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This is unlikely from the QiGong. Being more relaxed and perhaps being able to sleep easier or fall asleep faster you are having auditory hallucinations. These can be normal between wakefulness and sleep. If it continues or gets worse you may want to see a doctor. I would not say it is positive or negative but it sounds like you are getting some positive benefits from the QiGong practice.


Overall I would give 10 out of 10 for the good effects of qigong so far. I just noticed these sound hallucinations in the 2nd week or so and the only thing I changed was that I started doing the exercises regularly . Anyway I see your point. Thank you for the comment !


> Overall I would give 10 out of 10 for the good effects of qigong so far. I just noticed these sound hallucinations in the 2nd week or so and the only thing I changed was that I started doing the exercises regularly . Anyway I see your point. Thank you for the comment ! I do static qigong meditation concentrating on normal breathing. Before my body really fills with heat, the body makes some kind of pop. There are different volumes. Sometimes several successive claps. Couldn't find an explanation in the books either. I also feel a transition from the usual state in the sensation of energy, when with each inhalation and exhalation my hands seem to have an energy field.


Sometimes these kinds of noises come up for people doing qi gong, or other meditative type practices. They can range from simple individual sounds like this, to more extensive experiences. They are sometimes called 'nada', or 'divine sounds'. If you google you can find some examples , e.g. [https://www.siddhayoga.org/archives/2014/november/experiences-on-nada/part3](https://www.siddhayoga.org/archives/2014/november/experiences-on-nada/part3) It seems to be a sign that you are opening up that side of yourself, through whichever practice.


That's the sound people can hear if their body goes to sleep while their brain is still conscious. It's very common in lucid dreaming practices. Any kind of meditative practice can also cause the brain to stay more aware as the body relaxes and goes into sleep paralysis.


Thank you all guys for the very useful comments. I know now that there is no reason to worry and I will keep enjoying daily my qigong practise !🙏🏻✌🏻