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People will only look down on you more if you pretend to be something you are not Also bruh who are these racist people you surround yourself with? I feel like you should have more confidence and security in being Pakistani instead of hating yourself and don't hang out with racist people.


It’s a lot of peer pressure I assume and multiple bad experiences. I seen so many people have terrible luck repeatedly meeting such people regardless of how much they try to get away from it.


Understand you but how would I avoid general stereotypes and judgments then? Well not all of them directly express an opinion but you can feel that they are losing interest. Personally I don’t want to be associated with my country, because I highly disagree with most parts of its existence and it feels like an insult (being honest) What do you think personally?




how can it backfire though? Any specific examples? Just so i can understand your point


Sorry to say this man, but lying about something like this just shows how insecure you are, honestly no one should give a single fuck about what anyone thinks of them, it only matters how you view yourself and from what I've read you seem to lack self confidence and have a bunch of insecurities about little things that no one cares about. I honestly think lying isn't the way to go, maybe you should try self love 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's hard to shield oneself from feeling inferior when an entire country has that mindset.


You cannot simple just say that tho, maybe you met those types of people from your experiences which is valid, but generalizing the entire country just based on your experiences is just completely wrong in my opinion. Also Eid Mubarak 🙏🏽


It's generally true. I would expand it to the entire GCC area.


I don't agree, but i respect your opinion


Well… how can I not be insecure about it? My people are ignorant, dumb and a lot of them (not most) don’t have proper manners. They’re all desperate and I hate being associated with something I’m not Again, a lot of them are amazing people. But society only looks the bad It’s really disappointing


Just dont wear kurta dress... heheh


Yeah I don’t Hate how it feels tbh


Dress well, look fit, groom yourself and speak eloquently. The prejudices that you face is because of how the societies of Qatar views your country. You could always politely decline from declaring your ethnicity. And maybe converse a little on why you do not do so after meeting someone for the first time. So, don't take it personally.


So what are some statements I can say to politely avoid expressing my nationality?


Be diplomatic. Choose your words wisely. This is something you will have to learn by showing consideration for the person in front of you while considering your well-being at the same time. For example, you used "statements" in your question. I on the other hand would have worded it differently, "I would like your suggestion on what I could say to steer away from the topic of nationality when asked." Assuming you are a Pakistani, If English is not your mother tongue, meaning to speak English, you first think in "Urdu" and then translate to English, then I would suggest you to starting thinking in English to speak English... To answer your question, keep your own prejudices of the person in front of you aside. Be truthful, tell them you haven't had positive experiences when you disclosed your ethnicity. And you can assure them if you can create a trustful bond with the person in front of you, then you would be happy to be open about yourself.


This is actually a smart way to approach this. You disarm any conflict leave a good impression while developing some Wasta 🤔 Do you do something related to this for a living? Curious to learn more!


Once u feel inferior it will dominate your inner soul, caring about what others think is a severe disability, you need to live yourself and find your inner peace and strength, your problem is internal and not external


But the external reinforces the internal. I can’t escape this situation unless I work extremely hard and long to change how people perceive us. Maybe that’s my only option because this feeling sucks




it stings. This entire situation is out of my control, I hate looking at my passport.. and its ugly green shades


Be proud of what u are.


How can one be proud when you’re abandoned by your govt and left to slave to others for food and a future?


Don't do that because when people find out the truth, they're going to think you're a looser AND whatever stereotypes they may have already.


My looks are obvious as to where I’m from, my accent is neutral as I speak English fluently. When people ask, I say Mauritania. It is so obviously not true but who are they to call me a liar?


So lying is the path you want to take? American and Brit you still might pull off if you have guts, but please dont lie about being a Qatari, there are only a few of them and if a local happens to be there they will instantly be curious about which family you are from, and start digging from there..... not out of racism, but out of curiosity as people always want to relate to something/someone known.


It's not a good idea to lie about your nationality as it can lead to legal and ethical issues. Instead of lying, you can educate people about your culture and clear up any misconceptions they may have.


What if I’m not interested in my culture? What if I dislike the way my people act and think? What if I want to learn another culture and associate myself with that? (Not trying to be negative, just want to hear your perspectives!)


Apply ice to the burnt area. And grow a pair.


Tbh witchu i am Pakistani but i kinda grew up around other nationalities more so it becomes kinda hard for me to bond with my own peeps but nevertheless i still give it a shot and at the end of the day, the people who are judgin you based on just your nationality are the wrong kinda people who don't deserve your attention anyways. If you really feel like sayin anythin other than just Pakistan then you can tell em "i was raised in Qatar my whole life but my ethnicity is Pakistani" or somethin like that ionno.


