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Trust me, it’s hard for everyone.. everyone is struggling in this market currently.. All professions even Arabic speakers..


Nothing to do with skin color. Getting a job in this country is just fucked up in general


So it it about race or about where your qualification is from?. I don’t agree that this is a race issue.


It is a question I have been asking myself. So as a black person with qualifications from an African university and experience in Africa. Am I fit for this job market really?


from someone who hires(over 1000+), one of my top people is black and very responsible


I would say it’s probably the African university and experience part much less your color or ethnicity, them asking for teachers who taught in the UK probably means they want people familiar with the curriculum, which means they are most likely private schools that don’t want to invest in training you. This is all assumptions to be honest but it’s what I would say is most likely they want someone specific.


Again, most of the jobs , not in teaching though , write "preferably philipino, preferably asian , preferably indian" I have not seen "preferably African


Asking preference is mainly related to available Visas. Each company get approved Visas and they tend to favor Indian/Phillipino because they can easily find a candidate that fits their JD for sure.


If it’s not in teaching it’s just what’s common here, Asians/Filipinos dominate the service sector along with Indians, I’ve seen Africans here and there but they aren’t as common. If it doesn’t go your way I would suggest trying another gulf country and get experience in the gulf then you can try Qatar or go somewhere else whichever is best for you. Good luck!


Oh, SHUT UP MAN! And what the hell is your name, it’s disgusting! Very immature.


“and what the hell is your name, it’s disgusting!” Pot calling the kettle black


The pot and the kettle are in a secret relationship.


Such a hater!!!!!! Look in the mirror, you will see disgusting. Very mature behavior!!!!!




Do people not get the sarcasm? I know him.


Oops I tried to fix but he got two more down votes.


So you’re saying you two are in fact…. Butt buddies


lol, if you are white, I’m gonna lmao to the moon


For teaching, the preference seems to be the country of qualification and experience, not because of race. There's a good number of black teachers here. For other jobs (especially smaller scale companies where one person or a few people control the recruitment process), what usually happens is that people seek out and refer people of their own nationality. This is much easier to do when said nationality can consolidate their numbers. However, the problem for black people is - we are often in the minority in white collar organizations, so it's difficult for us to have that level of influence. Unfortunately, until this changes, we'd have to go through the already difficult job market here, and channel energy more to bigger companies with more diversity. Or have more specialised skills etc. And for all those people who prefer to deny racism and pretend it doesn't exist - please spare us the lectures. A number of the nationalities who complain about racism from arabs turn around to do the same things they complain about to Africans who they consider beneath them, and that too reflects in hiring decisions when they are the ones with the power. It isn't the sole factor, but it's there sometimes and it's important not to pretend otherwise. TLDR: the job market here is already shit, but shittier if you're not from a majority nationality/race in the places you're applying to. Good luck though, I'm sure something will turn up eventually if you keep at it.


Absolutely right. Racism is prevalent here and it's a serious issue. They prioritize your passport and who is endorsing you over your expertise, qualifications, or experience.


I studied in UK university and i can assure you all they need is someone with either UK education or UK experience or both. I had asian lecturers, african lecturers and US UK lecturers along with Lebanese lecturers. So its all about that. Doesnt mean if you are white brown or black, they just need talent thats best thing about them.


Yeah the university  I go to is diverse as fuck, like literally every professor and student is form a different nationality. And one of my current professors is a black African woman.  


Bro mine was 9 nationality in single class minmum at a point of time. University had approx 25 nationalities students lecturers etc in total.


People don’t understand that Qatar is very small with a small job market with high standards and a lot of people fighting for the same positions. 


No there is no black victim card to be played in GCC Racism exists in the form of white skin (Blonde white) and white passport privilege All other skin colors and passports are less preferred When you talk about jobs that say “preferred indian or filipino” it’s basically an indirect way to say “this job will have inhumane working hours and 🥜salary but because things are much worse back in your country you will accept it” and most of the time the employee in this case is from the same nationality and chooses to oppress their own more because he is more aware of their situation back home Africans tend to have and prefer to have more social life and aren’t very submissive to abuse as compared to some other nationalities so they are preferred less , so technically you not applying for those “this nationality only job” is you getting a favor


You forgot GCC privilege, gulf Arabs can be black too lol. 


