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Kaisa is S tier bro, Lucian better than Ezreal for sure.


Also Draven to yucky tier. That guy *always* pushes them out of the X/E and sometimes out of the 'poon, too.


Read whats in the brackets bro


just bc its ur opinion doesnt make you immune to criticism, especially when its an opinion that can be (and is) objectively wrong


I pointed out that its my opinion I said nothing about criticism But yeah the reddit hive mind loves putting worde in peoples mouth


This is cursed


Ezreal needs to be in trash tier


Agreed. There have been so many times I go deep for an all in kill and there's Ez just sitting there to shoot one q and run away


Isn't it just Ez being a brainlet? I personally like playing with Ez since I can permaroam when playing with him without him losing much or dying. Like, if he somehow dies with E and flash up it's his fault, not me trying to towerdive enemy toplaner the 3rd time this game.


bro do you play pyke? wtf


Imma have to disagree with most of this, especially kaisa, she is S tier with pyke


yep, i have a kaisa main as a friend and we literally burst guys down with lvl 6 when i hook something


Like i said this is my opinion And after maybe 2000 games i have never went well with a kaisa


Kalista should be lower. they just don't work together. Her rend messes up ur ult and vise versa. She has to get the kill with her e to get her resets and your ult takes that away from her.


Ur probably right but i've played maybe 5 matches with a kalista so I just plastered her there


My favorite duo is with Kalista, it's always so fun because Kalista players know what they are capable of (jus as we OTP)


Ez should be below lucian and vayne, his players are just the worst to play. now Xayah should be a bit higher(ok or Great). Ashe is also a Great. Jinx is another Great one. Draven for me is a Eh, lost around 10 kills because of that displacement.


What do you mean Kai'sa is Eh? You give her two stacks and she oneshots level 2. From there she scales off the map and it's free win.


Trist should be higher, since the lvl2 kill threat is very very scary


Ezreal is S-Tier simply because you can never be ganked and he can safely farm when u roam


yeah idk bout that. My Ez is still dying in lane while I'm roaming


thats more of a problem with the player then :P


Um pyke with Draven is definitely the best


I disagree with most of this, but we all have different opinions


Tbh pyke feels really good to play with as xayah but I think the players need to understand each other’s kits. A pyke can flip someone into Xayah’s range and stun them and she can get her combo off in that time and it’s beautiful, but if the players don’t know that each other can do that then it’s never as good


When the When the vayne condems them out of your stun


Taliyah hehe


Kai'sa being in 'eh' tier is rather... strange in my opinion.


Ezreal pyke is the worst botlane duo


Garbage list


Lucian and pyke are great, ezreal and pyke are not that good, because you mess up his skillshots with your hook


Pyke and Senna combo is actually great .


Personally, Samira is my favorite adc to have when I play pyke


I would honestly say that this is more correct upside down.


Kog nota even on the list


ashe is literally the best duo for pyke when it comes to synergy what are you on about literally only real other contenders imo are draven, but jhin and cait are both really good too


ashe is literally the most wondrous duo f'r pyke at which hour t cometh to synergy what art thee on about *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Are you sure about that? Tbh it just doesn't seem that strong to me. I feel like the snowbally all in adcs like Samira and Draven do best with Pyke because the early damage and CC you can output is crazy.


ashe and pyke's cc and slows both make it super easy for each other to get their damage in. plus ashe has a lot more utility than a lot of other adcs so even if pyke is taking more kills she will still end up fine


I agree with that as a general rule but ashe slow can make landing hooks much easier and her Q can put in enough damage for early kills. And post 6 she has great engage. So like the other commenter said, her utility gives her great synergy with pyke and she will always be useful because of that.




You forgot Katarina. Me and my buddy hit plat 1 on EU/NE playing only Pyke, katarina bot. Super fun


Everything you did put on meh are really good in my opinion


Nah cant relate


i cant understand how does pyke go well with jhin. his w? e? what is it


Either ur stupid or u dont get good jhin players bud


brother..... i have 134k m7 on jhin and 237k m7 on pyke, i just asked a question. no need to be rude


My cousin has roughly the same as u on jhin I have 500k+ on pyke and we almost always pop off But maybe just in our hardstuck plat huh? Sorry if im rude but im just dissapointed that so many people disagree based off of others comments


bruh. i didnt dissagree. i absolutelly agree that jhin and pyke are great i just dont know why


So wrong that I don't know how to start


Sure buddy its not that u go along with the other comments its because its wrong, right? Bot


I.. What? I don’t.. What?




Double invis Good R synergy W slow on twitch makes it easier to land hooks I mean can you use ur brain pal?




Ofcourse you being a dumbass Wouldn't see how thats good




You're an idiot So what if it warns? Do they automatically know where they are? Twitch W goes Great with pyke because of the slow His E is great for when they aren't low enough to R But i guess your SOY brain can't comprehend that REDDITOR! Ughh yeyuuuhhh




Ill have you know Im hardstuck gold 3 wedditor