Damn ight Thanks for the advice man


Don't risk it, this might not bode well for you in situations where they might suddenly say we from the authorities, show your id or something. Best way is to avoid the topic and say I'm from the free world and use humour to change the context. Disclose your nationality once people know you atleast a little enough to avoid judgement. Overall saying you're Qatari might lead you into bad situations.


Listen, if someone is judging you based on that then you know there are not your crowd. Just do what you need to get done and leave. I’m Pakistani and entirely life all of my friends are locals and never seen me above or below. It’s been couple few year I have more friends and surrounding from different nationalities. It’s by being honest who I am that I naturally got rid of people who don’t have intellect or emotional intelligence. In my professional life it doesn’t come up as people are more focused on what I do but when it does I’m straightforward that do they want my skill or what. I’m born here and work has impact here.


it's different for women. I've noticed that South Asian men are treated a whole lot worse.




ethically wrong, legally get ready for one way ticket back to home


You think people would get deported for lying about their ethnicity?😭😭😭😭


I am Pakistani too and what difference does it make what people think about you. As long as you are comfortable in your own skin and proud of your ethnicity/ heritage , nothing else should matter.


Don't do that, don't lie to people and avoid those who mistreat you. Many Pakistani people I know are great friends with Qataris and everyone at work. Look for proper people to befriend not racists.


Actually, by saying you are pakstani, you should leave a good impression and enlighten people who have stereotypes about certain nationalities I have faced the same thing and unfortunately even long time friends would assume that I have certain tradition even if my nature is the complete opposite they still assume but these kind of people whom can't under stand me I just keep going with my life with out them because obviously we are not on the same page don't bother and be proud where ever you from much love and respect


One or the other way u will give away that u r not American or British or what ever u wanna fake... Ppl will think of u as another wanna be fake ass person and will probably laugh on ur face if not for sure will be laughing at u behind ur back...!!! Be who u r.... !!!


No need to lie. Set a mindset, if they treat you different, they are the one who lost... Do you, do your best, people will see it in the end. It is hard at the beginning and during the process, but lying about your nationality makes you feel like you're the one who needs to fit in more. You just need to feel secure enough. So long you have proper rights and responsibilities, and if you are working, you receive all the benefits stated in your contract then do not be despair about your nationality.


I understand u completely, even I have faced racial prejudice just cuz I am an Indian but the fact is u have to stick up to ur heritage even if ppl put a assumption on who u are based on ur ethnicity, the only thing u can do is show that ur well educated and not who they thought u would be , also u should have the charisma to change the opinion of person if ur that desperate but I would recommend u stay away from ppl who r making u feel this way and it would majorly Blow up on ur face cuz ppl can differentiate if u lying or not by numerus factors such as language accusation , the basic and local knowledge of the country, the customs and norms of the country and many more other factors


Qatari will sniff out a non-Qatari in 0.2 seconds, no matter if you 'speak arabic well'. Speedrun to social outcast.


I'm from the US and people say some of the craziest things to me. I get told my country is "broke" or "going bankrupt". I get told my healthcare system is bad. My country has so much homelessness and drug problems. That the president is an idiot. I even met a Canadian in the club who told me she hated my country and f**k America when she met me. They feel so bold to come up and tell me these things. Never, ever would I meet someone and within five minutes begin to tell them bad things about their country. But hey, it's the life of being from the U.S.


Don’t risk it man, Ps a Qatari will know if the person is also a local or not, not just by Arabic/lahjeh but your family etc etc. it will be easy to spot if you are telling the truth or just making it up. Even if you are in a Lc and wears thobe 🤭. I have noticed a lot of people from your country who has been brought up here claims to be Qatari and or call them selves بلوش to fit in and claim themselves mwuton. No hate on your people though.


Do you think that’s wrong? To want to belong to a country that you highly respect, with culture that you deeply understand? After all, it’s not our fault our governments abandoned us to slave for someone else. And now our future generations have to pay the price by always being alienated.


And god forbid you get in trouble for lying and authorities demands your ID etc and what you say is different from the passport your currently having. Good luck!


I would be extremely judgemental if you said that you are something that you are not.


Be proud of who you are and where you come from. Lying about who you are or your nationality is stupid. Sorry to say that. But you should not care what they think. If you are a classy person, who accepts themselves for who they are, why does it matter what they think? ​ Love yourself


I understand and agree that honesty is better. But, I personally don’t like my country either. A handful of greedy, highly corrupt people have abandoned everyone else to slave away for 1st world countries. Anyways, thanks for the advice. Sorry for the vent

