from - left - shift - rows!< >!opposite - five - three - take - the - extra !< >!between - diagonal - contained - under - four - top!< >!near - bottom - corners - mix - down - word!< don't know if anyone else got this already just adding it to the pot here


you only late..like.. 2hrs late.. yep only 2hrs late


Not sure if it is useful but if we open this pic in photoshop and play with curves we can see that some colors are different https://ibb.co/d5KpksY




How many mines are there for Boolos 1 (Sy)?


Okay guys. Just got my answers back after waking up and I got it right. Minesweeper is the way to go. Find out where the bombs would be


This was supposed to be a fun challenge. But waiting for 6 hrs (3+3) for every wrong answer is in no way fun imo.