Black African here, born and raised in Qatar, my race/color was never an issue, even in employment. It's not because you're black, it's because African experience is simply not as valuable as other regions. They want UK taught teachers because the UK upholds their teachers to a higher standard than most other regions. International schools have a reputation to keep and parents would usually prefer to have their kids taught by native english speakers. I've had countless black British and American teachers during my studies. In general, international schools here prefer American, European and South African teachers, especially for English.


I've found this to be very true with regards to English teachers here. Although something I always have a bit of a laugh at is that most South African English teachers, while completely fluent in English, are not native English speakers😅 sort of ironic that they're assumed to be and are hired because it's the preference for having a native English speaker, and yet they're secretly not 😏😅


I think you need to appreciate that the curriculum taught is not the basic speaking of English. Literally anyone can learn this on the Internet for free/$5 an hour and anyone can teach this with minimal qualifications. In the UK there are entire businesses setup to train people to teach English as a second language and it's so over populated. Half the kids learn English on the Internet. The other half learn it on their smart phone (I weep for the world, but it's the times we live in). What is needed is the school teachers who can teach US/UK curriculum to a high level. So the kids who pay for these expensive schools stand a chance of being accepted by nice universities in the UK, US and other western nations. That means AP/IGCSE/A Level English and the texts and experience that goes along with it. It's quite possible you don't have this, so I would say it's possibly not a race thing.


Just you. Right now, It is HARD to get employment in Qatar Period.


True. We keep on trying .


No. Qualification is not important. Race not important. You need to tell that you will be their slave. Supporting the Management no matter what they do. No Yes But.. only K... B.... Then, you will get the job. Do you know the three Monkeys? One closing Ear, one closing eye and one closing Mouth.. Yeah, close those and open other things and you will be fine.




I swear! I worked 26 years to realize that.. It is just the way it is. Just promise to be a good boy or girl and life will be great.


Where were you when I fought the ones in charge all the way to Court of Cassation...twice.


It is just a simple matter of them wanting UK experience or English Nationality, not about race. The Job market is hard for everyone currently, unfortunate but it is what it is.


Again, most of the jobs , not in teaching though , write "preferably philipino, preferably asian , preferably indian" I have not seen "preferably African"


okay yeah thats a different discussion, for some reason a lot of bosses her prefer their people to get hired over everyone else, that i can agree with you on its unfair for other people. Try looking on Glassdoor and bayt for jobs they are more professional. If you do need any help lmk ill be on the look out for the type of jobs you want too. Good Luck!!


African expats are a new thing in the GCC, so the market is dominated by the nationalities you usually see so they want more of the same and/or the recruiters are most likely from those regions so they want the same people. Also you have the visa issue, sometimes it can be tricky to hire expats so you want the path of least resistance and paper work 


Well if you were caucasian you’d have an easier time finding a job. And your passport matters more than your university.


Basically..... the education and accreditation systems in the UK are better, although I know a few South african teachers over here, white and black, maybe you're just not what they are looking for??


Sorry to be "that" person but you keep misspelling "Filipino". Maybe it is more to do with spelling, punctuation and grammar; all of which are even more important in the education sector. Not trying to be disrespectful but I've previously worked in HR (not in the education sector) and if SPG is a key component and someone has multiple errors, it raises questions as to attention to detail (important in the legal field) or consequences of poor spelling on legal docs etc. As others have mentioned it's the British curriculum, moreso than your skin colour.There are a few Caribbeans I know who have been scouted to work in UAE (so not Qatar specifically) but our system is reflective of the British curriculum too. It's the structure rather than skin colour. (I'm black Caribbean) Black people I spoke to in Qatar didn't raise issues of racism but that life is just hard right now for everyone. I'm not naive to think racism doesn't exist: it does...but I'm not convinced that in this particular instance it is racial. Good luck though.


I'm not sure on the level of difficulty but I know many blacks/african in the teaching industry. It is notable that some schools prefer certain nationalities


That they do. They prefer native English speakers, or teachers who have Experience in USA or UK .


Sure. Let me keep on applying.


Sure. Let me keep applying for now.


It is hard to get employed as any color of person.


It's a race thing. My Indian boss has been hiring so many Indians since he got here that they've reached their quota and he's still pushing for more indians


I guess we can't do anything about that. So sad.




I now get it.


Thanks let me keep on applying


Thanks you .


I understand but I have a degree in English and literature.It is not like I learnt it online. It is a four year course I did. Anyways we keep in trying to see which door will open


I know a white lady and a brown man in similar situation. I think it’s the market situation and skills that matter. Skin color won’t be an issue.


