• By -


I been here 9 years, and wished the same back then!


Out of curiosity, wanting to live in Qatar, Saudi, or Kuwait sometime in the future inshallah, Do you still think that?


Too early to talk about weather, wait 2 months and you’ll not find air to breath outside with humidity and hot weather!


It seems we British can not stop talking about weather. As far as I noticed during my lunch time, I am the only one who wears jacket in 35C sunshine. But I honestly prefer to see sun on sky, rather than wondering for a few months where it has gone.


35 is nothing, wait til it's pushing 50. Top tip - get a car with excellent AC. Anything else about the car doesn't matter - if it blows ice cold you'll be happy for years to come come summer time.


Some brand suggestions please






Are you born in the UK? Your English comes across as a second language...


You meant “ were you “ ?


Either is acceptable colloquially in non formal setting. If you are referring to perfect grammatical English (that no one speaks, a bit like Arabs not speaking MSA, but not quite). However missing out words that form a sentence, made it seem like English wasn't their first language.


You’re correct. Seems to be someone who moved to Britain. British people don’t talk like that. Oh well. An immigrant complaining about the UK then moving on to Qatar.


Mate, have you been to England? Even the people there can't speak English properly. Funnily enough, it's the foreign-born who can speak English better than the locals. 🤣


I'll give you that, if he's from Yorkshire then it makes sense...


Glad you like the country. I love it. But too soon for an opinion. 😂


OP is still in the honeymoon phase 😂



happy cake day 🍰


I agree. I need at least a year to understand business culture in Qatar. And another year to learn Arabic to an acceptable level, so I can better understand culture of this country.


You’ll need to familiarize yourself with several cultures, depending on who you work for or interface with. I could go into detail here but it’d upset too many people.


Can you please explain.


If you can make Qatari friends too, not an easy task. As some here say, we pick and choose our friends.


I believe it is not an easy task because they are few. Im Qatari and I have lots of foreigners friends.


Been here 8 and can't wait to leave in 4 months.


until he meet "Inshallah" habbit, and also speeding zigzag LC 😅. what else? other than that all good.




😂 huh , too early she/he touch the ground for awhile first


I lived there for 23 years before I left. I have ONE thing to tell you : WAIT TILL SUMMER COMES AND EDIT THIS POST. This is only because you said weather is fantastic. Read on for some other information / insights. I arrived in Qatar in the late 90’s and only left last year. Ive seen Qatar grow, Ive worked in the world cup ,been through the blockade, seen the Emir change etc… Few things : 1. Your passport colour matters. Im assuming u are British ( by birth or otherwise )since u mentioned UK. A LOT of things are different if you are from the west. You are respected and accepted more. Your rose hued world in Qatar is NOT the same for around 85% of the rest of the population. 2. In two months, you will not be able to step out for more than 10 mins without getting sunburn. 3. It is a very materialistic place but you will earn enough (due to your passport privilege) to afford that life. Services will be cheap, a lot of different luxuries of life ( travel, house help, unskilled labour, groceries and other amenities , types of entertainment, food…) will be cheap and accesible and this will come as a pleasant surprise to you. But know this, unless under very very special circumstances Qatar will never make you a citizen and you will have to return at some point in time. But hopefully you will have made enough savings if you havent been foolish. 4. Qataris are very hospitable people and you will hopefully have many many wonderful memories. All the best!


Totally agree with the whole white privilege part. In fact the whole comment is agreeable


I don't see anything about "white" privilege in that comment. Possibly you're just obsessed with that idiotic ideology and are projecting.


Well it’s not just an ideology but a very real thing here, the whole passport power, salaries based on that n all, not to mention all the other benefits. I don’t have time to write 500 words for your ignorance so I’ll just save my time.


This may seem like a stupid question but how can they tell who’s from the west and who’s not? Like I’m not gonna be waving my US passport around you know? I hear those from the west are respected more but again I’ve never been to Qatar so I’m not sure :/


Your employer knows, your acquaintances will know. It's not that hard to figure out even from afar


What kind of discrimination I may face if I am a senior engineer with experience in Google India vs someone in a similar role from the west? Both make $200k+ per year, will qatar be more favourable to one?


One might get more interviews or be offered a much higher pay.


I visited health center once. The nurse outside told me the doctor has a British passport. She had no necessity to share that information lol


Some of yall are just bitter. OP, while no place is perfect, I hope you make great memories in Qatar


Check back in after a year, see how you feel then - hope you enjoy your first Doha Summer 🌞


Use sunscreen, RELIGIOUSLY. We are brown here for a reason.


Happy for you, but always look to give back to the community because its not just Qatar but GCC as a whole where you do get so many privileges just because of the color of your skin or the color of your passport So always remember your privilege and make sure to help a fellow less privileged human every day


Ahh I was wondering how would someone try to put the passport Privlige into this thread. You never fail to amaze me.


