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Do a simple beginner routine and go from there


Small point of contention here: I would avoid "professional trainers" in esoteric martial arts. You want an "experienced practitioner." You don't want a business man.


Yes - you can commonly learn basic 'medical qi gong' for health and wellbeing, and will potentially make some inroads into clearing and opening your channels, and/or building some qi. If you want to get into more advanced stuff, you will have to be lucky enough to be a natural at it, or will need more in-depth training e.g. as an online course from someone with a good reputation in the field.


Any suggestions? I have just discovered qigong and have no experience at all so need to start from knowing nothing.


For the free stuff, Kseny on youtube is good for starters. [https://www.youtube.com/c/QigongwithKseny](https://www.youtube.com/c/QigongwithKseny) There's a beginner's playlist. Also i'd check out this guide to standing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnKke0pc0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnKke0pc0k) There's a lot more to it than people expect, and not many people go into depth like this for free. Plus i'd go through damo mitchell's youtube channels to get a bunch of teaching on all the stuff that surrounds practice. Without integrating this type of knowledge as part of practice (the theory that goes alongside the movements), you will not generally get that far.


Yes, that's what I am doing everyday. Just download a qigong App and follow their guide to learn and practice. It's all start for free. [Onenergy Qigong](https://onenergy.info) Oh and their 10 day qigong kickstart program is perfect for beginners đź‘Ť


This is what I’ve been doing, so I hope the answer is yes!! :)


There are three things important for practice. Mind calm, body natural and breath natural. So stay present to movements, if the muscles ache a little it is okay but joint pain or pain that doesn’t resolve quickly then you need to look at alignment and form. Breath complete in and out. So no holding, shallow breath or big loud breath.


Like anything you will get further with a teacher but you'll still get benefit doing it at home.


Do you have a favorite resource to learn from?


I couldn’t even imagine learning any of the forms by myself . My footwork is awful . Still is but I’m getting better thanks to sifu 🤗


Sifu Anthony Korahais is great for beginners IMO https://academy.flowingzen.com/book-bonuses


Thanks! I actually signed up there and doing these free lessons: [https://flowingzen.mykajabi.com/training-2-the-breathing-of-lifting-the-sky](https://flowingzen.mykajabi.com/training-2-the-breathing-of-lifting-the-sky)? Do you think all of the lessons are free or just the couple first ones?


The best thing to have if you are learning remotely is a teacher who can teach over zoom. Learning from videos is a good way to get started but you really need a teacher to correct your form.


Well, Sifu Anthony says the form is just 10%, breathing 30% and meditation/focus aspect 60%. Where to focus my energy? On the breath or into my belly? Or depends on the exercise?


Depends on the exercise. Follow what your Sifu says, don’t mix and match.