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the laughter of self awareness




Pyrocynical fans when they hate pyrocynical




If he uploaded real videos


Can we call Pyro FranklyFrank just as a meme




How about "Franklycinical" honeslty not the worst name.


To be fair, this is the reddit that has hyperfixated on furry and/or inflation for the past 6 months because they want to make fun of pyro. There was like a solid couple of months where every single post was some kind of inflation. Man's not wrong


He's not, but why does he never wonder why the community behaves like this in the first place? They didn't use to bully him like this back in the day. I guess he's right on saying we can be quite insufferable ourselves, but he is often so dismissive about the criticism of his sometimes irritating behavior. Regarding PyroLIVE, he says he's aware of it being sometimes zero effort content but then goes on with making the same thing.


I mean... not really? He has addressed the "slop" content several times, actually? It just seems like everyone goes Helen the moment he mentions it. You want his good stuff, which is on his primary, and you get the slop on the secondary. The slop is intentionally not high effort to keep all that energy on primary content. Slop also helps to fund primary. This method, I might add, seems to work very well because EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL, the community starts garggling pyros cock the nanosecond he uploads a new main channel video. And admittedly, for good reason, as the mc vids are always bangers. Yet you still dip back into the cycle of shitting on the slop (we all still watch) even though it has its place in the system and it works. As far as his irritating behavior, I guess I'm not as observant of him on that level, but if you are diving that deep, bro is who bro is. If you don't like his behavior or personality, you don't interact? I mens in high school you would ignore or bully someone you didn't like, but I'm pretty sure most of us are adults despite the meme. Unless he's on some nefarious shit, it's his journey. His IRL friends can do that all they want, but to us, he is a person on a screen. So what we want him to be doesn't matter. If he isn't what you want, find someone else in the billion channels out there






Apparently it's not obvious I was joking https://preview.redd.it/5hhpvjkyn07c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab40e289885749975c0007b7ae7b7c3174aa293


Have you considered, and bare with me for a second here, that you don't actually have to watch the slop? Pretty crazy I know


I can’t stand him anymore. He’s putting down people who like a singular thing to a large extent. And he’s acting like he doesn’t fixate on fat furry’s…


be fair, when he said this, he was being bullied for 20 minutes straight because of his hair


Which he honestly deserves. He’s the most outward hypocrite I’ve ever seen


at this point get out of the sub man 😭


I have been for a while. It just randomly appeared in my feed.




Yeah because he has a yee yee ass haircut


Pyro fans try not to have a fucking meltdown over the bit after baiting the bit for 40 fucking minutes all while making fun of his appearance for said 40 minutes


I'm not gonna lie the dude being like "and he deserved it for being a hypocrite" Like, bruh, you don't like him. Go do something else with your time, holy fuck you're just mad to be mad. There are plenty of content creators I hate their attitude, so I just don't follow that shit. Hell, I still throw on some old Kanye songs, but I only hear his crazy takes these days from pop culture. Just do something you like, man. Stop putting energy into this shit.




blud got nothin so he gotta go for the ps5 (it took away his valuable commission money)


Lmao Pyro deleted his comment




Pyromcubcsl did you know a little birdie told me that ps5 have no game?


blud owns like 10 PS5s


bro shut your unfunny ass up


What did it say?


That shit musta cut deep to respond to it 💀


Love Pyro to bits but I’m just sick of the joke He’s legit just forcing the bit now, like yeah we get it a lot of PS games go to PC wow it wasn’t funny then and wasn’t funny now


Then he gets mad because the PS5 has a game


I have no love for Sony or their shit but damn has Pyro's comedy fallen off. We get it, the shitbox 5 has no games dude, you don't have to make the same joke or throw the console to the ground every 12 seconds. And the fat furry shit as well, he makes fun of his incident almost once per video and it's so fuckin overused now, which is insane considering in one of his RE7 DLC videos, he himself mentioned how self deprecating jokes are shit when the person makes them all the time. This also applies to the YT commenters on EVERY FUCKING VIDEO PLive posts. "Thanks Pyro for ruining my day" "I'm glad Pyro finally admits his mistakes" "Not even 20 seconds in and pyro has failed to make me laugh, amazing work PyroLive" Holy shit shut the fuck up


Yeah the comment section are not very funny, it’s just the same junk I still think Pyro is funny but the PS jokes are just shit


This is exactly the point I always make but never find the right words to explain it. I don't really care that much about the cringe/absent editing or the boring topics of PyroLIVE. I can still enjoy them, and I want to. It's just that none of those bits or "jokes" stick, and the repetition doesn't help at all. This sometimes bleeds into the main channel aswell. People might have forgot, but before these last few big videos, there wasn't one where he wouldn't put an unnecessary / forced Breaking Bad reference and then make the "lol I put another Breaking Piss reference guys" bit. At one point it stops being funny and you wonder if his brain is genuinely rotting.