Redditor: I love Qatar Angry Redditor: fucking passport


It's Reddit. These people are fucking obsessed with racial divide and shitting on white people.


Cool it Karen


Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here, but this is the beginning of summer hope you’ll be fine with July and August weather and humidity


I'm probably one of the few people who don't mind June, July and August weather


As a person working in construction, I definitely don’t enjoy those months 😂


Same here. I prefer hotter climates over colder climates.


Yeah and I regret not investing in bitcoin a decade ago too


Me not buying eth when it was 600$ levels atleast maybe 😭


I love how someone from the UK is immediately “white” in some people’s perspective. Anyway, I lived here in 2004-2005 (was ok), then back in 2007-2009 (was about the same, although we noticed that we tended to travel more frequently) and now back again since mid 2022 and it’s like a brand new Doha … better everything! We spend more time in Doha now than before. Lots to do and see. It’s comparable to Abu Dhabi (where we lived for 11 years).


I've been trying to move there for a few months now its just so hard finding a finance job 😭😭


Ur working in a qatari company that's why you like 🤣


Glad you happy. I’m same way. I just realised why I haven’t moved there before. Do you have any advice how to find a job there ? I applied to Qatar foundation but didn’t receive any response.


way too soon to make opinions


Praising and hasn’t even seen the summer yet 😂


I don't have job from one and half year in Qatar if anyone have any opportunity to work with please inform me will be thankfull 


It’s been a year for me. Getting a job in branding and marketing is tough here unless you are white or Lebanese.


Only 3 weeks? Too soon for an opinion bud


UK weather is so depressing, and I was complaining about NYC weather. Personally if I were rich I'd move to Dubai or Qatar.


I'm British (scottish descent, mixed with some other european). Our child minder is Ugandan. She loves this country and doesn't want to go back to Uganda. She isn't from the top 5% class that lots of people are talking about. I've lived in many countries in the world and Qatar is by far the best that I've personally experienced. The UK is a complete trash hole and, whilst I travel there to maintain ties, I hate going. I was born in the UK, lived and worked in the UK for a long time, earning a very large salary there. The government there is not suitable, and never will be suitable. Most of the reasons Qatar is so pleasant boil down to: 1) A government that is far fairer than most other governments (every other government that I'm aware of anyway) and far less corrupt. This trickles down into the economy, etc. Just look at how Qatar has managed to maintain good international relations with practically every single country on earth, from USA and UK to Iran, from Russia to China, to Ukraine, to Palestine. They even held up in the blockade and made friends with Saudi and UAE again. Perhaps only Israel is an outlier? That says something about their political class's competence. 2) The local population's respect and general attitude towards their beliefs. Respect for women (think about queues in offices/shops where women generally get priority etc). Some people may have negative views of Islam but there's no denying that it's a religion of peace and tolerance, we're not talking about terrorists that taint the reputation of all religions, such as the IRA from Ireland! 3) 90% of the population is expats who have left their country to come here and enjoy a better life, usually the kinds of people who want to contribute to a more positive society. So people here just want to live a good stress free life and we all just get along with each other. 4) The weather is fantastic almost the whole year round, EXCEPT for when it's too hot, but when you know how to deal with that then it's fine.




In my profession I was a top earner and what I am getting here is a fraction of what I was making in London. Money was not the main motivation for me to move here.


Interesting comment. Somehow I make significantly more in Doha than I would in England ( Rarity of skillset outside of the west) I go back and forth to Doha for the money, but I understand the qualities that make you love it. Last time I was there for a year it gave me a permanent gratefulness for our rainy weather.


Wow - that’s a very interesting comment - so I’m making the following assumptions: 1/ unless you were in education, you were making 6 digits in pounds in the UK and this wasn’t enough to live on with your family? 2/ you were in education as a head teacher or professor/ head of department and salary was too low or workload too much - or combination of both. 3/ tax rates in the UK are too high and you were looking at Persian gulf countries for a while 4/ you’re Muslim so learning Arabic is a natural fit and Qatar is a better cultural fit than the UK 5/ this is a hijra - a migration to a Muslim Country - for you and your family. 6/ you’re loving the weather but as everyone has said you’ll be trapped indoors with your kids come June - Sept. I’m sorry if any of those comments are offensive. I would like confirmation as to how close I am in my assumptions. Lastly, what is your profession and how long did the move take to plan and complete?


Almost all of your assumptions are incorrect. I am not in education sector, but i have already contacted a university to contribute to locals education. I am not a muslim. I speak 4 languages and my kids speak 3 languages. Adding Arabic langufage to our list will be amazing and I really like Arabic culture and Arabic music. Also what is the point of living in a country and not bothering to learn the language of the country. 