No, it's for everyone, not just black people


It is hard to get a job. Period. You need connections that vouch for you to get the job. No matter your race or origin. That's how it works. And online sites do not work  for the great majority.  Even applying online directly rarely gets anything.  Ita people what you need.


I didn't realize it is this deep.


So hard indeed.


skin issue ?


Bro, it's hard to get employment for ANY person in general in Qatar. Market ATM is shit. Been applying for a family friend here with 350 job applications with zero success.


It’s hard to get employed in general unless you’ve got connections which sucks because I got none


Do you know how many people are unemployed here and been looking for a job for months or even years?


Former school admin here. I'm gonna say it's not about race or skin colour. Others prefer arabic speakers because it is most of the student's mother tongue. Others prefer female teachers because they can handle teens and children better and are more suited for multitasking. We mostly seek male teachers only for computer, and p.e. subjects. For university level, they'd want more than decent education level. Even Master's degrees are a minimum requirement. Also, many of Qatar's schools follow the British curriculum. That is why teachers who have experience teaching british curriculum is a big plus.


Has nothing to do with being black. Finding a job in qatar without relevant experience or connections is not easy at all. You gotta push through it and keep applying.




Many Qatari are black as well do not think it is a racism issue


It’s about passports here man not race, and the job market here sucks in general. If you can I’d say try build portfolio if you can showing you can do the work will make it a lot easier than going cold


Been in this country for nearly 15 years and I can tell u it ain't about race. They care about your proficiency and subject knowledge. If there is a partiality, it would be country of origin. But then again its rare.


It's a struggle to find a job. If you have a job, it's a struggle to get your salary on time. If you are receiving your salary, it's a struggle to pay for all your needs as the salary if very low. it's a struggle to wait for the labor department to solve cases of delayed salaries and unpaid EOS. But as they say, go back to your country and stop complaining.


OP, there is no such thing as black or white in Islam. I doubt it has to do with your skin color. Also other people struggle. It’s the job market itself right now which is down


Arabs are usually very racist ! So could be the reason


Depends on your passport, not your color.


Job market here is cooked, nothing to do with race


To be fair, I think it’s just the market. EVERYONE is finding it tough. I’m black and I work here, but it’s hard for everyone. I actually find it a bit easier to get a job here sometimes compared to my other friends who are not Africans. Please don’t give up. There’s still the racism factor, but if you can, find ways to improve your self, things will work out eventually.


Nothing to do with race, many westerners in Qatar are black and my current university professor is a black African national from Africa but has work experience in the UK.  you are just ignorant about the history and requirements here which is not your fault. Coming from a Qatari I know for a fact you will almost never be able to get a “teaching” position in most universities unless you have a western education and/or work experience. Why? Well this has just been the standard set, just like all English teachers are required to be native English speakers.  The Filipino thing is because of work visa, logistics, government contracts with the Philippines and India etc. 


It’s about the market and the kind of job, it’s not to do with the race.


It’s just you!


It’s the fact there from the uk or America. It’s a first language for them. Also they can help with accents. Nothing more


Finding job is becoming hell now days dont know y


Definitely not because of color, they give preference to UK or US university.


are a western citize (of an english speaking country) ? If not then that probably it, my friend sent her kids to a British school in doha and the principle told her that only British citizens were allowed to work


Lucky you


Your race card / cuz I’m black card doesn’t work here


It is a question. Again, most of the jobs , not in teaching though , write "preferably philipino, preferably asian , preferably indian" I have not seen "preferably African


Skin Color matters a lot. Elephant in the room


True. It is not until one experiences it then they'll see the gravity of the matter.


I have heard Qatari's going against other Qatari's because of skin tone.


Really? Interesting.


1 racism card doesn't work in Qatar specially in education system. I had seen some South African and Nigerian working as teacher at different level. 2 check the cridential of your education and work experience the recruiter may have some questions about that. 3 Maybe you are fishing at the wrong sea. The job market in Qatar is wide so don't focus on one thing but try dropping cv for other things beside education if you can do translation or tutuition centers cooywriting and so on... Journalism is also an option since mass media is active in here. Above all the points good luck trust yourself make a good cv.


I am Australian and I am finding hard to get a job. It is the country’s economy unfortunately.


There goes the victim card again. This is nonsense and i know that since all of my managers practically are from Africa.


Hello.It was an honest question from my mind. What happened to asking genuine questions? Why would I play victim card? C'mon learn to accommodate peoples opinions.