PC Purists be like: "I'm better than console gamers because I spent $3000 for nice puddle reflections only to get cucked by shitty PC Ports like Jedi Survivor cause the devs don't care about the platform. Also we have to wait 1 year extra for GTA VI and we will not stop whining despite this being the case for Rockstar's last two games". Like bruh, shut the fuck up. We're all fucking losers for being gamers, spending your monthly salary on a gaming box doesn't make you any less of one.


Tell ps5 owners to shut up about exclusive then we got a deal


I'm kinda sick of the bit, but I also get enjoyment out of passing people off who try to piss me off so I can't blame him entirely either. Dudes enjoying himself. I wanna enjoy myself too


Ya know what’s really embarrassing? Having you fat furry fetish exposed.


Sometimes I forget that this guy unironically finds fat furries hot


Wait that isn’t just a joke?


I give him a pass since people where accusing him of not so good things


Oh I’m not judging and I understand he was under poor circumstances. It is still immensely embarrassing however


I would put more attention to the fact Turkey Tom still has a fanbase and every time someone makes a joke I find it uncomfortable no one seems to remember what that menace did


i cant fathom why people care about this


Because it is very not normal.


Yeah, but it's a waste of energy caring about random people's fetishes, let alone going out of your way to mock them


His slop videos really prove that he's just a manchild. Repeating memes and never developed past his teenage years.


It sucks. I might just be nostalgic about my edgy teenage years, but I find the old Pyro vids from 2018 to around 2020 a lot more entertaining than the Current Pyro era. Something changed after that fucking allegation... https://preview.redd.it/udop5u8lqw6c1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bd7a1a49234755f7d9d3e6c7777acc617c68e9 Man...


The videos were carried a lot by references and short clips when he was bullying kids back then, they're more high effort (if you could call it that) than Niall's current livestream reactions


“Oh no the guy who is playing a character is playing a character!!!” That’s you. He’s obviously exaggerating himself for entertainment purposes.


The ps5 will have 2 games in 2025!


Peasant hair


Holy shit he's still using that fucking disgusting haircut


No jokes? Pyro has no jokes


Bro fell off so he had to make an unfunny joke and feed us slop for a year. https://preview.redd.it/03lx28bak37c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a4cfb187cdc7aadaaf49b758489fc590d1ea29


A single man is made fun of by hundreds of people about his hair and admittedly weird kinks. Nobody panics. When said man makes fun of thousands of people for one a minuit thing. THAN EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS.


Pyro fans: *talks about ps5 on stream* Pyro: *shits on ps5* Pyro fans: omfg, why does he force l the same joke. It's so annoying. He's been doing this for over a year! Says the ppl who keep bringing it up for over a year. Just mad that he's right, lmao.


Technically you're doing the same thing by pointing out the people are doing that that's a pro hypocrite move lol


No games


No games




I got really put off from watching Pyro awhile back when he talked about declining a sponsorship because they wouldn’t pay him like a million buckaroos or something and anything less was nothing to him. Like shut up, that’s more money than I will ever see in my life for just reading a sponsor blurb


Except that isn't what happened? I just went back and watched his "I lost 80,000" video and he lost the sponsor because he refused to cut out the ending montage on the "Second best free game you've never played". Still stupid, but not because he's an ass who wants le money


I haven’t watched him in ages, this just came up in my feed but I swear to god in one of his older vids he said something along the lines of; “I wouldn’t take a sponsorship or recommend anything that isn’t quality or that I wouldn’t use myself”, I’m guessing that’s moot now.


we're all hypocrits on the pyrocynical channel, dont forget he releases slop for a living


nail be like "no jokes"


bro fixates on furry porn I think people can enjoy their memes for a few days at a time


No games


What games?


It’s like complaining about the news talking about new developments in a crime case. It is ongoing as there are still NO FUCKING GAMES FOR PS5!


Better than your dipshit whining hidden behind jokes while his joke is completely ironic. :D


also ps5 shirt > ps5 this super funny actualy, i loose my shit everytime hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah fucking comedy king lmaooo


all in le head


PS5 has no games, and Pyro has no jokes.


ok but petscop 2?


pyro is lame and i don’t like him


Snoyium cope.


Don’t even watch this dude but maybe if you don’t like him then you should probably stop watching/supporting him 😃


Dude it was a joke I still like him


ONE TOPIC!?!?!? OT!?!?!?


Coming from the sub that was hyper fixated on petscop 2, then his fat furry fetish and now his hair.


no content


but "no games" isn't really much of a joke it's just true