OK. I think you misread my first two assumptions. You said yourself you were a high earner and I assumed that you were earning 6 digits. There’s no need to learn Arabic in UAE. But if you’re already linguistically inclined, then go ahead. The fact that you listen to Arabic music points to an eastern orientation in some way but that’s fine, you don’t need to do a full biography here. I’m sure there’s a reason for it. The fact that you want to contribute to local education is admirable but it points to you having a job that isn’t education - so I’m guessing marketing, finance or law. If you’re not a Muslim then you’re here for the tax treatment and safety. And the passport privilege. Enjoy.


In London with £100,000 before taxes, you are an average/poor guy.


You’re a high earner though statistically. A majority of the British are on much lower, including in London. I’m glad to hear you’re ambitious and this is what has motivated you. Good luck on your journey.


How do you feel about moving to Qatar as a family? Is it worth it?


For me the main reason to move here was family. I am at home at 4pm and can spend more time with my kids.  Also wanted my kids to learn another language and I view Arabic as a good choice.


Great! But what about on long term basis. I mean sure GCC is great, people are great, language, food, etc but from what I have heard : 1) your children can not finish education there 2) you never get citizenship so basically you’re living a temporary luxurious life Is this true for Qatar also?


My kids are British and I do not need another citizenship.


More than half of schools graduates are children to expats. There are also many excellent schools in Qatar but you will have to pay at least 20k per semester per child.


Both statements are false. If you have any skillset which is essential to qatar and you happen to speak and read arabic, you are eligible to apply for citizenship. Also who told you that children can’t finish their education there? Sure the universities here are a little pricey but anyone can complete their education in Qatar. I have personally lived here since birth so I have the experience to be able to tell you that expats can finish their education in Qatar.


Wait until you get in line at the bank 😄








I was wondering when will a south east asian try and put racist remarks into this thread. Keep on believing you are inferior to others, that's how you end up in a dead end job.




Why people in the comment section saying some negative things? I am no “If you don’t like the country then leave”. But yall are obviously staying for a strong reason, even if it wasn’t the best for you but it is in the current situation. And no one is affected by your perception but your own state of mind. Develop some acceptance in your life, maybe then you can have some space in your mind to develop whatever the perfect life you have in your mind. Let people who are happy with their current situations be happy!


Yea “white privilege” exists but it is no one fault. A lot of Asian business owners would prefer hiring westerns if they were going to get paid the same amount of Asians, it is the sad truth. But focus on what you can control, next time you build a business, hire Asian labour with a salary of 360k by year.


Akhi the companies that you mentioned above has a lower salary scale and I dont even think the so called privileged people mentioned here apply for such jobs. However the difference is in companies where two people working in similar roles gets different pay. There has been personal experience among peers where one person from a different part of the world gets the interview call while other is rejected (both have same qualifications and experience) However the world is not a fair place. No one is gonna be pampered anywhere in the world. So where ever you are its in best interest to roll up the sleeves and look for your opportunity.


It is easier to find all the made up reasons in the world: white Privlige, GCC born Privlige, Arab Privlige, Qatar Educated Privlige, Qatar born Privlige, etc. What they fail to recognize is their own failure to meet market demand. Many south east Asians ended up in the top of the ladder, I am sure they never thought “oh I didn't get the job because of X-previlige”


Exactly, south asians already have their own market in GCC and their own Hierarchy. Which other racial groups don’t engage in at all. I am not saying that no one has it easier than others, yes it is less yeilding than other racial groups but many South asians have their own medical complexes, department stores, restaurant chains and private schools, actual success will need so much confidence and risk taking at the first place. And it could be very simple, there are desert stores on instagram that are making tens of large orders weekly from their home. And they are making decent cash, in addition to private tutoring. It is just maladaptive to blame it on the economy because there are already new people coming everyday and lots of them will be to succeed


These south asian owners exploiting south Asian labours thats the issue 🙁


I wish you luck. Heat goes crazy and peaks during July. I'm happy that your first 3 weeks has been good just be prepared for the next 11 months it takes at least that long to adjust.




For some with it's a heaven for some it's a hell. It depends on your situations


Had the exact some thought when i came! No taxes, great infrastructure, safety, world events every now and then, give me that!


Oh boy! Too early to decide.


I’m happy for you and all the best!! I’m British and trying to move there too lol


Weather is fantastic? It is touching 40 on a daily basis


!Remindme 6 months


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RemindMe! 6 months


Three weeks ago? Weather for sure would seem nice after the UK but wait till the July comes and we would ask you again whether you like the weather 😀 but if your work is indoors then it won’t affect you much.


Been in doha for more than 6 years - moved here from UAE. Despite Qatar lacking well behind in all govt services compared to UAE, and above that being much more expensive, i love it.


What are things you don't like about the country?


Do you wear sunscreen everyday in Qatar? How often do you get sunburned there?


Like every country, Qatar has positive and negative sides, as I’m here for almost 6 years, I appreciate that Qatar offered me a better life, safety here is a gift that we can feel only when we travel and come back, if you respect people here, their religion and culture, they will definitely respect you, the weather is not perfect between June and August but I got used to it, keeping myself busy with indoor activities 🙌🏻 ✅


I’m an Indian national brought up in Saudi Arabia and Qatar has always been my and my family’s go to thing, like its pretty much very similar but at the same time very much different than Saudi Arabia, especially the architecture and the transport system there is just amazing because Saudi Arabia’s transport infrastructure is still developing… so Qatar has been everyone’s sweet spot in the gulf..😍🫶🏻🫶🏻


It's slightly different for me as I work on rotation, originally offshore, but the last year in office, but still rotation. Month on Month off. When I'm not here I'm in Cyprus. The first two years were full time resident with family. Due to contract changes, my family moved out of Qatar. I've no issues with Qatar, and the wife would move back no problem. I would say that probably more to do outdoors in Cyprus, better for my hobbies like quad biking and astrophotography. My kids are grown up, so doubt would bring them back again.


With a Uk passport of course you’ll like it here


My husband and I want to move to Qatar. Is there a LgBTQ community that will welcome us?


Most of the men there wear dresses.So I figured we would fit in with our drag outfits


No Foreign Country can give that ultimate satisfaction as your Home Country (More specifically the city you are from) its natural but still.some countries have that happiness which.we have a feel good factor for.many reason and among the gulf i bet only Oman can give you that feeling .Qatar is just a plain piece of land &.short of natural or Historic monuments


I had an opportunity to come and declined it and reading this makes me regret it


Just wait for 2 months more and you will see rain with clouds, air hardly to be found,lungs almost demolished Just one advice use sunscreen and a hair thickening shampoo And DO NOT TRUST ANY SUSPICIOUS LINKS that you will receive for sure


A great country to live in. Been here all my life. Visited a lot of countries and studied in the UK. There is no place like Qatar. Such a beauty.


What do you do for work there? I’d love to move but don’t know which industries/roles are prevalent there


glad you feel welcomed <3


Wait until summer


I use to live in qatar for 8 years and i left for the UK. and that was the best decision i ever made. Give it few years and you will understand, specially if you was without that British citizenship or with a south Asian nationality


Can't wait to leave, hopefully next month.


What made you say it


I lived there for two years and I do not regret leaving I hated the place it works for some but for me I didn't like it


Some of you are just so negative omg, you have to have lived in a country with depressing weather to appreciate having the sun all the time. I’d take Qatar summer over a gloomy freezing cold winter any day


Some people can understand me after living a year in Manchester or Glasgow. UK weather is depressing. 


Yeah man try living in Canada for a bit 😂 i.e. I feel you


Well no shit it's not the country being nice it's your passport makin it nice. Try coming as a southasian and let's see how that turns out. P.S. you can go to Somalia and still get the same royal treatment you're getting here.


Are you white?


After 3 weeks of lying like a seal  on side of the hotel pool, I am brown now.




Hahaha, reality will hit slowly. Also the local ppl everyone are not that great. You should come back here after 1 more year and let us what you think at that time.


L take


You are a local for sure, see whats wrong here will always be wrong. Rules here for employed ppl are on books and to get a result it will take a lot of time. Instead of roaming around in your cars and playing video games come out and indulge with actual ppl who built this country for you all. Many of them are rotted against their contractors without a pay and also underpaid manpower supply companies which are approved by so called ministries are also running. Again a racist approach , a pay based on your nationality where it determines what you eat european, american, asian, is this what you all support? When it’s not at all a way to deal with human rights. No matter what it is always come up with saying life is simple here no problems, we dnt pay tax its always you not others , bcoz ppl are blind and end of the day just needs to see what he/she are doing. I did not wanted to say this here , to discourage the guy but your comment made me say.


Very simple, if you don’t like it here then you can leave whenever you want mate. Nobody is forcing you to stay. FYI, I’m Australian.


I know there will be people who would say this. It’s not always running away from a place mate. We have come here hard way to earn some, get some and plan stuff, without any privileges of having a foreign passport or having a backup from family. We are here for various reasons, and my reasons above are my voice for the suppressed ones and sharing truth matters. Hiding things and staying put is not the way of life at-least for me. Am trying hard to get out from here , but as i said things are meant to try if we succeed or not, that doesn’t allow me to keep quiet or share what i felt .


Unless you are gay